The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 12, 1917, Image 2

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    H 10 BEftDV
for the coming of "Jack Frost?" lie never fails to appear, ami usually conns
when you are not prepared. Better get your winter supply and give him u warm
reception when he arrives. Our stock of winter merchandise is now cumplctcjml
prices speak for themselves.
Cotton blanket
"Woolimp" blanket
Wool blanket
Indian robe (crib)...
Indian robc (large)..
Cotton batt ( lb)..
Cotton bat U(l lb.) 1
Cotton batta (Jib.)
White outing flannel 1JV.15
Colored outing flannel l-'t-.l'
Outing gowna (ladiea) 69 to l.W
Outing gown tchiMren'). .. 19 to .79
. . to 2.W
2.19 to s.w
.1.25 to 3.98
Hoy' outing gowns .49
Men' outmg gown 19 to 1.49
Boy' pajaina 9
Mrn' pajamas 98-1.49
Lathe ' ptjamaa (one pice) 1.98
Lailio' knit cap 25 t .49
Chiklrcn' knit cap 25-. 49
Children' weater 49 to 2.9M
Ladiee' iwcater (very lt;t).
. 1.98 to 6.90
Bay' aweater 19 to 8.SW
Men' veter l.W to 5.9"
Men' maokinaw ....... 5.90 to 9.1M
Hov' maokinaw 2.98 to 6.6
Men' tlamui liirt . 1. 49 to 2.9H
Mon'a cotton union Hint. . I.:tf
Men' fleece union auit. .... . IM
Men' wool union uit L'.'.'V.I.'Jfi
Men' ilk and wool union toil. A "S
Boy' Howe union uit ti9-.?.
Hoya" wool union uit 1. 10-1.19
Children' lleeee- union unit. ie
J to 10 . . .W to .Tit
Clnklnn' woul union auit. liien
to t white or grvy . . .?. to 1. 19
Ladies' fleece union suit t9-1. 19
1 ,ls' wool union auit, hieh or
low neck, abort or long aleevr
2.25 to 3.25
Don't fail to sec our line of Men's and Boys' Clothing
k 1
Weeloii' foriv of (m-liiTi-, who
Willi till' iMV'(ill of Mils'. Kinloul
are nlin l.v "new" Huh ear, weir
gthKl.-. of honor at mi rnjoxalih' tv.
ivpiinii givni rYidtiy wwiim; h(
,U'iM' liall under nu:picr: 'f tin
Saturday Afternoon Club.
Mmi iNnpU' n;-M iullrl nt tin' liall
hi H'.miih Ion published invitation
to imiiviiIs nn.l to friiiil f tin
iwh.. in Ki'ttornl. Thv found 4h
.nIk' I'iniIII AkIkW Willi Nlltlllllll "!
,oiing in wonderfully xaried ami
'beautiful .-hadei. niul tint-. The
ttikvii Imiikf of hue envk had
been I iv tin' eluh ladies
fur their i-hoiivM nireriturs. ninl
made to yit-lil abundant riehes in
siimiii'li, Virginia oiwiht, golden
ri niul other ..eaoiiahle vine.
These hml Ihvii nrti:.tii'ally Kmiiiel
anil f.-stootird to provide an optical
fcoM of nil, brown, gni ii niul gol
den ortui".
Tin1 program im-ludul piano mi.
...s by Mi.- IIhm' lierlcr, M-livtimi."
by tin- Wpntmi itiiirli't Mrs. K.
S. Saling, Mini x IVrtcr, Mi'Nra.
Saling niul Wood, with Mr. I.
Watts as MivouinniM a Imks koI.i
by Mr. A. W. I .mid.' II ami humor
mis ri'Hilings by (Sail William.
The li'arhi'fs were iiitrixltn-iil in
luippy mid original vein by Ir. F.
I . Watts -who did not .-.pari' the
illlshi,! of llmst' who hupiH'luil to
In- scliooltiiu'anis. In turn calhtl
to thfir n-sptrtivo fii-t wtc tho
iiartnu niKiit. r. 1 . rii'pntrn'K;
The Year
Six Month
Four Month. 00
of poas for noxt year. Tin- yield following their eiibtomary pursuits Klon nn Siniiiions, Mr. O. It.
this vear averairodlo to 20bushil in private lifo. It was diffemit Neetlhain, Mi. Kintmil, Mm. (.uella
-urout half the nonnal en.p- during the civil war. The First II. Pink.rton Mi iWoihy Hark
,, ... , 1 . ... iv.,....,!,.,,,, Mi Vera Tipton and Mr. Walter
J150 Many Fairfield p.' pwwni say they Minnesota ht at (n-tty burg (,r(.,M.r N, ,.,,,,,, illK , (Vm.
