The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 14, 1917, Image 2

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What have you been paying for your wearing apparel? Wo are in a Dosition tu furnish
your fall and w inter outfit at prices the One-Man Merchant cannot meet. We carry a cifripleto
linelof Men's Furnishings, both in Btaples and novelties. LOOK OVL'U Till. rKRf:S we
Quote VOU and sec what vevi ran anvn hisv
Men' Blue Serge Suit in all the
trnUM. alylc , 9.lt0 tu IH.&I)
Men's Suit in all the now mix
ture and plain eolor-all stvlea
r9.wrt Hi. 50
Men's Overcoat th very latent
iyice ....yu to S.'.u
Mackinaw in plain and fancy col
on &.w to :. w
Mcn'a trouscra LSI to 4.98
Corduroy panta .49 to 3.25
Stag Suit 1.50 to 5.1H)
Raincoat 4.98 to 15.30
Diva lluls
Staple Hats
IrvM Shirts
Work Shirts
Wool Shirts
Work Gloves
Wool Sox
Cashmere Sox
Work Sox
Dres Sox -all colors!
White il.iuks
Red ami Uluo Hanks .
Canvas Gloves
. . U'.i to li.'.iX
.. l..'Jt.3.!t
. . Jto2W
. l.W t2.1W
.. .411 to l.t
. to .to
&-. 10
. .tW'i'-.l2
Leather fare Canvas tilovvs , , . .So
Sweaters l.tW to .V'.HI
Jersey Sweaters !.! to l.W
Union Suits -bcaxy ni 1.25
Union Suits - lleece I .Uft
Union Suits -wool 2.2'.3.25
Union Suits -silk and wool 1.25
Shirts and drawers- wool ,!S to S.'J.'.
heavy ril. . ,5!
Overall, -(iei nmn dye W
IWeralls-American dye Kl
If you can't come, send us your Mail Orders and
we will refund money if merchandise is not satisfac
tory. Allow for postage.
' CLARK WOOD. rMlhtr
SMctlv in Aifbtnct
The Year. $1 5"
Six Months (I 73
Four Months..... 0 50
lr. ('. II. Sunlit now l.iciilctt.
(lilt ll - received ll telegram
frni Washington Sutiit'diiy advising
liini lie hud Imh'H placed mi the
active h-l, uuil to report ly wire
to the commanding general of the
Western department for assign
nunt to duly. Me ieHiiteil nt
imiv, ami is ha huiiv Imvu await
ing further orders. Weston is
making a real sncrilUv in parting
with this Mimlar mm MiiTetful
praet it inner, who lias endeared him
self to the community both as a
man inn I 11 iliysiciuit. Ir. Smith
himself in giving up a larn' prae
tie in order tn serve his country,
uuil his dearest wish is thnt I Vumv
w ill Mam lie the .(' ne f his work.
Ili.s fHinily will continue to n-Mdc
in Weston for the present, and the
entire neighborhood hox-s thnt the
tliH'tor will lie in a x.itin to n
sume his prncliiv here w hen the war
is over.
Percentage of Mortality
In Battle Is Constantly
Being Lowered
tnecUlly aim a we srs i fortunate at to
t on ( a thounanil cuiunuintllas where
hoiisssrlws can always got FLavo FLour,
liver J loo.ood.oo li tiring spent la tell users
i'f its nisiiy Isr-iniprrlor menu. Itundrtl o(
ell u s and towns cannot get this belter flour
1'lna W toriiinisli) helngonsKouiuiunlty
wluro r'Uavo KLmir Is luado.
WT lar NlrM
i ry r La vo r Lour - -
Kvarvoaa l tomnitlinir hlir, uuil wl.oliomo kr tl. Ile l H
rl- "ii all Oil kI wl Svur. ll mIm yen wl aims, raw pii l
wioi Kl.avn I'l mir U niii(,Savnrv, s",l. Nul ilt niwl l'"l" K.iiuK-Savnml Sour. II rimialu liw rain lt !"' '
oh. 41 Ih-iiv. Ii 1. 1 iimiiit while, lh iurt.l Kur Ihal taa Iiii-.m-s.
