cm SK SHOES SHOES The most important Question. Every family ill have to buy a supply of shoes fur full. Look our prices over carefully and we. w here we are selling you for less than the catalog houses and our competitors. Wc carfy such well known brands as "Travers" "Val Duttonhouer" K. J. & R."Brown Shoe C.-and "A M. Ci-eighton" high grade shoes for ladies; "Buster Brown" Bhoea for children; "Crowett." "Wcyenbcrg," It. J. & It- and other well known brands for men and boys. Infant' aoft hole thovc. -. Infanta ahoea, 1 to 5. 79 to 1.53 Children' ahoea, 6 to B......98 to J. 25 ' ai,' to 11. 1.49 to &SS Mi' ahoM. 11 to I. 1.49 to 1H9 Ladico' dr ahoM in hif h and low heel in kid, gun metal and patent S.25 to 4.50 Black U(4 Boot" 4.50-S.W rtnt Tamp "Boot" 4.60 White kid BooU".: 6.90 to 7.W Ladle' noretty lace boot in grey, brown, white and black combi nation 3.98 to 7.50 l-adic' KitgtUh Walking Shoe in combination color "Neolin" aole, rubber boel 3.W to 4.08 Men' drvu above i'JS to B.'.M) Men' Eni;lih Walking Shoe leather or Neolin ole, very Ut cititylc 3.9K to U0 Men' work ihoc 1.79 to 6.25 Men' hh top thov 4.98 to6.W Boy' achool hoct 1.49 to 3.49 Boy' EnKllh ahoe, black or tan, Neolin olc 3.49-3.69 Shoo lace 2 pair for So In addition to the alove well known brands we carry Shoes made expressly for us. the famous "J. C. Penney Co,' Ivy TMe eouicN nuur 1 WCSTON LEADER CURK 00D, PeMbhcr The federal rcscrV banks are go ing to loan money on potatoes as though any man with a potato need ed a loan! BIO BIRTHDAY DINNER AT TAMP OF AUNT SARAH . m , Chimp Mi'thnitfttl- a popular tv noil for KnM h'nd iNtipIc in (In Itltienwnn (lit- Hft'iie Sunday f n happy ,i:ntlifi'iiir in honor of Hie raiiipV founder, Aunt SjiihIi Me. Poutral. AiiBiist 2S, 1!J7, wiw the 7Tlh liirllulny anniverNiry of Mr. Mi' IXhik'uI, who is tuie of WeMnn'a oldtid pktnii'nt. Shewn Imm 1W If) in I Kit Moiiiin, Iowa, Mini caitu to Weston in 1K(1:. Thin in the aid iiiiiKeeiitive aununer rlw luw nieiit at t'junp Mi'IttiUKut. . All nf the ottmiH'tti took part in the festivities anil Mtrtxk of a splendid dinner, served in cafeteria style. Chicken and liuckltbeirie held an hoiiotvd place on the menu, and there were other irood thing jfitnre. TIkim preaeut were: Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mcltride, I'earl ami Ijiwn-mv Mcltride, Wii vel O'llarra. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Haiiie.;. Aniee, Doris mid Mamie Ilium. Dr. mid Mrs. F. I. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Itiwr. Dudley, (ifih-vieve. Kinery nnd Kenneth Kkvrs. Mr. mid Mrs. J. II. William, follier mid (tail Willimiu.. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. II. Could. Zella, Hay und Otis Could. Mr. anil Mrs. J. V. Iirter. Loin, l.ueile ami luise I'orlrr. Mr. and Mrs. Get). Hani .Ur mid Helen !anistT. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Leonard, Kdirar, Patronize Home Industry fll'HH enptclully litro we ar eo fortunate a to r one tl a thousand cuiamunltle whet houiwlv ran alway grt KLavo FLour, Naturo-Ktavnretl. Over 9100.000.00 1 bring anent to tell near of It muny (r.unrlor merit. Hundred tit rlile and town cannot Ret Ibl better flour yet. 1'hi U luriuuitle la beingooecomnuaiiy mUtrv I' Lavo FLour I made. 9 , Jlir -' i ry ri-avo rigour v. rvn. n ilfmiilw Hf. mmwtM4Mnakrt, iter '""i but. tnu ml IM mmi Mllteni. Itmk rii ! inn. f"t bffl inl 1 KUtvn K.iir l nti.Ul. Satwrr, iflfiHiJ. Not dry aim! ttrl, , CI I. NKltirr rtuvorr-l Hour li ronlalo the mik vl' h t t-rt. t ii oriiny hli. Mm Minl ..ur lhl r he m l. 1 Ih tul ari.ttiailr rlH ni tin. wImmi whftriN l lh 4vr r eni millr.1 out vl M. All American Uarvl Mll poalwta ara l.