" can make a greater prolit than in iercvni in Mimi now " . " .a nis trh ams-hirv. Mr. Fit that.
wheat raising.
rUDtT. OCT. 12
117 -
With hardly a friend on earth.
mt Mcantf-clui nail autttr.
Cattrta t th aaitallic l Vtatea. Orji the kai.-er may yet look with confi
dence to that torrid region which
Hilly Sunday i-ays has "Made in ( r
inany".stamiil on the bottom.
With respect to "canning the kai
ser," we fear Uiat formaldehyde
even would fail as a preservative.
Ixn Cohen, chairman of the War
Library Fund for Umatilla county, prematurely
expresses his apprwiation as follows
of Weston's prompt ropoiiso:
Thos who would legally i'x
ecute th agetl may its well Ix uin
with the Hulldogger ed.. lu is
none missing, in is is me greateM ri,K mail suitable rtsoii:.i' in l-
n're ntag of Iivns recordisl in the half of the faculty.
annals of warfare but is approaeln-d ApiH-tizing refnhm.-iits brought
1 .1 . t .1 . 1 .i.... ..1 r,. ,1.1..,. . to a close an evening of pleasure
bv that of other celelrntisi lighting . " . . ..
. . that ntvisI to establish friendly
ngmieiits in the civil war. In the lwnn,mjt(lls rolations
same battle the !ith New York t. eoinmunity and its school h o
lost ltxio out of IV.H1 men, or pie. who seem already to have made
iH-m-nt. in 20 minutes. Lmnoh S. H-tive and individual "hit"
,,..,., . , 1 t with U'th pupils and iatrons,
WikhI of Weston was a menilror of ' ' '
the First Minnesota, and fought at ,A
(iettyshurg. Antietam. Fredrick- SPLENDID RECITAL TO BE
burg and other bloody liatlles
"Hurrah for Weston, and more iv resnonsiblc for the normal school
)rticularly for Mr. Frank IVice! ,ant in Westou. Had there Urn
Thank you for your promptness, . ,. , .
and in due time you will he more newspa.H-r hero Wes on would
formally thanked. Yours was never have gotten the plant. Ar
amongst the very first. We arc tor the appropriation w;is made it
all truing to get a lot of trouble-- would have Um forfeited but for
not to mention the work before
Our mitiiiii of futility is the inetli
Tlie Weston I-cador was iinlirecl- , , , . . . .
nit ..iui ia 1 ... wis of certain big town merchant
Satunlay evening, (k'tober l.'t.
who litter the front yards of the Miss Kdtia llanna, n-pniil ing the
smaller burirs with waste imiih and Malen Hurnett S. Ii.h. of I'iuno
r 11 - . .1 .. ..... 1. 1'laving, will entertain the
this cruel war is over; and (khI
grant that it will not be long be
fore we come out victoriously, too!"
Appreciation from Mr. Cohen is
in turn appreciated, as he has for
years been known as one of Pendle
ton's most likable as well as public
spirited and generous business men.
lovers of Weston with a line piano
1 ,1 1 1 recital to lie given at the Pniti-d
The l-cadcrs liaseball editor ad- !,. ,.iri.n. Miss llanna has
mils that Hob I'roinlfil and Jim made u mimlier of friends in Wn.
the personal worK m me presem ,, . tl., a r ,Wl lllt ,,, j,,,.,. ().M.j.. ,lT iudi.i h. re
Some day the country editor may
ctse to smile and say that he likes
it if local merchants eoutinue to get
their envelopes printed by the gov
eminent and their letter heads from
their wholesale houses. Now and
theti a country merchant may even
be found who resorts to the archaic
instrument that reached the height
of its popularity in the time .f Ne
buchadnezzar and ib-dined and fell
with the Roman empire. We refer
to the rubber stamp; but for those
who etill use it we indulge a feel
ing more akin to pity than to anger.
Rubber stamps had their earliest
vogue in the Garden of Eden,
where they were used for printing
laundry marks on the fig leaves.
They are not now strictly "au fait"
in the printing of stationery,
although yet having their uses.
editor of the Ix-ader, who devoted ,,.()or,.s th-ir amazing ignorance of a month ago and the recital should
thr. weeks of his time and gave , c allt ,lf .,' ,)astin.cs they ',r"v'' v, r --ala- Mi llanna
thejast dollar he had in the bank to ..ed the White S,, to win. "SZ
a st-honl site fund. Weston lost the ther study under Frau Prof. Kif.
