The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 28, 1917, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Wtek
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Ruder.
Ta l nnul Talk Cnntiiy fair
held a palla laai week.
Portland night arbmila will open
throughout the iliy on Oi tuber 1
Tba Oragnn Palrymrna league haa
been formally nrganlied In Portland
Wharf anil dorks fir the new saw-
III at lleedapnrt are now building.
I'uaUlla County imwiI talua
tlea I hi yrer will b- annul 5D,000.-
Whlngtnn count fruitgrower na
na brvetlag their prune crop Mon
ger rtep emjat' annual Indnatrlel
4 arbonl fair held in Airi laai
Tba data of Iba Hernilalnn dairy and
he now baa been e for October :
asd 27.
Tba federal rerv brmh bank nf
PortUnd will open fer butinea on
October I.
Tnur hundred thousand trout fry
vara liberated In Fifteen Mile creek
rr Dufur
Tba Klamath Hcboul f air amwla
tlen ta planning to bnld an Induatrial
fair aoma tlma In October.
Tba Washington county 'air will ba
bald on tba reclftc I'nlveralty campue
t Forwt Orova October 3 1.
Qovereor WUbyronibe baa Uaued
reclamation declaring Tueaday. Oc
lobar , to be fire prevention day.
The 1Mb annual contention of the
Orga Women fbrletlan Temperance
union will b held at Albany Octolwr
I J of llarrlaburg. met in
aunt death br coming In contact with
blgb tenilon wire carrying IX"00
About 00 carload of prunea hae
Nen ablpped from the Milton aertlno
during tbla eson. breaking all pre
vious record
During thla year the aiaie highway
depart men t bta drawn plana (or 2b
county bridge, tba total rout of which
aggregate t&OO.ono.
Iletween S.OOO.oOO and g.Mn.ono
pound of prune U the estimate of
Douglaa county' preaent crop a md
by prominent buyer.
Tba City of Gold Hill haa purchased
the MrClure power lte. water right
and dltche for power purpose In op
erating tba city water plant.
Curry county ha requeued the
tit highway coromtaslon to make a
urrey along the col from the Coo
county boundary to the California
Kale line.
Forty or & tou of the evergreen
' blackberrle that grow wild In nearly
etrery part of Marlon rounty are be
ing delivered dally to the two ran
nerlea of Salem.
Wlllalm Ilenderaon Paekwood. aged
IS, the lait eurvlvlng member of the
Oregon territorial legislature, that
adopted the data constitution, died
rrlday at Daker.
A atari for better roads la being
made In Grant county In the aurvey
not Hock to
will t. one
of pout mad (rum I
Long Creek. Thl road will tap
of the beat arctlona In norihern Grant
Oeorge loHi ho operate Hie l.lhhy
mine, near Marshfleld. I planning to
aid In mealing tltt roaal furl hortgo
by reopening the South Marahfleld
coal mine which ba been Idle for
several year.
William Will, of Seattle, haa been
warded rontracta by the Port of Aa
tori commission for the construction
of the workhouse of the new grain
torage tanka at the port dock. The
eonaldaratlon I 158,913.
A atudy of the punting prima dls
ate that have been canning heavy
oe to Oregon growera for aeveral
yeara ba been taken up by the botany
and plant pathology department of the
Oregon Agricultural college.
Rate declared to be preferential and
unjustly dlerlmlnatory agalntt lum
ber mill of the Willamette vlley
ware attacked at an Interstate com
merce commission hearing held In fed
eral court at. Portland before C. It.
Maraball. attorney-examiner.
The public aenrleo commlalon i
rested with full power to rln or low
cr treet railway rates In the cltlc of
the state, providing that after a full
and complete hearing the facta Justify
oeh aetlon. Attorney-Ueneral Brown
ba adTlaed the roaamlaalon.
