4 Weston : EADER 7 VOLUME 40 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENEBAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mitlon of Our Retderi. Th construction of five-story flour Mill h been begun at Hood lliver. t'orlUnrl shipped PM.li.1 bushels of whrat and flour during the nionih of fUpteaiber. Coo county Mi'.w'O lourthouaa nan. or hill of records. I completed tad oeeupM. The WMfo eountjr srhool rlilldrrn exhibit carried off first prl t Hn 1st fair Hslem. Th Wlllemeit Pfrshytry will meet t Dallaa Tuesday and Wrdnr dsy. October t and 10. Mill rinrenr Twldwell h been elected dcn of women at Wlllsm II Uolvendty t 8lcm. Applo picking In Hip Hood ftlver lly 'o htrii ihr l.ooo.oiio bm apple crop U In progrrs J. H. Puador of Portland, has been appointed merchant represent! ivo ef lb food administration. At in Incident of the war period women will bo employed elevator operator In Portland office buildings A system of modern flrr protection for tho buildings on the Oregon Agrl cultural cellos rsmpu I bring in UIIH. The uprem rourl h Novem ber 1 end M S dsfa for hearing argument In lb" llyd Benson land fraud raari. I olumbu Btoug. . a limber fallrr. vat Instantly hilled blle working In th logging ramp of Hawkins !'" . near Kik City The S3lh annual convention of tha Oregon Funeral Director' association will convene at Portland Thursday, Friday and (Saturday,. Htnator Cbamberlaln h h directed Investigation to determine the bent lie In Oregon for a military lmpltl. Twenty all member of the Multim nth Anglers' club have been commln loned deputy game ren. without pay. by farl Shoemaker, aiate game warden. October SKI. Inclusive, him lin n at aa the week's campaign to en Hat every houacwlfe In Oregon aa a member of tha federal food admin lat ration. Th . National Bheep and Wool fttiretu of America has appointed Charles K. Coopcv. a tailor of I'ort land, commissioner for Oregon of that organisation. Katlmetcs aro mado that tho twm cltle. Marabfirld and North Hend, hare had an Increase of population be Iweon 2& and 33 per cent wlthlti tho peat II montha. tloyl 8. (Sale, of the Tutted Htatea geological aurvey, la In lb section east of fiend. whrr he will Investlgat recantly dlacovered nitrate drpoalta for the government. Itecorda aliow that 7 of the 3S yeaaela contracted for by the ablpplng board at all point In the country are either being built or have been con traded for In Oregon. The public aervlce coinmiimlon ha laaued order relieving the town ol Bkr, Union, rendition. Cove and Klgln, all In eastern Oreijon. from tho operation of the warning elsna Htntiite. A drop In the wholeanlo price ot flour In Dorthweat marbeta to 110.20 a barrel for family patents, to be ef fertlre at once, wan decreed at moot Ing of raclflc. coaiil AiiJllrra held tn Tort land. payment by the government of It. S04.MI to one Washington and IS Oregon cnunllea In bwk mxea on Ore gonfallfornla grant land botan early Ibl wreb. Huperlntendenl of Hanks Surgut ha announced that tho bankx him! fruat cotnpanlea of Portland had 117, :9M97.0 more In depoalt on Heplom br 11 of bla year than on Beptemlicr 12 laat year. Oregon flfiy-alith annual atata fair eleaed Saturday. From tho g.tandpolnt of attendance and number of exhibit, It waa the blggeat fair over held lu tha atata. Weatier throughout the week waa Ideal. In conformity with It policy an nounced during the lti.nnn.oon road bond campaign lnt iprlng, the Mate highway commlaalon la preparing to pureh It own bltumlnoua paving plant for neat aeaaon' work. Tha elty of Portland entered the ratal! flih bualnen Monday to keep rice dowa. ' the city commlaaloner having voted to take over a retail flih itoi wHie ltd been Cflrtri tax ft vi-i h b) the Poi UhikI A'l i lull. Krull l In In; thiown ln-i auae there la no iumi l"i H. H'irlliiK to repurta from I K "reck, t Ibo John )ay W Miliiiuitti I ."hk i'rii-k la not known a a fimi ki-iHhii. lli-r- are limnv onliariJ" llurc und iHIn year the production -it-l local ion Mitnillon 'I Me principal aMb la aald to In- In upplm -""I 1'in' li PIuimh, ahull ara Im-Iii nlln)l In ml on the tree, 'I he