The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 12, 1917, Image 1

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VOl.UMK 40'
Principal Events if thi Wiek
Briefly Sketched fer Infer
millen if Our Retderi.
" Oregon Agricultural College
od Moedsy morning
Th Otitoo Gun club reorganized a
few day tr with II member.
'At eastern man. Mr. Van IUn. It
I MarahfleM. arranging In drill for
It r rerhrburg
By f 2T ' OnM Hill
Irrigation, dtatrlrl has decided in inu
bond emetintlng to $B.w
Th United State govrnmnt hai
tgr4 te mall urvy of the coal
ftelde tributary In MM font
InttaJlaUon of nw equipment In
lit adtetae) P elation liaa III'
erd I' rapacity one third
Tea third annual convention of th
m'tr Walnut aMorlallnu Hl be
btld la MrMlnatllo Nomhr 7 9.
Tbe tblrtv tilth annual contention
ef tbe Knight of ryfbla grand lodge
of Oefon eoavanad Tuesday fn Fort-
Senator MrNary be ben admitted
to prartlr before lb' I'nltrd Bleiea
lupretne court aa motion of Clyde II.
Tba law drill ball built at the I'nl
ralty af Oragoa la 4 by III ft,
aad wilt permit military Inntrucilna
at all aeatoae.
Durfag Jla Oregon aold lumbar to
tba ataount of i.aM.KT.oo feet. Uur
lag IfM lumber aalea amounted to
t.II.l.M0 feet.
Vale groeara bave tlgned an agree
meet to carry no fruit over from Bat
rdey to Monday, but to sell out Sat
ardaya at half price.
Milton Bunderland. aged 7&. and one
ef Ore gow s oldest and beat-known
lenewrt. dl4 at his home In Portland
after a abort nine .
lira. Fraocaa Mwopt of rorfland
waa elected president nf the nraaoo
lata Womea'a rbrlatlaa Temperance
aalea la eon vent Ion at Albany.
Kttawtleti roiirses In engineering
will be offered by the extension de
partment nf th Oregon Agricultural
college during the coming winter.
Information of the af arrival In
FTAnce of the Tenth regiment" ngl
' Been, forestry, compoaed of Portland
aad Oregon men, haa been received.
Buperlnteodent Churchill haa an
aouoced tba offlrlal program for Fran
el Wlllard day In the srhools. Tba
day tbl yer fall on October !8 nndor
the law.
Governor Withycombe lias made J
public addresses alnre the first of the
year and ha tpoken to US.9R0 people,
according to an estimate which he
Tbe monthly report of the Industrial
accident commission ahowa receipt
for September amounting to 16,I14.
4. the largest in th" coinmlsaton't
Captain Thorns F. Maglnnl. Tnlted
Itatea army, retired, haa been choaen
eommandant of cadata at the Oregon
Agricultural college for the coming
school year.
Following bar disappearance after
leaving boma to go to a moving pic
ture ahow. the body of Haxel Pudoa,
age IK, nf Portland. Vs found lu the
Willamette river.
Tba annual poultry and pet stuck
ahow ttitl be held by the Oregon
Foullry aod Pet Stork association at
(he, public auditorium In Portland,
December J to .
8o many fheep were brouKhl to
Baker for shipment that It waa nece
ary o bed more than 81)00 head In
nearby r,ur, 'Knl
varria could bo cleared.
Barrett' grain warehmiM. rout in rare save aa to uniimuen ticgets nBanHl Krpe with a "reduced
milts wet of Freewater, haa been and school children's ticket, the new 8tamUrd of llvR. with a pcnple groat
dolng tueh a ruahlng business In grain fare for unlimited tickets being placed ,y disciplined in all direction."
and fruit shipping that another target
warehouae hat to be built.
By a vote of 43 to S tbe landowner
under the Grant Poaa Irrigation dla-
trlct approved a proposal to bond th
dlttrlct In tha turn of S290.O00 for th
eontptetlon of their canal ayatem.
