I p i OUWKIIsfoo vAy we can undersell the other fellows "How can yotr wll for ivi manv of our customers ask us this question: so much less than your competitors?" rA few reasons:) Last year our average expense was just 11.26 percent. Our advertising expense was less than three-fourths of one percent. Ask any merchant what it costs him to do business and if he tells you the truth it will be faun 1; to 30 percent, and that he spends at least three percent for advertising. W e have no book-keepers, deliver' wagons, fancy fixtures nor a lot of other items that force the other fellow to get a longer margin on his merchandise. We buy for cash and sell for cash and in such quantities as: 31,150 dozen towels, U,3o0 bed spreads, 10,000 pieces of oil cloth, 21.250 pieces of percale, 25,900 pieces of ging ham, 300,000 pair of shoes, 100.000 pair of blankets, S0,lX0 worth of handker chiefs. Buying in these quantities, direct from the manufacturer, and buying and selling for cash arc positive proof that we caii undersell all competitors, in cluding Mail Order houses. Think it Over. GOLDEN RULE Tf ii i - l ilium, if I I 1111 WESTON TAKES $32,000 OF SECOND UBERTYxLOAN wmmmmmm WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, realUhtr The Year Sis Months Four Month n &0 ..ii..r tho mws ho lonira for. Sun- ketod normally, in day, NowmlKT 11. has been set an avalanche of spu.ls aside as a day when everyone is low price. ;l 5q asked to write a letter to a soldier 0 75 hoy and to send him a copy of the home jwpcr. FKIDAT, MOV. 2, 1917 Enter at tht tffl al Weston. Ortjea tcceatf-clati mail matter. We dare sty the Seattle and Portland hello girls arc n hit-err err strikiiiR. Notwithstanding si rik. elsewhere Weston's force of hello jrirls - includint? IK Moss--is still on the jolt. The esteemed Oregonian reports If the American troops are sent a ntarked gain in circulation, which against the victorious Teuton.c may be due to the fact 'that its hordes on the Italian front, they heart Is now in the right place. will surely receive the.r Impt.Mii of fire. Tb frrnhiiian das f' a n precedent at ViJ!itita rnlTrltv nt Salem when they pwnN tha uni versity lth a' nan- concrete aldawalfc Mrrfn Ea.on and Waller halla. The Kuene fruit Growera" aiaoel linn haa paid to outsider, and will pay to tta member. Jti.nOft for lld Tera,rrn bUrkberrtM. Tha tfugena cannery took In 3:,nnn pound, tha freawell cannery 30.100. and tha WcMoli Mlk-CI ilnil :W,IHMI to tint wvimd LiUrly n- an amount which cNcoeded ils minimum quota but wax less than Its maximum. Umatilla county Huhwribed '. la-rcetit of the nmiimmi. rVh. IVmllelon and Helix lending I" I"' order named. Mich of tl.c.-o thr.v towns exceeded its maximum. tJiveii a maximum of thirty mil lions, Orepm raised twenty-live imllioiis more than half of which was taken in Portland. Itenton eotmly exceeded and 1'nion mid Ualhiwa counties reached the max imum. The little town of Powers in southern Oregon, led the entire Mate with a Mtlweripthm of li'.M jici.vnt. The Weston li:t of Milwrilx-rs follows: Allen Kiehttl. Kichard K. Ih-Mow, H. Drew, .los. h Winder. Sidney Wya'tl. K. Sating. Ula t!. SjiI ing, l-m's Kay Saling. Mrs. l-'lor. nee Wyatt, Alfred I'. Senieit. Mrs. II. M. Smith. . H. t'armi chael. Frederick K. Mcf.rew. ('. K. Ilultimh. I. A. It. Mctln w. J. M. Itanistcr. C. W. Staggs, Charles Ku gene lledriek. Kliwt Mrriso. Josie lavender, Mrs. Margaret Itabb, ;. W. Ilerndon, Walls Kogers, Norah M. Walls. Worth Walls, Frank I'riee. II. Waddiugham. !"" eph Hhungren. Iley Winn, I.. It. Van Winkle, Winkle. j-wis C. Van . , Winkle, S. A. Harm. Joe Hodm. order to aoid il...IhI... t:,r. II, . I. hi. " . trudc Van Winkle, A. S. Pence, I,. I. O'llarra. J. II. Priiv. Clara l"riee, -rrr- Walter K. Ilt tcher. K. h. Kirkpat- the general rick. Allen Kirkptilrick. 