Tha 117 Hood Rlrer apple crop,
which will approximate l.OOO.OUO
buila, JAiaftrfCCOrdlfil. to fit P. Boa-
ham, dir't lor oi l in- I 'ur I i.iikI oIImm of
tha I'nlii'd lli' liiiiiiiKiatloii bu
reau, lia pli kxd tu a liirti" rttnit by
women, ow ing to Hi" m un ity of uien.
The Italia illy loiuull hun In-slrueli-d
t'lly .Viliiim l (.ml in like
up with thi' tiregoii i niiK"'iliinl
di'lraailon the nmiii-r nf rurinii pir
mlenloli frmn Hn' ( ih-ral gi rinni-nt
for Ihf ill) 1" pun hum- i'mi inn of
II. At '. rallae) la ml elmui Hit- kmI'T-
heil nf Canton inrk ni I hi- minimum
prti e of l"1! ai f In I" iiki iJ pi r-
prlualh a a wiili-r ri ..!
ftuperrlaor flarnea. of the Mlnam a
llonal foreal, I laauing In ular laltrra
to farmer In bla itlirl i. lth blaaka
for Hum I" till. In iii'It Hi I' urn hl
llvenlnrk i ai h will liai" lo 'II It
bnlrhi-ra iln lall uml li. " In
form thi" iiallmMl ioiiih It ni il'-d-lia.
AfK'r (under I nvfaii gallon Into the
advlaabllny of convening lb b-glala-turo
In r iraorllnary ilun. Oovrroor
Wllhyroinrie epr-iil ihr liellr-f lhat
there . ill r no nerraally nf railing
a ar"lal aeealon M rare fur ilfpend
rnla of inin callid Into lb- nillnary
or natal orrvlee.
1 "
Tb II iiiuntira of thf aiaie In whlrh
C. grant land lie are to re-
reive the bark laia. p-MiaUlm and In-
ere due on the laud up to June .
1111 a aoiiu aa the machinery of the
aecreiary of the ireaaury can ptrparo
the warianta and forward llnui to lb
different rountlea.
Mlnlatera of the Methodlal Kplaropal
rhurrh and ihHr lvi-a repr--ntlng
200 church"a are atiendltiK the er.ih an
nual aeaalon of the Orrgun ronfi-renre,
whlrh convened In the Jnnira A Kb-
jamea A r.n-
n Hpringfieu
i Ita "lon
brrl Memorial rhurrh I
Tuewday and will cloae Ha
Monday, tdioner I.
The China pbunt aranon open
Tueaday. Ortobrr I. and rliwra at aun
ail. Wednraday, OrtntM-r 31. Tin- proa
pert a are lhat Ihi- cnmlni: a'-aaon will
be one of the brat ever enjoed. aa
from kll aourrea II la reporti'd that tba
blrda are more pli-ntiful thai ever bo
fore In the hlalory of the alate
Taxes for the year I'M" ri-mnlnlii
unpaid whrn the im rollm-for a ofrtra
Cloai-a for lh day. iV.tober , will be
come delinquent 30 ilnya later, or on
November t. Taxc that art- wil paid
before the latter ilnd' will lie liable to
an Intereat charge of 1 per rent and an
additional penalty of 6 per rent.
The Oregon Hop Urowera' aaaorl
l Inn haa served nollre on Ha nvnv
her lhat II will lake It-giil lo
force member to abide by their con
tracta to e their hop through tha
aasociailnn. Home of the memhera. It
la atd. are now contracting their hop
In buyer outside the aim Lilian.
I'nder law paaaed by the laat leg
lalaliire the road aupervlanr system la
to be abollKhi'd next year. In lis
ali-ad the ralntillKhmenl. innalrurtlun
and innluli-nniire of nil rountv road
shall be epilrely under the Jurisdic
tion and lonirol of (he county' court,
w ho may employ a county roadmasler.
