THE DAVIS KASER CO.'S SIMMER CLEARANCE SALE IS NOW OIL i ' You were told a year tigo mat ruga woiim advance m i price- they certainly did ami wo tell you again In all Kin eerily that we expect another advance, not only on ruga but on nearly all hoiwefurnlHliingH, due to tin- nnrcity of raw material and labor. Now'a the time to buy now' the time to (ill every need --now'a the time to mako every dollar do double and triple duty. Take advantage of our GREAT SUMMER CLEAR ANCK 8ALK during July and AiikukI und SAVE TWO WAYS (our prices were not increased, generally Fpraking, after the liwt advance and are now reduced.) We want v ery home-makerevery newly-married couple 'very p r aon In need of hoiiHefurniHhiniM 1 know of and participate in this tremendous Having event ! ! I We hIuhIi priccH, not only to clear away the oiMk and ends of our heavy atoek. but to again go into the market and buy in advance of unother rise of prices, and to do thin requires money. Every dollar yti hx-nd in thi store NOW means that you will have an opportunity to buy below the market here again at Home future lime but not at pre nt prices. , It is like putting money in the bank you reap the inter est and your (meatmen t is safe, for you-will hae the poodi arid you will enjoy the use of them. BREVITIES Mr. Edison's New Blue Ambcrol Cylinder Record III llnal arhieveim-nt in itcvord initkiiiu of llmt lyn ! "Dr atv itnclii lly uulirrakahln ml have Im-i-ii played :hni tun. in l.nlH.rn lory Tenia without nhuwmg the lii'hl.Kt nen i f u. nr. 'Hunk ( II ! Ami tht-y owl only U) rvnla rn(li. Much liWKt-r M-lm-iimm csoiln' it on thvati rvcorda than on ordinary "Talkiiig-iuai'liaiu lii eotd," v huh maana more ami heller mimic fi r nttirh U- miii:.y. Von must hear thuaa wonderful Itvronla to reahxo what iiinc.iiilirriit they maka. W hava a complete utock of ttn-im Hwoid, inrliiilliig (lu vary Utorl niumr. I'rlco W ranta parli. THE DAVISKASER COMPANY lloim-fumiidiiiig I cjarl hhmi( Slmu Pianua - Muaic - rii.:iti; ruihn 10-30 Alder St. (Odd Fallow Temple) SVAI.I.A WAM.A. BBBMMBMMWMBBMaBBaaME9BM CB3CK HffMIHlBC MiCESBM WASH. Fresh and Baker's Goods ' from Model Bakery ICE CREATil and ICED DUHKS ' O. K. CANDY, SHOP Ncul cottage mid t' f'r "ale ot it uierilbv, J. A. Mrltai-. W. K. Wood bcyan thrcsliiiig bailey thin week at flu- Price Pro rain-It on liy creek. Jack ('alder is inMalliug new bath rHMii, toilet and lavatory fixture in tlti' C. I". H'lltlmh nuidcnre. Iloy riot under H in warit-d for night o rator nl the local tele phone exchange, U. O. DcMim. Mio Mary l-nnlale returned Monday from Jackson, Montana, where she has la-en teaching achool. Iiwi II Rogcra ift threshing mar Adam;;, ami m reirl' d to Ik- get ting 10 bushels of wii'itl to the acre. TheSi-iimhher, IIioriH & Hell out- tii v. ill begin Ihrehhing wheat next Monday on the lt nry Harris place thnt itiih-n i oiiiIi of Atlu-na. "i'tii" Wejiion VitiirhoiiM' company Iiiih bought a Ford from the lo cal air' til. H. L. Hedriek. for the u.-a- of it manager, Ki auk Price. Mi Firol .Mcb'iide luus relumed to her Ktudy of nursing nt. Provi dence hotpital, Seattle, after a visit with relaiives and friend in Webton. Mm. A. W. humlell and daugh ter. Minn Kva I.undell. left Monday for a vifit at CoKlendale. Wah, ae comiianyinjf her iter, Mrs. N. K. McVey. L. H. 'an Winkle and family mo tored i the Helix neighborhood Sunday, and were guiiita at the farm n-sidenec of Mrs. Minnie Walker. . Fifty thousand dollars will be ex- SUMMONS Mm. Roni Howell and n, lioii- i-mll by Pendleton in puttinC on . niePluir. of Touche, Wash were JJS In the Circuit Court of thaSUteof .Sunday visitor nt the I. II. Wil.y fl a(l vvnllh "" vt''y Oregon for Umatilla County, farm. Mr. Clair h been drawn "orw-s ateers. iHTfnrtm-rs wilIinm p. Hirtt, Plaintiff. v. Eliza for n.ilit iry herviee. ,,,ntefita worth .