LlV ! 'it I 11 ESTON EAD VOLUME 40 WESTON. OREGON,! Fill DAY, NOV. 2, M7 NUMBEKI21' w ER OREGON HEWS NOTES ajJS'ir. OF GENfMlHTEREST MONTANA LAND, I frlnclpil Events of the Week Irlifly Sketched far Infor- f mtltn of Our Readers. fir Isetreysd tba Oddfellows hall I Frtnerllle. Tli Hsrsslstoa Dairy and Hog haw es bsld last week. Wssfalsgtoo county's output of Ions will ba about inn ran. A cora end potato ahow will ba bat4 mi November IT af roqulll. Ntal r. Jlsea baa bn appointed Wsihlagioa eotintjr agriculture! sgnt. Tba eat convention of Uia Rapt 1st oburrb kaM Ito snsual teesloo at Tb Hallaa. Tba state blgaa-e dspartmant now baa under oeastrwctlnn inn mltaa of blfbwtya. A eessaeUre fnr tloo.ooo for tha ton root lea nf a nw besptsl haa baa leuarWd la Bln. Tba PsHfle International Llva Stork la to ba held at Portlsn during tba aab af November IS. Tba sure for tba proposed rail mat to rua from Mauat Angel to Klsgare baa baaa rampletad. Tba fruit Industry of tha Hood mr mllaj la uffertsr a rloua Iom ea ores at af tba rar sbortsie. Sstvatore Svaaart waa that aod ! Mat taaUoUr bUlad In a dufl wltb twa ether Ballses la Portland. Gold HOT caveat plant began on afwttana last wan. Tba plaat cost MM. M aad ta strictly saodero. Ueawe W. Aadersoa, serving a tbtaa rata term la tba penltantisry Mbeerfhed lleno to tba liberty loan. Tha fourth annual contention nf tha eutaera Oregon Federation of Wo aiaa'a ehiba waa bald at Oranta Pan. Novessber II haa ban st aa tha data far tba dedication of tha riwon ttrveteg Orara Presbyterian church la Albaar. Hatted Atatsa Senator Cbarlai U McNery baa baaa confined to hi heraa la Salem wltb as attack of neuralgia. Tha aaw clubhouse of tha tilth alf rlub near F1nr, five miles aouth f rUlem, waa opened officially with a traod ball. Twenty-one different road districts la l.laa county have called meetings to tot on a special tax on this year assessment roll, A mrrtflr wind storm visited The Islte and before It spent Its force Niitxl heavy dsmsge to the shipping Below is a list of satisfied purchasers of land in Montana, at Helena and Hingham. I would be glad to have any prospective buyers get in touch with them, either by phone or in personal conversation, and hear their views with regard to this land, com pared with Umatilla county lands, from the. stand point of a dividend-paying investment. ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? V ? ? ? y x KlrtMt lictmerii liroutl Armar Urrnt anil ttmlur . i' i i iimrnoii i.iiiii iI of the fUy nf f Vfni.,ii uikI Ni.rvrd hy ih Muyor A tlierw.f on the zaih day M (-iniir, i an'l the inrrii of ih-i lota. Iirt r Ir.tn and pMrrdn of kind iijifltfd ly (inch lin v iiia-t)l nliall I'D IihIiId fur (he fiuyrnirtil r Ilii' rout ihcriti.f. proportionately um hy ur liencflted ait nhim n In ;i(il irUioiiitco N'i. .'St. in lliU ftiriixii uliv? do ncrllmt. Xwiliin Z. Th the iiiiinictloM of wild nldrwulk nhnll l. iiliimrml aa lthln H huura after tbv MtlnK of J thn contract thirefnr and nhull bj 4 .linuil(l Mrllh Hum ilillvMU ....ill ik - " - " - . . Hlllll lllll .rk in iv,rn,,.,.,j u grd and worhmunllhn manner and to thu w.-iil-f ml Ion ,f ih- t'omninii Cnuncll of tha tract In made for the making and t aTa JL. t t f ? ? f y y y y y y y y y -y y y y y y y y f y y JuKt'ph HtniKHon, (! acrcK, Weston, Oregon. Allicrt (JciBM, IJJO acreu, Wuston, Ori'Kun. J. W, FJcaverl, L'W oitch. Penrlicton, Ort'eon. I). A. ' IVrblcr, (MO acres, IVnrJIi'tvn, Ort'Kon. t. S. Jcrard.' 