The rounty court of Wallowa rounty
haa signed Iho contract for hullillnR
(he Flora KnlerprlKo road. Thl pro-
jert la included lii the plan of forest
roads which are to he built by the
United Slates foreal service ami the
slnte in co-operation. The county will
appropriate ffiiHIO lo the work, the
stale $!2,M'ti and the federal govern
Mitsui & Co.. a InrKi) Japanese con-
"" tttl1 w"rtl "' '"'
' iho roliimbi. Knglneerlng
Work, of Portland, If the board will
allow the vctiM'Irt to lake out .liipn
ncao registry when completed. This
is contrary lo the board's policy.
Senator Mr Nary Is urging the request,
to be granted, especially as the ship
ping hoard Is not now ready to place
It own contract with this yard.
In this iw.i-1 hu nt nnrt nf Dom-lna
county, near the Lnne line, about nine
mile from Yoncaiia. is a vast deposit
of rlnnnbar that has heretofore attract
ed some attention, but the magnitude
of which haa never been comprehended.
II 1. Mni-utAt-a nf llfiHnlinri!. In now
the owner, title has been straightened
out. and the property is now being de-
vcloped. The ore body Is a vast monn. and millions of ton of mineral
are In lght.
Undaunted by the fact that pepper-
mint oil la one of Ihe few product
lower In price because of the war. and
unprocedrnlcd drouth. Oregon I'epper-
mint growers In the mlilst of their
harvest are planning on enlarging
their acreage next year, confident that
when peace comes the old miirket
price of from $5 to $tl a pound, as com
pared with the prevailing quotation
of $3, will be reatored.
the tlrat KueeosKiui csampie H- tne
lithographic nrf wn produced 120
year ago by Aloys Senefeliler: n lui
vnrinn, who produced n piece of music
printed by tola procea.
fn tf!n Tl
Is offered in prizes for the
Heginnin"; Tuesday, October 2, 10 a. m.
Closing Thursday, Nov. 8, 10 a. m.
and FOURTH $10
t0 )Q j)aj(j jn cash
successful contestants.
10 percent ol Collections
will be paid to each and every contestant in addition,
that none may work without recompense.
One Year's Subscription, $1.50 1000 Votes
Two Years' Subscription. 3.00 2500 Votes
(Or Two Subscription One Vt-sr
Three Years' Subscription. $4.50 ........ 4500 Votes
(Or Three Subscription Onu Year)
Four Years' Subscription. $fi.00 7000 Votes
(Or Four Subscription One Year!
Five Years' Subscription. $7.50 10000 Votes
(Or Kivc Subscriptions One Year I
Ten Years' Subscription. $15.00 25000 Votes
(Or Ti-n Subscriptions One Year)
IW The two to ten nnmml subscriptions must be
taken by one individual al one transaction.
Rules of
Judtres -.1. H. Williams. Dr.
Two judges constitute a quorum.
Judsx's only to hold key to scaled and locked ballot box, which
will be kept constantly at store of Weston Mercantile Co.
Count to be made by judges every Thursday at 10 a. m. Fi
nal count Thursday, November 8, 1917, at 10 a. m.
Either married or sinRle ladies eligible to compete. Entrants
may obtain receipt and ballot blanks by calling at the Leader office
f Tnesd.iv. October 2. at 10 a. m.
Entrants Securing subscriptions are expected to turn in their
collections and votes at least once each day -unless unavoidably
prevented from so doing at the store of the Weston Mercantile
Co. They are entitled to retain ten percent of each collection.
