The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 14, 1917, Image 3

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    The Kero Safe Safety Lantern
at a greatly reduced price
A DIM Candle Power Light. Thin lantern in Htorm
proof, ruin proof, wind proof, bug proof. No wicka no
amokeno dirt tio gream no mantle trouble no danger.
HuniH keroHono or giwolcne with 'iial safety it cannot ex
plodo - cost about one-tcnth of n cent an hour P hum and
k'ivcM a brighter light tlimi gaii, or npiivulcnt to that of IS
onlinary lautcruH.
Regular Price $6.50 Our Special Price $4 85 each.
(I-Jxtra mantle or parlH may In- ordered from the
TIiuiiihh Mfg. 'o., laytoii, Ohio. )
Send thin clipping with I.K" and gel tin- Koto Safe le
forc tln'.v arc all Hold.
Ill I
Name .
Vac Davis-Kaser Co.
Homelurnlshlng Department Store
1016 Alder Street Walla Walla, Wash.
fiirm loans. I-., K.
f..r $7
Men Burnett School
of Piano Playing
Wcatou brunch under direction of Miss Udnu Ilanna.
pupil of Alexandra Ituif and Hugo Kami. ISerlin. Ger
many, and Malen Hurnctt. Harmony lessons free for
pupils HtudyiiiR piano.
Term open Wednesday, Sept. 12
Studio at the home of Mrs. Lavender. For further in
formation nee MiH Josie lavender at Weston Mercantile Co.
The Leader prints Butter Wraps
Nee me fr
Van Winkle.
One I Wopimnelltfer auto
Auk Watts Sl llogeltt.
Newt O'llarra tM.k a hurley crop
of rj in sacks from 115 acres t his
place neur town.
Mir Ora Martin f Tyish Valley,
Oregon, in the Kin-it of Mr. and
Mi h. I.. I. O'llanu.
Mr. I .aura Shanks ha returned
from Adams, ami will again inuke
her home in Wenlon.
Alii loiiit Pmler will liegin learn
ing Monday in the Corking Mat
district two miles weM of Athena.
C. M. Sehneiilcr. itroinineiil Up
land farmer, has I"-"-!! having the
(oiiKhent of loach torn lately with
a felon on lii linger.
Mr. J. II. W'illiaiiiH ami Mr.
Frank tlraham were in Walla Walla
Tuesday on liiiniin-N connected with
this evening's Style Show.
For prompt service when in trou-lil.-
call nt Memlwell Carage or
phono No fiU. Kent ear ami mtvicc
cur. JNew equipment. Auto wash
ed and polished. L. Pennington.
After a Minimer V residence in
W. Moii Mr. and Mr. .1. F. hil
cole mid their two .-oiih, Tli'Miil
and Karl, left, thi wit k for their
home in Portland, where the Itoy
will attend school.
(Jeorgc Stuggs junior left ttiil
nesday for a. visit with his broth
ers Larkin at Kntcrpi ie and Ira at
Keating, Oregon, loiter on he goes
to Washington State t'olege to lc
llin the course in veterinary wiener.
Mis Fcrol MeHride of Seattle is
visiting her grandmother in Weston
while recuperating after an illness.
She expects to return in December
to her work at Providence hospital.
In 18 months more she will have
finished the hospital nursing course.
The MvBride boys. "Perd" and
"Tim." harvested 120 acres
We're IMeutra
Some people FOW-WOW-ing at Walla Walla thm week -and
Some people will "LET 'L'll BUCK" at Pendleton next week.
We're in between and NKUTKAL. We don't care who "Killa the Kaiser first.
"I lielievc I would part with Bob first rather than Rive up our
Electric Washer. It SAVES the family."
C. II. Smith, M. D.
How would you feel after paying $43.00 foe a Sewing Machine to
find its equal on our lloor for $25.00?
Watts & Rogers
Farm Outfitters
and Baker's Goods
from Model Bakery
The famous Thomas (J. Plant Co. m?
oi liosloll. one ol tne Digges-l shoe
concerns in the world, is contrihut- J
ing an expensive film to Weston's J
Style Show this evening. It de- j
piets scenes of interest in and
around the company's immense
nlunt in Boston, and will be anion? A
the films shown at the oiera house
by Mr. Alderman of Athena, who
is bringing his machine to Weston
f for the occasion. This comoanv
. x . .l - .... '
grain this year mosi oi uieir manufactures the celebrated queen
ground being in summer fallow. Quality shoes. Street music by
They had a fair crop, alsiut GO the Weston Concert Band, in uni-
hushcls of barley and :$0 bushels of for,( wji precede the show,
wheat to the acre. All of their
acreage was spring n.n. n ,iy-
Heavy showers have terminated a ton, who is now in truining at Fort
iMi-dny drouth that has mined many Omaha, Nebraska, renews his sub
dry farmers in Baker ami neighlnir- M-ription and writes the following
mg counties, rainier say mai remarks winch we are ty no means
the rain came loo late to lie if Ih-ii- i,v( hhhIi-sI to print: "1 never real
elit even to the ranges, which are v gave the Weston lender the crc-d-so
sjMirse that the cattle have Uvn jt justly due it until 1 came here,
forci-d down from the mountains where a little bi-ivy news from
into the lanes and hay fields to find )(lnie is very acceptable. I'm do
fctd. ing tin1 U'st I can in U Misting for
Weston, ami us leaomg weekly is
in great demand. Everything is
(inw and dandy here and I am enjoy
ing the xjan k greatly."