miiiiiiuiill m n far front a market ih.ii tr.ui 'p"i l"ii i liarg a tn not warrant nlilpping Harvesting of Hie bean crop bk begun In Polk oninlv The averag yuld In li-leen I'.Vi and :,o pound per acre whhh l ii"' :'"d pis-led There an-naarlv ouu aeiea of laud around MiiiiiiihuIIi in bean An amendment waa adopted In the cnnle to llit- deficiency bill which will penult iic!iiii and aevrral oilier atalca to recelM- linuinliatc heuelH under tin- vocational education bill, Uregiiti eharo aiuounlllii; to I4Mo Three of tha 12 cltlea In tlm I lilted Htatea that have ovnraubacrihed their war library fund quota are In Oregon, aaya a telegram from national head quarters In WaahlnKloii. I. C, to W. U Hrewater. alate director. Tin y are l.akcvlnw. Imlopondeuto and Mon mouth. Ourlng ih paai raon a company organltrd al (Jrant Pan b been catching and ahlpplng a tbouiand pounds of salmon a day from tho UK mi I h of the Itoisii" river The tlah are Iced and sent to Cmiulile t auto truck and from there shipped by rail to market Prlnevllle. October " to i'i- will l Ihe Mecca of clubwomen from all over the stale. Kveryililng la In readincut ami It la expected that the 17th annual convention of the Oregon Federation of Womcn'a Clubs will be one of the most successful In the history of h orgauliatloii. To facilitate the handling of a lams block of yellow pine In central Oregon, olflclala of th llrooks Scanlon l.um tur rnmniiiv of tiend are negotiating. JtiirffWsT)nomr Itend and tho Huron Timber company of plasma. Mich , for Ihe purchase ol approximately ;;70,i00.ooo fwl of tim ber. An editorial sucResllpn that the pioneer relies, atones and facts ol southern Oregon should be collected and preserved tuia met with support by the papers of lirunis !'. Ashlaiid and Mcdfonl and a move Is under way to have the libraries of the three cities mado collecting agenclya for that pur pose. President Wilson hus signed two laud bills nffeclliiK the status of tracts In the Oregon forest reserve. Ihe first eliminate certain land In the Wallowa iiHiloual foreat amounting to acres. The other lauds are lixated In the Fremont imtloiiHl forest In Iwike county. 'I'hl purl aniuunted to .IS.nH acres. A smaller quantity of ckk durlnn the next year I the outlook from Douglas county, aa the result of hlKh prices of feed. Aecotdlim to poultry men. about three Ions of chickens are being shipped from Itoseburg weekly and similar quantities go from Hlddle Myrtle Creek, Oukland. Yoncalla and Iirnln l-'ourteen liuudred turkeys in one flock belm; driven across a field wat the unusual sifcht that resident ol Fossil saw recently. The birds were owned by Thomiis. McKlnley and Jbiiich lluiitliiKton, lltrcc brother, win. have liomesteada In the I'lue moun tains In Wheeler county. They wore on their way to market, n drive ol more than 4 miles, mostly across the alubblo flelda of tillllam county. The car aervlce commission, at tha request of Senator McNary, will ordci an Immediate InvcstlRntion of tho con plaint of the Portland chamber of com merce wllh reference to ahortagn ol vcara on tho Southern Pacific to move VOregon products. Tho chamber sy the altuallon Is made worse by th withdrawal of coast-wise ships. It reports a aurplua of car on the O.-W It. ft N. company and the Northern Pacific. Oovernor Wtthyenmbe, P. L. Camp bell, president of tha Cnlversity ol , Oregon; Tr. W. T. Foster, president ol Reed college: Or. W. J. Kerr, president of tho Oregon Agricultural college; J A. Churchill, state superintendent ol public Instruction, and J. H. Ackerman president of t,he Oregon alato normal school, are among those who will ad dress the Oregon convention of Parent- Teacher association, to be held in Bugene. October 17 to ;o. Condensation. Physic-Inn "Tou shouldn't attend many rdeturo tdiows. Tbey are ir se vere st nil n on the eyes." Mrs. Pusher But ttaluk how restful they are to Uia olod," Foieh, WKSTON.'ORECON, I Fill In Picture fl II II iifffl 59 if 4 OK courae. children, tha laat picture yoo draw waa that ot a plow. If It wasn't for the plow and tha farmer w wouldn't have much to eat. would vvT Now. aomatiiriM