0. iMJraw. etitir.- Mary IMiraw. Jotin ismenour. (lark WoimI. Mary r.. luunes, Cladys Smith. A. P. Peny. Ibr. man GoodAin, Sim J. Culley, Ar'KV I.. Karnes, John S. Harris, V(, ,. Davis. W. 11. IbNtlier, Ituth "McCon nell,' Klna llanisU r. ClaJvs McFail den, John Itanistcr jr.. Ib-n.-i Hani ter. Itaymoiid IkirViMcr, tieoige Waddinglium, J. M. Price, hrin S'wanl, F. . Urcer. IJenrj?t. ilm gren. Hie Farmers liank of We.-.tnii U-onard Hlomgren, It. (i. Idomgreii, (',. II. Sams, J. It. Kngli.-li. A.J. Mclntyre. K. M. Smith. C. L. Pink, erton, J. A. Fee, trustee, Amy A. Van SWiviT. II. W. Ilrnnn. fn. W. Winn, W. I.. Sinm-k, Stevens lnlgi "What Housewives Hm Lonj; Looked For VLava VLut onca uJ, nothlnj rl-a uolly aailinta in waya Ilka ihla, In, h tliiiuoaniln l women a?a trailtTln I i miimkk thro lilrmla evrvwhia a vaiy " .r Su.cii.l"-',Whlta" "Rkh l'v.tr" lint Mia Mfa anil Miilitura . M.iUa iloer Miaad, Pailryand ia ,,ih". "ftwrrl Nuity Klav.it Lit" M.iihrr Uiwd" "Men In M Veafa" ft..Xr. Namra . Hawed ""Take! I - 1 1 Ii" Kvtty B.ik Allka In HUH 0-iii'" --'l)i-lln rieihoaaa" ei-, eic. , Oril.r a Trial Sack TcJaf Setielattlen Cuaatea4 Ti l ami rmunloBl what you Jo"' In . us ami wa-know that KUm rv?"' , . VL rUul (.mum aatUfai-tloq. Vl.iMH moit wakowa w r V" ' in.d. Hula makeia lur vhia umoiuly. v WESTON MILLING CO. M.I.K.H at fiwmwi.l Mrl Mll. Also Wt-l,.il, m.hI Whole Wheal Flour, tiralmm. Ureal, Ftedand Uy. Sud Grain. Slwk F.H..1 m Poultry .Supplies. Wa U custom it.illn.i:. Vuiir palronagu aollcllid. W. L. ItoUBINa. later on and wmmmmmm I PREPAYMENT PRIVILEGES We .oan money on first class Oregon and Washington farms at lowest rates. No red tape no delay. Write direct and aave money. Give full details in first letter. X We refer you to any ban 10 roruanu. nriirnraiiv Mortage ULVLiALMUA , Company Portland. Oreaoa Those who for one reason or an other did not invest in bonds this The government food administra te, will be itential buyers of the tion warns potato growers nt to .. -j s i.;nlr hold their product. It says the uiiru issue, t. c iitivi w - - that they weren't quite ready to crop is a big one and should be mar- Uo three factor.. buy rather than that they expect mx ' a 1 a t .n.i a.v .a a mnti.il iwn.1 U II 11 1! I ITOI MIN4MI ill II" ... . . . others to io ail me ngmuig mm uiui.vi.r- . 7 ,.i,i...-ii.... 10..1 ise Kinloul. J, C. lTut financing. . . .. ... . . . r ldi:iirc mn-luhilrii: On; mhii which price. (. M. Price, Oili-SfU Junction City cannary IS.ooo. making . ....I 1 ft ! iwui nmitiHa nr 1 1 A tnna m ivimt wi ivinn, i . i. riito n, ii'vvii." khik1 of araritreen hlackharrlaa takan la by jg0 4;f Knights of Pythias. Weston imiui' 4to. rt, i. ki. if. r., nit-miui Ih-os.. William K. tir mlduiiro oni'lalnlnK On; alll whlcll ho piirtli'H ilei-lreil l prodm-e. and IhsIhb now advlwd In li prmlne fl.u L.rln.r tlm Irilfl amount vt t-oNl ' and chance 10 1m charged aKulnl and Although poor Pendleton has es- made a up .vn r,.ltl,?. ,hM, ,h, nt....ni. -..d ct. set caped pestilence and famine, battle, mod".V .ho ZfnZ "ZX murder and sudden death, the Bull- v!S.U"7 riS' and y . dogger has br.ken out again. s.t -tJZ dcclarliw un cmer- born, by them, re.pectlvc ly. for Elsewhere we publish the "honor ecy; - 1!?.?-! Vi.ii WinLlr. i:..L I.. i ':..... Ti I ..- n..... iimi " " 1 I" '" 'i), miii- ii, hi. .... .MIS. ., I . Price. (. M. lYicc, Odessa Kirk- Patrick. 7:0 p. m. Thr I'eoiil.' f thfi City of Weston l,nriht. ilo )irilnlii oh follow: roll" of local buyers of Liberty u." ",rt '' .ir- d..iv raa of the amount . iwttmatod . .i t L. .J ... ,i, i, f tic rtinmcd BKnlnxt It: therefore Bonos. IS your name prmivu "u ' ' . , '.hB ,. , ,f " It tM and nan c1 of Jund whliii will benefited liy the conetmetlon f a sr,.