The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 24, 1917, Image 2

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    fiili .S: ( j( J,l
List week we quoted you our fall prices on several of the utaplo item. This week wv
give you "few of our prices on Men's and Boys Wear. Compare them with others' and see
where you can save money by coming over the hill. 'Teach your dollars to have more cents."
Boys' cotton glove ! o?V
Men's cotton glove. -.W-12V!
Men's cotton rIovm, feather faced
-wrist or gauntlet 28
Work gloves (mukskin) 49
Work glove) in horschklc, buck
' and kangaroo t to 1.6
II. L. black wk gloves.: 1.49
Work sox ' to .12',
Wool sox j 1SK25
Cashmere sox .35
Men's dress sox I2.S' to
Red and,bhie hanks (
White hanks ....... ..... .05 to .25
Shoe laces, black and tan... S for .05
Susiwndcra 2T.4t
Suscndcrs (silk) K)
Belts .
Shop cap .... .M to .lit
Work shirts (all colors)
Work shirts (double kind) W
Itoys work shirt to
Men's shirts aitd drawers .2S
Men's union suits, ''Standard
Makes," short or long sleeve
... fi,o.SW
Khaki pants I.St
WorkpanU LSI to l.US
Men's dres pants 1.98 to 4.H8
Men's drss shirt... .. .4'J to 1.4'J
Moil's dress sliou 2.M to 8.5H
Men's work sIkhs ... 1.79 to 6.2S
Hoys' drurs Ih 1.48 o 3.M)
Boys' work shoes .W to l.K
Men's blue sergs sulu ,.n.!HI to MM
Men's (amy mix suits S.W to lti.50
Boys' suiU ItW to 5.1
Boys' (German dye) . . .W-.tSKW
Hoys' (American dye)-all iis .49
"Underbill" (German dyel . ... .l
Crown Special " " .!
.. 1.19
I'nv Dsy
"Crow i
n Svstem" (H in. I
Jumpers to match skoe
FOR THE LADIES AVe are receiving daily shipments of Coats. Presses and Suits. All
of the season's latest styles.
. ,
. .
V.iivi,ni-a . niti.ii in lliin tuiiit
tv iitxli-r tlto law livid MdlldlliM ra
th I'ill Will But Im iN'lllliltltl lit
limnl ttirat;o to utlicrs lliiur tlir
food iiilminMrttluti or it ntivnta
fur period Ikiipt than HO days,
the Fjidt On'irontan. If a
faniM-r has wluat or rye storvd in
an clovntor r wuivhouM' nnd luu
tint llXtd llf it lit till' 'till (if ."It
hyt, IIm i'HTBtir if lh' wuivliiMiM'
U nipiinil to wll it r tdiip il
ti n liTininul fur nl tMI. Ut
priee ulitainiiMo anil t ty over
tho proofed to Ihe holder of (Ho
reoeiptit, Uiw lawful rintrpm
Tills lint inn WJl IVOt'iVed
fixin lli'ilx-it Hoover ly II. W,
('llil, Ineid HMli'lmux- nieratol'.
It i.H fraught with iKii.siili'riililo ini
lirt;tmv to Ii'hI fat imi. for it
means lliat if tin y ttotv their .train
lln'y rnimot hold il fur tmii than a
month. It tuny prevent many farm
rr from Imtiliiitr their min lit thin
lime. '
WarvliouM'iiieii tue iuMi tii'tiil o
ini'lude in (heir wuivhmiM nveiptn
it provtioii giving thi'tii autlunity
li N'll the Kiai't id end of Ml
day;.. Hie iiuliivii furtlier Mate
that a tfovernmenl iijfent will pinli
alily he lure mnhi to enter into
mrreement w'herehy the fiMKl ud
iiiiiIstrntioti mny retain khuii in lo
cal wnrehiitimti at fair toraK'e rati
mid Jiip it out whenever deeim-d
tuAfSNiry to provide iiulls with jiiip-
' Home ,
sprclullv sine w ar so fortnoats as I
h -tins ot a thuiinj communltlss whsi
hotiMwIws ca always gvt fLavo FLour,
tlesr IIOO.OUU.00 la being spent to tell asm
of Its many tt-uprt.r mrrits. Ilumlrls of
titles and town cannot frt this beltsr Dour
v. I. This Is lortmiiits In twingonscummuaity
where h Lavu r'Umr is mail.
