TON. EADER VOI.UMK40 WESTON. OKi:G0N.!Ff.IDAV OCT. 2d. M7 NUMBER 20 WES h'-iditunrlrrii nf thl. fuml Jutiii I'riM'lMtli'l. Prairie tn-ch farm or. mt liiMnntlv I.111..I 11 M'l m I. Kliilior. ft Mlloriiiii. n . ...i. .1-1 1 rle it. an, h n r' litju I lr mi n'lfo mobile m-i n'nl nit I li ii'iil' ii I ii. r. m mill' nti'l h half imrtl . ' I. 1 1. At the nK-olllllj i.t It..' I ' .1 1 ' ,',;ifty Briefly Sketched for Infor- i' t n . r ' S I.I.I M .11 I... ...... .. .I . II... 1 ....II..,. fit lln mrn. "f iln' i.Iiim Mil rinT highway literit lint.i) ltii ni.d Mn ler. which II In 'I u lit tout The building 'f Ml'' I" nullity Jell f.r Malheur rniiiiiv Ii I'ffii t .tiiliilntlll Ii ninrril nn-lm owing l th llmlillll ( lh- miincim. t'i "t steel i nrrivfil lanl -"h bihI ik Ik-Hi .iirii In lli n- tm I ll ii te W. II Aiir, fiMMt fr m-r nf OrcKi.n. ti''li"l 1 f m t in iniiliii from llerlieri llner ' notify all dealer. In (ilnluirii doing hu.ine.a nf fliKi.OoO or more that I hi")' numt take out licensee before Xnveeber I, Kir. hlrh Ignited under suspi cion circumstance., practically de- - etroyed the a)inllt of J II. t'liain bcr. located about a mil" from '"l Iava flrnva The Hair.aue tn the Mailt eteel buyer of Linn county, dim at proUbiy ,,, l0t4l ,,,,,. vytm and tino.ono. Out of Stiff accident, reported to Hie OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALINTRES7 Principal Events of the Wctk Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readeri. fortlin4 ww hat a woman detect v. The seventh annual pninm .how (H held Redmond Lee county will a'art a yiinaM plan of winter upkeep on M. ru-i Outlets at the mat" trnitnniir aukeeribed for Itrtift of Liberty b-eds. Mr. Caroline It. I'arkrr. pmm county, died l her limue near ranter. Two-dells r wheat la creating n ee- tie vetaeeal for farm landa In l.lnn eeoaty. Hand Rt rer himbff concern ere be ta; a fleet H seriously bocsuee of lark of ear. William ff. Hihuihi, a prominent tha Lebanon hnipltal nf pneumonia. Tertian hae been selected ou or ue ht nn.nnu,.a r-u. ...r ,,,,,., .,.,,,,,, rnmiiilwmn for pnblletty for mi big pledga card cam- (M) weok ndl)Jt (Mor ,g ony , M',, i aa fatal, acoordltvi "I1"" ' ' rurnlihlnga for thir own Haa folllnill,,,, T,iro jllM,n , mpioyfd rooaia ro lnf eonatnifKNl by pi-nd by m fuh p(,rknf rrop(iny A.twU. br ho r taking manual training w lh ,mP ,,0lr,.. la h high achool. - tic? first but of fancy tinnnii jum rrt flrrf. altbnugh nnt yrt do- rrilIlb).rrlr, pr,Miid on the flat Ing any dimaga lo grrn llmlM-r. aro cn,inlv bo. nr Warr timn h -ratnf toarorn mom llmbor own- b,rn by (,vrnior Withy r In Coot county. ronilH- from William K Srlilmpff. An offort l prTnt aMn of food rUUop rountv i,.gi(,uir an.) r la tha l o gtrla- dormltorla at Or- Ury ()( ,ht ru,,, rranl..-rry anuria- goa AgrtfiHtMral roiirge la lining in tltutod by I ho glrla Htata Flr Mamhal llarvry Wnllt iaaui appr., ... . . ., mimlr, of Oregon, to be handled ...rher. Q the .tat. to hold at lea.t f tuvntitm 0( , weekly fir. flrllla In their arhoola. rtllvcril(y of 0r. -g..u. la o,,.. of tlia WB uewnoer . .a. uar . . nopji of public gfrvlco upon Uicu Ut drpartment of aoclal weltara la now tlnn. Hi-ln nf eiluialional nlnlon. film, and eilill'IU for mlionln and rural com , Mriloa mt ba Orta 4 ralifornla grant land, to Cooa county will be wofk aucuontd orr to too nigne.i rinar Tba grand lodge of Rika baa ad' rUed flanater Chamberlain that It had Tho paaalug of tho little dlatrlct rhool In Oregon wn predicted In an allotted to equip a Red rro.a 1- botpttal OBlt for th I nivnrUy of 1 ntAiilk altvysl Im a n i4 ea,u at OrefOB. Tba auxiliary arbooner Paulina. ahln Ia the Miv and the altth vmel eooitrueted at the NtcKaehern " K'"on blpyarda, aa laeceiafully launched t Aatoria. Torlland'a aerrgnt glrla aro pro paring to form a union for tho uplift ing of their eraft and for tho lin prorement of condition, under which they work mouth normal .rhool, In an addrem before the Oregon Couttreiia of Moth er and raroul Toucher aoclaUou (!org A. While, adjutant general of Oregon, left Portland uud-r orders from the war drpartment to report Immediately for active aervlrn at "an Atlantic port." While