The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 03, 1917, Image 2

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Out oT (SO accldenta raportad ta tta
Industrial accident commission dar
ing tha m! from July JO to X. la
clualva. two wars fatal, thaaa two ba
lni J. N. Kelly, McMlnavlll, railroad
operation; Denr Marsh. Jackaoa-
Principal Events of thWiek
. r ... . . An titrating cm short a la rvport-
Briefly Sketched for Infor
nation of Our Readers.
A bra mi Brother' sawmill at Craw
fordavllls waa bunted last aek.
The Oregon Retail Jewelers' aaaorla-
lion met In Dallaa Monday for n two
daya aeaaioa.
The greatest Irrigated crops In the
history of Klamath county are now
being harvested.
Charles Illxon. of Antelope, commu
ted suicide near Antelope by alaah
Ing hla throat with a raior.
Thousanda of young aheep are being
aold by Baker atockmea becauaa of
the slab, prices naked tor hay.
The woraen'a atate golf champion
a!ii will begin at Gearhart bythe-Sea
on Monday morning. Auguat 11.
Several dairy cow a belonging to
farmera of Greaham bare died recent
ly from tha erfecta of aome poison.
The I'ooa county court la threatened
with recall proceedings by cltlaena of
Myrtle Point, on a charge of extrava
gance. All forest fires are now under con
trol, and most of them hare been ex
tinguished, according to State Forest
er Elliott
Lottie and Rather McGulre. aged 13
and 9. daughters or Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert McGulre. of Slleta, drowned while
bathing in Sllets river.
Governor Wlthycombe baa re-ap-polnted
J. M. Cramer of Portland, and
J. T. Noti of Baker, aa members or
the atate veterinary board,
v The Oregon State Baptist Toung
People's union and summer aaaembly
opened at tha state falrgroonda at
Salem for a 10 daya' session.
Mum-Sow. the aged widow of Five
Crows, one of the famous Indiana of
the Northwest, died at her homo on
the reservation near Pendleton.
Fire put tha Fremont plant of the
Eastern Oregon Light at Power com
pany plant out of commission and put
small cities west of Baker In darkness.
Work haa been started on the con
struction of the horticultural by-products
building and the veterinary hos
pital for the Oregon Agrlclutural col
lege at Corvallia. (
C A. Harris, 44 years old, an em
ploye of the Willamette Valley Lum
ber company, at Black Rock, fell 40
feet from a bridge, receiving Injuries
from which he died.
The excavation at the Port of As
toria grounds for tha new million
bushel bulk grain blna is about com
plete and work la In progress driving
the foundation piling.
Representative Hawley baa urged
Secretary Lane to expedite issuance
: of patent to the atate of Oregon for
the Saddle Mountain park transferred
by a recent act of congress.
Oregon's new law governing auto
mobiles throughout the atate, doub
ling license fees and making several
other Important changes, became ef
fective Wednesday, August L. '
By the middle of August, at the
latest, all road work contemplated by
the atate highway commission for thin
year will be going ahead in full blast,
State . Highway Engineer Nunn an
nounces. t
The halibut aloop Spray returned to
Newport from a two and a half days'
fishing cruise with about 11 tons of
halibut and nearly three tons of black
cod. This is tha beat catch reported
this season.
' Close to 12,000,000 pounds of wool,
the product of spring clipping in the
' northwestern states, and equal to or
greater than the entire clip for the
atate of Oregon is stored in ware
houses in Portland.
Rugg Bros., chief owners of the
Ntinemaker Sheep A Land company,
have sold to Patrick Connell 5000 acres
of land on Rhea creek, the considera
tion being $36,000. The land is located
11 miles southwest of Heppoer.
Congressman Hawley is advised by
tbe Indian office that his request
has been granted for an early distribu
tion of the Siletz funds. The pay
ments to be made aggregate 112,000,
which gives each Sllets Indian $30. .
One hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars worth of livestock has been killed
by poison In Klamath county wttbln
the last few months, according to tha
report of a federal Investigator, and
tbe I. W. W. are blamed for the loss.
An auction sale of monkeys,' deer,
, elk, bear and other animals is in store
for Portland. Plana have been formu
lated by Mayor Baker for thinning
down tbe number of animals at the
zoo because of the high coat of 11 v
lng. ...
Official announcement was mad by
Governor Witbycombe that on Novem
ber' 1 Chester A. Moores, of Portland,
will assume the duties of private sec
retary to the governor, to succeed
George Palmer Putman, who resigned
recently. v .