ImI aiiMlM ml. 1. 1 ll.a Mtira) whairla II lh vf anl BOII.l l H.
All Ani rw-.n Majv-I tlill .liirla ara Inprlr4 awl rf1llm Sul sa-l w I
tiHilia.i aiawiaol rvia lliiity ilava Kvrrv ak ol ! I.avo fLour la rinnl.
A l..r Ihl. Namrr rtayuir. Sour at ytnt will st Biais tlt4-liH4 US IUS
klMlt liMrtl Valu.
Order FLovo FLour Today
Maaaatat f Caaaaauwlr Mat al Millar
Also Weston's Itviit and Whole heal r lour, tirahani, t"erials.
Feed and Hay; Seed tirain, Stock KskI and I'oiiltry Supplies. Wo
do custom inillinir- Your pationsito sohiltetl. W. I.. RoBUINH.
rUDaT, SEPT. 14
Eattrt at ths pesltfllcs st Wilts. Orrgsn
as stcsaa-clsii auil waller.
The den in Sweden has hotisinl a
nest of marplots.
We feci moved to say that the
new collector of customs Will Moore
than justify his appointment.
" We read in the Evening Tele
gram that Father Gregory Sher
lock, an instructor in Mount Angel
college. Mount Angel, Oregon, was
fined $25 by a Portland judge for
drunken and disorderly conduct
while on a train. A fellow priest
appeared in court and pleaded
guilty. in behalf of Father Sher
lock, who as a college advertise
ment appears to have been far more
conspicuous than convincing.
we trust will not lie w ithout its ease the Government must take a
effect at a time when too many loss of o0 cents per bushel or the
people are more regardful of their consumer must pay .It) cents more a
interests than of their duty. Those bushel for Northwestern wheat than
who knew the late Sam Sturgi.s are for Mississippi valley wheat."
confident that he would have taken
the same course under similar cir- Including as it does the combined
cumstances. fortunes of Itoyd, Wood and the
Hulldogger iil., I'matilla county's
In any other suit than Khaki, just assessment has reached the ?."o,.
now. the young man of military tKMi.OiMI mark,
age looks like a slacker. ,
General Korniloff has taken
Germany's reputed yearning for it were, quite a revolting cours.
peace is a bit belated. She wuhl , ,
have felt that way more than three
FVAVSVA of tho-e culled uild-T
the recent draft should get
considerable eomf"it from a
itudr of tho mortalitv stntij.ties of
tho unities in Ijirope. It i diilicult
to secure rcliahle ligure. hut o
uiidcrstnnil tlint sIhiiiI ciitv men
jior 1,X0 are ImIii killed and
sliout I"") men out of ciit'h 1,000 arc
woun.le.1, Al.THiH t.ll MtST OK
thksi: iNin:ii inrniix
AtiAlV TO Till". TK KM 'I IKS.
This jerrrntsi.''' of eaunltte it
not high. Of course it emuiot I")
compared ith the nortiml ilcntli
rate in pencil tinien, which is shout
eight ht l,t00 for the ; of tho
men at the front. The u-rrut In.
of previous wars has been from dis
rniie. This has been very largely
fjdf i(ti
years ago.
The last two syllables have st ig
matized the dynasty of the Iloheti-zollerns.
SH-aking of "barlaTous"
the streets of Weston.
Simple Simon went a fisliin'
For to catch a whale;
The simple fisher fell to wishin"
That he wouldn't fail :
"Fishes make gray matter,
I'll catch the biggest one I can
To feed that brainless blatter.
The poor Bullogger man."
Thr mortality is vrrv much lens
fare, a bit of it was on )han jt t ,ie .im,ini
of tho war. Tim gns ami other
form of attack are being w Imn
illcd nt the present time. Men ho
ri careful can well protect thctn
salvos oniiist them) thing.
"One strike and out!" is the
Peoples Theatre
Saturday, September 15
A two-reel Keystone comedy; a
three-reel drama; Itoi-I life No. I'.i.
(Six reels.)
Sunday, Sept. 10
Mutual F'ilm C-ortairation presents
Marjorie KamlK-au in "The Greater
Woman." Also a ('ub comi'dy.
(Six reels.)
