The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 03, 1917, Image 1

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    I l,er;T-(
r t
Whst Th3 Preservation of
Fosd Supplies Means
to Thai). S.
fruit grower the neecanliy la urgent
of using every nii-iiin la protect and
preserve Ibeir product. It In i-rimx
lUloiliine, from the .r ' .mill piitnt of
view, to see Ih fiult i.f years of
labor ril Hit)' liv rite, lint when
to tlii it r-tii ll lb (jt. j.irr hihI nmr
ImiiIiiukI la Iii Ike i.Mrliv in tlx
destruction i f fund 'i liro. Ilir re
I'Oimlillil V of tnLmu ivmv prrcuulj m
gtmat fire lim-nines iinperutlv.
I lb grt (irnlii uri"H'g ei-t"n
of the I'm-iflr Hut. llie uf 3i
during th tumnir time nlwnri exists
oil this menace U lrli mIIoH la th
Aayoa with average of b-
Mrvatioa who trvl at Ik" prneeat
lima vf any porlloa of lha I'irilla majority of rural district by the b
Coaat, will kola young nta elad la Iba enr of regulur fire department ami
aw familiar khaki uniform, with 01 Imt Urn fluhtiiig emit-nli-ne. Tlx
rifle ver tholr ahul.ra, watching tba farmer, therefore, U aerrwiarity thrown
pproack In every bridge and tunnel Uxn bin nup room n f ir lln ui"in
of any importance or trtrgnl value, of prcservstmn, iiml iip-n hi in r.ia thr
The rooa ara a duty ilay anit night double rc.i.n,l.iit v nf llmt rlnuiiitil
North Beach
Of V Sarik Pacific Com it turn)
rtocM by Rail or Steamer
from Portland.
" -7: j,-
f Yt
tmim Htm Bttck PoUtr km mffhrttitm U
w. k. i
A TWh iHis
ror iaa purpoaa ar arr(iiariiin io ink iii po.niti pm nniit.i aim iq m f 1 JJiiiju, l ""Tl Vl V Ciorg aald
nauna railway rommuairaiinnp, avui urn hiiiikiihiiiiijj njijiniaiua . j i-rv 1 1 i iVT-) k.j k.. c
i. .. ..i... Tl. ..i r ... i.i . a,. r 1 u-u.u a . .!. r T Vt 1LR 1i naa 001 wwn
:;-.7.1or.? i io. . " . -w ' T-? ?r,vA-T';
all fiminioaM ahltibtiililiae aa.l manu PrarauUona Aealmit rir f . A fy3 ' T, i W t?B 400.000
farturina nlaata wblrb ar wnrkma In prv BraM alnnir b ami i "L ft'-' j.-v - '--rr--- "i. ; .. ?CL7N ' ,,iv.i.f! . the navy or n
tba InturMta of tba t'nlliNl Hint. All tk paaturo llrl.l ia a ariou. n,-aa- u't? J'iJ b''1 V the dominion
af Ikaeo alpa ara taban ta prove! to a ri imp of grain. apark from f'&Z 'ek-'3V-! vj The-Ruaalana
aay latrruploa la Ik rampalga or malrb or paomng train ur rmitud Vv3 '-4f Z-:'-"'Z'r - ' v ' ' ?U Unco of
prparfneoa la wkirb I bo cnuniry i fr0m n4 ekhit of autoawliilo en- yhjiiy- 'f'ijfX- " .'-' - nhere their
" """"I " ""' gine, or a ughttMl rigan-ne or eigar rZT-Z- ' r 'T-'-' Z, HV'-' .- In July, the
v i war. aiun iBrowA ran iaaiiy aaiue, ran eaaiir a ' -- - i - - - ' m -rriin m i . .... n..(l.
ON 20-f.!iL FBO'IT
Reached in Many Places
by Allied Troops.
Tb guarding of thaae varioua pram
la baa ee brought about through
the National Hoard of ftefenee, wkirb
kai alaa under eoaaidrratiaa tbn thor
ough eiteaeios of Ihia ayttem of pro
tertioa to all werehouaea and othrr
depota where the food euppUea of the
eouatry ar kept I atnrag. Many
' of three warehouse, however, partiru
larly in the Htatne of Waahingtoa, Or
goa and Idaho, ara altuated at laulated
point, and aa the Nation! ltird and
varioua Hiat f'ouarila of Uefeuae can
Urt a Bra wliirh, wiib ptirruuilirifw
favuriiig it apreadiog, will result ia nii-r inprnriy nr imilalifiilfy p
inealeulabl ! and deatroy a qun- n aevrrn'l r lit.n f tbn Btte
, Oraatle Meature for t W. W.