he wan reti cent about bla order, tin- indlratlorii am .trims that he will aoon be aent No hope for Immediate relief In the ,0 I"'rnr0- car abortaga In tbla atate ia held out la a telegram received by the public en Ire romml.alfln from rommlaaton- or T. 3. Miller. Karuiora of the alaU are endfuvor Ing to orgnnlxe their work to meet the chnnKCil ciinditloiiH In nmrkvtltig and other pliaaea of fariniiiK bronchi The 49th aooual coorentlon of Oro- about by the war. A number of conn goo Baptlata la being bold this week tleu are forming aRrlcutmral council where the men will nieni and plan Uiulr work. Tho director of the geological aiir tey haa notified Senator McNary he t Tba Dallea. beginning Monday ieiilng and continuing through Fri day afternoon. The Oregon Irrigation Securities company haa certified the l.auo of has acnt Mx land cltt.lflera Into the Itri.ooO bonda by the Payette-Oregon Valo land dlBlrlct In eaatern Oregon Plepe Irrigation dlatrlct of Idaho and ea.tern Oregon. Superior weight and better team work gave tho Oregon Aggie.' foot ball team the big end of a IS to 6 aeora In their game with the Unlver- atty of Idaho at randlclnn. to cluHalfy and lint lunda for entry under the MOnere homentend law. They will work until weather Intor fere.. Hid. will anon be n.ked for by the Pouglas county court for the building of about II mile, of rond on the Pa- The linn ra.h prlie offered for tho clflc highway to eliminate tho Koh- beat five bu.heta of potatoca ehih- rt mountain rond. eight miles Houtn (ted at the seventh annual potato of Ho.ohurg. w hich ia one of the most Show at Redmond was awarded to a dangerous Pieces of road In thin sec- D. Mustard, of Powell tlutte. tlon of the elate. Charles Otis, of Klamsth Kalis, wss The statu highway commission lis. killed at Odessa when the logglnn finally approved and sent to the fed foeomotlte of the Odessa Logging & ral authorities for their approval, a Timber company, of which he wan postroad project on the John Pay manager, got out of control and ran hlfihway between Fossil and Sanies down the mountain. creek. The road proposed In !U7 The United States hss filed a patent rollcs long, to be constructed t a which deeds the Saddle mountain and S8.7a.t.4n. It lies in Wheelei Humbug forest districts nesr Astoria county, to 1he lUte of Oregon. This Is part Sawmill and logging csmp operat or the land which will compose the ors in eastern Oregon betieve that Paddle mountain park. because of labor shortage next spring The school of commerce of the they will be compelled to employ wo University of Oregon is making a eur- men for lighter work, according to a ?ey of the wool situation In Oregon report on labor conditions iu Bakei with a lew of finding out how the In- county nisde by State Labor Com dustry fa affected by competition mlssloner lloff after a visit to that from foreign countries. section. Sixteen miles of new road eultable The final action of the Oregon roo fer automobile travel have been com- gress or Mothers and rorcnt-Teache? pleted this fsll on tha old Willamette assoclslions in closing its four das' military road In Fort Klamath by convention at Eugene was a vote tn tba foreat forces and the 1-sue county authorise, tho investment of J250. the exrurt working together. annual pledge to the University ot Grants Tsss has completed Its quo- Oregon woman's building tuud, in lib tm Tor the new war-camp community arty bonds, to be held In that form recreation fuod. the first In the Unit- until money la needed, ed Stale to turn In Ita ahare. accord- Tho Touton, ,re furiously uniting Uy; to giuwMcemcnt rom 'w Uia Ittiian Iiau, jnnuwi"-''" trniT '- eue . eWi-iVai. 1wtl Buy a hShlr44 I . i p I'. I l.j (i J-t -A -i. . iTst f " - L MMVAJI Willi u i I.MiiiHin NlTf- b aw t. "0 1 1 1 ( I 'J N mm GurD-'d'-fy h fighting ' ier zl'-c inni fcr.You- : i''T;': 'Jp- Buy a fhi-Sic CcviSaadofthe 2iIBERTY10AN 3 J- Have You Bought Your Liberty Bond? o o 0 2) s C s & iv a. ' V (pO pfeife LOAM rT TTS VP IX) YOU TO MAKE A RIHG IMTHEHAT , & tOwyiijM. leir H. T. mbta THE SECOND DILVFT IS COMING. It may take your brother, your sweetheart, your son. It may take YOU. The hoys who jro hi the