Tbt valuation of the properties, tn
Oraaon for rate-making purpose ol
th Pacific Telephone ft
company la $12,428,507. according to
an order of the public tervlce com
O. Edward Rom. tecrtry of th
atate highway eommis!on. ha re
turned from an Inspection trip hi
highway work all over th slats, H
reported all work progrslog tatla
To eeetat .In th. extenclre work
tUnnsii for thla winter In placing
gravel on.county roada, the Linn coun-
t Mwt )uu pucbaiid irrtl haur up
I mm (iiiKH riiiii.irting of a tractor and
three earn
Mr. -:lnii Gtcgiut. of Pendleton,
an found gulltv In Hi federal rout I
at rurtlaiid of having til poisoned
rand through Hi' mail to Ml May
Carter, alleged affinity nf her htia
hand. arl Gregory
Indication" tin Mlierslde run
In ( 'Mir la tln tail will I f greater
otiminerrlal talu Hun usual Tim
prelltulnar) fishing lin the fish ar
later (ban common and llicy ar
atr-nifln !' I'ouii'U
Th Wlllami-H ally l.nmbrr com
pany, of iMllaa. haa rrrolvfd a larga
nrdor from lh t'liltrd Htatra aoverti
mrnl fur IioiikI.1i fir lumber to ba
uaH In lh r.minic ilmi of aToplanx
for lha armt in Krmi '
Thr prtxlut llmi uf ulivlli'd baaoa In
Oregon lhi yoar will - itriitly lu
airi-na of lht of tail yinr It In r
tlmatrd that lliln '-r ptodiirllon
III ha from :oi in .inn i arluuda. whllo
laat r It aa only 41 to iO arlnala
Monajr available for tho rural rri-dtta
fund in On'Ki'ii I" in nail y rx
hauatnd. only a fftr hiimlrod dnllara
balnc lft. and It la rhatt that (her
will ti no nmro mono in that fund
o loan In th farmnra for some liitii'
Th new by product (at tory (
Marshfield haa turned out Its first
rliarroal from old cedar log and
stumps, wiih a considerable quantity
of oil, proving that lh Industry ran
bo made a great commercial tueress.
Th movement of wheat from Hi
Interior la Increasing aiiice the gov
ernment akumed control of On- wheat
supply ami dotk and and rehoiie.
which hav been partially unoccupied
for tbe paat two year are again filling
Prnrlaniationa bae been signed by
the president restoring to hnmrstead
ntry &.' rr of laud In the Wal
lowa national forest, Wallowa county,
and about rM.lK acre In (he Fremont
national forest. Lake and Klamath
A petition waa filed with the I'nlon
county court asking for formation of
a drainage district, the boundaries of
which Include 44.000 acres nf th rich
eat land In the Grande Ronde valley.
Owner of more than 2&.000 acres
signed It.
Pacific college at Newberg haa per
fected plana for the next step toward a
permanent college ad'-iiuately support
ed. Aa anon as normal conditions aro
restored, the Quaker InMltiillcin will
open a campaign for U'bO.OvO of ad
ditional funds,
lloyt 8. Gale, a representative of
th I'nlted States geological survey,
haa been In Polk county, having been
aent by the government at the solici
tation of ( onun-HhiiiBii Mi Vnluir to
make an Invest leal Ion of tbe supposed
oil and gss fields,
A license fee of 50 cents per horse
power for motor cars In the state of
Oregon Is favored by K. J. Adams,
member of the slate highway commls
alon. who has Junt comptnted a study
of the licensing of automobile In tha
various elites of tba United Slulci
and In Canada.
I'p to September 30 Oregon col
lected tlNO.S.I.VMI In automobile II
cense laxes, according to a alatemeut
Issued by Secretary Olcott. The total
Dumber of automobiles securing li
cense this year to that date waa 47,
087: motorcycles, 3Sfo; dealers, 372,
and chauffeurs. 331 1.
To aid In tho distribution of seed
wheat thin fall and thus forward the
movement to raieu more and better
crops, aa requested by the food ad
ministration, county agriculturists
are acting aa go-botweena for former
having good seed wheat to sell and
those desiring to buy.
Tho public service commission In
the flcent fare case of the Portland
WT. rower company on-
nlcd the application for an Increase
at 5 cent each and for children tick
ets at 4 cents each.
Senator Chamberlain referred tn tha
war department a letter from the Aa-
torla chamber of commerce urging
that quarter be erected at Fort Ste-
yen for housing durlnjs the winter,
1500 toldlera now stationed at that
post. Unlets temporary quarters are
provided these men will he obllgod
to spend tne winter in tenia.
Not more than SS per cent of th
'"P 1" h '" Prairie country
south of Pendleton will be left in lha
hills during the winter. The ranchers
are not soiling, despite th high price
for feed, hut hare made arrangement
at various parts or the lowlandN to
winter their tock, and will driv
down at the first sign of winter.
