The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 10, 1917, Image 2

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CUMt 00D. NMkJwr
suBtcmmoN atm
Th Yr M
Si Month 0 78
Four Monti 0 W
Regular, per inch per insertion .....ISS'e
Trie.nt, per inch per Insertion SOe
Local, per line per insertion 6c
nUMT.Mw. it, im
trim! at (lit Mtetfkt at Wttt. OrtjM.
Quite a few of the KahrV lot.
are umlersc to stay.
tiir ohvl.Mn4' t. liiwiwrK wr nr.
dor in Uw United SUto. Timor
ous Americana, not iHcewily pro
German, but of that neurasthenic
type who we danger lurking behind
every buoh, aid in giving them cir
Although the esteemed Pendle
ton Bulldoggvr remarkii thut it
holds no rancor toward us, frank
ncss compels the ubton at ion that
the RulldogKcr i ranker than ever.
Tle food control bill virtually
makes a dictator out of the rvw
dent, and those who are trying to
make fortunes out of the war will
hardly find him a benevolent m
The government's August esti
mate of Oregon's" wheat crop is
only M0,(KM bushels as compared
to an estimate of l.VHn.tMM) bush
el Inat December.
Pi.. ... 'Aft, AUcm
Saluitlr. Augibt II. laUily,
"Court Mui-llulcd." two rwl.
"Poisoned Lips," two reel drama.
"A rir of Shadow," one reel com
ly." "Sliorty Promote His lve
Affair," to reel comedy. rVuii
reels. Admittance 20c and Hc.
Sunday. August 12. Mutual
Film Corporation presents Crane
Wilbur in "TW Single Code." a
five reel drama. Aluo Mrs. lUllie
Khodes in "MissTrixie of the Fol
lies," one reel comedy. Six reels.
Admittanev AW and UK.
Perhaps a little lockjaw piaster
would help sonic in Congress.
Somehow his military
failed in instructing the
lYincc how to win a battle.
The country resilience of Mrs. A.
C. Winn near town was ransacked
from garret to cellar Monday morn
ing between eight and ten o'clock
by unknown visitors who railed our
tutors jn(f tm, ahjnre 0f the family.
Crown xiie house had been locked, but
the burglars effected entrance
through a screen door at the rear.
Ou? transports are 'so lucky m They went through
. . .. . ,, eases, bureau drawers and writing
bagging submarines, it may be well dcsksstn.winK the contents to,y
to cable the Kaiser the sailing dates tuny over the floor and even took
"and save his spiea the trouble. letters and papers out of coat jock
' cts and threw them around. All
Permanence and visibility consid- that is missing, however, is $2.10
time" have nothing on the dog gaeAa of ue Winns who had left
tracks in Weston's concrete aide- tnja money in the pockets of some
wlV mrments hanging in a wardrobe.
' When George Winn went to 'bed
'Now's the time when the fair n bis tent Monday night he felt a
... hard, sau are-cornered package in
bathers "place in we sun is as- - - y-- not
sured without hostilities. :n jk, nabit of "seeing things,
, i , , he is not to be blamed under the
.A Siletx naval apprentice calls it circumstances for thinking of bombs
the "Ugh" boat. and such. He lifted the object
. rather gingerly and carrird it out
Empire." fa Spokane s new slogan. m harmfui th. - K,X f raisins.
Well, that's where we're keeping How it got into the bed is among
ours and without appreciably glut
ting the money market.
No, Rosamond, there really 4sn't
very much to the Bulldogger except
its first syllable.
Or, in other words
Whatever fatuous stuff the Bull
dogger may be feebly trying to
peddle, it isn't the dogger.
the mysteries of a mysterious day.
. The only clue left by the burglars
consisted of some faint tracks in
the dust. .