-it a a. I tfim. ara atl ! l nr-l ii.Ii. im( llnttv i1r Ktatf arh of ft. Clout la irfiin-l. A.t lor liia Naiuto ikavi4 Muut anl ymt will tal Btur btal-lila4 Willi In tolK4l ItfW alua, OrJtr FLavo FLomr Today urcmu Mm inc rn Ca u..,M.r,.tM.II... HfcUIVH llllkWMU vw. Alno Wtnton'ii Heat uml Whole Wlicut Flour; timlmin, Cereal, r'ttil and Hay; Sa vl (.rail). Stock rued and Poultry Supplit. S o do custom tmllitiK. Your patroimge solicited. W. L. ItnauiNS. SUiSCIIPTION RATES ( Stricftv fn Atfbtnct The, Year . tl CO talking about an indemnity, Six Month 0 75 Germany will be apt to get one Four Months... 0 00 when the tlevil gets a liarp. ADVHtTISING HATEI ' r Kcgular, per inch per Insertion ...12'ec The (rVrmans are now hiding in Transient, per inch per inacrtion L"0c phell holes, which are soon ehangetl Locals, per line per insertion 5c int hell holes by the guns of the Allies. TO TEE WOMEN OF OREGON The. greatest opportunity fr pa- Juanita and Juan Leonard. triotic service since the war coin- . Mr- "n.,,M,, l: ( ,,i,n,,'r' rit-i ami iieraio iinruer. Mil- and Ma- ntlDAT, AOS. Jl. 1H7 If Uncle Sam needs any rvc tMr products. th.n I9n oon onn non if w,.nl,l iw Let every nousewuc oe a atuoier easy enough for the Bulldger etl. 'n thc f,1,,,, "' c" ttnd ,lry nt to add a cloher everj'thi'iiT not required for intmc- diate use. Let nothing go to A marked difference is seen be- waste. Foods preserved for home tween Walla Walla and Umatilla use will release other supplies for Germany's financial troubles arc counts,, thp opcration 0f the our soldiers at the fnmt. There army draft. Over there nearly cv- will undoubtedly be high prices and scarcity of many articles next win Those who provide for the to wor i ? . rr . . .. . i ; . nnwi.Sllu.v,u-m, jJnJ tWa ru(i(Tv Mr. of this state, says W. II. Ayer, Fi"d- Mr9 1oSl Maloney. Ifctrlwra eral Food Commissioner for Ore- loney. t gon, in a letter to the Leader. Mrs. J. HiHlgson. Myrtle. U. ter The season of ,xrisliahle fruit n.l Hoy.1 llwlgstHi. , . , . Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Kieluird.s, and vegetables is tirwn us. Mr -m Hjl Mn, The value of the thousands of irey. Hay Jones, Arthur Grant, war gardtiis planted in rosKnse to . the nnniili-nt's nniH-ul will deoend upon the effort now made to pre- fit AKLT )6,U00 IN PRIZES - f i i ? 'V- ' -if WW '1 ECONOMIC AND MILITAHV PREPAREDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF 0RE00K a atVMttM alita) aawaaa tm aaia hImm aaaatnaa, effawe Mf eiiaihn fa militaiiv oaiLL, ooMcanc scikmcc ARTS AND COMMCRCC r'; llaa) fer effective tatttar (. V M. teaHl far frav NHMtra lMeaileW,"Treaa rx araan roaXia a WaV aat "Ta WoaaaW eaa Ma lMtrafy." aaarw, OIIVEISITT OF 01(601. frjtii. Ongoa 4 , WaV.Va V. VaV. a't --- -- a a:a IWI OVO OYJ' Ettrt4 t th eettelfkt t Weilea. Ortjo. m Mea4-du aaail nuttr. Holding wheat and" barley present prices looks to us like kick ing Opportunity off the door step. also due to her bad Bill. WILL LURK ALL OK THK II EST WILD WKST rr.KrtiKMKKS TO THK liKEAT PIONEER Pow-wow ' ... .... ery registered man escapes service ihc crop propnot is now wunoui ... . . ' . ... while over here he must srve if he