PurtUitd, Or. City, count)-, ttate
back before the enemy.
Ill of stain auffirirnt In furniah an H.i. l.n. I. .!. i, ...... .1,,-,.. ' .,,! tK.
entire rommunlty with f..od. Where marbinr. equii.d, bare demon- and finli-rai ofrtciala litld conference th rth nd aonth continue Ui fall
roodition prrmit, furrow ahoul.l be ttrati-,1 Krer.t etTii lpory. iu (,. 0fftce of Mayor Daker and laid
plowed b-t-een the gr.. and tb. Tb Viul Hour. 0)It , prosranimo t0 comb,t ,he t w.
If tbia to Mt poaaible. the gr.aa rHould Th,. 1. the hor of I w wn0 w hB1(1iH with ,n Iron
ahruaeaXeof :"i"h! ?i7 ""T. 1 " hnd by every agency of tbo atate.
taeek to las apreadiog or Bte. n , nc .lr.l to ar-l off the danger .
A NW UlMrd. Khirh t!irn1"r our hirsne n. eountry. ' '
A forapiratlvely new ilinu.r to gialn vr in liirtoiy hit tho grave qu-sti"n Belgian Cavalry Capture U-Boat
Rell I wtiit hot earlian iliwhkrj.'ra cf wn,t and Ihk arixing froio i'an. Tho Ucrman submarine that
The dorlilon to continue tb war an
til the alma of Iho ulllea bav been
attained la announced by tbe confer-
cure of power bold Id i'arla. ,
On tba Moldavian front the nuMlaoa SeCOnd Line Of OefonSBS If
and Roumanlana are carrying out an
'.ffectlve operation whlrb baa bent
Itack the deft-naive Hoe oppoaite Kedl
Viuarhely, Transylvania, and farther
French troopa In tb Aiane region
have turned In vlciota counter attacka
agalnnt the army of tba Oermaa crowa
prince, iut down an offensive, he bad
started bet wet ilurtt-biae and La Ho
ve lie and made good gain againat
blm all along tbe line.
In a apcecb In Pari Mr. Lloyd
that Great Britain now
000.009 and 6.600,000
without counting be
and 600,000 belonging to
rly 1.000,000 men from
and colonic.
have retreated a dl
approximately 100 mile from
drive carried them early
army center of the line
again on Ruaaian aoll
on both aides of Hualatyn and hi atlll
being followed by the force of the
teutonic all if. Llkewlae the armlea
lint, a' - w. - i t.h.iu tiu Mtf..i..j .cum i arisiua uvmiau auuiuariiiv iufc
.kLLui .K?!....f,u from th preveotkbl fir- aeaumrd a -.. h .eriou. ran ashore on the French coast wet
thee premiaee, it become th patriot i
duty of every American eitiren to lend
hi aid and to "Ho hi hit" toward
rnflrlitf th food aupplle ia hi
aaighborbood Imniun from danger.
Fir Wt and rood Ruppll.
