The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 14, 1917, Image 4

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    A. -
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Clyde Stairirs was in town Wed- A son wan born Sentember 13 to The Drouth is Broken
nesday from Milton, where he is Mr. and Mrs. Hertort Maker at
Our First Style and Fashion Show begins at eight o'clock
this evening at Weston Opera House, and we feel quite sure that
it will interest and please you yes, that it will even amaze you
with its brilliant and opulent elegance. We have taken great
pains in its preparation, and we trust our friends and patrons
will attest their appreciation by their presence. Country resi
dents will find it well worth coming in from the farm to see.
Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses and Millinery will be exhibited
on living models. Men's goods will have a place. "Best Ever"
suits for boys will be shown on real, live Young Americans.
The motion picture films will be run by Mr. Alderman of
Athena. Some rare films have been received that you will find
diverting and instructive. Music by Orchestra. FREE ADMITTANCE.
if, J f?Jr
which marks the be
Our bright big store
Come tomorrow to our Fall Opening,
ginning of our Second Anniversary Sale.
will dazzle you with its beauty. We will have an attractive and
comprehensive showing of sterling merchandise in every line.
Never before in Weston's history has there been such a won
derful display of splendid values as we will offer. COME!
11 If
OA cppacp
G. Ellis.
and saddle for sale. G.
The September meeting of the
Ladies' Guild was held at the home
of Mrs. S. J. Culley. In addition
to the memliership the following
guests were present: Mrs. Herman
Goodwin, Mrs. G. DeGraw, Mrs. J.
V. Bell and Mrs. Harry Shiek. Two
pleasing piano solos by Mrs. Bell
were received with much apprecia
tion. Delicious cake and nut sun
daes were served by the hostess, as
sisted by Mrs. L. I. O'Harra and
Miss Edna Banister. The guild will
One two-passenger auto for ?.0.
Ask Watts &. Rogers.
" Leota Johnson and Florence Mc-
Dermid of Fendleton are the guests bp entertain.! hv 1W iss R.iniKr th,
of Ermie Mclntyrc. f,ret Thursday afternoon in Octokn
Homer L. Hcdrick was a Port- Mr and wmi fc f
and v,s,tor last week and rented ,,ortIaml moU)rw, f Attn mi
his Ford contract for Weston. wiU) lMvr ul
John Bonewitz was a recent vis- whose place they have been visit-
itor at Myrtle Point, Oregon, where ing. Mr. Beckett has been in Mor-
he attended the district conference row county looking after his crop
of the Brethren. interests, ami reports the general
- ... ... t i
Th Vr r-..w,wc o.oi yiciu ' "uiniy io nave ween
Virgil Willaby lost two toes of his
right foot by the accidental dis
charge of an automatic shotgun in
his own hands.
now n menilter of the firm of Put- their homi
man & Staggs of the Milton Auto
Co. They are handling Chevrolet
and Saxon cars.
The East Orcgonian reports the
birth of a son Monday to Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Wheeler at their home
in Pendleton. Mr. Wheeler is in
Sheriff- Taylor's office during tin1 tax
collecting season.
United Brethren Church Preach
ing at 1 1 a. rn. and H p. in. Morn
ing subject, "Our Heritage." Eve
ning subject, "The Christian's
Rest." Sunday school and prayer
meeting at the usual hours. E. F.
Wriggle, pastor.
Helix Advocate: II. P.. Rich
mond has purchased from Art (tro
ver his lease on the old Richmond
homestead north of town, also the
stock and implements, and will
oversee the management of the
ranch in future. H. B. under
stands the ranch business thorough
ly and the only object ion he lias
to this country is that it is a little
Writing from Norfolk, Virginia,
in Weston.
Genuine California honey in
pints, quarts and half gallons.
Weston Mercantile Co.
Miss Hurtcnse Baker is visiting
her brothers, Bay leg and Ward, at
Lcwistown, Montana.
The Weston band failed to se
cure a promised engagement at the
Pendleton Round Up.
Weston High school has invcMcd
in an L. C. Smith & Bros, type
writer, represented locally by Andv
T. Harnett.
Goldie, the four-year-old daugh
ter of Henry Sums, was recently
oeratcd iion by Ir. Smith for
the removal of her tonsils.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Buifineh left
last week for American Falls, Idaho,
to visit their sou, Paul Bullinch.
