The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 27, 1917, Image 3

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The Davis-Kaser Cos
Opened July 21 and is now
Kull particulars of this imjwrtnnt event will be
found in the VVulla Walla newKpajjers-Hunday edi
tions of July 22. Copies of our advertisement will
bo mailed uon request to any address. Jiecausu o
the unusual price reductions to be made during this
sale, it will pay you to write for our advertisement.
Sale tfooda may be. ordered by mail (subject, of
course, to previous sale) and such orders will carry
our sweeping guarantee of absolute satisfaction.
lloiiivfurnUhiiig lvmrtmviit Slum
10 20 Aldor St. (CM.I Follow TempM WAI.I.A WAI.I.A, WASH.
lua-rator at the local tele- I
exchange. K. (). IK'M"N. I'
. himI Mrs. J. V. (Sell Hnd Mr. 1
Irs. j. W. Ilcrndon are spend- Y.
'fflTf If ?T WW W
and Baker's Goods
from Model Bakery
Neat ((iUhhi' and I wo lot fr iale
lit H Mi'rifll'f, J. A. MrlJlM'.
Mr. ami Mr. I'rarik Smith of Wal
lu Walla were in Weston .Sunday,
Mr. A. J. Mclntyre ha gone to
Portland and Wasco for a visit
with relatives and friend.
Hoy not under 18 in wanted for
niitlil om-rator nl the local tele
and M
ing the week at Li-hman Springs
Pianos tum d and repaired at rt-a-..
. I . i.
(vinuiiif price, rirsi-ciass wor
guaranteed. A. W. I.umlcll, Mus.
W. A. Cniliitin, Weston carpenter,
in employed on the Oth I&ttKrr
bungalow in Athena, according to
the Pre.
A social dance will be given to
morrow (Suturduy) evening at We
ton ojhtb house, with muic by Joe
I'u) tint's orchestra.
Mis Zena Lansdale returned Sun
day from PendleUm, having quickly
retrained her strength after an op
eration fur apjicndinti.
Mrs. Iura J. Lucas of Westport,
Arkansas, la visiting at the home of
her son, F. G, Lucas, and will re
main during the summer.
Joe Hodgson got hack Uii week
from Montana and Im Cross' , and
everything began to brighten up
around the neighborhood.
Zeke O'Harra was taken to Pen
dleton Monday by Dr. Sinith and
oiH-rated upon for the removal of
varicose veina from his leg.
"Well, Say! I Tliouglil You People
Qi tbe Tire Business!"
A cuHtomer said to ua a few days ago and the remark opened our eyes.
We have never quit the tire business. We did "close out our stock," and so advertised.
(We have no money in it now, but we represent some of the best tires
made and we back them up because we are backed.)
No knocking of our tires goes, for if the tire does not go as guaranteed we make it go.
Firestone. Itepublic, Diamond, Kelly Springfield and others.
Watts & Rogers
A pleasant little party was given
at her home July 25 in observance
of the ninth birthday anniversurv
Andy T. Harnett wan at Walla of Lois Saling. The children had a
Walla Saturday taking the civil ser
vice examination for the ignition of
typewriter in the government service.
merry time, and were regaled with
a fine luncheon served under the
trees. The young guests were
Genadlne Larsen, Genevieve Staggs,
Katherine Lieuallen, Marvel Cash
att, Mary Proudfit, Kvaline Sowers,
Blanche Thoraen, Kvaline Thorsen,
Maxine Culley. Elsie McGibbon.
Harold Payne, Clarence Me
Gibbon, Orell Davidson, Earl Harbour.
Mrs. Emma Allyn returned Tues
day to her home at lone, after a
visit with the J. J. Beelers, the Geo.
H. Carmichaels and other friends In
this neighborhood,
Athena Is to have a concrete
swimming nkjI to be located in the
city park. We would recommend
that lioyd be permitted to make the
hrst nigh dive, to sue 11 he can
touch bottom with his proboscis. Harvesting will be generally lie-
Walter Williams and Robert Rey- ll,rougho"1 Z'"" !"
of fishing on the Umatilla river.
They made camp above Hinghant
c. ..i ........1.1 ..i...... ..n
Minn, ukiil juoi ninmi ail t .
i... .u i i snori
me iinu inni iney Ulil imv iivive 111 ,
the river.
!)r, J. A. Host, mayor of Pendle.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
William P. Hirst. Plaintiff, vs. Eliza
beth Hirst, Defendant
To Elizabeth Hirst, Defendant above
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
niea Bgainsi you in the above entitled
Mildred Harbour. Ora Webb. Grace "u,t. within six weeks of the date of
Miller. Ada Calder. Marimret Cj.1. 'he firat publication of this summon..
h Raynaud!;:
,7. "v.i,m aay or August, iyii;
A Brass Bed for Any Room
T"ESIGNED tc harmonize with any type of furnl
""" ture, this Simmons Brass Bed will prove a pleas
ing addition to any room, no matter hew simple or
how dignified may be the furnishings. Conservative
in design, thla ia one of the most popular models we have ever
hown on our floors. And die Simmons' special methods of
manufacture make this bed practically weor-croof. -
barley may be cut next week in the
Dry creek neighlnirhood. The fact
is recognized that the crop will be
one, spring grain in tiartie-
ular having been badly damaged.