Now York -The Giunta liavo evened
tho world'i icriaa with IU box.
Fill In Picture Puzzle No. 21
4i S
.'ItK, children, you tot a dog In hi kennel In the laat picture. Trmmp
keep away from thl place, don't they? That dog keepe clow watch on
thlnen uliiln ih farmer la In town and whan everybody ia aaleep. Now
'it your irnrll ucam at No. 1 and you'll draw a uneful houarhuld article.
When winter conwia it la cold on the farm. But In tha farmhouee It 1 cheerful.
The bourbold article that you vrlll draw make It eo. Explorera would Ilka to
have a couple of hundred of the artlclea around tha north pole.
Washington The work of the con
grraaloual wasion wns piais'd by Pres
ident Wilson 1n a statement saying:
The m-eda of the army and navr0 bv C"""".'" ''"c wrecked
bave been met In a way thut assures
the effectiveness of American arma,
and the war making branch of tbe gov
ernment lias lecn abundantly equip
ped with the powers thut were acces
sary to inokii the action of the nation
The sixty-fifth eongri'HS now ad
JournlnK." the president added, "de-acrvi-a
tho gratitude and appreciation
of a people whose will and purpose I
believe It haa fallhiully expressed.
One cannot examine the record of Ita
action without being Impressed by Us
completeness, ita courage and Ita full
comprehension of u great lusk.
"It aeeuia to me that the work of
tli Ih remarkable session had ( not only
been done thoroughly, but that it also
hue been done with the utmost dis
patch possible In the circumstances,
with a full consideration of tbe ex
ceedingly critical matters dealt with.
Dent of all. It has left no doubt aa to
in a,,irt and determination of the
country, but linn affirmed them aa
loyally and aa emphattcnlly aa our
flno soldlera will ufllriu them on the
firing Hue."
Industrial Competition Will Make
Thrift Necessary In Amerloa.
Washington. America must save
for tho "war after tho war" as well
ua for tho present conflict, the food
administration declared.
Tho Industrial competition follow
ing riem'o will be determined in a
large part by the response tha the
American people make to the coining
food pledge week campuign, says an
oppr, tt, the pll,,,i(,
Tm, Vniu states,
after the war,
will bo pitted in trade and industry
Tho food administration pointed out
that a saving of 6 centa'per day per
person In the United State will
amount to IJ.OOO.OOO.OOU a year.
Book Lauding Kalaer Removed.
Seattle, Wash. "Im Vaterland," a
finnan textbook containing lauda
tory articles concerning the kaiser
and pralslnK tne patriotism and love
, fatnorltta shown by Germans
n frl,1(.u roi,tru , was ordered tn-
kpu , o( ,0 ,,,,,. n.iuwn of 8,.ttt.
t,u ,)V tho M, ,rd.
Army Buya Jackrabblta
Hulchlnaon, Kan. Tho war depart
ment has contracted for ten carloads,
of Kansas jackrabblta to bo delivered
at four army cautonmenta. It was an-
nounced here by Koon Book, a gamo
collector, who obUisod lha cuutracC,
a Mm-f
54 0
Washington. Germany' general
ataff. in furtherance of Its campaign
of woeid domination, nought In I'.'ltf
at several points. Again It plotted
aabotage in the I'uited States and Can
ada which would burn factorlc sup
plying munitions of war. These two
new points in Germany's ruthless sys
tem of Intrigue were brought to llKht
by the stute ilriiarlmeul in correspond
ence forwarded to the Teuton emoy
Bernstorff In January. 1M6.
At the ame time the department
published a third telegram Bernstorff
cut his foreign office in September,
Iflltf, ilecluriiig that the embargo con
ference, planning to away congress to
the side of Gvrmany. needed "further
The first two messages show- that
the Irish traitor. Sir Roger Casement,
provided the names of men who could
give information on the sabotage sub
ject Including Jeremiah O'Leury,
Irltdi propagandist, whose name has
appeared several times lu recent ex
poses. Tho German embassy was ordered
to provide necessary fuuds for the
Canadian Pacific railway work and
presumably accomplished its purpose,
inasmuch as tunnels on that Hue were
wrecked early In 1910.