On et tb great problem presented
U tb Hoard of National Defen in
th ear aad preservation of tb food
upplle of lb United HUte I th
fart tkat th flr wiat of this country
la o graatly ia -eea of that of any
tker aatioa,, Matiatir eovering a 'JO
yr period eoeelnaively show that tb
per capita flr coat In tb failed
Bute la over aevea timea that of th
aatioa with whlrb w ar at present
engaged In war, and that ta every man,
woman and child In tbl eountry there
la a taf of It 81 rb year compared
with a per capita rnet of only 3-1 font
ia Oermaay. The Mat-men! baa bren
made, aad it remains Incapable of euc-
eeeaful eontradietinn, thnt if th aame
pulling uphill or Ibrojigb a ht-avy part at l?ie iirnt tinta nr ralnln was not iloKlrnml when ila
af the crop. Kvery eihau.l should I.. Kvy p,.n, of fruit, and every o .nc. crew .t firo to lhe gaBOlino tank, but
protected by a one wire screen, which of fo,UtuC. ..-.vcl from .be arge. , captured by a troop of Bolgian
hcmld b renewci at lea.t once a of fi become, an added eounx- of 6'
ainnlh, a the beat, becomy so lntenr strength nd upport fur thore wb ar
aa to quickly destroy it effectivetjeas, Kl,iintly flt-lilina iu reMore the "
When the grain has been threshed j,,, ,,f the world. It i, therefore, I if a.f a -,? e
aad piled in tbe tleld, it ahould l pro- tlie iireiit and ii.crutiv duty of ev- I, 1, IV I rfil'rn S
tected by a sufficient number of fur- v cintvn to coiiwvrnle his utmost S.6.JW1.H IV
row to prevent It destruction from tb e(rori, m(h in hi individual and com- Ulriffn AT DMTTC
burning of slubhle. nmMa capacity, toward the elimina-i , tlAlluLU HI Dill IL
Oanger Trcm Thresher. tion of the firo hkiard sad eonsrrva- .
Tb time of one of the great ddttger 0B 0( ig Aatioa' owd eofplie.'-
te grain and grain acid in the .Norm-
Keranaky'a Power la Unlimited.
London. Tbe provisional govern
ment of Russia has virtually Invested
Premier Kerensky with the unlimited
power which the workmen's and sol
diers' and peasants' congresses re
cently voted to the ministry, aosord
ing to a dispatch from Petrograd.
Federal Troopa to Stay In Northwest.
Olympia. Wash. Governor Lister German battery bad to be replaced
London, British troopa in conjunc
tion with the French force oa theto
left attacked the German position
along a wide front north of tbe rival
Lys. The entente allied forces have
advanced well beyond the shell shat
tered front line German trenches. In
many places they bava reached tb
second line defenaee on a 20-mIl
front of attack, according to tb re
ports. The official statement from British
headquarter la France reported tbe
capture by the entente allies In their
drive of the following villages: La
Basseeville, 8teentraeta, Bixschoote,
Kerlorenkoek, Freienberg. glnt Jul
ian. Pllken, Hooga. Westhoek and
liollebeka, aad more than 2500 prison
ers, jj-'
At many point on a front of 20
miles the allies) took three line of
German trenches.
It Is ssid the Germane are employ
ing: a new acbeme of defense which
apparently depends principally apon
organization for counter attack.
They now diminish their garrisons
and by the same amount Increase the
strength of their supports . and re
eerrea who hold rear lines In force
and who are organised for Immediate
Aa an Instance of the terrible pound
ing by the British artillery, it is aald
to be known that the crew of one
was notified by the secretary of war
that federal troops now on duty in the .
state would continue at their present
duties until other local protective ar
rangement had been made.
nine timea and the guns thereof Ova
west is during the threshing aensoa
ml I caused by earelcs methods In
threshing and piling th threshed grain
too near to th strsw stacks. , Kvery
threshing machine by the very reaaon
of its operations rollm-l a certain
amount of smut or dust, which is high
ly Inflaiiimnliln and subject to colli
sion, aad tbe farmer should InsUt Mint
Butte, Mont. Frank Little, moinber
of tho exiMulive board of the Indus
trial Workers of the World and prom
inent in labor troublt-a In Arizona,
who recently referred In
General Otia Victim of Hrt Oiaeaa.
Loa Augelea, Cal. General Harri
son Gray Otis, noted newspaper pub
lisher and aoldier and editor of the
Los Angeles Times, died suddenly
Watdilngion. ftwrsiiulxutloii of tho
wa.iave liv m etfUiMl in (iermasv a hefore a threahiug machine commence government's war inircluiiilni; system
in thi eountry, th consequent loss and operation on his settings tho machine uiroUriU creation of a war industries
destruction of food supplies would bav J thoroughly cleaned out. flue exsm- (o gupyigj, buying, and to de-
Ken so great that tiermeny long since laed aad water tank kept full. If o((n )rjorUy of mam,raPiurc Blld sh)p.
would bav been compelled to lor r"-"'i". "" " ..
nure to initr-d sutes soldiers as
"I'nclo Sam's scats in uniform," was
taken -from a lodg!i.K houise at 3:30
o'clock Wednesday uorniiig by mask
ed men and hunted to a railroad tres
tle on the outxkiria of the city.