Beautiful in Design, Low in Price
(The famous WELLEI1 Pottery)
Wall Paper Remnants at only
. 5 CENTS the roll
and lots of them. Pencils, Ink and all
School Supplies.
All School Books bought for cash, and
must sell FOR CASH ONLY.
Herman Goodwin
Druggist - - Weston, Oregon
Milton Eagle: After a thorough
misunderstanding, Hat McQueen
and Bill Prentiss, two well known
Milton men, came near fighting on
the streets of our H-acef ul city one
evening this week. The bout was
called olT. however, when it was
found that there was no jxissible
chance of getting together on ac
count of the speed as a foot racer
of one of the contestants.
Bean growers of the Weston
neighborhood are preparing for har
vest. Messrs. Washburn and Cox,
who have a quarter section in beans
on the Winn place, have shipped in
a thresher with a capacity of 20
bushels per hour. A. C. Pence,
who has HO acres on the Price place,
has ordered a smaller thresher. A
much lietter crop than wiw prom
ised earlier in the season is now in
dicated. Jim Kirkpatrick, one of the Wes
ton boys with Company E, Second
Idaho, was here this week for a fur
lough visit with relatives and
friends. Jim says that a soldier's
life suits him precisely. It ought
to, by the way, as he is the son of a
civil war veteran. It is expected
that the Second Idaho will be or
dered next week to Charlotte, N.
C. Before long the boys may be
sailing for France.
The Leader is the grateful recip
ient from Joe Wurzer of one Red
Weathcrford onion and one Yellow
Banvcrs onion -count 'em; two.
They are large, salubrious and
odoriferous s)ccimens, and Joe
brought 'em around to show what
can Ik" done on bench land here
without irrigation. Jie thinks that
Weston land could easily lie made
to raise onions with profit on a com
mercial scale and so do we.
Athena Press: Mr. and Mrs.
Emesley Kidetiour, who spent the
week end visiting at the Br.yd
home, en route from Bcllingham,
Wash., left Sunday afternoon for
Homestead, Oregon, where they
will reside. Sunday afternoon a
family reunion was held, at which
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barnes and Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Graham of Wes
ton, and Mrs. J. N. Stone anil Mrs.
Etta McEachern of Milton the two
latter sisters of Mrs. Ridenour
Everywhere, Ford care are building small busi
ness into "Bigger Business." Whatever your trans
portation cost may be, the Ford will lessen it with
a greater measure of usefulness. It multiplies ;
salesmen wherever they travel, and costs about
two cents per mile only to operate and maintain.
With more than 1,750,000 Fords in active daily ser
vice, you don't experiment with Ford value. Runa
bout 101.85, Touring Car $41S.85. Order now and
realize this value.
Notice of Filing Final Account
y i
Snap- (lood 5 room house with
bath, pantry and closet; burn 20x
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for I'niHtilla County.
In the Mutter of the Estate of Henry
Goldberg, Deceased.
w.h luiuse. work shop cellar, filwJ ,ny film aC(it mld s
good well, lots of shade. Iit Jvx administrator of th above named es
177. Andy T. Barnett. tate in the office of the Clerk of the
... above entitled County Court, and that
I wish to announce amnion prayer said Court has fixed upon 11 o'clock in
meeting, led by Mr. George Dens- the forenoon on September 15, 1917, as
more, to be held this (Friday) ev- Jh time, snd the County Court Room
, , ..,., u'u-i,;.i..n in the Court House of Umatilla Coun-
enmgatmy co ageon Washington ty 0wg0Bi intht)City of pendeton
street. A. 1 lumps. Oregon, as the place, when and where
I will rent or sell a small nart of anv Pcnwn hav!"ft W objection or ex-
l will riniorsui a small pari oi CCpth)n to anvthmu in said account and
my premises. Mrs. J. S. Lieuallen. report contained or to anything done
" " mmm " " by me as administrator at any time,
MMaMiHMMBl nmv present such objections and he
will be heard; and the Court will at
that time and place finally settle said
final account.
This notice is published pursuant to .. ., . ;
r m oi,...- ...,ii.i.) i....... rraelices 1
Court made on August U, 1917.
Walter Farr.
Administrator, Etc.
Dr. S. L KQilIARD !
Meats and Fish
Ham, Lard
and Bacon
A. P. Perry
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone - Main 253
in all State and f ederal
Courts. - . '
Irmli. t,rllftilw,lyrll,isiamm-,l rno
v. Si'.hI imtl'l. .trti1-. ur ami dv
rlMllun tr Pllll SEARCH nvl nport
oh ,l,-i(lBl)lllty. Iknk tvr.-r.tM-.
v.mi. iHir fnv UvtkU'tx ti ll huw. w lutt t lovvul
.ml Btv ycu mioiwt Write today.
1.303 Seventh St., Washington. D. C.
The Farmers Bank of Weston
Established 1891
Hh. 1 .m iv
If you contemplate a farm loan or renewing
a loan now standing, call on us and talk it
over. We will try to assist you.
v4!kV,?W wew present.