Tho Italians and Austrian arc en
gaged In battles for supremacy on the
alopea of Monte Sun Uabriclc In tho
Gorilla sector.
Tho army of the Gorman crown
prince In Champagne again has en
deavored to dent the French lines, but
again haa failed with considerable
1 ...sea in men killed or made prisoner.
Approaching cold weather on the
western front Is forecast in the appear
ance of snow In the Vows mountains.
In Flanders the weather has been most
unfavorable, but, official reports Indi
cate no let up In the artillery duels.
The British are probably using tho
new positions won last week aa a base
from which to harass the Germans In
tho lowlands between the Passchan-dnele-Gheluvelt
ridge and the Roulera
Menln In preparation for a
new stroke in tho plan to outflank the
German positions in the north.
The diminution In the righting spirit
of the German troops along the Yprea
battlefront is generally admitted by
prisoners and has been evidenced in
the tactics employed recently. One
German officer said that the worst
effect on the morale of the Germans
was occasioned by the British artillery
fire, which he characterized aa too
terrific for words.
Wisconsin People Want Resignation.
Madison. Wis. At a 'conference
here of representatives of 71 county
councils of defense in Wisconsin a
resolution waa iaed calliag tor lha
fa I
rrnik'iiaiiou of natur Kotx-rt M. I,a
rnllilti- and d'-rlarlnic thai bla att.
tudn toward qucailona of the ar la
'aldltiK and atx-ttinn thr rnpmy." Thla
city la the home of Hcnator La Kol-leftc.
Kalara Navy Plana Ravolt
Amatrrdam. A revoliitlonary plot
In the German navy, almilar to that
which broka out In the lluaaiao Baltic
fleet rcrenlly, waa dl I'lii-d by Ad-
nilral von aii-llc. mlnlmer of mt-
line. In a apeerh before the rclcbatag.
Von Cappelle dixlared that tbe plot
bad been auppreaacd aod claimed that
aocUllkt meinbra of the relcbatag
were Involved.
Amsterdam. Germany and Auatria
Hungary have agreed to make an
other peace offer to tbe alllea. tbe
iMutsche Tage Zelluog of Berlin
Bay It learoa on Rood authority.
The offer will have aa ita basia no
territorial aggrandizement, the aur
render of Delglutn and Preach terri
tory, the renunciation of poaltive ter
ritorial acquisitions for paymenta in
money and no Indemnity on either
The German preaa ij filled with
comment ou the criaia which Micbae
II now facea in the German parlia
ment The resignation of Vice Chan
cellor Helferich waa freely predicted
In aomc comments.
The Socialist organ Vorwaerta
boldly asserted that not only Heifer-
Ich but Michael! had both proved to
be failures ' aa well aa the bureau-
cratic ytcm they represent."
Ocpendenta of U. S. Soldier and
Sailora Provided For by Law.
Washington. War Insurance for
America soldier and sailors and pro
tection for their dependents will begin
at once, under the terms of the act
aigned by President Wilson.
From now on men entering the
army and navy and those who bave
already been drafted or volunteered
will have the comforting assurance
that their loved ones at home will not
be dependent upon chances of charity.
PreparatiouB for administering the
law, which provides for family allow
ances, compensations and life insur
ance, wero begun several months ago.
Greece Will Put Army Into Field.
Washinstou.-rA largo and effective
army is to be put into the field in
the Balkana to co-operate with the
entente allies, who are rapidly equip
ping the force, according to an an
nouncement made here by Minister
Roussos, representing here the pro
visional government at Athens.
French Make Gaina.
Taris. French troopB in the Bel
gian front attacked in conjunction
with the British army the German
positions Bouth of the forest of Hout
hoist, between Draibauk and Weill
dendreft The French official atate
ment says that the struggle is con
tinuing and is developing favorably
for the French arm.
Italian Submarine Hit by U. S. Shell.
Washington Vlcc-Admlral Sims ca
bled the navy department that an
American patrol vessel, on duty at
night in the war, had fired on
an Italian submarine which failed to
answer recognition signals, killing
one officer and one enlisted man.
Uruguay Severe German Relation.
Montevideo. Uruguay has severed
diplomatic relations with Germany. A
presidential decree announced the rup
ture, following a vote in favor of it
by the chamber of deputies, 74 to 2i.
Eleven Suffragette Pirketa Arreated.
Washington. Kleven picketing suf
fragists were arrested at the east gate
of the White House. Crowds looked
on and laughed as the arrests were
Barley No. 1 feed, $50 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 46c.