73) acres, I'emJIflon, Oregon, i. I.. L HuK'tTS. H-0 acrcH, I'cntilcton, Oregon. Sam Ihomiwon, IlUtJ acres, 1'endletoii, Ort'tron. )rs. Hoytlon, 640 acres, I'i ntlleton, Oregon. Wen Zerfoa, 6 10 acres. Athena, Oregon. lA'wi Ctv'm, 610 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. May Crowley, 160 acres, Adams. Oregon. Kd. Duiittid, .'i'JO acres, Pendleton, Oreiion, Mr. I't utrell, 10 acrcK.IPendieton, Oregon. Nick Hlanehett, 160 ucre, Helena Monlana. I. A. Pecbler second buy ')20 acres. Pendleton, Oregon. 15. K. Dupuis, 1600 acres, Pendleton. Oregon. WesZerba -second buy 560 acres, Hingham, Montana. Kd. Murrisette 320 acres, Adams, Oregon. Lewis Geiss second buy 320 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. P. A. Peebler third buy 480 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. Henry Ureding. 1280 acres. Pendleton, Oregon. Henry Ureding second buy178 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. Chris Uredtng, 610 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. Chris Heeding second buy -640 acres, Pendleton. Oregon. Chris Breding third buy320 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. Than Oltnstead, 640 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. , ' Than Ohnstead -second buy 320 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. J. II Kasari. 6-10 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. Orville Isaminger. 610 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. Dick Kirchoir, 320 acres, Pendleton. Oregon. Dick KirchofT- second buy 640 acivs, Pendleton, Oregon. Henry Breding -third buy - X'O acres, Pendleton, Oregon. Sim Killgore. 640 acres. Pendleton, Oregon. Sim Killgore - second buy 640 acres, Pendleton, Oregon. BEN F. DUPUIS, Pendleton, Or. 224 K. Court-Office Phone 469-Residence Phone 317 y y y 2 completion of kuch lniirovmetua fluhUng alnce. T ik entire cliarce of the work durtiiK lt froiireim and uliull tie re- I Mioiinlblc for any Ivan, damaice or ac Y ""int reaultlng from iiritllgonce or , ran I. which, in the dolna; or cotnldu J I Ion I hereof. i,a MtM'timi . Th contractor, upon iiteriiilon of the contract, ahall ee t cm,) and ili llur In the City of We- I' ll a ImiiiiJ hi the Mini of lLT.uiia ' AMERICAN TROOPS CI FRENCH TRENCHES i Red-Haired Gunner Fires First Shell and Maires (hrtfseyt on Party of Germans. With tha American Army In Prasea. Amarlcan troopa aa In Uta flrat Ibaa trancbaa on tba Prancb front Tka artUlarr flad tba flrat aaot of Ik war at C o'clock on tbe morning of raeont day at a German working partT. Tbara haa bten intarmlKant anllkarr Ia Squlfr. SyfroM non of W. VVVVVVVVVaVaaaa C, Sqnlar, wa iround to dath by a , . "..- ; . 1 'ilh Mirpiku ilur.-on in U: npiirotud t Hid i'tiiiimon t'otiiicll and cuudi- lloncj fr n,e faithful iH-rtorinaiicv ot X tliu roiiirart and for the completion Y "f the h.iI.1 lniprovi im nt aji therein 4 fpiHIfied and un nincified In thin Or- J illn.iiin-. and further vonditloned for Y tho payiuuiit of all lien or damava a4 tor Wrhlch the City may become liable t or may auffer or be compelled to pay on account of any lotw. Injury or ac- cldent riwultina- from ni-KllKcnce or rareleiwncit of the conlruitor in tha perfnrniuiice or completion of uaid X Improvement, and aald bund ahull al- Y " Provide that the ounlructor ahall aa l'roirly nmke paymeni to person I tupplyiiiB him with labor or materi a, ala In the proxecuiion ..f the work. provided for In aald contract, and thai he Mill Indemnify und name harmless 1 hu v'lty of Wcxtoii MK.iinn all df:bia and claims for lieiin, for lalwr. work or muterUtt on account of mil'-con-tractors. material, men, lutiorerv. me-, chunlca or other employe or materi al for Mich ImprovementK. Section i. Kuch irtkou prii'o.liii; to do aui-h work und hlddiui; on the, wine shall file with each hid a. certi fied