ter, nonor ana me crop prow nas mo m Nq hj- futun. K)W wi ,mV(, ,iu,c r occupation or his family responsi- ry alwill tlit-n. v :. . - . . hit es. ho is taken. The contrast for recipe uesenmmr cnecuve nnanciaj - 7 . ; . .. , f " .. , 18 supposetl to result trom Hie nu inexperwivf mcinotis in enn differing construction put on the ning, drying and pickling call upon draft law by the respective adju- the Oregon Agricultural College tant generals of Washington and or the Department of Agriculture Oregon. at Washington. Many of these re- 1 1 1 cipes supplied from official . sources Oto H. Kahn, Gotham's magnate, has been good enough to send us a wise little treatise on War Taxation, and wc have a no tion to bamt with him. , The S. P. C. A. should get after the inhuman gink that put the bull and the dog in Bulldoggcr. However, half hose is better than are being printed for your service no "stockings.- . in the .daily newspapers. ' - Let there not be a minute's delay The onlv flaw in Germany's ilan fn marked contrast to hi former or the waste of a pound of food to lick France, England and the long-winded correspondence, there s that can be preserved. Our boys United States in succession, is the 800,6 c,as8 10 ine .rcP,y inn,c a proud to fight for our homes fact that they are collectively lick Walla Walla 3Bi Days Thur., Fri., Sat., Sept. 13-14-15 Ainonif Mitt real Cliuinnioim whr will be litre are Alien Drumhvllvr. 1110 weir orolliom. Jackson bun down, Johnny Jutlcl, A. G. Hushi . Burke brother-, John Wapnlo. Kill SwiUler, Mr-. Doll liluncctt. .Mubel Dr Loti ir. Doiiiia Curd and scorua of other genuino Weatern Character. OVERLAID T1IE UTMOST Dl CAR VALUE 1.9 1.7 BPM , 8H) 1010 IIJU ing Germany. Sam is now drafting to the Kaiser. anj liberty: let no woman be too proud not to do her bit in conserv- The man who trades at home is the hot number that Sears the Roebuck. His tirades against England are sufficient to show that the Kaiser doesn't do all his lying in bed. . In Nut-town a foolish word dauber Seems to think he's a dod-gasted auger; To pose as a wit This human misfit Bores us stiff in the Weakly Bull dogger. - ing the food supply. lOO-WOd Horses-100 will be used in the riding and buck ing contests, with such famous tuck er as Cul do Sac, Monkey Wrench, Sundance, Spitfire and Guadeloupe. If money talks. Uncle Sam's al lies are getting an earful. Uncle Sam may have grown a bit to wajst flabby and in need of a tonic but not a Teutonic. Hereabouts However, it cannot be expected of the young patriot who goes 'rid ing with his best girl in a benzine buggy which he can drive with one hand, that he will let nothing go A CARLOAD OF LONGKORNS direct from the plain of Mexico, clHily for this, the Western Drama ever moat eoloKsnl attempted. With bathing now "vcrboten," wl'en no German pursuefli. Germany's condition seems soapless. i the Order of the Bath depends largely upon who has Too frequently the Kusstan noes thc ,pon th) hurh.r amp tu,,., Be it said to the credit of thc Weston farmers that they haven't an inquirer that New York is the joined in the demand upon Hoover iw ,;f ; ior z.ou ami ww wneai. neuii- lOt 50k V HIV v iv t ibiiuvk Weston's population statistics. I Dr. J. C. BADDELEY Gralcate Vetttlurf SarMa I'hone 32F5 - Athena, Oregon their farms in order to be in a position to hold up the government This, we presume, is regard by nJ its allies. Weston farmers the Bulldower as an cxatiiolc of nww ttt two dolIars a bu8bc drv wit- tbey can make a At the Notice of Tiling Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor cmulillu county. fair-to-uiiddling In the Matter of thc Eutate of Henry ... , , .. . 