Jess Hart Buys and Sells
The Kaiser hated America at the
start of the war, according to Ger
ard and he is due to hate her
worse before it ends. V
The following excerpts from a
letter from J. K. Hart will lie of
interest to his many old-time
friinds and nciirlibore in this )o-
; "
"I have sold my wheal farm of
203 acres for $33.22.r. The crop
on 108 acres went with the place
Being a little 'jubcrous' about so
... - much money lying around, I have
The Morning Oregonian reported Iwiught two places. . One is a. farm
, iL c . I-. of 187 acres on Dry creek six mi es
no less than five automobile acci- v" , r ... ,.,, ,.,
. . . t ... ; north of Walla Walla. Seventy
denU in one issue-but this is not acrcs a ; fine 8faIfl. 60 acres is
the principal reason why we are jn wheat and the remainder in sum
not in the market for a buzz wagon, mer fallow. The place is well im-
' proved and level, well watered and
The Bear that Walks Like a
Man" is beginning once more to
fight like one.
with wood enough to last a lifetime.
It cost mc 125,000, and I think this
is the best deal I ever made. The
first crop of alfalfa made about 150
tons. The other purchase is a five
acre tract one mile southeast of
Walla Walla. It is improved with
an especially fine modern residence
It's just as well that Dame Fash
ion has decreed that women may
wear trouserettes, as skirts have flWi tt bani and chicken park; also a
been getting pretty high. ofce home orchard and all kinds of
berries. We live on this place, for
; The administration food control which I paid $7000. Most of the
bill has passed the senate with only time after this year our boy will
lUII V jr i I vvH - s.
mm v
seven negative votes a small
conspicuous minority.
There is a certain amount of com
fort in the statistics showing the
proportion of men killed to those
engaged in this war, says the Ore
gonian.., It appears that a soldier's
chance of returning home alive is
enormously greater than has been
commonly supposed. It will cbcer
second cutting of alfalfa is going
about 100 tons. Wc are going to
Camp McDougal as soon as huckle
berries are ripe."
United Brethren Anneonceient
The first quarterly conference of
the year of the United Brethren
Church will convene in business ses
sion Saturday evening at 8:30.
There will be preaching Saturday
the relatives and friends of our evening at 7:30 by Rev, W. A.
boys a good deal to know that an Niooles of Spokane, who is district
official of the EquitableLife Ajsur- wpcrintendent of Columbia River
. , , Conference. He will . also preach
snce Society has gathered figures Sunday at n a. m when the Sac-
of the Canadian casualties and finds rament will be administered,
that only about 21,000 have been Sunday school at 10 a. m. Y.
killed since the beginning of the p- c; E- tJ7:1J5 P- m- Pryer
war. Canada has raised about 450,- mtin " P-
T:! ! Sunday evening there will be a
000 men in all, and Canadian wl- Unijn mH ing at the park at eight,
diers have lctti in the thick of o'clock. The diHtrict sujcrintend-'
some of the heaviest fighting. Ite- ent of the M. K. Church, Soulh,
ports of excessive war. mortality "- A. L. Thorough-nan, will
r , . . preach at that hour,
emanate from two sources. Ger--v ..Everybody- is cordiay invited
man sympathizers are responsible to attend these services," says the
flrr atet df tlWsf, CtKir pirpouc lc- pa-tor.
Cburcn of the Brethren'
'ih-der of wrviees for Sunday
August 10, 1017:
10 a. in. Sunday .vhool.
1 1 . m.- lVeiu hiitir.
'ii'M p. ni.- -Mission Study.
r.:;5il p. ni.--C. W. S.
i;:t0 p. m.lille Study, l.iie f
A Pritndly Tip.
ln-rr- mtrrr.t botuMHil girl or mi
sIM girl? HammrrsloT-rui sfrsM
you'll nerrr ! ll I" nmrrr rlihi-r.
old man. Pipklett-N li.r not? Ilm-ncrlr-Wrll.
a binutlful srlrl could
do twttrr anil rrmlMe girl would
know tetter. EifbiOKf.
And N WamUr.
lo lh Jlbwijs sr'Miratfdr
I4t ffk."
"W hat waa tho tmuhlf i"
"Mr. Jlbwav'n flrxt nlto "! him a
lotiK Mrthday Htrr trrj year, aod t
think It anally B on ho iwoml Mm.
Jlbwsy'a aerrn." Savannah ITrat.
"M jour huoband um! tn writ you
poetry before yuu wr niarrlcdJ"
"No, bat ho Ui-p.1 i) itrito ma what
w both thought waa ioeiry."-Hou
toa roat.