Since hi arrival in Butte recently
from Globe. -ArU.. Little had made a
number of spcechi-a to strikers in all
London. A dispatch to the Post
from Petrograd referring to the Rua-
a speech here at the age of 80, of heart disease, sian retreat in Gallcla aaya it ia con-
366 Killed in London Air Raid.
London. Since tbe war began 366
persons have been killed and 1092
injured by air raids In the London
metropolitan area.
moved '.very night, but whore this b M ,a""ru'',,, by Couucil of which ho had attacked the govern-
9n,' ... ' ,..' , . of National Defense.
W th this frl before us. it i ay men U..I.IT rirrum- . , . . . ,,,
t resllx th.l unlen. w cT.nnB" r '" ,'"'''1 Ihranhed u'rt' , 1 8 "7 rcl mfc. the connect-
methods and overcome our habit of dM o cln. to tbe thresher or th InR link between tho government and
rareleasnea thi greet Nation fce straw stack that the burnUs of either Induutry. It will bo charsed with tho
th erimi danger of defeat through a would endanger lhe griin. Kvery groat rcaponaiblllty for quantity pro-
fault which eonunon sense and caution threshing machine owner or operator auction, will dctermlno the question
'on th part of each Individual citixea ahould be, required to have a good s!cd of creating or extending Industries do-
onld eaily prevent. ebemical , tnnk with in equipment to mnmled by the war ami will pass on
PaelBo Coaat Eitpsclatly Favored. immcllately etlnuifh smnll lirea. price to bo piiid by tho government
Nature ha beea peculiarly kind to If not siitTieiniiily cured, and whether a nl,,,.,Ucribip ia as follows -
lho. who reside oa thi. fo.t. bM or lao,. bay will generate gase. k ; ( CI(!V,amli 0.chair.
have few adver weather eondltion which ro . aiiaeepuhln of apontaaoou . .. ., .,(h ' - v
to contend with, and all our people liv combustion unless the bnm l nffi. mn' ut-rn , r""' 01 NiV
under such comparatively easy and fa- eiently ventilated to carry off ttieso Yo,'k of "10 toml'" advisory com-
vorahl surroundings as to beget habit Rw, F.very psrticule of dry gras mission; Hush Fray no. of New York,
of csrelessnea end indifference towards and all litter and rubbish ahould be repreaentiiiR lubor; Robert S. Hrook-
the ordinary hasarda of lire. I'nder removed from barnyards and from nil iB. St. IajiiIs merchant; Robert S.
normal condition thone habits might building on the farm. I'nder no Lovett, of the Union Pacific system;
b fraught with a danger easily Ignored rumalHiire should smoking or the use Llentcnnnt-Oolouci Palmer E. Pierce,
and with few result of vital Rlguill- 0f niatchi' be permitted around barn rcnYi-KOiitinR tim army, and Itenr-Ad-
eanc, but In the present eriai and buildini;, while candles or any other n,iril Frank 13. Fletcher, representing
seed for the preservation of all food . ,. ahould h strirtlv urohib- .u
n .i. ...... i..,i. u. r .' . . . .... ' . '), mew .. ... ne, 0y ciino.i lament or ciee-
ment and urged tho. men to shut down
tho mines of the P.utto district.
Little was tnken out of the Steele
block by a party of masked men who
took bint away in an automobile. He
was nut given time to dross and had
only his underclothes on when taken
from his room, lie is not known to
have made any outcry or demanded
any explanation. It is presumed that
a towel from hia room was tied across
bis mouth, onu of the towels left there
by the laudlndy being massing.
Liberty Bread Replace War Bread.
Washington. It la not "war bread"
any more. Tbe food administration
has applied the name "Liberty Bread" straining every effort to capture It
servatively estimated that more than
two million Russian troops are stead
ily marching rearward. These con
stitute the 11th and 7th armlea with
their reserves.
The 8th army, which Is largely cav
alry and not Included In the foregoing
figures, also la retreating, and Ita po
sition, says the correspondent, ia ex
tremely critical. The Germans are
to substitutes tor wheat flour.
"Exempt" Buttons Sent Local Boards.
Washington. The little bronxe but
tons that will be worn by those ex
empted from service In the new na
tional army were being sent out to
the local boards. Every man rejected
will get one.