(i,, I. Thai there bo. and Miu J"""5, ' Wlilnwalk. In Ricordance with tho plani. lfl..r u Wnm- di lnr.d and made meo (, f,,t.wliic amiewdiienia axulnHt tlio Main i..i. .ri nr Iih and imrcel of land Miri lMiu..i.n W'aKlilnctoii Strrct .Mn.Mivi.tv hmtnnftr Mt forth, for waist. nd Broad Hlrect and the aouth aldo the construction of a sidewalk on - i or Main StreVt lictwccn Broad Mtreet jain street tietween Wanhlnaton ,. 1 and Armar Street, the Common Coun- street and Droad Blreet and tho aouth Robert N. Stanfield of Stanfield Cn f th- City of Woston met In reg- Sde of Main Street between Uroad ... . Iu, . -arnlidafo for u'r Beiwlon at 2 o'clock V. M. on the street and Armor Street, the name be. Will probably be a candidate lor 29th day of 0ctobeI.t 19n , the ng the eatlmate asalnat each lot. purl governor having made a good Council Boom of aald City of Weston of lot and iarc-l of land an hown In , , . , ., , a to hear any and all objectiona which thi estimated of com for ald lm- record as speaker or Uie noute. any person mtcrested In any of aald provement prepared by K. B. fauae, "Bob" is the largest grower and lota, parts of lota or parcels of land Engineer, and filed with the Hecord- shlDOer of sheep in the United , ,, rhrired mcalnst each lot, part October. 1917; the aimeasme Church of the Brethren Order of ryrviees for Sunday November 4, J li 17: 10 a. m. Sunday school. H a. m. Preaching. 6:30 u. m.- C. W. S. Bible Study, Life of JOHN BONEWirZ. Elder. Ouerland Willys-Knight AUTOMOBILLb LIGHT FOUR, 5-passenger $ 885.00 jj BIG FOUR, 5-passcnger auio.w SIX CYLINDER, 45 h. p 1490.00 WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-passenger.. 1650.00 TnetlvcrhoKl l.utht Koiir i light In 'i:bt and big ill power. It mtc 2 VXy lu.ir.ng demand. It mIMm m yte- It i. r . t" ly W .c car hid. year after year for many yaar, J.UUa& " Cnf,t uch e,'m '"The WuKa-Knigl.t Slcwcvalvo Motor hold. vry world'; record for 1m i wir,.r.Hlured. abnr wr. and lack of carbon 'S out -aw any and all other tv,H. ut Koo7thou.wn.la f mile- U-ywal the uaeful life of any ot her typo the W Ulva Kn.Kl.t Mlor continm a to deliver al IU hbjlwat cfl Vhm X Willya-KniKhta ar the n..t beautiful the factory haa q. pr jiii. Seo llieao cara and bo eonvinccti. , l)i S. L. KEKIIARD Weston Agent I a I that even in these times of conserv- tt,i i-clflcatlons heretofore . . i i:... with tho paid Kccorder. on auon ne M.-an street bctwec snipper 01 sneejj jii uiv uun tr ,e charged axalnat eacn 101, pari uctooer, m bimh-bbiiujih a'"ii"i o.-tpa :e .'. m he world and a of lot and parcel of land and made a oarh lot. port of Ma. and paraela ot states, II not in ine woriu, dim a -hnwn In tho estimate land being the proportionate part of fine tvoe of tie successful young , u Kneinccr filed with the Amertcan. That he is an eluca- i .ha tfith Anv nt .....v-. - J917 st whlch time tne council, nu- tional product of the old Weston ing duly considered all complalnta to. Normal is considered hereabouts to objectiona made to. a .uch etl He- the cont 6f building and conatrucllng October, raid tddewalk- which It ahould twar and pay on account of. and In accord ance with, the epeclal and peculiar baneflta derived by It, to-wit: Dr. A; F. Sempert Graduate and ReiristertTd DENTIST Office Hours P. to 12 a. 7 m. 5 p. m. 1 to Watts BuJ-dim, . upstairs be strictly to his credit. Owner's Name. , Mrx. E. Reynolds . . lark Mood t-. - .- : ,.t Mrs. S. li. Dul'uln. ine vvnTcr hi. in. id iumiiiij jj Hrandl 600,000 copper cents a day, and we iouid linn. would like to have alwut thirty of Watti fcltog.-rn".'