second draft will be cared for, outfitted and pro vided with ammunition and protective devices by the money realized from the Second Liberty Loan. ' Do you want the Government to be forced to skimp in givinjr these boys cverythins they should have, or do you want jour Uncle Sam to have plenty of money for them. THING IT OVKR-it concerns YOU personally. It is better to bo forearmed than to have rejrrets when they tell you he was killed or wounded because of LACK OF EQUIPMENT. BUY A LIBERTY BOND. Buy it whether you can afford it or not. Your bank will help you. ' BUY A LIBERTY BOND! FRENCH ADVANCE ' ON AISNE FRONT Many Prisoners Taken am Progress Made Northeast of Soissons. Pari.. An attack was made by te. Frem-h on the front aortbeaal of Rolfnon.. The war office reports that considerable progress was made . along the whole battle front and thai numerous prisooers were taken. -The statement says: "After artillery preparations for ae eral lintm. our t"ioo asaanlted lbs powerful German positions In the re gion of Aiirmsnt sod La M.lmsisoe (northeast of Soissons). On the whols ' front of attack we made good progress and we took a number of prisoners- "Northwest of , Rbeimi there vat rather heavy artillery fighting fa tba night Three surprise attacks against our small posts west of Bermeiieour and east of Neuville were without re ault. The number of prisoners taken by the French in their stuck northeast of Soissons haa reached 8000. the wai office announces. The French forces cooperated In tha attack to the left of the British. Foi five or six days British artillery haa been exceedingly active In thla sec tor. Indicating resumption of llalg's offensive. RAID OF ZEPPELINS ENDS III DISASTER London. A fleet of Zeppelins that raided London met disaster on their return, in crossing France. A swans of airplanes rose to the attack and five of the huge aircraft warn bronght down In' French territory. ' " Germany probably lost one-half at her total effective fleet of super-Zep pellns as a result ot the raid. All France is exultant over what is ha ltered to be the greatest defeat ad ministered to an air fleet since tha beginning of the war. The gratifica tion is more Intense because It is now known that the German raid was an attempt to carry out a tearful threat of vengeance made four daye before. On that occasion the German gov ernment sent out a warning to both France and England of dira punk ment to follow what the Germans de clare to be unwarranted and inhuman attacks by British and French aviator upon peaceful German towns. Re prisals were threatened In an official German communication. SENATOR HUSTING IS SHOT Fatal Accident Happens While en Hunting Trip. Mllwiukee. Accidentally shot in the back by his brother. Gustavo, while hunting ducks near Rush Lake, Wis.. United States Senator Paul O. Hustlng died at a farmhouse near tha scene ot the accident According to reports here, Senate Husting had sighted a flock of dues and called bis brother to shoot. The men were in a boat when the accident occurred. He was in front and. as his brother fired, he raised, receiving the full charge of shot in his back. He was rushed to a farmhouse nearby. Physicians hastily summoned found his condition such that it was inad visable to move him to a hospital. Senator Husting was a democrat, and the vacancy created by his death will be filled by appointment by the governor, Emanuel L. Philipp. who ia a republican. New Blow la Dealt German. London. In cooperation with the French, Field Marshal Haig launched a new blow along a narrow front at the German lines northeast of Ypres. The allied infantry moved forward ia the neighborhood of the Ypres-Stadea railway and on the outskirts of Hoitt hoist wood, on the extreme northern edge of the active front in Flanders. The French advance was along width of about three-fifths of a mile. German Lose 16 Warship at Rig. Petrograd. Two German dread noughts, one cruiser. 12 torpedo-boats and one transport were put out ef action by the Russians in tba fighting around tha islands in the Gulf of Riga last week, hut their ultimate fat b unknown, gay an official (Utejse&t issued lr tin Ruaaita tai&iraJtj.