1 . uoiuuctk. ucteaacu. itr. rnnefifi..ii f flu- war profit and seep ttietr imzz wag- , KTi-a IJ tkaTaa1at llltlirtl filial 1 liutiii National Woolgrowcrs at Salt Lake, ontf supplied with gasoline. tiled my final acciunt and report Eastern Oregon was represented 'administrator of the , above tituned c. t r i .ta-. . - - wive in inc uutcc o inv vfcrn vi iiu vy ou r inure wy.n.e mw Germany is placating the Argen- above entitled County Court, and thut pie of huodred sutU-ases. The 1917 .. . '; rf , ' said Court lias fixed upon 11 o'clock in season is now on and Eastern Ore- t,ne bv l'rom''"S ",jt to bll,k the forenoon on Sc4.UnTber 1&, 1917. ah gon ts represented by three dele- more of hersliips. Lvidently it lias the Unie, and the County tourt Room gates and three small handgrips." -at last struck the Wilhelmstrasse gJ'&gS City of KlSon,' that enough is a plenty. Oregon, a the place, when and where Our idea of superfluity Is the ' , any pe-son haymg any objection or ex- K ' ... . . . . .. ceptKiti to anything in said account and fist in pacifist. , The President s reply to the rope report contained or to anything done is written in just about the ua7 wc "'"T.V,!"!' ..... ... . . may present such objections and he ir occurs io our eporxmg ejiior woui,j have written it ourselves will be heard; and the Court will ut that the Kaiser s divine right MAMMOTH BARBECUE On Opening Day Ileal old-Time Fotlatch at whieh Pioneers will be Ritoah of row-wow Association. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMiaaMai Great Vortbam Sbows Leadinc Carnival Attraction of the West. Sixteen High Class Shows. Thc Whip America g wewest Sen sational Ride, Ferris Wheel, Carrousel, etc. 5u Motlol 'JO Touring Car Model Ki-I Touring Car Model 8D-G Touring Car Willys-Knight 4 Overland - 1575 Ovcrlantls almont aell thenmelveb, und give abso- J lute satisfaction wherever placed. Heat hill climb- J era on the road Unlay. ' Ix-t me ronvineo you. ;J Dr. S. L KGiliARD - - Weston Agent. rWaVV.V.V.V.VaVaV.V.V.V.VaVaV.V.VVV?iVl BUY COAL while the buying ia good. It's scarce now, but the outlook ia for greater senrcity and higher prices. P. T. HARBOUR Grand Street Parade ' Every Day, iW IMPORTANT NOTICE-A1I mounted and cuntuined cow boy and cowirirlH will be admitted to the tfruunrlH r Kbb ! lofcing its punch. a than which wc can bestow no higher that time and place miaiiy ett:e sta final account. enconium. This notice is publiuhcd nurnuant to order of the above entitled Coonty ReducedRates On All Railroads Write the 8e.crc.tary TODAY for Seat Kcoervations. Admiroiun, in cluding Grandstand. It.W); Child ren, UK. Itlescher. Ybc; Children from 7 to 16 yr., 26c. llox scat. including admnwion, 11.23. Season box aeats, I3.UO. . "There's a fat chance for a repub- All draft Court made on Autnixt 14. 1917. depenaeacy cases are WAtTun Fabr, Geo. Drnmbeller Mng. Director 0. C Soots Secretary Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon . WaitsburiL Wajh. , American Beauty , oando Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills-in thc Northwest. Sold in( Weston by Weston Mercantile Company' lie in Crovw. to be reconsidered at La Grande A&SiMUaUSf, Klo.