- C. E. Coe, superintendent of the
Roseburg Indian offices, announces
that he is making plana to hold a sal '
of Indian allotmenta on September 25.
The lands to be sold are located in
northern California, Curry county and
ad by tha public aervlce commission,
which la receiving dally reports aa to
tha number of rare available la tha
atate to meet the needa of shippers.
The ahortage haa been climbing dally
during the past week.
A convention of tha Willamette div
ision of the Women of Woodcraft
Circle will be held In rwtlaa, Auguat
t and 1 Thirty-three Uxlgea from tha
alx Willamette valley count lea will be
represented and over 100 delcgatea
are expected to attend.
Governor Wlthycombe bas announc
ed his plan for keeping Oregon free
from labor disturbances by the crea
tion of a board of conciliation and
arbitration to which would be submit
ted all difficulties ahirh might arlae
between labor and capital.
An estimate waa received by the
public aervlce commission from C, F.
Porter, chief grain inspector for the
commission, that the estimated wheat
yield for the atate of Oregon thla year
is 11.400.000 bushels, or but (80 per
cent of last year's wheat crop.
A deed waa filed for record at Aa
torla whereby the Youngs River com
pany sella to the Crown Willamette
Paper company 4355 acres of timber
land, located in the upper Younge
River district The consideration
named la the deed la $450,000.
- Because of the danger of fire from
discarded lighted cigara or cigarettes.
Public Service Commissioner Corey
haa written the superintendents of all
the railroads or the state, suggesting
that temporarily they put screens on
the wlndowa of all smoking cars.
According to reports received by
Carl D. Shoemaker, atate game war
den. from hla force of deputy war
dens, forest rangers and other sources,
there will be plenty of deer when the
season opens In district No. 1. which
Includes all of western Oregon.
Pronouncing the aervlce of the Oa
wego Lake Water, Light A Power
company insufficient and unreason-
CUHK WOOD, ruklUhir
Stncltv in AiO"AiKt
The Year $1 50
Six Months 0 75
Four Months 0 50
Abvr.misiNti raui
Regular, per inch per Insertion 12VC
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c
Locals, per line per Insertion 5e
Ft DAT, ACS. J, . . . 117
t. Mttrid t tht pattallict st Witn, Oif
i iiKtf !! rmiI mattir.
relating to the admittance of Ore
iron to statehood; a aynopaia of tho
rYderal Naturalisation l-awa, and
statement of the taxa.ble property
in the several counties for the year
Announcement la math1 that on
Saturday. August IS. Mingling
An Interesting table allowing tho Bw".-ciirua will give afternoon and erle now numb. r i-tr.ti.m l.u nttfht performance at Walla Walla. ' . Tn "',m
approximate resist ra Ion by .exea unmitlhowm.n ..Bi, ping9 tfrn
the main tent program. The Ring
ling have secured erea of rlrrua
performer , never before awn In
An entire trained aninml hoJha
lfn made a part of tha main tent
program thia season. Th menng-
loti'j wini am-
hant. Inctudinir
earth a largest
IMM'hydortn, have been increased to
unuer mt several poimnu parue n .,, ..-.i ,.
I also "included. There ia such del ful Di-ocriun. aeeortlitig to their 41 almost 800 horaea ace car
" . . .ii tarn . ...!! t atfi I ....... a. ...I
uotilomMe KopuMionn irtiHmlir iiiym ivnt. Tho tmiuwlnuft iMiry
U llu! land aiH-etaole. "Cinderella." will
T,..,!.- .-ill !. nr.rn.ntlv f.,r. IhI to hoth old and young.
warded to all residents of the atate
More limn 1000
iMTiuiitM take
ried. There will be 0 clowns and
big free three-mile atm-t parade
allow day morning.
in it.
reo,uetit," tuy-a Secretary OU mh
Cet one iiml reml it, if you want
to lie xtcd on Oregon nlfttirw.
i . ii
The Semite hit ivjlimiI the tuition
id prohibition Hmendinent for pub-
nutamv to the pIhIi. tind it a up
to the ilotiNc to iHineur. If it will
help any, we concur. '
The Allies proMKc to g-t the ttult
marine Umv in order to get the
lmn' Mibmui'ine.