Kgcs P.anch. 45c.
Potatoes $1.6t'ir2.25 a hundred.
Butter Creamery, 47c per lb.
Eggs Ranch. 52c.
PgUtoet $50g60 per too,
Accomplishments of Special
Session Most Momentous ,
in History of Nation.
Waahlnpon. la tba mldat af at
day'a tbrllllnj debate on alleged die-
loyalty of ticoalor La Pollette. of Wbv
euoslu. the extraordinary aeaaioa of
cougn-aa. which began April t tad
general regarded aa tbe moat avv
tuentoua In American hltlory, waa ad
journed aina die at 3. P. M. Batnrday. t
Vehement critic lam of tba Wlacan
aia aenator and bla own defenae, oe
copyiog virtually the entire day.
marked tbe cloae of the war aeaaioa.
vltb other caatomary adjournment
and legislative procedure. Including
President Wilson' attendance at the
capitol. Tbe uual eleventh-boar grlet
of legislation waa put through follow
lng all month of Important war ac
tion. Senator Denounce La Fallatt.
Senator Kellogg? of Minaeaota. and
Fall, of New Mexico, republlcana. aod
Roblnaon of Arkaaaaa. democrat, re
plied with criticism of Mr. La Fed
lette'a public atatement. They de
nounced what tliey termed hie aapa
triollc aland. Senator Roblnaon as
serted that if he held such oplniona he
would aeek a place la tbe Genaaa
Bundei rath.
Statements accredited to tbe Wiecoa-
m memoer in nia m. fsui epeecn were
,la,Iy contradicted, eapeelally that re-
ending former Secretary of Stat Bry-
"n knowledge of ammunition being
n he Ltuitania before she tailed ea
ber fatal voyage.
Reord ''7'rt u"""-","f-
A record of achievement probably
unparalleled in world-wide lefielatlve
hlatory was closed with adjournment
of the war aession of congress. . Writ
ten into the natlon'a atatvtes In six
months are law in numbers, ecop
and importance unsurpassed.
Marking the session psssing Into his
tory were Ita war declaration; prepar
ation for quick and large Increase in
the nation' fighting force on land,
sea and In tbe air; appropriation ef
more than $20,000,000,000; measure of
taxation and credit to meet tbe fi
nancial drafts and vesting the- presi
dent with vast powers.
Important Measure Paaaed.
Looming ahead for dispoaltlon at
the December session are further eaor
nioua appropriations for thia and neat
year, great tax and bond billa and
mass of other war and domestic legis
lation with congressional primaries
and elections closely following.
Among the most important meas
ures enacted were:
The army draft law, two war credit
measures, authorizing loans to the al
lies and sale of domestic bonds; the
war tax, appropriations of )S40,000,00t
for airplanes, the espionage act. eoa -trol
of foods, feed and fuel; the trad
ing with the enemy act, including au
thority for the president to embargo
Imports; tbe soldiers' and sailora' In
surance act and two war budget bllla.
The principal dlsputea of the ea
sion were on the draft, food control
and war tax bills, with opposition cen
tered in the senate. Cloture waa twice
resorted to there on the food and war
measures but it actual Imposition
was averted after a month apent en
each bill.
Besides prohibition of further manu
facture or importation of distilled bev
erages and authorizing the presideat
in the food control bill to stop or ear
tail that of beer and wines, the senate
by a vote of 65 to 20 also passed tbe
Shepherd reaolution, proposing na
tional dry amendment to the federal
constitution. It ia pending In the
house for action at the December aea- -sion.
Houae Named Committee en 8uffra.
The house created a special commit
tee on woman suffrage, while the aea-
ate favorably reported the Susan B.
Anthony amendment, proposing aa
equal franchise amendment to the con
stitution. The latter .will be.preaaed
next session. .
several bill passed the senate and
house, but failed of joint approval, and
remain pending - on the calendar.
Among them are tbe soldiers' and aall-
ore' civil, rights bill, the daylight-eat
ing measure, the Wbb export bill, tbe
measure regulating tbe killing of mi
gratory birds, and the national prohi
bition measure. The proposed Colum
bian treaty for payment of $26,OOO.O0t
in satisfaction for her loss of the PeaV
ama canal tone, also failed of treat
rsUficaUoa tad la on. tbe calaaHv.