Wheat Club 63.14; bluestem 63.20;
while following up the Eleventh and
Seventh armies,
A dispatch to the Timea from ttta
headquarters of the Russian army
says the sltuatton hi more hopeful.
Panics among the retreaters are sup
pressed ruthlessly. Three divisions
of cavalry hare taken positions across
the whole front of retreat.
Deserters are shot and attempts to
spread panic are suppressed by
prompt executions.
V0 Hill I Mil.!. - , . , , , , . 1 li .... I V. - - I! W...VO.VU1 ,lh
. S. WILL CLRB I. W. W. red Russian, $2.12; forty-fold. 3.16.
. Barley No. 1 feed, $45 per tou.
nraa and indifference can quickly as
sume th Importance of a National
That Federal and Pint officials are
beginning to realise the riiagnitud of
thi danger 1 evidenced by the fact
Federal Authoritiaa Ready to Fight
Manac of Coast Disturbers.
San Frauclsco. Federal authorities
of California, Oregon and Wachiugton
Tlireo iiinml- nr t'm h.inril ami i in connection with the federal era nil
trie pocket flashlights nllowed in or Herbort u,)ovcr aro designated to'con- Jury, will begin immediate investiga-
stllute a government purchasing com- Hon of Industrial Workers of the
mission serving under tho hoard's dl- World activities in tho three states.
Net Ion. according to Assistant United States
. District Attorney Caspar A. Orubaun.
round barus carrying any quantity of
Fighting Fires,
Th great difference between th
trained fire department and the volun-
Hay Timothy. $26 per ton; alfalfa.
Butter Creamery, 40c,
Eggs Ranch, 34c .-
Wool Eastern Oregon, 61c; yalley,
75c ,
Mohair 65e per lb.
COURTPLASTERS INFECTED The announcement followed reports $3.17; fortyfold. $2.14; club, $2.14;
that la many ofhe Htutea a special t, (,rgBniMtion Is the fact that an
eoiirs of education la being given to ..i,,i nm. ktmu. emctlv
the school children by fir prevention vUt t0 ,n ,,ni,w(,,iR ,n nrro of T.t,nut Grma Found by Government fornia aud of fresh attempts to hinder
iht uKa (initit mil flita rinnifftra . . . . . ... ...... . ... . .
Wheat Bluestem $2.17; turkey red.
of further destruction of crops in Call
.-i T-o .Z Z e. el, hna ilino of nr" PP W' Experts In Chemical Analysis,
suiting from tbe earcles handling of mMt , U(.h .on,Hjon to givo th
mtrhe, th aecinhiilntlon of litter and ,wvje(l jn ln0 poaalbl Washington. Courtpluster, said to
rubbish in bascmentu, voodhiusiv st- KvB v0ulcr Oriraiiluitioii. have been distributed by German
been found by
the department
tetanus germs.
rubbish tn basements, xvoo..nouesv Hm0 KvB , volullleM. Qr,,, have been distributed
tie and torrooma, lack of ear Irmth better thim none nt all, and sympnthtiors, has bee
as ef coal oil and gaaolme, the hang- fho hfmm in BVPrv fommlinity a,ould chomicul anulysis by th
log of eleetrie cords over nails, and mmriiHtey orRare ami secure lire of justice to contain tc
industry in Orer.on and Washington.
"After careful investigation, we
have reached tho conclusion that the
entire I. W. W. movement is the work
of enemy i;i(s," said Assistant Dis-
fife, $2.14; red Russian, $3.12.
Barley $43.50 per ton.
Butter 43c.
Eggs Ranch, 42c.
the numerous other habit of careloii
fighting apparatus for the purpose of Attorney General Gregory hns warned
. . I . ! -II.. It 1.
sehool .up.rlnt.nden a had th. need of E ,urh fonmmnUy hou,(, fc.Jee-,
cleanliness forcibly brought to hi at- .oaHarv number of men to net a
Unlion, by b a yo,,ng daughter who fh flf h f
had li.t.n to a lectur on fir. pr.- . , , n ;w f M
v.ntion at th afternoon .cssion of th . n.m .
b given to denote flr In any locality,
and also where shovels, wet sacks, ehem
school and who took him down into
their basement and stood wstch over
blm whil b cleaned up th rubbish
which he hid eafelossly allowed to' ac
cumulate, whil a perfect wavo of
chimney cleaning iwept over one of th
eltirt of the Htat caused by a state
ment to the school children that their
'houae were In danger of catching
fir if th chimney had not bea
cleaned within a year."