It ia cily the biggest sec
Hingling Hit, have ever
stngeti and iU glorioua "Itallet of nL.,.!-! C...w.nn
the KHirice," wiih mm dancing Physician and Surgeon
girht. ia in itself worth going many
mil, to a,. Following "finder. wm ' w"
ellM." 400 arenic artiMa apiar in 'liroN . UHhtltN
If you don't sec it in the leader
tin lto it ain't
Thnv years ago (lermany started
something that the Allies are going
to finish.
"Thia whimKTing ff the bully
umler the laah," is the way the
Oregonian dewrilN-a Teutonic ti-rndea.
A "ilve wire" nametl Hutchins
has taken hold of the lone Inde
pendent and ia making it hum.
It ia quite anomalous that aome of
ua move in such a narrow plane
that we have never seen an aeroplane.
Nuttily cakng. we would prefer
It may be scorched a bit. but it to l identified as the "Kernel"
will be the biggvbt money crop that ratu.r lmui the shell-bound vacuum
little old Umatilla county ever typified by the empty head of the
raised. Bulldogger ed.
able, tbe public aervlce commission baa journ8jj8t who runs the beat pap
Issued an order requiring the company
to provide the citlxena of Oawcgo with
pure water and an adequate service.
"Silver Leaf." an orchard dlaease,
baa been discovered In the Winston
orchards at Roseburg, the first ap
pearance, it ia believed, of the pest
in the United States. It la known in
England, New Zealand and Canada,
and Invariably kills the fruit tree at
tacked. Governor Jamea Witbycombe of Ore
gon and Governor Mosea Alexander or
Idaho held a conference at Portland,
on the initiative of Governor Alex
ander, who had requested the Ore
gon executive to meet him for the
purpose. Neither would discuss the
subject of the conference.
The effective work of the Citizens'
Defense League, working in co-opera
.tion with the officials, seems to have
brought a decided check to the I. W.
W. activities In Klamath Falls, and a
wholesome respect for the incensed
people of the community baa been
established. There is talk of erecting
a stockade.
Farmera and other growers of pota
toes, if they have access to water, may
very materially Increase yield, quality
aud profits of tbe potato crop by pro
per irrigation. Based on 10 yeara of
experiments in potato irrigation, the
Oregon Argicultural College experi
ment station haa collected extensive
auid valuable data.
A million gallon reservoir, in addi
tion to the present 2,000,000 gallon
reservoir, to be built especially for
fire righting purposes waa one of tbe
most important recommendations
made to Mayor Walter" Keyes and
William McOilchrist, chairman or the
fire prevention committee of Salem by
the state fire marshal's department
The public aervlce commission haa
iavued orders suspending tbe proposed
advanced tariffe on intrastate coal
shipments In Oregon on the Southern
Pacific, O.-W. R. & N., Spokane, Port
land A Seattle, Oregon Electric, Pa
cific & Eastern and United Railways.
The tariffs, under the orders issued,
are all auspended until November 1,
or until such time aa hearing can be
Counting road construction, bridge .
building and other work turned over
to tbe highway commission by tha
various counties of the state for over
eeing, the commission haa on hand
w."Jt aggregating tbe sum of $2,200,
000, which la nearly aa much as tha
commission hss done heretofore since
Its organization in 1913. There Is
now ander way or in proposala called
for an aggregate or work in excesa of
Several thousand Belgian families,
who are war refugees, will be trans
ported to Oregon for colonization pur-
Monday's issue of the Bulldogger "The man who does not give hia
waa really wuth read in', having fullest cooperation to hia country
been devoted largely to an import- in thia hour will die unhappy,"
ant and interesting subject not un- says Wood row Wilson,
related to an eminent East End
The I. W. W. activities of Frank
Little and incidentally Mr. Little
have been summarily suspended.
-i-mi law mi jpsx in n i mm
especially since we are a fortunate
be one of a thouannil
aa to
rttramuBltiee where
gut FLavo FLour,
houwwlwa can alwav
Over f 100.000.00 la being spent to tell users
of its many far-superior merits. llumlrwU of
citias and towns cannot fi this belter flour
yet. Thia It fortunate In being one community
where FLavo KLur Is made.
mm mm - lit tk Clillflld
Try FLavo FLour J
Krrw I. itrniittWf t-lir. m"r wtmbwma hrwwl. tlr t tlx "t lkl
t v..H all tM a a.! ,rl rt.. It maka waal mw. bfa-4
lift fl.a flwr I. ra.'l.t. Savnnr, logm-l. No df ait ,
Mji.oIi a NaluMav..trf .wif. Il r..K(ah lh mora I ) ft I ha
wheal tnt. Il larraainv hll. I ha tir.l raa M avK, Tha Ma
tlaismmallv aiU t Ha h-al arna,i lia I ha Savar ara a"l inilla.1 al uf H.