.' ik.,n. n nou fnr n iillriiwifor 8UU. r. Knox. iMl. 1 1 1 9 and ln and 7 I. 6 it were folly to v Mr. f. I'urcell. K G. DuPu Ih. . J. If. Wllllnma. K. M. Hmlth . . 7. 8 4 ."4 ' r,. 4. 1. V mn- J " C J1. nilllll. . ' - ' " - Indulge the hope-that theyp-eat JVaHowiiNa,. J. 2. H drive against Italy is the viper's baling Kna.e . a a. til fl nt 7 Block. 11 11 11 Original Town l.'OHlH f S.IID ', . i.n 7.5i 3H.40 1 91. Ml Ilurtinan't dying sting. riX.HH i)d. l.00 St. no " All... 9 .rl.;lti'.il Town Uk.mo !' " 12H.IMI 2 " " 72.l 2 " r,i.'-'i 2 4K,fi in - i r,c(. id 1 ' A .... .... 15 , ...... - 13 4 nr. , e..on s. I Itat m ivvviuv, r. 'my iiiw. iimj Tiiny Di.ei. ue ra.tieu i ..... r,jik 11. o I My of ' IB ncrci-y urii-i. as Bpcviuy aj puK.oie io pay lor tn: Comes to Clubbing SChwIb or roadi,, nn,i ,re,.t;d lo enter In the LI.-.. ro..tru.-.U, of the H.lei.lk bo'o or Something like that. Times may-t.l.ct ,.f the City, the nunica of Iho inentloued out of the property liable . , , , - ci I... i ;n...u ou own.irM of caih of Ha Id Ma. parts of to pay f.r the aamo, In order to rah Dot be hard in tMlcm lUI. units are ,ih aHj fmn.llf t )ad. and oppoidto money to pay tr tho conatructiot. i I. ..i... ...... u.u.nu ,,r tin. !tr. rr.uiM',-1 Ivo iiuiiivh of iiiicl. owttvrH thorcof, nod that the eldnwalk iIhmiI'I .... . ,.,.ui.r. Ill lull lif (III Poor old Marion county could only raise 48 percent of its Iwind quota. Marion only shines when it V. . WaltK. J. V. f-nydtr H. A. Brandt rilahl Kstate Kilint; ICHtnt A. i'liillll'N real l; paid for a wmu. mm It l foiiMtrorl lamtuic. .,.. ..-w " J llfopcrtv ow.lil " in: ""I'M. iivtmmii ii.i in..- p'.-.' ..!. Iwr hnrest a harvest hereinabove aliown. and alw opponlte l.eulth and aafely of ll.e fl.y of Ww balem reaps Utr llancsi a "u .,a.ri.... ,,t H, amount ot ton und tho InliabllantM thereof Hint money by Mil" Ordinance declared to t-ald IIci.h hUuuIiI be docketed, ro be orooerlv rhargi-ablo agalntit fiueh rorded and become valid Hens agab.Ht w .. .....I .. II.... uir'j.aiul I .1 t ll roflf I,.! l,,itinMUj ti...f I. -1. 1. - .. real nriMM.1 u .-.- . v.... . " ... Tlio National War Work tOUncil ,,. rnr it,,. Ini.irovcn.e.rt above and nn i'iiierce.'y l declared to istature. When the colons meet she has not sown. L Weston Msat Market "Wienies" Meats and Fish Ham, Lard and Bacon , A. P. Perry 4444- ' Your orders promptly filled. P. T. Harbour Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co. Established 1865 Alhena, Oregon . Waitjburjj, Wash. American Beauty and Pure White of the Y. M. C Leader to say that A. requests I he "there are two aame, for the Improvement above I.U'l.llol.riJ: and The 'lty i.f Wen on In l.ercliy declared and ordiibwd ". I.iivo fat. ar.il .bf urdlnanr-e hIiiiII Im force and effect from It pa attain. aiKr to l.od a Men upon each bit. part the Common Council and approa.l by , ,. ,u , i.f .. and parcel of lend hereinabove me Mayor. .things the soldier twy Hants more dejK.r,cd tr the above mentioned l'aed the Commun Council flu tiun nntvhintr else in the world a axwwmient and amount of inai.oy wt 2th day of October. 1917. than aniynniK cioc opuoalta auch lot. part of lot or par- Approved by tho Major thin tl letter from nome ana a copy 01 ma f tfom ana after the time oay or October, . fW. .a- tf-a-inaHMA to old home newspaper. The lirst tnu. t.rdinanee taac. e.icci. ...r ..... "u ' . Improvement. brink's him Uic love be craves, the Action J. Iaiuch it U it?. HANIHTEft, Mayor. J. M. AtlMll' HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law i'raciicck in all HI ate ami Ki ilea Coui'tn. ATHENA. OHEUUN C'haa . If. Carter Han P. Smythe Carter & Smythe UWTCTS I'ndleUi - Oregon Mado of aolccted bjucstem in one of the .best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Wcsrfon Mercantile Company