tha farmer la away, and when hla wife la alone t h fel aafe when ah looks at a llltl placa built near th farmhouse. Thl I Isce I like a fort for the farm. You bet tramps keep away from It. They know they'll get a warm reception If they venture near. Start your incll at No. 1 again and let It run to 2. I and 4, and so on. GERARD SAYS THE lihKMANX HA h IIS Vaaaaaajh naaPMi stA Portland. Or When the American troops encounter the Germans they will wield the bayonet with a full reallaatlon of the fact that to bcoutK a Prussian prisoner la not the least of the woes th.it may befall a subtler of democracy. Such I the opinion of Jame W. Gerard, eg-ainboasador to Germany, who addressed ihe citi.cna of Port laud at a mass mceilnR here Monday. "Germany has an unlimited capacity for hate.' said Mr. Gerard. "IJocauae ihe llrltlHh came Into the war. con trary to their expectation, the Urltlsh prisoners were treated with ureal cru elty during tho flrat fuw months of conflict. "For the same reason the first American soldier to lie takeu prisoner by the Germans will have a very hard time. Germany hale America. r she hates Britain, for this country uu oxpeeted entrance as her foe." Kvcry resource of tho nation must be strained for victory if America Is to be freed from the mvuace of Prus aiunism. "One thing I wish to Impress upou all." ho aald wllh emphasis, "la that Germany still Is extremely strung, and that tho only way sho can bo bcuteu Is by an actual military effort In tho field." HOOVER RENEWS APPEAL Conservation by Individual is Made Duty of Necessity, Humanity, Honor Washington. A renewed appeal to tho American people to unite In food conservation was made by Herbert C. Hoover, the food administrator, iu an announcement setting asido the week of October 21 to 28 for completion of the campaign to enroll the country's housewives aa volunteer member ot tbo food administration. Food. Mr. Hoover declared, will win the war. Its conservation I a duly, ho says, of necessity, humanity and honor. The food administration plana n house-to-house canvass of the coun try s homes to accomplish the enroll ment of householders. Tho foods most necessary to save. It Is declared, are wheat, beef, pork, dairy product and sugar and those that should bo used most generously re fish, poultry, fruit, vegetables and all cereal except wheat. $10,000,000 Atked for Families. Washington. A bill provldiug J10. 000,000 for tho payment of family al lowances for rullstcd men baa been introduced by Representative lUker, of California. Oregon Supreme Court Judge Olea. Salem, Or. Robert Eaktn, associate JusHco of tho Oregon supremo court from January 1, 19U7. to January 1, 1(117, died at hi homo here after an utnd4 Ulusas, ptIDA . OCT. 5, 1017 Puzzle No, 20 FRENCH AIRMEN a RftMK ST 111 AK Paris. French aiimeu successfully tmmtiarited ihe German city ol Stutt- art. It waa officially announced. fasaaWaif5 Two French machine dropped the explosives over Stuttgart, the official announcement said. The raid occur red Saturday evening- H was iu re prisal for German bombardment around Bar le Hue. Stuttgart Is the capitul of the ins doni of WuritenluirK and is located '.'0 mile west of Munich. It is at least 132 miles from the nearest part of the French battle line in the Vosges. The city Is one of the most pictur esque, of the German towns and con Ulna some ancient buildings. The German cities of Frankfort ou tho Main. Treves and Coblenz, wire also bombarded by French aviators in retaliation for Gorman aerial attacks on French cities. JAPAN TO PROTECT CHINA Ithll Warn Other Nation to Keep Their Hands Off China. New York. Proclaiming a Monroe doctrine of tho far east. Viscount lshil. bead of the Japanese mission to the United States, warned the nation of tho world In a speech here that hi country will not tolerate aggressions against the territory or. independence of China. At tho same time he pledged Japan not to attempt similar aggreaBiona on her part. "ClrcumstanceB for which we were In no sense responsible gave us certain right to Chinese territory." Viscount lshil said, "but at no time in the past