All Itm.ik an Marval lnl pfnlwcla am laapavMt a" tcol-J pkum aa-l aal
tlla-lia.1 alaatlant iy thlrti Sart- kfarr aava at Vliva f Unit la tartl4.
A.k lur Ihia Naiun- (laorl ftovt aa4 t wtu aal awl ttta4 raai lta Ua)
kmaaal lewi aiaa. a
Order FLavo FLour Today
Maaaaaaaf Caaaaaaaalr Maml M,Uan
Also Weston's llvst and Whole Wheat Flour; tiraham, Cereals,
Feed and Hay; Sved (Jraln, Stock Fool and Poultry Supplies. Wa
do custom milling. Your patronage solicited. W, L. KomilNS.
between Milton and
Athena. Con-
a a aa a i
Reported to be wondering what
will happen to her after the war ia
over, Germany would better devote
a part of her concern to what will
happen to her before it ends.
In a sense it is a Butteiful meth-od-and
It Will Work.
Butte should worry over a
hanging bee.
Coincident with the timely return
of his general superintendent, John
Open for business in the Phil- l
Banister no longer looks concerned- i,w garage building Monday, Aug-
over the burden of running his ust 6. Complete new equipment,
business. Will handle automobile supplies
, and accessories.
Service and rent car in eonncetion.
Free air and free distilled water.
Your patronage will be appre
ciated. All work guaranteed.
L. PENNINGTON. Proprietor.
We unhesitatingly condemn the
weeds about town for failing to
heed the council's edict and the
Leader's 'editorial remarks and re
moving themselves forthwith from
the ken of man.
The Iron Chancellor would have
allowed a baker's dozen Austrian
princelings to have been murdered
by half baked Serbs before making
the break that has brought the
Fatherland to the verge of ruin and
drenched the world with blood.
Pianos tuned and repaired at rea
sonable r prices. First-class work
guaranteed. A. W. Lundell, Mus.
1417 M&feb
Model IK) Touring Car 840
Model 8i-4 Touring Car...., 1110
Model 89-6 Tourins: Car 1420
Willys-Knight 1 Overland 1575
Ovcrlanils ulnnwt tfdl themselves, and give, abso
lute satisfaction wherever placed. Rest hill climb-
It will not be regarded as an
evidence of strength that all peace
talk emanates from the Central
Powers. .
Now is the accepted time to brag
on Oregon's climate and condole
with our heat-baked cousins in the
East but we haven't the heart to
do it.
i ... ....... i
1 Weston Meat Market 1
era on the road today. Let (mo, convince you.
Dr. S. L KEffilARD - Weston Agent
What . Congress has lacked in
speed Hoover, we trust, will make
up in control. '
About the only safe prediction is
that the war is three years nearer
an end than in August, 1914.
Meats and Fish
Ham, Lard
and Bacon
A. P. Perry
while the buying ia good. v
It's scarce now, but the outlook Is for greater
scarcity and higher prices.
The Leader is in receipt of a
copy of the 1917-1018 Oregon Blue
Book from Ben W. Olcott, Secretary
of State. This is a convenient and
comprehensive book of reference in
dispensable to every sanctum, and
we are glad that Ben remem
bered us.
In addition to the valuable statis-
Terms are cash at
Weston Leader shop
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1 865
Alhena, Oregon ,,s Waitsburg, Wash. 1
poses If plans outlined to Governor, tjcal matter contained in former
ceaUal Oreioa.
Witbycombe by Jamna filvln, an
Am-ricaa reprantlnR a Bl(?lan col
onization organization, materialize.
Mr. Slevin closed a deal for 62 acres
near Dufur for 269 families and bis
mission waa to obtain Informntloa
from Governor Wlthycombe as to
where other large bodies of land for
eoloniiatlpa migta ) araUatila. ,
issues, corrected to date, this nurn-Ix-f
includes a table showing the
dales of the ereation of the several
counties of the slate and the deriva
tions of the county names; the De
claration of Independence; the Fed
eral Coruititution; the ixveral Acta
Dr. A. F. Sempert
Graduate and Registered
Ollice Hours 'J to 12 a.
m. ; 1 to 5 p. m.
Watts Building - Upstairs
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company