Out-of-town subscribers may name thtir choice of candidates
in making their remittances. With the correct number of votes
noted thereof either by themselves or the publisher, their letters
of remittance will be placed in the ballot bo. and will constitute
eKn ballots. All local ballots
... . . e c,,..:..u,j u n,;
The number of votes in the ballot
tne SU111S receiveil Oil SUOSCripuon.
t '
Wp tflKP t I'll Q 1YI PAHS OT lTIOrPfl S1T1Q
. UllV u"& "ICclllO Ui lUUl CclOlllg
nil" liof and DUttHlCT it Oil cl CaSh-lIl-
0 rtlAU V . . , UdOU 111
oHvrflnPP bflSlS FOSltlVPlV TIO UPlin-
"U V cl1 UclOiO. X UOIU V CIJ 11W
quent subscription will be carried af-
1 r
I "v
gf.,.,.T IJ
1 i
by this paper to the
" .
F. D. Watts. E. O. DeMoss.
must be of one prescribed and
fw.. j. r.,.,.,
box eacli week must tally with
Editor and Publisher
President Wilton' Effort to Avoid a
Sink rail,
fori la nd, Ore. I'realdent Wilson
telegraphed a direct appeal to the
union men of I'ortlaod Sunday, aak
lug lUeto to rum linn- at work on hlp-
I nii lUeto to roni linn- at work on
building and aaauring thi-m of a "
deal." but It did not aufflce to arc
pllah Uih resulla aougbt. for at a
cial mas meeting of the men al
ali-d with the steel and wooden ship
Induitriea here, al the municipal au
ditorium, a atrlko order waa Isaued for
teel ship plant, effective at 10
o'clock Monday morning, and It waa
ordered that the wooden worker re
main out.
Thla mem the complete lleup of
the ateel and wooden ahlphulidlng In
duatrjr of Portland and vicinity. Inso
far a the anions may be able to doo.
San Francisco Wg Schadul Signad.
San Francisco. A temporary wage
schedule which will permit 30.004 iron
workers who struck here last week,
to return to work Immediately upon
ratification of the agreement by tha
unlona concerned, pending final adju
dication of their dlfferencea by tha
federal board of conciliation. wi sign
ed here at a confereuce between rep
resentative of the men, their employ
er, and federal mediator.
24,000 Chinese May go to Franca.
l'ekin. The president and the cab
inet have agreed to Ihe plan of send
ing a trial division of Z4.0D0 Chinese
soldiers to France If money, equip
ment and shipping arc available. The
entente allies have approved the pro
position and France i eager lo re
ceive the contingent
La Folletle'a Resignation Demanded.
Washburn, Yi, Demand for hia
resignation is to be sent to Senator
La Follette by the Washburn Loyalty
league, which also is to send a tele-L-ram
to the President of the United
states senate sklug tbal Seoator La
Follette be impeached.
Wheat Club, $2; bluestem, $;,05;
red Kussisn, 1!R; forty fold. 12.03.
Barley No. 1 feed. 150 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa,
lluttcr Creamery, 46c.
Kggs Uanch. 42c.
Potatoes 2 j 2 He.
Butter Creamery. 47e per lb.
Errs Ranch, 49c.
Potatoes $i0ti $80 per ton.
northwest wheat
Washington. Food Director Hoover
announced to Ihe rcpresentaUves of
the Oregon, Idaho and Washington
wheat growers, that the food adminis
tration had decided to establish pri
mary wheat markets at Portland and
Seattle, with a basic price of $2.05
per bushel. This would enable these
ports to make shipments, if water
transportation were available.
The decision was said to be satis-
factory although there still remains
a discrimination or lo cents a ousnei
against the wheat growers of the
northwest as compared with the cen
tral west.
The government will make the base
price of wheat at San Francisco and
Los Angeles $2.10 a bushel.
The growers expressed concern over
the reported arrival on the Pacific
st 90 (100 'rrels of Australian
flour and the addition of 60.000 barrels
.... J . - .. ri.n fl..ii !. ,-.(,',. ...!