Monday. Sept. 17
Universal presents Current Fv-
- "a a a a a a a
Mixiel IX) Touring Car . . .
Moilel HJi-l Touring Car. .
Model bJ-li Touring Car. ,
Willys-Knight -I Overland
If the war has developed a sav
ior in England and a Good Samar
itan in the ttjited SUtes. fYance
stands supreme as
. . : I. . The late Rev,
in the Zi Years Ago column
of the Athena Press u-p reail an fid.
lows: "The Weston Leader has sus- 8Ct,nc of his earlier work-as a sin-
pended publication for want of cere, able and kindly man. His was
support." We would respect the in truth a lovable character. He
1 1 . nt a r ii
juagmenc 01 wcsion ioik a uitie nn;tMi wiu
modified baseball rule applied by , n,s Nu 4 two-reel LKo com
Uncle Sam to the I. W. W. U' Mhrw-ree. drama. (Six
-!:-- reels.)
Wednesday, Sept. 1!J
The (ireater Vitagraph presents
"The Combat." Also a big V come
dy. (Six reels.)
- Thursday. Sept. 20 Mutual Mas-
W. E. Potwine will tcr pictures five reel features am!
remembered at Weston the one-reel comedy. (Six n-els.)
Tlie Hun leaders are cheating
Satan to the extent of conserving
its glorious their own lives with rare solicitude.
Winning of the War
Should Be Our Main
Purpose In Life
By JOHN . MITCHELL, PretidsiH ol
Ihs Illinois Truil toi ?ing
(Jverlandrt almost sell thenwi lves, ami give alo
Into satisfaction wherever plueed. Host hill climb
era on the rotiil today. Let mo convince you.
Dr. S. L. KENNARD - Weston Agent
............a a.a.a.a.a.a a a.a.a a a a a a a a a a a t f a a t f f
York Has Successful Harvest
a- T.V the Inst annlvnis the issue in thn
md X awful af now rnsing is "Shall
democracy or autocracy rule tho
world?'' A the mnttcr sliimls to
diiy, with Russia crinnhling, with
France bled to tho whito and with
more if history would repeat itself.
Pendleton Bulldogger.
We look for the Bulldogger ed.
to be suspended too, some day if
he meets the fate such reprobates
deserve but not for want of sup
port. It will Ik; because of sup
port hempen in composition, and
with a large body of the respecta
ble citizens he has outraged in his
villainous sheet wildly cheering
the spectacle. We nominate Charley
Marsh as Judge Lynch and Jim
Estes as hangman. Personally we
wlil appreciate a cordial invitation
to attend.
turned to
As illustrating the generosity of
country editors, an exchange tells
of a subscriber who died and left
fourteen years' subscription unpaid.
Last Friday J. N. York finished a Knirland upnroxiuiatin her mnxi-
an uncompromising very successful run and housed his mum resistance, it is nlainlv ui to
Christian integrity a rare and beau- outfit. With his 32-inch Pride of the America 11 people to get into this
tiful spirit of democracy that made Washington separator, driven by a conflict with every inun and every
him 11,.. m... r-;.... 1 nr -it u. new Case engine he harvested Dm dollar available mid put it WHKKK
rum mt irui. immioi an tm sin- acroB f grain in -,H ,jayK wjtmt jt WILL )U THE MOST GOOD
ner as well as the saint. After the loss of an hour's work on the AND TO lJO IT QUICKLY,
leaving Pendleton Mr. Potwine part of the crew. An immedinto need is a spiritual
served for a number of years in '' York junior had charge of renaissance, a comprehension of the
uie engine, auu aiinoiign a novice situation tluit liesets us, a realiza
in that line of work, ran it like a tion thnt our national life, our chor-
veteran. On IS days of his run Mr. ished ideals, the niicelesa heritnea
rector of the Episcopal Church at York was occupied with his own of freedom mid opportunity in tho "
?anta Kosa, t.aiitornia, where his crop, lie nau ji.ouu nusneis m farclen of the world aye, that civ-
sudden death occurred. The Santa wm'at a"fl I00 husht-lH of barley, ilizotion itnelf i ut stuko in thia
Itea Press-Democrat t.ays him His wheat averag.,1 about 10 buHh- mighty itruggle upon which w-o have
........ t 10 lllu n,;rt' a" 01 11 testing o entered.
i..Bn muuu.- 1.1 an uruc.e wmcn uie p,,, and grading M No. 1. Itj8 Ag , we t ,invfl jn,
Tl 11.. T: 1 . n .1 . 1 it 1 1 1 , 1 , ..' . ... ....