and at no time iu the future do wc or will wc seek to take territory from China or to despoil Chiua of her rights. . "Wo not only will not seek to assail the Integrity or tho sovereignty ot China, but will eventually be prepared to defend and maintain tho integrity and independojico of China against any aggressor. For wo know that our own landmarks would be threatened by any outsido invasion or interfer ence in Chiua." Clyde B. Altchion Member of I.C. C. Washington Clyde B. Aitchison.cx member of the Oregon Railway Com mission, was nominated by the presi dent as a member of the interstate commerce commission. Men nomin ated by the president for the two other vacancies are: Robert V. Wool ey, of Virgiula, for the term ending December 31, P20; George W. Auder ou, of Boston, Mass., for the term eudlng in 1922. Farm Loan $11,072495. Spokane, Wash. Loans totaling llt,072,S95 have been appraised and approved by the federal land bank ot Spokane during the first ix mouths of Its existence, according to a state ment ot Pr.esldKD.t U. 0. O'Sliea, show. ing huiii' H to m tuber I. t'hartera have been recommended for 'i3 na tional furm loan asscx latloii In Wash ington, Idaho, Montana and Orcjou. Ccrmana Clamor for Pc. Copenhagen. A moiisler demon alratlon In favor of a peace without annexations was ln-id on Kuiiday at Frankforton-thei-Main. leaders in th Clerical. Radical and Hockillat partlea sponsored the demoiislrallon. The crowd numbered 4i."00 or Su.'i'iO. and address' s were mud! from six differ ent platform simultaneously. Finn Buying Firearm. Petrograd Many arrest have been made In Petrograd of Finnish agent who were purchasing firearm. Senator Chamberlain Improving. Washington. Senator Chamberlain, ho was takeu III lait week, la re ported to be much Improved. Ha ex pects to be out soon. THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat (Tub. I'.'.'U: bluestt-m. K.0S; red Russian. I1.9S; forty-fold. J2.0J. Darley No. 1 feed. 50 per ton. Hay Timothy. 1-7 per ion; alfalfa. Butter Creamery, 46c. Kggs Ranch. 4ic. Potaloe $15')&2.23 a hundred. Seattle. Butter Creamery. 47c per lb. i:S Ranch. 5-c. Poutoo 5fj $ per tor. Nine Die In Forest Fire. Fillmore. Cal. -Two fori-ft fire In the hills bak of this town arc be lieved to have caiis-.'d the loss of nine live and have destroyed oil derricks. wnmwrr' to a value est I mated at :.0.0ofl. Teuton Railway Airmen Target. OiiMialches from Holland ay that the allied airmen are playing havoc with the German railway com munications and ulliUry establish ments In Belgium. BRIEF WAR NEWS British aviators dropped seven tons of explosives In attacks on German military establishment iu Belgium. The Italians have started another big offensive against the Austrian on the Isonro front. On the Bainsizza plateau height positions have been stormed and taken by Geueral Cador na's forces. Germany has not renounced Belgium and has not been in communication with any of her enemies, according to Berlin reports of a speech made be fore the reichstag main committee by Chancellor Michaelis. A heavy artillery action has been in progress on both sides ot the Meuse. Verdun sector.-while on the Aisne front the German infantry at Ucked the French trenches, but were repulsed with considerable losses. The German high command is evi dently doing its utmost to keep tbe British from making the best use of their advantage in Flanders. Crown Prince Rupprecht has been launching attack after attack upon Field Mar shal Haig's troops in their advanced positions, in an effort to disarrange the llritlsh plans. Similar tactics were adopted last week on the eve of the renewed British thrust. On their front in northern France, the French are holding themselves In restraint at present, permitting the crown prince to hammer away at their lines in attacks which almost invariably are repulsed with heavy German losses. Argentine Preaid.mt Against Wir. Buenos Aires. President Irisoyen regards Germany's explanation of tho Luxberg incident as satisfactory and will finally adhere to a course of neu trality for Argentine, according to a detailed outline of his