Try FLavo FLour
PvvrvMw I. .tn.lin hHM, aif mhnWwmt t4. Ilff l' " '
all ll.u axl irIHv.. ml.. mmmt . tfl mn
HH CIjiw KIi l mi. , .ioI. No lt . ...
l.hsNiuvitv.u.S.wi. II ilm tmitn ( ' ' '
wlKalkrot. t l . tr-tm hll. lit p..t.l Soar lll m.l. 1
Hal arf.matk.mlt M llw lMal lltl lie ll ! HlHlr.1 nut H.
AN Ai.i.k Marvrl Utill Mi.i la ar kwra. a.l ! rrliAa.l ail -t up I
Mm.I aa.lail rw IMri nay. Kwf 1 flv" rl-w la iiiw..
.i I .ihi. Naitnr ilxwrwlSuut aa4 ) IU sal io bia4-krs4 lih Iks
kaUa ww4 IraJua. S
Ordtr FLavo FLour Today
tan faak CaHKM
mm CsaaaMaaal
Mr Maraal Millar
Almi Wiatoii'M Ileal ami Wlmlu Wlunt Khnui l.raham, Contats,
Feed and Hay; Seul Grain. Stot k I'uwl and Poultry Supplies. We
do ruHluut milling. Your putrunagv solivilvd. W. L. IIOHltiNH.
CURK V00D. lhWihV " i
- - Strict! in AtTkinct
The Year .........
' Six Months
'Four Months.... 1
Hcgular, per inch per insertion
Transient, per inch per insertion......20c fnfe
lyocais, per une per insernon oc
wanU-d for advertising is' as much pounds of npiuls for American Luke Mr. Collin has not vet Urn up
A commodity as oil, bteel, shoes or cantonment. The price is under- prised of the prieo the govemmeiit
clothing. .When the latter are fur- stood to be $lt per tuu for early wilf fix for wheat, hut the lt In-
downward to lorniatlon oMuinaiiic tnilicatett it
win in1 aroumt f i.-j..per imei.
nished free by the great captains of deliveries ranging
industry, it will be up to the eouti- $25 x-r ton for late 'deliveriesi.
...1150 try editors to repeat their Rtiwrous ' j
... 0 75 ppac,. donations and not before. . It's a better npirit than the gin
. in Elgin that stimulates such elTx-
' tt'IKral Strikw of 1 W"n t I've boosting for the HlueMouii.
-12'..C Work hrimirfi h.H-n lii'ltil tun i . l... ...:.i .. 1
--.-c ... Ullli ruHII III mm wmi-uwanv UIIIUII
county town.
Dr. a. 5. NHWSOM1
I'hyniiiuu am! Surgeon
Post Building ( lr. Stone's for-:
murotlice) Athena, ttrvg.
Butter Wrappers
Furm'slici. and lTintcd at the Leader oflice
Sixty (minimum) $0,00
One hundred y I 20
Two hundred "... 1.75.
Each additional hundred 0 13
EattK at ths psstolflc at Wats. On j.