cheek In the Kiim of j.00, pay able, to the order of the Mayor of the a i"ll" of Wewton. the same to be re turned to the bidder ir unsuccessful and to Iw forfeited to the City upon Inlluro of lH bidder to enter hit a contract In arcordaitce with the bid. f If the Mime be accepted. Ta .section . The City of Wwton X shall not be lluble for the payment Y "f a"V fart "f ,nc contract price for 4a the niakliitr of any of mtid lmpro-e- J mt'iitK, except that the l.'lty Khali be linble proportionately with other own ia era for property owned by It. and the J contractor nhall look aolely to the land and the owners of the real aTa, property whom; hind la eclally ben-' t eftted by aald Improvement!!, propor tlonately uh so benefited and aa a- 4 veKHinent may be mude agalmit tiie Rime by the Common Council of the City of Weston and the funds to bo X ralwcd by such assessments and the contractor fhall amiume all rixk and IrreKiilarity or invalidity in the pro J cecdinR for the levying or enforce- ment of said asyestuuenus. up to the at time of the letting of the contract, and all such rii-ks thereafter, except lor misconduct or negligence on be half of wild City or Itn officers. Section 7. X y y y y y y y 3C- A nelmeted American infaatry marched In without the knowleda of the enemy on the aatne nicht throofk rain and mad. Tbe French aoidiera In the trenchee welcomed them cnthnai aatically. Tba neareat enemy trench la aereral hundred yard away. Tba actor la one of the quieteet on tha front It baa not been taken ofer, being under the control of troopa an der the direction of the French. In time, a complete aectlon of tha front will be Americanised In erery detail. The flrat ahell fired by tba Amarl can made an exact bullseye. It waa aimed at a group of 12 or IS Bochea. landed In the middle and when tha moke cleared andthe duct fettled there were no Bochea Tbe gun waa aimed by college boy, cool and col lected and an coldly ncientUic aa If they had been In practice on their own peaceful campus. A lithe, under alzed, bnt tremendously enthusiastic . red-haired Irish lad did the firing and tbe shell was preserved and will ba Insert bad with the date and sent to President Wilson as a souvenir. The first American wounded In tha trenches has arrived at a base hospi tal. He is a lieutenant of the signal corps. He was hit in the leg by a hell splinter. " The officer was bit whDo working -in a communication trench near tha first line. The wound is slight The first German prisoner of war taken by the American expeditionary forces died in an American field hos pital. He was shot when ha encoun tered an American patrol In No Man's Land in front of the American trenches. " , - American batteries are continuing to shell the German lines at regular intervals, the enemy following similar tactics. WHOLESALE PROFITS WILL BE REGULATED Sauthsrn Psrlflc train on a t rest lit two mils south of Salem. Tha Oreson Agricultural college faculty subscribed prscllcslly one fifth of Bnton county's quota for tha liberty bonds, raising "n,ooo, Ed Weatharson, a losdrr at Shevlin glinn rtmp 4 was fatally rrunhrd be tween two logs and died aftar his re- atarsl to Iba hospital In Bend. Attorney General ftrown holds that tha public service commission hss power ta grant franchises for Inciting and booming In waters of tisvlgnhlc Strssms. Mrs. fbsrles R. fsstner. of Hood Hirer, was r'Uvt4 president, of th Oregon fit at Federation nf Womon's olnbs at tha annus) convention held at Prlnarllle. Tlllsmook county s parpetnslly enjoined by the supreme court, from ailing MIS.Ai'O worth of road bonds passed at a sperlsl election In that county on .lune 4. While