position mado public. Mayor Mitchel Decide to Run. New York. John Purroy Mitchel. democrat, defeated in the republican primaries for renomlnation, announced publicly that ho would run aa the fusion candidate on ' an issue of straight Americanism. Peru Seizes Teuton Ship. Lima. Peru. Peruvian naval forces were placed on board five C. era) afl steamships and three German sailing vessels which have been laid up at Callao siace early la tat wir. NUMBLU 17 CONGRESS ADOPTS BIG WARM BILL Excess War Profits and In comes Are Chief Sources oi Revenue. Washington. Congress flnlahed Ha work on the great war Ux bill lata Tuesday when the senate, following the example et Monday by tb kouae, adopted tho conference report without rollcall. More than two and fealf billion dollar of new taxes are lerlad by the meaaure, wbicb baa been I the making since laat April. A finally drafted after on of tha longest and most strenuou atrngglea In congressional history, tb rveM bill, wbicb was passed by tb doom May 25 and by tbe senate after month' debate, September 10, draws , principally upon Income and war ex cess profit. A passed by the houc. it touted ll.8CJ.000.000 and tho senata raised It to $2.41,O00,000. The con ferees' draft increaaed tbe total aa acsament by about 1750,000,000 awr the bouse and 1128,000,000 above tb aenate. Tbe bill now la estimated to rata about tS30.000.000 from Income, cor porate and individual, and about II, OoO.OOO.nOO from war excesa profit. Other major levica are t30,0OO,0O0 on tobacco; about 1275,000,000 on liquor: $70,000,000 on flrst-clae malli 40V 000,000 on automobiles; $7700,004) en freight transportation; $i0.000,000 on passenger tranbportation; IM.OOO.OOO from stamp taxe and 160,000,000 from amusement admissions. Klimination of conuriiption taxe ott aupar, tea. coffee and gas, electric amt telephone service, together with houaa Wca on 1918 income and a general 10 per cent tariff levy were, featu-es of the evolution of the bllL IS ASKED TO EXPEL LA FOUETTE Washington. A communication from the governor of Minnesota and the state public safety commission re questing the expulsion from the aenata of Senator I .a Follette, of Wiaconaia. was presented in the senate by Sena tor Kellogg, of MinneoU, and re ferred by Vice-President Marshall t the senate privileges and electloea committee. Four other communications, on) from the Washburn Loyalty League of Washburn, Wis., and three from In dividuals, demanding the impeach ment of Senator La Follette were re ccived by Vice-President Marshall and presented to the senate in the usual routine way. Petitions from New York organlia tions asking expulsion from the aenata of Senators La Follette, of Wisconsin; Gronna. of North Dakota, and Stone, of Missouri, were presented In the senate by Senator Wadsworth, of New York, and referred without action to the senate privileges and elections committee. SECOND LOAN IS OFFERED Liberty Bond Subscription Are Ex pected From 10,000,000 Individuate. Washington. The second Liberty Loan campaign opened Monday. For four week tbe entire nation will be a recruiting ground for money with which to carry on the war. To obtain $3,000,000,000 In subscrip tions, the minimum set by treasury officials for the issue, a gigantic ma chine ot many parts was set tn motion with the opening of the campaign. Fifty per cent greater than the first Liberty Loan, the present offering ia the largest the American people ever have been called upon to absorb. Five billion dollars and 10,000.009 subscribers that is the goal which officials hope to reach during the next four weeks. Demand Removal of Oregon Professor. Eugene, Or. Without a single dis senting vote almost 200 member of the Eugene chamber of commerce re affirmed tha resolution adopted three woeks ago demanding that Allan H. Katon, member of the faculty of the University of Oregon and representa tive from I.ane county, be remoTei from the faculty and from the aUte legislature because of his participa tion ia the People's Council for Dem ocracy and Peace held in Chicago. London-Last week only 13 British ships were sunk by mines or U-boats,