Normal at lost, to be sure, but the The only (ii-stioii now in IVn- ,S(,e has held imortaiit pot.ition.iin
plant remains and is being used to tnark is, "How Iong can (ierniuny this iniiitry' --ni'titly that of Iv-an
gi mnI advantage by the school dis- a.,f.'" K.r .Kfeat l ing consid- "f Ml,!iir landenwiaul t'ollege,
trict. Were this not so the district ,.rc,j a certainty. . S, l!"rk' M,w"uri- .";' h
, 11 anil in numerous rocituls in the
would Ik- compelled to float more Middle West. FveryotM-is cordially
iMimLs and rebuild its' own school jt ,H-k. a town less than half invitnl to attend the rirital. which
plant, which is wholly inadequate, the size of Wtlon, gives its local at eight o'clock. Admit-
Hie piano is fur
Wiley It. Allen Co.
of I'.iHlnml
payer in the vyeston uistrici. win
these taxpayers show their appre- In view of the financial bumps jalnaiitiiev'tt.
ciation now by subscribing and pay- its unit of currency is getting, Ger- & UCCTfill CMMM C
ing in advance for more than one many may be excuted for exclaim- J fla0 1 Ufl wwliUuLa $
copy of the Leader? Although pay- ing: "God save the mark!" ""tCCttClCmOOOtttCCA
ing war prices for evirything it ::
uses it is still issued at the same Pendleton seems to have reached f 1 iTul " ,rm Mf; J Wl
uses, 11 is sun isuueti rti in. wont Porter gave a splendid addrw tn
old price, and only asks for a little the conclusion that its lark tl(, ,)ijfh w.,,()) au,jiurjuln jj,.
more loyal support. "Come across," was rather more ornamental than ch08e as his subject. "Opportunities
boys, if gratitude is not a stranger useful. and How to Use Them." We all
. rr thoroughly enjoyed whut Mr. Por-
The evidence is conclusive that ter had to say, and hoH! to be able
Ambassador Von BcrnstorfT himself ! lt !,orf
1K.-CICI , a junior in mi- iiiku w;iiikii,
The Leader is therefor.-rK.nsihle ,,a.K.r twice as much advertising ,an,w' . ,s, ,'
t 1 . . 1 ...... .... mslml by the
ior a suosiauuai siivni); ninniu.v patronage.
Portland's street car fare contin
ues at five cents, and wx- may go
down there on purpoee to ride
was merely a lerman sjiy.
played several selections on the pi
ano, all of which were appreciated.
Directed by Profisor Needham of
the high school, the student boUy
sang several songs.
Program for week ending Thurs
day, (JctolxT 18:
rriday, M. VI Pathe prewnts
The new drinking fountain has
arrived and will soon lie installed.
This Li iiit nn improvement as
well as a great convenience.
We fancy that Lilerty bonds
Not a few town tradesmen are mm wj be found to yield as goiMl a
advertisers, likewise. Those who return on the investment its high
do advertise never permit them- priced wheat land,
selves to approach the average ap-
propnation made lor advertising According to the North American Florence LaUtdic in "Her Life and "
throughout the United States - Review the d.h toll exacted by His!" Also Cartoon comedy. "Jtr- Superintendent Fil.patriek an-
1.69 percent of their total sale, modern warfare is imtneasurably ry ftovca h.-Navy." nounced that the report cards will
t ir r ... , , . .. Saturday, (ct. I! I be Nig- be given out next Monday. He
Jfoetof tlwn cnsidtT .me half of wnall-r than ev.-r Sforr m history k.c,el Wif fhH ..pjj,.; llt, hopcs ,.,(, VHT,.ul wi, ,,tr,.fuy
one Iwrecnt of their total sales a and has decreased steadily tincc Railroad Raiders." and "Shorty read and examine the card;,
generous apropriation. Meanwhile the fighting began. In the recent Unearths a Tater."
the country editor is expected to battle of Messines the total number , Sunday. Oct. I I-Mutual preients The attendance the firU month
"stand the gaff" and I Invito of men engaged, according to Sir M'R" "The De-vil s As- has good. The percent is 98
j . - . . ' K , . sistant; also a Vogue comedy, "Jer- for the entire Thp banner
the town and its commercial mter- Charles Ross, was 280.OOO and the ry.g Tria,." , Jred in the grades' to the rooms
ests for a net wage that in times total casualties less than nine per- Monday, Oct. 15 Universal Cur- having th ht ii,.i,Han. k.
lilce these would be spurned by a cent, while the total fatalities were rent Events; LKo comedy, "Detec- ng displayed this week, and the pu
sheepherder. less than one in seven of the total le 8n.d Jf"''' Bison drnJa- pils feel quite proud of the distinc-
. l fnin-uj, Hon
casualties Tin- crccntage of cas-
nuriuiiK onence; virior conicuy, ., n1(.v ..... in-tier In nil.
r vp iiHiiiMiiui iHtunr iir-in. i. a i.