SS MCSl-dssS BUil SMtttT. ; .
wnneim is a great and able man The Rheinw cathedral and thu
(referrng strictly to Rudolph .lirin outraiws should bt- evidence
Wilhelm, the golf .cliatnpion.of the
enough for his Ottoman anil's that
the Kaiser is a pretty gSkl Turk
"Crcmany will gToW tired before
long of fighting for the Kaiser's ex
istence. . ' '
We're wondering if our national
currency is now sufficiently elastic
to bring together two-dollar wheat
If the greedy two-footed hogS nd five-cent loaf. .
with their snouts' in the war trough ', ;
Vuldoidy utilized pork would "e eved t mph,
soon . cease to be luxury. ment .the. leton Bulldogger
upon its intelligent selection of
Portland has started a move for important topics, as it mentions the
shoppers to cany their own parcels, Leader man in no less than four
which is all right enough so long different places in last Monday's
as .they . can buy any parcels to iasm- We greatly regret to say,
carry.- . - - - however, that only its theme could
.. . ; he cons mended. Its comments can
- Having highly complimented his only be adequately described as
' navy, it is assumed .that Kaiser Bill asinine drivel. "
. is fond of bottled goods. ,
Not as foenian but us friend
JaiHtn beseechea Uncle Sam to be
considered worthy of his steel.
Although Napoleon said Uutt
Prussia was "hatched from a can
non ball," it is fast finding dut that
it is not the only game cock in the
Martian pit.
Mebbe the Downing elevator is
"settling down" because it is here
to stay. ' " v
- Afraid' to make a direct asser
tiotCthe Weakly Bulldogger insin-
Observing that Kernel Boyd has
come to bat again with his "Mulli
gan Stew," we are moved to won?
You see, Gretchen, the
Crown Prince may not have a
ning deposition. -,
liates'ih a cowardly and evasive dfr if 'is is-the only kind of a 8nd assailing the government w
way that, the Leader man ft "fat
head.". ? -l':, ,
Very well and nevertheless
A head that's fat
Or a. head that's lean , .
Or a . .head that's in between
Beats the puhlpftlfl head
' Of the Kulldogger crd. "
By a city block, we ween. .
stew with
which the Kernel is
we wonder how Jong a newspa'
per printed in the English language
last in Berlinl
"We're comin' to t'ank you,"
says the British Tommy to the Ger
man Fritz, while exchanging com
ptintenU across the. line.
Dealers at the coast terminals
have announced a differential of
five cents a bushel as to wheat and
$2.00 a ton as to barley, in favor
of sackiid grain. - . i'
Pei'haiKi the Russkys have about
. It's about time 'for, the, allied
fleets to raise a little h-?! with Hel
goland. '
s i'ianos tunel and repaired at rca-
.iilf oul,WTI1' (h itm, riiniiam win rV
i.h:.:u uveause u.ey imve .vs. ieur . Ku.lr0Btw(,. , A W ljumMt Mm
than of their Bach,
tlie Teutons in front
wives in the rear. .,' V .
y0ur money back for the asking,
'While not doing quite as well as if you find you are not satisfied
with our Whole Wheat Flour
iuiik ..,.:'....... .. , ... w mnntrv isniwr. With our
just as nice as pie," but as Uncle thd .nonstrating its abjlity. to Weston Milling Co.
raise a pretty fair crop ..without
Sam is not a cannibal he cannot
demonstrate whether they are like
wise as good eatuV ,' . .
any rain since early June. ?
. Don't worry if you make a "fliv
Davy Jones knows that a helluva ver , Hcnry yor turned out more
lot. of , "Ugh boats" will never fire. than 700,000 of 'em in one year.
another.torpedo. . , . '
' We'do not' wholly &x how the
' Three million Danes are threat- Hdy Secbut never mind; .. let the
ened with starvation because of jjudoggt.r fmigh it.
fluid seizures by Germany but the, ... , 1
i Dr. J.
flwAntiM tfAla.l.H a...u
Phone :fi!F5 Athena, Oregon
Notict of Filing Final Account
Kaiser should worry! .
Mexico is only able to -. make
audible noise now-a-days when
wants another loan.
' It isn't a scrap of paper that Ger
many is encountering on the west-
an ern front. '
if .
In the County Court of the Slate of
Oregon for Umatillji County. .