-eing. .Special Hinlf iefendant. ... , . ,, . , K Pullman tnims have already In-en To Elizabeth Hiret, Defendant above Miks bus Porter airivcnl home ,,tJiraKl, an,j win ,H)ne from ,-,. nmeii: Sjlunlay from lfc;f,nh"m' SJ" land, SjH.kane and St. Paul. The ,n the Name of the Sute of Oregon, where for the past two months Ma a,u.n,ian(e j8 t.Xwted to wiual if You are hereby rwjuired to appear and has Iteen attending mirnmer bcIhkU not gm-pnj i1;,t t,f jojc, X). rail, annwer the complaint of the plaintiff of the liellmgham Normal. roads have grantetl the usual rate "j,"81 vou in the above entitled . . , f . . . - ,. suit, within ix weeka of the date of The bme lndeenden rejairU a of one and a-third fare fnmi all the flrTt publication of this summons, In tter wheat crop than anticipated pointa in the Northwest. The rail- to-wit: on or before Friday, the 21th in that part of Morrow county, road officials assure the manage- day of August, 1917; and you will take Vicld are from K. to bushels ment there will U; no falling off in JXSSM )mt acre of wlnat testing 54 attendance and the only question )llead thcrelo withm tRid time, the poundN. wi(h them is whether or not they plaintiff for want thereof will apply to will ul.t.. lii furnish tlw ixiiiii.- thu Court for the relief nrflved for and Kt. Vmllu WI1..V anil Li-xter a 1-1 :.. i:;it'. ...... ,j ment Crlilo were united in marriage ' . Sunday at Hood Kiver, Oregon, the Thmhing was begun this week "Well, Say! I Ttaigiil Yoa People mit the Tire Business!" A customer Haid to u a few day ago and the remark opened our eyes. We have never quit the tire business. We did "close out our stock," and o advertised. (We have no money in it now, but we represent some of the best tire made and we back them up because we are backed.) No knocking of our tires goes, for if the tire does not go as guaranteed we make it go. Firestone. Republic. Diamond, Kelly Springfield and others. Watts fi Rogers t Jardinieres Beautiful in Design, Low in Price (The famous WELLEU Putlory) Wall Paper Remnants at only 5 CEffc the roll DeliO demanded in plaintiff a complaint, namely: for a decree of the Court for ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony . L I bride' home. Mr. and Mrs. Car- in E. A. Dudley's field of barley .i'rZTtZh lile are now in Weston, where they between AUiena and Weston, hut it equitable relief. i reported that the work lias ceased inis summons is pubiwned pursuant for a time the straw was to a order made in this Cause by Hon , , , , . ,., ... ( harles H. Marsh. County Judge of found to be too green, although the UmatiJn County, Oregon, in this ab luads are ripe. This field was sown 8ence of Circuit Judtre G. W.Phelps in March on grounfl that has al- from said' county. The first publica ways heretofore been used Jion of this summons will be made in , . 1 .1 1 1 ... . ihe estii Leader on Friday, the 13th wheat-growing, aud he Imrley was day ot juy, 1917. and the last publica practically "made before the hot tiou will be made on Friday, the 21th wave struck it. It looks so well day of August, 1917. that a yield approaching two tons 1,J'nf1 t Pendleton, - Oregon, this 1.. . 1... ........ ; .,...wi;..i.i ' ley has alrealy eontraetexl the civp expect to remain during harvest. Mr. Frank Smith was seized Sunday with an acute attack of up Kndicitis, and was oiHTnitnl on the ,-mni evening at St. Mary's hospi tal. Walla Walla. She has since been muking favorable progress to ward recovery. K. W. t'rown, A. I.. Douglas, (". H. Nelson and Albert James motor ed to liingham Springs Sunday with We Caa "Me Ya Reasue" We do not mean this in a belligerent sense, but that we can take your measure properly for your FALL SUIT I We represent the well- known Held & Roberts and Herald lines. r. Orders taken for J KNICKERBOCKERS J WESTON BATHS. BARBER I and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaudf their respective families for a day's lo j)aVP 'faylor of AUiena at?IO per ton, buyer to furnirh the siieks. Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader office Sixty (minimum) ?0 'JO One hundred.........; 1 20 Two hundred......... 1 75 Each additional hundred... 0 45 outmir. Albert laincrt annual the swimming X'ol until he develoed a beautiful ease of sunburn, and ha.s mnce lavn very sensitive. Mike Kuglolon had a painful ex perience with a bursting engine ghif the other day in the Wild Horse neighborhood. The glass exploded without warning and the flying particles struck him below the right eye. Two gashes were in flicted, but luckily the eyeball es caped damage. lh; was also cut flight ly on the wrist. Next Monday the Mendwell (Jar age will be opened in the 1'hililps building on west Main street by Lawrence Pennington, who until re ... i i i .. ti cent iv nas own emnioyeo w iui 11 L. Hedriek. Mr. Pennington Peterson & Bishop. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Post Office address: Freewater, Or. mm On the master list from Weston a:e Matt J. Vanderpool, Earl Dud- t ley. Earl G. Olson, Key Tompkins' ? unjl Frank Graham, vanderpool and Olson are already in the ser vice. The other three are all mar rietl men, but haven't declared as yet whether or not they will apply Jf exemption. Dudley has had military experience as an oflieer of cadets at the Oregon Agricultural College and also as second lieuten ant in the Corvallis company of the Oregon National Guard. - c rutin mart: uit tufrVbt oUwnrd or iw In . .Si'lMi HKMI.-I. pfcgtlN) r lAufaw M Ar- for rail SEARCH i mwit OH iwlMOAbllily. ftuk lwf.tnn& PATENTS BUILD rORTUMES r w Kr In booltM tell ka. wluu to kiM annum ireaiwmr. wmaladv Dr. S. L. KEHiARD i ID. SWIFT & CO. Veterinary Sigeon ! PATENT LAWYERS. 1 303 Seventh St, Wtshiitgtoa, D. C Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. Phone -- Main 253 Residents of Pine creek uplands above town were out last night lighting fire in Jim Lieuallen's pas- bas tare land, where about 40 acres of tirush ana timber were burned over HOMER I. WATTS Attorncy-at-Law Practices in all State and Federal Courts. ... v . ATHENA. OKEQON . 19 bad more than eight years ot expe- " '" u " g rienee in general automobile work, '"tfore the fire could be brought un- ft 11,. ,-H.m. hero Irom Euwne. where m-r euuu.i. in. onBiu is, uumh..i. he was employed in the Fifth Ave- iuk chmiin n ports that his bean nueitaiai. io,,Ks fairly promising, and A rattlesnake with ten rattles and mayiielp a little in the way of fotd J a "button" was despatched by Clem pi cpaiedness. The pods .are not s Uuncan at the Watts ranch north of forming well on other beans plant- O . . .1 . mi 1 ? i I. . .1. t . . .1 7 Athena, rep.oris tne rress. i ne eu- m wis neignuornoou aggre gating 400 acres or more. and, KODAK SUPPLIES EXPERT DEVELOPING and PRINTING Goodwin's Drug Store ' Q.-.-.- Press. The house cat discovered the rattler coiled up near the wood shed, and the little girl heard him buzzing and informed her father. The cat wiis crouched about four feet from the snake when Mr. Duncan came on the scen, and he did not wait to see whether pussy would have attacked the reptile .but killed it at once. ; f The new elevator of the Weston Warehouse Company at Downing station was started for the first time Tuesday and found to be in good running order. New grain, both bulk and sacked, was received at Downing Wednesday. The flat house, connected with the Weston elevator has just been criblied, in- chJs. H. Carter creasing the company s storage ca pacity here to between ninety and a hundred thousand bushels. The Weston elevator, is also in tip-top shape and ready for business. Mrs. J. V. Smith and children, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. D. H. Wilsey, left Sunday for their home at Biekelton, Wash. Church of the Brethren Order of services for Sunday August 5, 1S 17: JO a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. in. Preaching. 2:30 p. m.- Mission Study. 6:30 p. m.-C. W. S. 7:30 p. in. Bible Study, Life of Christ. i ; JOHN DONEWITZ, Elder. t Dan P. Smythe s Carter & Smythe 1 LAWYERS PENDLETON - ' OREGON The Farmers Bank'of Weston Established 1891 One hundred thousand people subscribed to Eng land's first war loan of 1, 750, 000, 000. After three years of grim war, eight million people in England subscribed to their great FIVE BILLION Victory Loan. If the people of the United Slates had subscribed to the Liberty Loan in the same pro portion, there would have been twenty million sub scribers and the amount would have been fourteen billion instead of two hillion. This is to show what can be done and what we will be expected to do. - Begin saving now for the next loan, which will prob ably be called for within three months. r &