Wttitun fariwrs might willi pnfU ualtM-s in tlw i-ntirc Frrnrh army in Wiln!ay, Ori. 17-Vifirmli '
lake a Wf out of thr FiiTuall. rfHrlin to moJiilizl ir ii;l prcnt Ifc'tty llwr in "TIk Ali- o;r
.... ........... .tr t l- r t nil'
Imok having a pxml had dwindled in the last six iiHHitha "i, aiso a rug v i.iniiy, in;, pt i B
Washington. loK Having a gfi naJ iwinni in ine lost six iiHHitha n,K """""). " "Bty, pt. I bid Ashe with Btlif
deal. 1k- same kind of a country, of 1916 to 1.-8. In fact. ..ur ievcr;' Brona today.- in young wil, 1, aUn. as Sk 2 kt? i
the Ticinity of Fairfield have al- safe from death or complete disabil- drama; also a Vogue comedy, log you about: It If I dldu't. do you 7"
ready contracted for 25,000 acrrs ity in France as they would be in "Hubby Inherits a Harem." American Boy.
Whit Ilouiewirei Hire Lonf Looked For
I'L.vo Fl.onr enct Md, nolhlnff
rl-t ifll- Mii.fttt In way III. .
wlilih lhnumtt ol worn. nt (llfrn(
l.t im"( Ihcli lilt nd iwwwh.niwir
.U-l Buri(.if ,-"WhU" "Rlc-
'l aiir" "lla Mnr l.lto and Motitoi"
- "Mn llrocr n.rad. Ptilry and BIm
,h" "Rrl Hmii- fUvof" "Wka
Mother Ul" ""I In M Vttra"
"Hl.'l-d, "TS
I el It" "Kvry lUik Atlia la III
Oii.llir" - "Lonj-UlUnf rwhMMH
t i tiv.
Ot4t a Trial 3. Tit
5lifcti Car-alt4
Ti- ll and rl.irnloihiiyld''i1
.... --.I . iii ..r, Mintn our
m.'iir tf ynu not molt f ltd. TU .
knitw ill .nd w. know ih.irL.-a TUuf U canala 1
mtdt. Sol maktia for tall ctmanwinr .
M.l. ! fMHUIWlV
AIo WiHion' and Wheat Hour, liraliam, Cril.
l v. Ji.ud Hay: Scvd Slock IWd and l oultry SupplU.
do .uiHotn iiiilling. Your patronage oltciud. W. L. KoilNi.
Butter Wrappers
Furniblutl ami l'rintud at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum) $0 IK)
One hundred 1 20
Two Iui ml ml 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
Overland WiBys-Kniglit
LIGHT FOUR, 5-passenger $ 860.00
BIG FOUR, 5-passenger 1035.00
WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-passenger 1610.00
Thu Ovvrlnnd l.iKht Four in lifc'lit In wvlght and big in Power. It
tiiucU every' touring demand. It aaiuiliea in iHTfomtanee, In aprwar
anre, in comfort -mikI at a price you ran afford tu y.
The tivcrland big Four ix the world' moat wcrful low-priced ear.
It ia lumlamcnlally the aamc car which year after year for many yean
ha Overland to lead, by l wHle margin, all car of uch com
fortabki mic.
The WilKa-KniKlil Meevo-valvc Motor hold every world' record
for IciiKth of run. power produced, abaence of wear, and lack of carbon
deposit. It outlaiiu any ami ail other tyix-n of automobtla motor.
Kour tbounmuU of mile Uyund the uaeful life of any other typo I tie
Villy-Kmhl Motor continue to deliver at iu hiuheat efficiency.
Thin ea.m'a Will.v.KnihU are Ihe mil beautiful the factory ba
ever built. See thve cam and be convinced.
Dr. S. L KEffilARD - Vestoa Aged
1 '
Your orders
promptly filled.
P. T. Hater
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . W.itsburg. Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipj)ed mills in the Northwest. -
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company