Their daughter Marjorie accompan
ied them and will teach school at
American Falls.
I. M. Banister li:u finished his
harvest work near Weston, where
his wheat made an average of about
'.U bushels. His self-proiH'lled coin-
The Drouth Is Broken
Rain Monday at Weston broke a
drouth of 79 days. The last preccd
ing rain was that of June 2.'1, when
only four-hundredth f an inch
fell. Monday's fall was thirty
seven hundredths of an inch.
A much heavier" rain descended
Wednesday night the precipita
tion reaching a total of no hs than
seventy-two hundredths of an inch.
Some damage was done standing
grain in the upland districts, where
the plant is very thinly rooted and
has a tendency to fall.
Merrill A. Baker, local weather
observer, says of the unprecedent
ed dry s ll that "the departure
from our normal rainfall, including
the months of June, July and Aug
ust, was .1.17 inches."
I We Can "Take Yoi
beter than was expected. He lived
in Weston in early years, and re
newed a number of old-time friend
ships while here. Mr. Beckett is
the father of one of Oregon's most
His raddle horse fell the other famous football warriors, who is
day with Frank Lavender, whose now in the army,
right arm has since been out of ,,, , , ., ,
commission. The ligaments in the lLJihT'rVilwt
. j i moved into the C. F. Bu finch resi-
ZvltZ shoulder dence on Water street and will re- to his mother Mrs. I.-Iha King, at
cracked at the shoulder. main in Weston during the school Weston, Floyd King says that he
Rally Day will be observed at year and perhaps longer. Mr. likes the life of a sailor boy. The
thfi TTnitrat Ri-fthnn phiirrh nevf tr... u i, i At... i . e Khin tr which he ik ntfiiehpd Infi-lv
v... . , muwn iioo uiouiclcu uie Dale - UI r - j . . t. . , , .
Sunday. This will be a day of hi. Drv creek farm. 320 cr to arrived at Norfolk from South Amer- by the district Imrd on occupation
great interest to all the people of (Jeorge Otte of Pendleton, for $29 - ica wncrc l'nc,c ,Sam'H wilorg were Kniunrts, and the case or
Weston. Everybody invited. G. 000. He gave possession Sunday royally welcomed. Floyd writes ,'am ls mdvT advisement.
W. Stawa. mirwrint.ndpnt. . tu T m thah he has seen Brazil. Rio An Jan- Dudley was exempted last
A card received by Merritt A Rrown intends to engage in wheat io. Uruguay, Buenos Aires and John Barnes of Athena was exempt
BatrraSomhisedsoSy Srlt again, but wil.W his time the Panama canal, and ttat' b-t JZlS
in locating. txrumuy ciijul-u uuintivra mm imu ,1 i .1 . ..
a .uoit rin " Whiia r.n uhin taA It is said the case of Mr. Gordon is
Froggie Carlile, former Weston he has taken up the study of dec
boy. was here this week from Og- trica, engincering.
ucu, uuui, vidiiiuk nits inoiocr ano
Pianos tuned and repaired at re a
sonable prices. First-class work
guaranteed. A. W. Lundell. Mus.
bine was moved to Adams, where
it will run a week or more.
Roy Tompkins has been exempted
? Dr. .1. C. BADDliLliY
Graduate Veleiloary Surfcon
Phone 32K5 Athenu, Oregon T
The Oregon
Agricultural College ii
Wc do nut mean thin in a
belligerent sense, but that
wo can take your mcaaurc
properly for your
Wc rcpreHcnt the well- Z
known Field & Roberts and X
Herald lines.
Orders taken for
R. L. Reynaudl
H'. M. Pilcnon G. N. Biilwp
Peterson & Bishop
Puiidlulon, Or. Fruuwator, Ur.,
nounces the arrival of the R. G. Sal
ings at Salt Lake City, where they
were guests Sunday of the Gilbert
Bakers. While they were en route
on their automobile trip, their lit
tle daughter Lois sustained a brok
en arm.
The Eagle reports that the Milton
box factory is running night and
day with a force of 22 workmen
employed at all times. At this,
the supply of boxes is falling short
of the demand. The plant has been
running at night since the first of
May, and an average of 6500 boxes
has been turned out daily since.