In the Mutter of the Eatate of Henry
Goldberg, Deceased.
Notice is.' hereby given tlmtj have'
hied niy final ucci uiit, and report as
administrator of the above named es
tate in the office of the Clerk of the
Before long our Sammies will be above entitled County Court, and that
' ready to direct the Kaiser's atten- jaid Court has hxed upon 11 o'clock in
m j . . .. . - ... . the forenoon on September 15, 1917, s
The Missouri coal baron who says tion to his error tn failing to sec the time, and tho County Court Room
he is doing all he can to get all he America first." in the Court House of Umatilla Coun-
- . ItfAcrnn in tna f ttxr rf Pondl.t.n
by no means getting all Oregon, as the place, when and where
If the "r" in kultur were any person having any objection or ex-
.,, , ,n-A ,i j ception to anything in said account nnd
change to an s, the word would contained or to anvthine done
If the country needs bread the have its proper significance in Chi- by me as administrator. at any time,
governntent ran at Mt furnish nook jargon. ' J CtA 5?
of "crutit. It atks all. '. that time and place dually ecttfu ssid
. r ,. " t i .... ..... i. tinnl account. '
iree space,iroin uie conn- r . - . ..m; .....,
can. is ' by no means
that's coming to him.
. kinds of
. try newspapers -while competing terested in knowing that the gov- order of the above- entitled County
With them on unfair terms fn job ernmcnt has .contracted with Seattle . . wVra fW '
- pyjneif ikewujpCr ix&-vhcn comn'.iicion bawxi for thro: million . .' . Adouiistrstor, Ltc,
Staped for the Benefit of the
, County e air Association
Walla Walla
3 Big Days
Thuri.. Frl.. Sal.,
Sept. 13-15
The Premier Wild West Show
of North-America, depicting
life on the plains when
the Weat was younjr
:l9.i73H9&fe' 7
Model DO lourinir Car . . . . . . , 810
Model 86-1 Tottrinir Car.'' f . . . . . . 1010
Model 89-CToui1.rCar.;.. ...'. M20
Willys-Knight -10verlanij........ 1575
Overlunda almost 8efjifmelveti, und irive utxio
lute sntisfnetion whewver placed. Best hill climb
, era on. the road today. Let mo convince you.
Dr. S. L KHiHARD. - Weston Agent
Realistic, Uhriiiing
Cntertannff, Siwtruetiw
Hundreds of Cowboys and
Cowgirls, Indians, Wild Mexi
can Longhorns. Uuckinir
BronchoH, Riders, Rotters and
(yharacters typical of.
Frontier flays.
On Opening Day
Real-old-Time I'otlatch at
which f lonecrs will be gucs.s
ot row-wow Association.
. . while thtHatyuyinfr in good.
It's scarce tiow, bjj"ijlje outlook h for greater'
. tifarcily ntliigher prices.
-"-lyr-fc ! - i
" Ztiff Sroat
Wort ham, Shows
Leading Carnival Attraction
of tho West. Sixteen
Iigll CnasH Shows. The Whip
-.America a jvewest hen
sational Ride, Ferris Wheel
Carrousel; etc.
90 foot. high dive by lady and
wonderful wild animal act
Grand Street Parade Every Day
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
. Established 1865
Waitsburj, Wah.
Athena, Oregoih-t
.'jit -
. ?,
Write the Secretary
Seat Reservations. Admission,
On All Railroads
cludinir Grandstand, 11.00; Child
ren.- (oc, . Bleachers, 75c; Children
from 7 l If. vr Itnv a.iula
including S'lmiHtifon, f 1 .25. Season
box Heats, JJ.OO.
Ceo. Drumhcllcr "'O.C. Soots
Mrti?. Director . Secretary
American Beauty
' PurelVhite
41, S, I
. : taf .
fes. .a Bai
vi mar
Made of selectediJUliiestem in one of the
best equipped - rrtt1 in the Northwest. ;
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company '