Integrity without knowletlg h weak
and ust-lfss, and kiionleilRe lthut In
trgriry It dangrroui and drradfuL
Revision Adds $133,000,000,
Miking Tottl estimated In
come Over 2 Billion.
TV'athliiUn. Kuactmant of tha ad
Bitslairatlun food control bill la tha
principal taak ahad of conircaa this
wck. Whoa tho lung eonlal m
r la out of lha way, tho aanai will
laln of tha :.onii.ioi,nna war
U bill, with tho laaHara hoping tor
a Taxation rrrn la September.
Tho Kitilra ar fiorullva program
la ataln ronaralH In tha amala. Tues
day Iho houe bgan a arrloa of Ihrra
da roi !! 10 com lima (or aorrral
i'k unitor a grnilimi'n'a agroomrnl
to lrnarl nn linporUnt bimtnraa un
til tho ar lai bill la truly tor con
farrni'O. .
Tho rrvirit ar In bill rrportrtl to
tha Donalo b (he tlnanr roiuiulttoa
III rUo $:.iMl.!;ii.ino, artortllng to
final offn ial llmalra. cr alut I3..
in,niiii nioro than Ik liounr provided
ant J :.H ')n.(iMi niorr than Iho arnala
roinmltloo plannod to rtio boforo tha
ao ar Unla ro aulmilttH to
I'rlnrlpal nal chanara in, lha
houaa bill aa finally aloplt by lha
corniiillioo provMo for ni Im-rona of
Income laioa of ahoiit I' on
ar otcMia profit of .i;Moi.0(0 and
oil Inloxlcanla of l.ll.'WX'.i'nft
Additional lajoa on incomes of cor
pnratlona apply alan to parlnerahlpa.
Joint alnck tonipanlea and aaaocla
liona. Including Ufa Inauranra rompan
lea. Their normal liirome tai Is In
creased tn per rent. 4 per ceut mora
than Iho prewnl la and S per rant
a hole the original houae and commit
tee program.
Increaaed aurtaxra (all entirely on
Indhlduala hating Income of lli.000
or above. They rang front 1 pw cnt
on $15,000 Income to a maximum of
31 per cent on Income lu txceaa of
pUlly alnco w ar o l.irtonatt at to
b on ! a IhoiKuind commnnlti whet
hotiMwIvva can alway gut KLavo Ftouf,
(vr lloO.ntHVOO U being spent to tell aaar
if ll nitiy fitr-Miperiiir meriu. llundrU of
rillv ami town tiiinnt get I h la belter flmr
Ml. Tlii I" firtiniiitalnbingonciai0tinliy
whem l-livo PUiiir U luadt).
Trv FLavo FLour
f f l-m.ll. .. .hneiM t..e4. '" JJr '"'H
,lvr, , . .11 im. .l n-.l .y.. H .k. 2 wt m-.r"lm' 1
iih rt ri...iie I. nrv, n at. , Nl -ttf l i ,
fl.. I. N-i- .v..i.l .ur. It roel.h.. II. eelli l-l l el
wiM-uihrnv. iii.jli.eii.tir"i"-i;'"h" "'r- , ,
lul .ikhiiic .Ml. nl f.e wh. ,1 wl-r-.n lie the ' " ' -B
All An.K . M.wl Mill pr..l.HU . 5i 7. rt!lVLl
hwh.01 ill every thirty o4y. Kv.ry ... k el rU ' 'rVi"T.
..rthi. ..ur. H.r4if l IU l mot St4-I4 M lu
hot luvd v.lite.
OrJtr FLovo FLour Today
r?eef (wkCMtaW
MwiwrlCmnM' H..r.l M.IL.t
Also Wt'alun'a litl mil Wlioli: Wlu-al r; (raliatu, t ircala,
FihhI anil Hay; Svvd tiiaitl. Slmk KihmI and Poultry 8uilir.
it 'utoiu imlliiit;. Your mtruiiui;v aohcitvd, W. I,. KoHnlNH.