Merhodi6l Chucrh Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Ireaching at 11 a. ni.,
subject. "The Fay Check." Ep
worth League at 7 p. m. Preach
insr at 7:30 p. in, eubjeet, "What
is That in Thine Hand?" A or- turned from
dud invitation to all. Come and tain outing,
dpyour bit. Yours for the old- peked more
tfiae reffsiaflr-S- If- Pbwel!, pastor, huetleberries
friends. He played ball several
seasons at Ogden in fast company
with a tri-county league containing
a number of old major league stars.
The first season he led the Ogden
team in batting, with an average
of 326. Next year he finished sec
ond in the list.
under reconsideration, however. In
every case the exemption granted
is temporary.
Miss Gladys Smith entertained
the Weston High school graduating
class of 1916 Wednesday evening
in honor of Mr. James Kirkpatrick.
- Pendleton Tribune: Grace J.
Lieuallen has brought suit for a
divorce from Joseph S. Lieuallen,
justice of the peace for Weston dis
trict. They were married in Pen
dleton in 1904 and have one minor who is at home on a furlough.. The
daughter. She says that he has an evening was delightfully spent in
uncontrolled temper and that his games and music. A three-course
While John Killgore was enjoying hcarf, -iSll. nIso chnrgi-s him with was decorated in black and gold -a
ride on the Price combine a few phyM violence toward her and the class colors; a basket of golden
days ago his left foot was caught ,hat varg Bao 8he wa8 eiow Kracc(1 th,. ...,. of the ttthi(.
ICVClcr irHITlC. &nd thtf tml., untA frm Sninn Kv Uia um ihf ttlui rnrla Wft mlul
under the leveler frame, and the
great toe became lost to him for
ever. Aft'T first aid bad been ap
plied by Charley Price, the patient
was rushed to the doctor's office.
W. II. Gould and family have
their extended nioun-
during which they
than 60 gallons of
brother, who was present, August
ai of this year sh left him. tie
cause he is said to have threatened
at one time to burn her house if
re- she tried to get a divorce, she hiis
secured a restraining order to
vent any interference 'with
property. W. M. Peterson is
tdrney fo'r the plaintiff.
lished with tiny American flags,
The hostess was assisted in serving
by Miss Kirkpatrick. The follow
ing comprise the rla;is: Misses
Mamie Barnes, Ruth Bead, Ruby
Price, Fcrol Mcltride, Gladys Smith;
Messrs. Carl Brandt and James
at- Kirkpatrick. Miss Ora Martin was
a guest of (he evening.
ffbiri triisid pclllili with aottra V
ratnrlM n4 4quitn fnlpmnl fir
irucllon fouling la (olllu 4frtt la tat
ffcllnrtnf naooli:
AOKIODITVKB. wlia IS 4erlaal(
eoMttaaoB, with 4;
ZKOIKEERJKO, with 4ptrlatati. la
alu4lnt CWU. Eltelrirtl, Hifkwar, Ia4uirrlal
Aru. IrrimlDB, aa4 Mhanll Kailnmriaf ;
FOMITBT, Iarlu4ia tnfln Knfiantr
lai; U0MS COOVOknOS. wllb 4 ntjor 4ptrt
nn. Inclu4lif Otitluf ta tia rrartle
Hn ;
MIMINO, wlia hr.. 4ptrlaiit, iaalal-
lai i.'hnlrl rioiiattrlat ;
THE SCHOOL Of MUS10, ff.r latlrnc
la Ik principal 4pirlainli n( Trt
and Initrumantal mnwi.
ridfla la 1(14 IT, 4 a rvnmr
4all0 for O. A. C. tnm lh WnKra btpart
aiaat of Ik U. S. Wr Dprlairat m f
la flflMa "4Ullntlih4 Imlliutiaai" f
klfh.r loralBf. All 4t will k fnralk4
onplrl uclfnrni fcr k V. . Onrraara
d4 ih jnaMr a4 iiinr r4i. nrell4 la
Ik H. O. T. C, will b git., maiiiutina fr
ukiiar. ,) , tra.p.rttlia a4 f ik w..Wi' M
I1T. Irri(tla rorl A44ra,
KaflMrtr, Ort AczleuItUll Oallafat
I Weston Transfer Co. I
I Davis & Ellis
to pay your Weston Leader "sub"
Dr. A. F. Sempcrt
Graduate and Registered
Office Houru 9 to 8.
ni.; 1 to fj p. m. '
Walts Building - Upstairs