at work In the Big Creek Logging company's rsmp near As toria. Frnk Oeelsn was struck in the bold by a trip-line and so badly In jured that he died. , teland E. Moe, for the past 22 years a resident of Albany and widely ; known among tha railroad men of westers Oregon, died at his home In Albany, aged year. Xdward Bllllnis. Id 45, living at Springfield Inaction, wag Instantly killed near Eugene when a Southern Pacific troop train struck the hack In which be was riding. Work it being rushed on three can- tonaaent at Fart Steven and two ' -each at Forts Coromkla and Tenby, for winter heqstng of tha coast artillery ett- stationed et these poets. Mies Esther Canon, chief elerk to eVrremer Wlthyeowbe. will be mer rted the middle ef November to Hugh MeCassmoa, who is oonaacted with a Vkraa concern la Seattle. He&Ve'4a Sail tomorrow evening. OIUH.XAXCI-; NO. 2.VV The said Recorder ia directed to Invite sealed proposal for the construction of the walk herein- above mentioned, by notice to be the construction of ublbdied once a week for two weeks wth aides of Main In the Weston Leader Newspaper Washington .struct und to be pouted in the Council in To the Opera House, Weston ; Saturday, November 10 Richardson Halbeit Attractions (Remember Our Name) Producers of Successful Plays Muam.ULAn rrovidinp ft. n aide walk on Street between and Broad Street and the auuth side Kuom and in three nubile blucen. or Main street between Hroad Street pluin view of all persons In the City and Armar' Street and declaring mi of Weston, which notice shall Invite emergency. and require all -bidder to specify the Whereas, The Common Council of j.rlce for which they will make salu the City of Wmton, Oregon, at a n-s- improvement, at the rate per square uliir meeting thereof, held, on the yard, and show the entire sum for ,'Hth day of October. I9IT, finally which the bidder proposes to make fixed the nnmnnl of assessment to be ,,e improvement, ,nnd that each bid cliurucU upon und made a lieu against ahall be accompanied by a certified cim-Ii lot, part of lot and parcel of check for J5U.00. pavuble to the or- lund for th construction of a. cement pr f tne Mavnr of said City and the wUtewulk In accordance with the riB,t f the Common Council shall be Ulnns. sixcirictttloiiK and ' ostimutes reserved therein to reject any and heretofore filed with the Itccurtler of n said City by K. H. S,umc. Kngincer. on Section S. Inasmuch as the present both sides of Main Street between sidewalk on Main Street is in bud WnshliiHton street and Hroad Street ,,u.i..., ,i u u,.i.i.. i l(.ei. uud thu south side of Main Street be- ,inlli ,,,, Ki,i,.,. ihe Citv oi Weston tweeu Broad Street and Armar Street, to law suits for damuscs. U is ne- unu uociarins by ordinance what the Cffwarv fr tw peace, heullh und true assessment and amount charge- aafctv"of the Citv of Weston and thu ublo against and to be made a lien nilhii,u,ts thereof that said sidewalk Ujtlnst each lot. part ot lot uud Pr- be built ils Sieedilv as possible and ce of land should bo for the con. lltfr,, Int, fn rains set In. and an Btructlon of ft sidewalk, after full op- emergency is declared to exist and portunlty and notice given to nil own- ,hl(J ,,lmance shUi (, )n iri-e and era or aald property to present any (ffect frym 8 1assag0 i,v tho Com objectlona which they or any of them. CouncU alld approved by the mlKht have to the making of said im- l'usseii the Common Council this . Washington. Wholesalers'- profits in war times, at least on non-perishable foods, should be governed by tbe prices they actually pay and not by prevailing market conditions, tbe food administration has decreed