Some of it has even cured in the
fields. Moderation of the heat and
ton, was In town Tuesday. The cool nights are helping the crop in
doctor lately received his commis- the Uplands, where rain would not
sion as first lieutenant in the Med- yet come too late to be of benefit,
leal Corps of the United States Upland barley is too short to hind,
Army, and cxecta soon to lie as- and will have to lie cut with a
signed to duty. header.
Self-propelled combines were un- Picking at the John Bonewitz
loaded this week for Mrs. Z. C. cherry orchard was practically fin
Price & Sons, George Staggs and ished this week. While onlv about
George Hade. One of these ma
chines was received last week by
Iley Winn, and is now ready for
business at Meadow brook farm.
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum). . $0 90
One hundred..: 1 20
Two hundred 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wurzer returned
tv .: r . 1. .. t .
iV .7' "i-'r.T" 'C mn7 enough to have
to Ikj very oor throughout that
region, with which he was not very
favorably impressed.
Twenty-eight girls from Milton
are reported to have made camp last
week at Cold Spring in the B(ues,
and to have enjoyed mpuptain lif
thoroughly without any trousered
pests of the opiMisite sex a-bother-ing
around. One married ' woman
ammianicd them as cliaiieron.
half a normal crop was yielded by
the orchard this year, the cherries
were especially large and attractive
and are pronounced of delicious fla
vor by the Leader's horticultural
editor after careful, conscientious
itz was
most of his crop before he invited
the editor in.
The Weston band will give an
other concert this evening in City
park. Ice cream will be served,
and vou will take
notice that if you fail to appear and
answer the said complaint or otherwise
plead thereto within said time, the
plaintiff for want thereof will apply to
me Lxiurt lor tne relief prayed lor and
demanded in plaintiff a complaint,
namely: for a decree of the Court for
ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now and heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and for other
equitable relief.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made in this Cause bv Hon.
Charles H. Marsh. County Judge of
Limaiuia tounty, uregon, in the ab
sence of Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps
from said county. The first publica
tion of this summons will be made in
the Weston Leader on Friday, the 13th
day of July, 1917, and the last publica
tion will be made on Friday, the 21th
day of August, 1917.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
11th day of July, 1917.
Petkrson & Bishop.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Post Office address: Freewater, Or.
f Dr. S, L KHillARD
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone Main 253
is an expert with the
tape. He will take your
measures scientifically
and produce a made-to- f
order suit that will give I
a 1 . ?
you tne utmost satisiac
tion. Try him.
: I R. L. Reynaud f
, , ,,,., .,,,. L
t My
traito mnrkaiuulvufyrtetuofaiHrtl or ft
for. UMMl RMmMk ffcgUftnl r HlMtu Ml df-
rit4itta tor MIM SEARCH 1 nvort
on lUlmtahlKj. a ntimi
yon. Owr In boufctate tell kow.wbmtCw taw
303 Seventh SL, Ws&hlajtoa, D. C
and Kederab
Practices in
all State
The Second Idaho regiment, which
is now stationed in Utah and to
which a numlier of Weston boys Im
long, has been ordered to Palo Alto,
Calif., where it is said tha; 5(l,0il
(iwps will 1h put through a strenu
ous course of training. The Idaho
boys exect to leave lor their new
camp about the 5th of August.
Cburch of tbe Brethren
Order of services for Sunday
July 29, 1917:
10 a. n. Sunday school.
11 a. m. Preaching.
2:30 p. m. Mission Study.
6:30 p. m.--C. W. S.
7:30 p. m. Bible Study, Life of
Real Heroiim.
A story camo from Switzerland sotuo
years ngo of a mountain gutrio whose
oatne was not preserved. He, with
Sim J. Culley was seized Friday two others, wag loadlnu party over
with an attack of acute apjiendicitis no of the most precipitous rasses of
and was conveyed in an automobile SJ,,'Eh!T, '? '
, . , , . , . . ... ,, ... ., wero tied to each other by a long rape,
late Saturday night to Wa a Walla. A8 ,Ucy 2r ?e
arcomimnied by Dr. C. H, Smith, (j, 0J, ,)a cUbo of , frlShtful
Marvin and Frank Price. Larly cUaam. This man was at tho end of
Sunday morning ho was ojierated the ropo. Without his weight there
U)Hin by Dr. Bert Thomas and Dr. was a chauco for tbe othei-g to regain
Smith. Mr. Culley is one of this their footing; with It there was none.
community's leading and most ac Uo cs Stance down at tbe dark
The Fanners Bank of Veston
Established 1891
tive farmers and president of the
Weston Warehouse company. Ev
erybody is therefore glad to hear
the news that he has been improv
ing rapidly since the operation.
The unHnimoua view is that we've
just got to have Sim Culley back,
that his vermiform appendix was
highly inconsiderate to bother him
at this particularly busy time, and
that tho doctors did well to lop it
vff without tblty,
auyss, mitti who rutuouiiesa suows,
then drew lili kulfs from his belt, say.
lug quietly to the man nest him:
"Tell mother how It was, Jose."
lie cut the rot and foil, never to be
aeen of mortal man again.
Chas. H. Carter Dan P, Sroythe
Carter & Smythc
One hundred thousand people subscribed to Eng
land's first war loan of ifl.750,000,000.
After three years of grim war, eight million people
in England subscribed to their great FIVE BILLION
Victory Loan. If the people of the United States
had subscribed to the Liberty Loan in the same pro
portion, there would have been twenty million sub
scribers and the amount would have been fourteen
billion instead of two billion.
This is to show what can be done and what we will
be expected to do.
Begin saving now for the next loan, which will prob
ably be called for within three months.