Butter Wrappers
Furnislictl ami Printed at the Leader o.lice
Sixty (minimum) $0 iK)
One hundred 1 -0
Two hundred 1 75
Each additional hundred..! 0 13
Statrt'dfor the Benefit of the
, County I air Association
Walla Walla
0 Big Days 0
If Thurs., PH., Sat.,
Sept. 13-15
The Premier Wild West Show
of North America, uepfctinff
life on the plains when
the West was younp
Realistic, ZArny
Cntitiaininy, Snoiruetiv
Hundreds of Cowboys and
Cowgirls, Indians, Wild Mexi
can Lon'Khorns, lsuckinp;
Bronchos, Riders, Kojkts anr
Characters typical of
Frontier Days.
On Opening Day
Iteal old-Time Pot latch at
which Pioneers will be jrues.s
of Pow-wow Association.
Vho Sroat
Wortham Shows
Leading Carnival Attraction
of the West. Sixteen
High-Class Shows.' The Whij.
America s wewest sen
sational Ride, Ferris Wheel,
Carrousel, etc. '
90-foot high dive by lady and
wonderful wild animal act
Grand Street Parade Every Day
On All Railroads
Write the Secretary TODAY for
Beat KvaervHtTon. Admiueion. in
cluding Grandstand, 11. W; Child
ren, We. Bleachers, ':; Children
from 7 to 15 yr., 25c. liox seats.
including admission, fl.26. earnm
box seats, i.W.
Ceo. Drumheller
Mn. Director
0. C Soots
WaahlnjtoB. Reglatarcd mn who
reitm the iplectlv draft law faca mil
itary courtmartlal for daaertlon and
the posalbllltr of icutlon for dr
lion In time of war. Th whol mill
tary and civil power of tU fdral
gorrnmrnl. tala, cities or eountlea.
will be employed to bring them to
book. .
This wai announced In formal
statement by BrlfadlerCeneral Enoch
Crowder, provoat-marahal-neneral. In
responae to reporta from North Caro
lina. Georgia nd Oklahoma of antl
draft disturbances.
The Oklahoma rioters, "th Jobm
family" and other realaters of the
draft, are1 looked upon aa Ignorant
peraons deceived by shrewd agitator,
ir the agitators, alleged to be I. V.
W. lender who have stirred up this
trouble, fall Into the tolls, a charge
nf hlah treaaon will undoubtedly be
lodged against them and prosecuted
in the United Statea courts. Evidence
Is said to be In th hands of th an
thortties to show that the meo war
Inspired by an Intelligently sinister
Model 90 Touring- Car 8-10
Model &i-4 Touring Cur . 1H0
Mode! 8U-6 Tourinif Car I
Willys-Kniifht I Overland 1575
Overlands ulmost sell themselves, and give abso
lute satisfaction wherever placed. Best hill climb
ers on the road today. Let me convince you.
Dr. S. L KEHNARD - - Weston Agent
Nearly Two Million Men Offer $rv
., tcs to Nation In Four Month.
, New York. Official recruiting fig
ures of the United States government
Indicate that since April 1, last, more
thati 1,760,000.000 men have olun
leered for the military and nsval
services of the country.
For every man accepted by th
navy, army, marine corps, national
guard, officers' training camps and
the various reserves t can be stated
officially that at least two who ar
willing and anxious to serv their
country are rejected for physical or
other reason.
, Officers say that the estimate of
one out of every three Is a conserva
tive figure and that If the records of
various recruiting offices In all part
of the country could be carefully con
over It would probably show thst only
one out of four men who volunteer It
while the buying is good.
It's scarce now, but the outlook is for greater
scarcity, and higher prices.
I. W. W. Leader Burled at Butt.
( Butte, . Mont The bofly of Trgnk
H. Little, I. W. W. executive officer,
who was lynched In Butt by vigi
lantes lsst week, was burled at 3
o'clock Sunday afternoon. Funeral
services were In charge of I. W. W.
membera and Metal Mine Workers
Union members.
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburj, Wash.
O Saullta Killed By Former VVIf.
New York. John h. De fiaulles, for
mer TtbI1 States minister to Urn
giisy, vh shot and kilted aThta home
In Roslyn, I.. I., by hla divorced w)fe',
who was Mies Blanqullta Krraturlz,
of Valparaiso, Chile. Tho. shootlns
was the result, of a qnsrri-1 over th
cmtody et tbir 4 year-old son.
American Beauty
. Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
. best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by.
Weston Mercantile Company