, , between is and is a barrel
The immediate payment of the ac-
crued taxes and penalties on the un-
rf &
fc"',a 8nt laiul8 lvised b" ,he sec"
opening and disposition of a portion
" to w-
sentlns the department injustice, who
has been sent to 1'ortland to take
charge of the final disposition of the
questions involved in the land grant
controversy. Not only will those por
tions of the agricultural land which
have been classified by the depart
ment be opened to entry as soon cs
possible, but the timber will be placed
on the market and aold as rapidly aa
it can be disposed of at a reasonable
price under the terms of the Cbaaber-laia-Ferria
revacunest act.
Message Sent By Bernstorff
Asking Authority to Spend
$50,000 is Revealed.
Washington The American govern
ment' publicity spotlight reveallag
German Intrigue In neutral land
turned Dpon the eipenditara of money
by the Berlin foreign office la aa ef
fort to Influence congress on the eve
of the rut bleu aubmarine campaign
which drove the United Stale to war.
Secretary Laming made public with
out comment the teit of a meeag
sent by Count von Bernstorff to Ber
lin laat January aaklng authority ta
use $50,000 to Influence congress
through an organization which th
foreign office w reminded had per
formed similar servtc before.
8uggat Declaration Favoring Irelaaal
To cupplement thl move Voa Bern
torff suggested an official declara
tion In favor of Ireland for Its effect
here. The organization to be em
ployed waa not named in the message,
and Mr. Lansing did not discus it
This disclosure adds another chap
ter to the amazing story begun with
publication of the fsmmis Zimmerman
note, In which Germany proposed aa
alliance with Mexico and Japan
against the United State and which
haa Included the German Swedlah .
breaches of neutrality in Argentina
and Mexico.
Lanalng Espeaea Deadly derm Plat
How Germany "shamefully abued
and exploited" the protection of tha
United State by secreting in the Ger
man legation at Bucharest, after tha
American government bad takea
charge of Germany' frairs at tha
Roumanian capital, quantities of pow
erful explosive for bomb plot a a
de'5r Microbe, with in.tnjetioaa for
their use In destroying horse and cat
tle, was also revealed by Secretary
Von Igel Papera Proof of Plote.
Further disclosures of far reaching
German propaganda, intrigue and
plots In this country prior to th diplo
matic break with Germany were made
by the committee on public In forma
tion. In a bulletin tyled "Official Ex
pose," the committee quotes numeroua
letters and extract from letter elied
by the department of justice in April,
19J, in a raid upon the New Yor
office of Wolfe von Igel.
Von Igel. in csrrying on thia mani
fold pro-German and anti-American
activities, the documents show, waa
in constant touch with the Gennaa
Embassy and with Count von Bern
storff, German ambassdaor to th
United States.
House Followa Action of Senate air)
Vote for Break With Germany.
Buenos Aire. The chamber of dep
uties has voted in favor of a rupture
with Germany. The rote was 53 to It.
The president has power to eta
the action of parliament, but popular
clamor is such that this is unlikely.
Changes in the situation since tha
senate vote of 23 to 1 In favor of
diplomatic break will require another
vote in the upper house on the saa
question before any resolution an
nouncing the congressional support of
such a step is formally put up to the
president for approval or disapproval.
The authorities have been advised
officially that the strike in the city of
Santa Fe during the last month waa
fomented and supported by Germane.
12.000 to Quit Seattle Yard.
Seattle. -Strike at 10 o'clock Satur
day morning of 12,000 member of tha
15 metal trades unions employed In
Seattle shipyards and allied contract
shops was ordered by the Seattle Met
al Trades council, the central organi
zation of the 15 unions, as a result, it
was said, of the insistent demand ol
the rank and file of the shipyard
workers for a "showdown" on tha
long-pending wage increase contro
versy. Troop Train Porter Die.
Camp Lewis. Tacoma. ' With 4ST
Montana men for the draft army and
a dead negro porter, a special train
arrived t Camp lwis. The men ar
held in qusrters while an inveetlga,
tion into the cause of the porter's
death is being nude by Colonel D. V.
Pendleton, Or. Yakima Canutt woo
tba Round Uu bucking contest.