in special regulations, which will be put into effect November ' 5 with respect to several commodities. Profiteering by retail dealers rn foodstuffs wilt be made impossible af ter Kovember 1, tha food administra tion announced, under a plan to cat off supplies to thoee not satisfied with reasonable margins. Manufacturers, wholesalers and other handlers of foods, whose business will go under license, will not be permitted to sell to distributors who seek undue profits. "This. Is one of the most sweeping safeguards," the announcement said, "against high prices which will be in corporated in the licensing system." CHRISTMAS RULES MADE , or wain street ben Presenting a Capable Company of Dramatic Performers "-md st Playing THE CONVICT'S DAUGHTER A Sensational Comedy Drama in Four Acts. NOT MOVING PICTUKKS. Heal, Live, Walking Talk ing, Fxperienced Actors. PRICES - - -. Children 25c. Adults 50c ss Doors open at 7:30. Curtain at 8:15. Provement, as well as to the amounts or parcel .of land affected thereby: Therefore the People of the City of Weston do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there shall lie constructed a sidewalk on both sides of Main Street between Washington reet and tho south between Hroad Street and Armur Street, in accord ance with the plans and specifica tions prepared by E. E. Saiue, Engi neer, and filed with the Kecorder o! said City on tho 16th day of t)ctoiir, 117. and in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of said City, Section 2. That the cost of con MmrllnK said sidewalk shall tie a Hen and chare upon all lots, parts of lols and lurcvls of laud special benefited by such iinproveim-iit, pro-, portloiiutel.v' a the suine are bi ncrit oir and as shown in ordinance No. "&i of said city entitled "ordinance .No. deolnrint; tin true amount of cost and etvirue to lo charged attains! and made a lien upon each part of lot and hi reel of land es pecially lienefited by the construc tion of a sidewalk on both sides or Main trect between . Washington Street u4 roa4 Sueot ga4 Uit loutb 29th day of October. 117. Approved by the Mayor this ifth day of 'October, lsl". J. SI. HA.Ni.STKK. Maayor. Attest: AXDY T. HARM'OTV Kecorder. . Civilization. A Japanese diplomatist is said to hare exclaimed: "For 2,000 year we kept iieace with the rest of tho world and were known to it but by tho mar vels of our delicate ethereal art and the finely wrought productions of our ingenious handicrafts, and we wore Yuletlde Presents to Men Abroad Must Reach New York By Dee. 4. Washington. The war department made public rules governing tba handling by mail and express of Christmas presents for members of the American expeditionary forces All parcel post packages mast be under seven pounds and inclosed ia wooden boxes; express paokagsa. boxed, not exceeding 20 pounds and covering to be fitted to facilitate in spection. Food products most be-la cans or glass jars. Packages should be . a4.dreaae4-ft accounted hnrhnrinlis I Rut from the day on which we made war on other nw prescribed by postal rQgufJ.i uatlons and killed niuny thousands of and plainly marked. "Christmas) BoST" our adversaries you at once admit our They should be sent to "BieravQfla$ claim to rank among civilized nations." Hoboken, N. J.H On reading the foregoing in the Java . . r Times we are reminded of Professor Kenny's story of tlm shipwrecked mar iner who at dawn came across a gib bet and exclaimed, "Thank God, here is a sign ot civilization !" Loudon Glob Italiane Checking -Teutonic Atjajewak Rome. Italians are cfcecMnf tSa advance of the Austro-Garmau &a9m Into the plains of northern Itsr, -41ka war off loe aiuana.