LADIES' SUITS and COAT ! I f t X y y r r t r T X X t f ? t t t t ? t t t t t $ t t t t t f t t T T 10 Discount on ALL CORSETS FOR THIS WEEK CORSET SPECIAL Our splendid line of WARNER CORSETS are on display this week at Ten Percent Discount on each garment. Note that this is for ONE WEEK ONLY Extra stock has been received for this sale ami every elVort made to please you. Save Ten Percent on Corsets ly making your purchases this week. VVV.VVV.VVV.VV.V.V.VV.V.VAV The advantage of having' new Roods coming every few days from which to make selections, is very apparent. Our line is al ways replete with new things, showing wide diversity of mater ials to select from-gabardine, serge, burella, wool velour, silver tone and broadcloth in such pleasing colors as navy blue, hunter green, clove and African brown, burgundy, beet root, taupe grey and black. Despite the increasing cost the prices of our suits are mod est and will compare favorably with those of former seasons. 1 MILLINERY MILLINERY Mrs is here everv day and showing pretty new lints- making to order ami retrimming. Jnbt today !. has a new shipment of trimmed hats and they are U-autics. Select your hat here where you can tret what von wish at the nricc vou wish to nav. and I assured of the individuality in wtyle and color you o much enjoy. ; ,v.v.v..v.v.v.v.v.vvvv.v.v.v.vm A BEAUTIFUL SHOVEiG All the shoes shown at the re eent style show were from our own stock. There's a beautiful ar ray of the pretty new styles and models in fetching two-tone; also in black kid and suede top, as well as fabric top. You can be suited here, and at a saving of from one to three dollars the pair over city prices. WIS TQ'M "Best Ever" Sis (or Boys Those of you who were at the Style ami Fashion Show Friday nik'ht saw the splendid showing' made of Ik).vs' suits the 111 and snap of which were wry apparent. Those were ' Most I'.ver suits and for sale ly us. Why not try one of these for your Imiv? Prion! from 5.0U to $1(100 many as low as $1.98 Honey L2 We have just received from llemmett. Calif.. 10)0 jHjunds of honey direct from the Donsmore pure honey direct to you from the maker pure as a shipment of Farm. This in the llower and very line. You can purchase this in any tiantity you wish. How in your old hat? If it's a hit shabby or a bit too cool, let's look over the new ones and we if we can fix you up. Very like ly we can. for there is almost everythinK here in tho way of color, shape and sizes. flood new styles, having the military touch; many splendid, dignified, staple hats: novelties in all the shades men's fancy dictates all moderately priced at from $2.00 to $4.50. This includes the fa inous Stetson. t ? ? Y Y Y X X OA tSvTFfqi?cF :00:: 00 J A 7 BREVITIES t Thirty cans of trout fry secured through the good omce "f (leorge Tonkin, deputy game and lish war den, were released Wednesday in Fine creek and will In- ready for the angler a year from next spring. Half of them were tnrmil loose be low town by Marvin Price and Hap py (jraham, and the other half above town, in the vicinity of Rocky ford, by Dr. Watts anil Jim Price. The ....... ..... .... I..,,., order for the mountain fwiners. d cmbrise the rainbow and brook WnO It 18 re purmi imvc umy uuuut. MANY NEW BOOKS ARE HERE FOR LIBRARY PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. George IScaton are here from southern Idaho for a visit with relatives and friends. The Dresent weather is made to half finished their harvest. Charles S. Buffum. a popular Walla Walla traveling man who made frequent trips to Weston, died suddenly of apoplexy Tuesday night at the Hotel Grand. Herman Goodwin, our local drug- varieties. Methodist Church Sunday, Oct ober 7 Sunday schwl at regular hour. Preaching at 1 1 a. ni., sub ject, "Jesus the Son of Man." Ev ening services will la- given over to the installation of Epworth league officers. Good urogram. Come gist, has purchased from Joseph Thm.3 a reason - and it's not Pos- Klomcrren the attractive residence property on Normal Heights he has occupied during the summer. United Brethren Church Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject, "An Exposition of the Tenth Chapter of Hebrews." Evening subject, "The Watchman's Answer." Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. You are invited. E. F. Wriggle, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Price return ed Sunday from their automobile tour east of the Blues, during which they traveled 700 miles with no further car troubles than one puncture and one broken spring. They visited relatives and friends in Baker, Fruitland and other towns and attended the Idaho State Fair at Boise. One day's feature was a barbecue of seven beeves. Sim Barnes took a notion to go out gadding Sunday in his little Kurd, and accompanied by Mrs. Barnes traveled 151 miles over turn, either. S. E. Powell, pastor. The following 75 luniks have jti.-t Urn added to the Weston branch of the Umatilla County Library: Bailey - Furm and Garden Utile Book. Begbie Twice Born Men. Burroughs-- Indoor Studies. Clark Turkey. C-ordet Crocheted Edg ings. Dewey How We Think. Fitch Comfort Found in Good Old Books. Foss Whiffs From Wild Meadows. GrahamChanging Rus sia. Hilgard - Agriculture for Schools of the Pacific Slote. Ijiii riat - Lusitania's I-ant Voyage. Ijondon Ixig of the Snark. New man - Kichard St muss. Oregon Blue Book. Riis - How the Other Half Lives. U. S. Agriculture De- Cinderella. Mahie U-gemU. Intyre Cave Boy of the Agt Stone. Niver Great Name, and Nation:, Modern. Paine College Years, IJtiinn Kewpie Primer. Kankin - -Castaways of Pete'tt Patch. Seawell -- Paul Jones. Smith -ChrLslnia. in Legend ami Story. Swift - Gulliver's Travel. Tamtan Makers of Many Things. Wickes --Child's Hook of Holiday Plays. ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM FOR PEOPLES THEATRE i i We Can 'Take Year i imrtment Diseiuses of Cattle. Dit- Several parties of Weston fisher- to Forestry Use Book. ; Wadding men spent Sunday on the Umatilla ton Jitters of a Diplomat's Wife, river. Our sporting editor is a bit Washington Up from Slavery, reticent about his own experiences, Yeats Hour Glass. but condescended to say that river trout are too small for him, and he prefers to fish for muskalonge in Austin-Lovely Lady. Barrie the great lakes or for tuna off tin? Tommy and Grizel. Comstock Fiction Work Must be Hastened Word has Urn received from Pendleton that we have only the month of October in which to finish the Red Cross work, as it is neces sary to ship so that it will reach Eugene by November I. This means that all members bhould turn in with u will and finish the work in hand as quickly as possible and to help with the balance at headquar ters if necessary. Anyone having games , or anything in the amuse ment line will please bring them with you on Friday afternoon to the Red Cross work room in the library. CHAIRMAN It. C. Catalina islands. While moving lumber used in concreting the arches of the Dry creek trestle -which material be has purchased--George Slaggs had a bad fall anil sprained an ankle. He will not le ambitious to perform any fnore manual labor for several weeks. After a week of serious illncbs, Homer Hcdrick was able yesterday to visit his garage for an hour or two. Typhoid fever was threatened, but b' has managed to sidetrack it. Stevens Ijflge No. 1!l, K. of P., will have work next Wednesday ev- Whra lraini4 pi-iillit with mni'rn lh rtorii d t4qiiil Kipilpn'nt lt In trutlina I'tdinf ts lltfit d.ra la ta fallowing Mksolt: ' AOMOtJLTUBB, wita II 4prtnata; OOMMEBOE. with i c).pf laonti . EKOIMEBBINO, wlia d.prlm.nti. In. aludiaf Cifll, r.lirtrlral. Mlfbwar. Inlilrlal arta. Irrigating, and yrhaaial Ttt inaarlaf j fOBERIBT, in'lndlai Lofitaf Eafinfar la(: HOME EOOHOinCi. lta 4 M)T d'part aifnti, intludlni traiomi la tba Pra'tica Houaa: MINIMO. wita laraa dapirtaaati. laalud la( Chomlcal Raflaaarlac rilAKMAOT. THE ICHOOL OF aTOflO. affara laatrna Uaa la laa prlarlaat daaarttaaata ( ratal aad Inatrnnanlal aiaale. riiltr1rn' TRB ,ILABT DBFABTatEKT, aaroll.4 tnuureu a icat r.d.u i in-ir. w. ri Alcolt- -Jack and Jill. Alcott 4alian for O. A. C. frta lb. Waatarn ri.part Row ill Bloom. Alexander Songs n. n. War n.p.r.m.m .. f ,,, ... . o-. .. n,l..wu V.,r "flaaa "dlatlnfitlaaad tiaitatlnfia" f We Like to Sing, f Andrews I er- ,jfh ,.,,, A1, ,.4.,, . f,.i.i,.4 C ..1 1'.. I. ..I.. II... ..... I i,..Ltr VOttli . . H'ci. iiipmjw. uiomi uif n.j ........ . aompiaia aatrorax r la V, B. Oararnaaanl ('arter Bear Stories. ChisllolllV aa4 Ilia iialir and aanlnr radafa, anrollad ia There's more than one angry gent Stori-s from the Old Testament. a B o. t. c . fi, f,P and will have information of value in Argentine. -nra; Ii-N.rn, N W- , . ,kf. ; . . - tjanno SBUIKS OvTOBEB t, That' 80. Kanana. Hawthorne Grandfalh- kit. iofarauttai tw. Addraat, If everyont? would int-nd ', all er 8 lnair. joroan winy ivernon. '"" "i uiuuiuii eauaga, iw wneuded. Kiugulcy Greek Ueroeu. juum -"'- .. The Soddy. Craddock In the Ten npssee Mountains. Crockett Patsv, Dickens - Christmas Books. Elliott Bach Romola. Ford - Story of an Un told I.ove. Hawkins- -Dolly Dia logues. Hewlett Richard Yea and Nay. Iindis - Glory of His Coun try. Ixr -Aunt Jane. Lincoln Cap'n Eri. Luehrmann Curious ('ase of Marie Dupont. MacManus Yourself and the Neighbors. Major When Knighthood Was in Flower. Martin Emmy Lou. Miller-Saul of Tarsus. Ncedham -Double Squeeze. Ore.y El Do rado. Readc Foul Play. Rich ards -Valentine, lttmkle Scarlet Rider. Scott -Count Robert, of Paris. Smith- Fortunes of Oliver Horn. Spearman Held for Orders. Wason- Happy Hawkins. Wemyss Professional Aunt. Weslcott- David Harum. Williams Adven Pianos tuned and repaired at rea sonable prices. First-class work guaranteed. A. W. Lundell. Mus. Program for week eliding Oct ta ller 1 1 : Friday, Oct. 5 Piithe presents W'aviie Arey 'ami iKtris Gray in "lli r Uehivwl Enemy." Also "Hap py Hooligan" in Cartoon comedy. Saturday, Oct. i Mutual pre sents Helen Holmes in "Railroad Raiders." Also Shorty Hamilton in "Shorty Idiys a Jungle Ghost." Pathe presents Ruth Roland in "The Ncglecte-I Wife." Sundiiv, Oct. 7 Mutual pres'nts William Russell in "The Highest Bid." Also Vogue comedy, "Caught in the End." Monday, Oct. 8 - Universal Mix ed Program. A two reel LKo com edy, a Big U comedy drama, a one reel darma and Universal Current Events. Six reels. Wednesday, Octopber 10 Vita- graph Blue Ribbon feature, Lucille Ir , Stewart in "The Destroyers." Also a Big V comedy. Thursday, Oct. II -Mutual pre sents "Bab the Fixer." Also Vogue comedy, "The Honeyniooners." The Oregon Agricultural College Umatilla county roads. Their route ening. A full attendance of mem- Ied through Echo, Slanfield and hers is requested by the lodge ofti- Ilerraiston and as far west as Uma- cers. tilla. Sim says that there seems to ,Iajr cu(s for ki,,j(.s fr,.,. any be considerable territory scattered ,)Ut i, The work will I 1.-1 fin rT WOCIin - . ... I aromiu uw.v w ...wv.,... ()e done t)y virgu JNeiia unuer my lureg 0f a freshman A meeting of much interest to supervision. . the farmers will be held tomorrow George Sowers, John Reynolds Saturday afternoon at theoflice aj Walter Williams left Monday of the Weston Warehouse Co. at f,jr a week of hunting and fishing two o'clock. The gathering will be t. diking Glass, addressed by J. C Hopkins of (r- vallis. who is a government exjsTt on the eradication of the smut evil . . 1 -1,., u.u. . v iioidlil .sain. 11 iivii lUi iv-aw --,. ,-, ial field of Mr. Hopkins includes three Eastern Oregon counties, of which Umatill it one. Cnurch of the Brethren Onler of services for Sunday OctoU-r 7. I'.tl": 10 a. 111. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Preaching. 2:110 p, m. Mission Study. ::tO p. m.- C. W. S. p. m. - Bible Study. Life of Christ. JOHN BONEWITZ. Elder. OSTEOPATHS Adjust Spine, Hi h. Hips or whatever is wrong. Nature then cures. DOCTORS HOISINGTON Main anil Court Htruets. Ftiurlevn yearn in Pendleton. I) 1 oiilii -- osl'Kol'.vrilV villi L'Iiikiiii Hi! ur inaKUnlli! In alliiK. HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-l-Law i'rttct u'ea in nil Hi til nml Kedera Court. ATlltNA, OKtUON We do not mean thia in a lH-lligerent sense, but that we cut. take your measure properly for your FALL SUIT We represent the well known Field & Roberts and Herald lines. Orders tuken for KNICKERBOCKERS WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud '')' W. M. Pttcrior) G. It. BIhop Peterson & Bishop , LAWYERS Pendleton, Or. Kreawatcr, Or. WaVAWWi nimp inTm)iii u ICE- I Weston Transfer Co. Davis & Ellis it a?.VVa?V.VVVVaMaf.?AWM NOW'S THE TIME to puy your Weston Leader "sub" Dr. A. F. Sempcrt Graduate and 'Registered DENTIST Office Iloura U to 12 a. in. ; I to 0 p. m. WatU Building - Upstairs J