1 iiiuuiic 01 uioimay re- 01 me ciuo ana nyona varieties. tcrest or purpose in life that stand1
printed in full. Among other The Killgore quarter, farmed un- before the winning of this war nnd
things, it says: ,,'r U:aM' Mr- Ywl' mmiv a,'m,t 'loing it at decisively and as quickly
. uie uesi yiciu m any 01 111s noid- n is possible
..... lnSi ,,e lWK jiuu sacKS on mis
ual man. tie believed what he quarter.
preached, and there was no sham in
his religion. He was a firm bcliev- . ' .
er in the teachings of the church JUVetUlCS Make IHCtTy
while the buying in good.
ICm ticarcc now, hut the outlook is for greater
Hcarcity and higlicr pricey.
A few years ago he rc
this country and became
The editor, apjieared as the lid of and its rites, and held closely to the Mit Maxim; Culley entertained
the coffin Was being screwed down historic succession of events that a party of her young friends Satur
and put in a linen duster, a th.-r- have 7'T '"racterized its signili- day afternoon, Septx-mbcr 8, this
mometcra palm leaf fan and a Ca"," ihr"""ui iht: w"rl''- ! ninth birthday annivers-
' .7
.t . at
Food Administrator Hoover savs . me young nosiess, was uie reap-
recipe for making ice.
Paeullarltiaa of Slaap.
A pron ahsnltilPty irllbout ilepp for
nine darn will din 8uffrrr frniu In
noinnln (loiii'tlDica oinliiiBln that tliry
hnre none for weebt without ajt-tpuiff,
but It lias heeu proved tint they
actually sit-op without doing aware of
Villa must be regretting now.
s-days that be wasn't born a Rus
sian. "
of the wheat price situation: "If Sf,?t,.TL.ll nnd ZmJT lt At . crtah, sleep I. tnev.,.-
rho IVhmlV cn.n,i..n l.l Jj.' bh, HO matter Wh.t til. bodily COUdl-
Jim Sturgis, young business man on sn
iiic 1 luiuwiii, o ."J 1 1 111 itxii' 'i 1 nova rnpni Err I 'II 1 1 V . , ... . .u
" ' hum. inc ntrriluLii a uetua ucoiu.
fixed Portland as a base market as Light refreshments were served, a method of taming wild elepbanU
well as Chcago and had placed them and a jolly good time was enjoyed ta aW to he that of deprtrtiur the anl-
ponivalent basis the North. "" me guests were: Diaia ot aiccp wuen nr caugnc. 10
equivalent Dasis, me XNonn- jt..n.. o..i.. . i.r. iimr wnm. i,
and farmer of Pendleton, is leaving west wheat would flow into Port- ian,.. amj j.;Velyn Tliorii.soii, Cene' ttlcaa and Uarmlraa.
his wife, his business and his farm land and would Ihcn have lo Ik- re- vieve Rogers, Evelyn Sowers, Kalh
in order to terve hie country. He ihipx-ij back to the Mississippi val- rem; l.iouaiien, l-ucih' Maggs, lk-r
has enli&Wd in the field artillery ley with an accumulation of freight
and Flon-nce IVtl.r, firaee
atm..- xr : ,... tu .1 i.
,11-11. rn ...UiM. .......1.1 il ......... ", r"il iii'HtT, wrtt rviMW.
now siauonea i BI. n..w, iur w...u. ... Masters Raymond Banister, Dick
the period.of the war. Herein is 50 cents a bushel higher than the DeMosg( Harold Payne, Floyd Hodg
an example of true palriotiem w hich Mississippi valley wheat. In such son, Donald James, Erneal Smith.
Chus. II. Csrtvr Dan P. Smylhe
Carter & Smythc
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburj, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company