Th rrmer' Expansibility.
Above practically all other occupa
tion", th ye of tb Nation tura to
wards tb farmer, tb great producer
of f eo4 lUflpliu, tad to thi tumu aad
from reliable sources.
Tho department of justice author
ised tho following statement relative
to its Investigation of sales of pois
oned plaster In various sections of
the Pnlted Stales:
''Tho department of justice, without
Bank Robbers Get $13,000 and Escape.'
Spokane. Two masked men enter-
trict Attorney Ornbsun's statement, ed the First National bank of Medical
"We havo under surveillance Germans Lake, 16 milea west of here, Shortly
who are ( guiding tlr acts of these after noon Tuesday, held up two men
vandals. Theso men nre not working in the bank at the point of revolvers
for labor; they are working for the nd later made their escape, after
Only 60 of 200 Russian Girls Who
Went to Front Return.
London. Women are fighting wo
men on the battle front in the east.
This news comes from Petrograd in
dispatches which state that when
Vera Botchkoreva's "Legion of Death"
entered ita first action last week, it
found that German women were fight
ing side by side with the men In the ,
hostile trenches. A number of these
Amaxons were captured.
Of the original 200 Russian women
tn the "Command of Death" only 60
are left. The commander, Mme. Botch
koreva, and her chief aide, Maria
Skrdyloff, daughter of the former min
ister of marine, are both wounded.
Twenty were killed, eight captured
and the rest are wounded.
I. W. W. Issue a Threat
Chicago. Miners, harvest 1 hands
and lumbermen of the middle west
Ihrfmltin lei mi fin n iii-iniiiitli.itl ttiL-t
leal extinguishers snd other appuratus sharing In any sensational view as to nr,0,, ,,,llr,.,i vrb,. e.r
and ntensil. are to bo obtained at th. the manner In which nicking plasters WfrW mombcn returne(, ,0
none! nom-e. or counuiuxuTS uccsuio imt'cica,
Water in many eases is not available, states that some of tho samples' sub
but a chemical Are extinguisher, with mtied and annljred have been there
which each farmer should bo provided, 1)y i,own to contain tetanus gonna,
will accomplish mor. In putting out a The publio , c0lweu,ietiy cautioned
fir. which hs. not assumed largo pro- ; ,nat purclm8llg IUto Kmciy copt
portions, than anv other means.- . , ,
P Where the diatrl-t . will permit, rom approved sources Tho wnnuns
automobile or motor truck can be Particularly directed asuinst pur
equipped with chemical tanks, aad those cllB8,,s tn ?nm" i" uSe fr0"
wiU prvi mort titwUv thaa rivr peddlers aad vendors." ,
scooping $13,000 in coin and currency,
into sacks and driving away In an
their homes in the Warren district of
Arizona. A telegram voicing tho In
tention of a walkout of mora than a
quarter of a million men was sent
from Chicago to President Wilson by
W. D. Haywood, secretary of tho In
dustrial Workers of the World.
. Utah Now Bon Dry.
Salt Lake City. The bone dry pro
hibition law went into effect in Utah
at midnight Wednesday. The new
law is one of the most drastic adopted
by any state in the United States.
Potato Crop May Be Short.
Washington. Warning that this
year's potato crop might not reach
the 452,000,000 bushels record produc
tion forecast for It because of poor
seed, scanty 'use of fertiliser because
of high, prices, and possibility of dis
eased plants, was issued by Lou D.
Sweet, the Colorado potato expert
commandeered by the food administration.
Price of Love. '
Prospective Jurors in breach
In New York 165 persona have died
of bst and got) r prvtrs.Ud.
More Troopa Are Landed in Franc, promise suits may be Interest d la
An European Port Another Amer- this "personal" from the London Ex
Iran contingent has safely arrived and press; "Mary Waited three wars at
disembarked. appointed spot until questioned by
. . suspicious policeman. Ti this is the
The second Liberty Loan drive will Pri of ,OT' " ,s ,0 cn 'or
tart November 15. ' ' " topty. rsNtreU. ?ottV