w ESTONJ ILEADER VOLUME 40 WESTON, OREGON, FRIDAY JULY 27. 1017 NUMBER 7 FOOD CONTROL BILL PASSED BY SENATE Minimum Price of $2 a Bushel for Wheat la Guaranteed By Measure. Washington. Virtually r written a It cam from th nous a month mo, lb administration food control bill, modified but till giving the president broad authority to regulate foods, feeds and fuel; providing for a board Of thr food commissioner Instead of a alngla Individual and authorliliif a minimum guaranteed price of II a bushel for wheat, wa paaaod by tb enat. Prohibition provisions, prohibiting further manufacture of diatllled bv. rage and directing the president to buy all distilled bvragee In bond, wer left unchanged. The final vol en the bill was II to I. President Wilson asked congress to eliminate from the food control bill a senate amendment creating a Joint committee of aeoatora and represen tatives to confer and advise with exec utive officials on war expenditure. In a letter to Chairman lver, of the house agriculture committee, the president palmed out In frsnk terms thst such a committee would be likely to harass constantly those directly re sponsible for the conduct of the war. Retention of the section, he notified congress, he would be compelled to Interpret aa signifying "a lack of con fidence In myself." Plana worked out In congress for raising war revenue were overturned by announcement of forthcoming ad ditional estimate for war expendi tures aggregating more than $&.00o,. oOO.OOO, principally In anticipation of assembling a second array of 600,000 en under the selective draft. MEN WILL BE DRAFTED BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1 Washington. nefor September 1 thousands of men alfted from the top of th draft list will be In khaki, It wa officially predicted her. A a rult of th drawing, tewy registered men receive a deflnlt place In th llablllty-for-aervlco Hat. Already M7.000 hav been ordered to the color to fill to war strength th regular army and national guard and to constitute the first Increment of the national army. To obtain that total 1.S7O00 men will be called for examination within, a few weeks, officials estimating that two registrant muat b called for very soldier accepted. Thea 1,ST, 000 will be taken from the bead of th liability list Provost Marshal General Crowder ruled that posting at the board bead quarters of the Hat of men ordered to appear conatltutea legal notification. It therefor Is Incumbent upon all registered men to learn their red Ink number at one and to see that th board headquarter I watched when th list 1 posted. Thoso ordered up also will be notified by mail, but the period allowed for appearance will count from th poatlng of th list. SHIPPING BOARD CHANGED Oesthsls, Danman and Whit Ar Eliminated. " Washington. President Wilson cleaned house In th shipping board. He eliminated Major General Goe thals, William Denman and John B. $Vhlt from the board and tho emer gency fleet corporation, accepting the (raftered reslgnsllons of Goetlials nd, White and requesln th resigns tloo of Mr. Penman. Th' president then appointed Ed ward N. Hurley of Chicago, former member of th federal trad commis sion, to succeed Mr. Denman. Balnbridg Colby of New York to ueceed Mr. White. Rear Admiral Washington U Capp to succeed General Goetbals. With the cbangea In th board will com a complete reorgsnixatlon of methods. It was stated officially that the president now will Insist that the work of building a merchant fleet by the United Btates proceed without any delay. Austro-Germen Drive Unehscksd. Berlin, via London. Th advanc of th AustroGerman forcea In east ern Oallola continue uninterruptedly, th war offlc announce. Tarnopol hag been captured and tb Oermana aj BlillAI Bu,cuci, EUROPEAN WAR NEWS Intense raiding activity cunllnure on Hie western front l.y the llrltUli. German troops In Kusmtu Guilds have ' crossed tlis Zlot lioir Tarnopol road on a front of 40 kilometers, Gor man beadiiirtt're announced. The Ituselsn premier Lvoff lias re signed and A Inlander I'. Krn-uky has been appointed premier, but will tem porarily retain Ills portfolio uf iuIuIh Ur of war and marine. The Germans continue tlieir often slve sgslnat French troos on the Che rain des Dames, burling great disuses of men In fruitless attacks. Tim aa saillts were repelled, Ilia French war office ssld. The Uermsna made rurloua ansaulta on the AIsho front, bringing up fresh trnopa. The official statement says the attack were broken up by tho French, who Inflicted great louses Upon them. Tli" Hermans also attack ed on the Verdun front, but gained no success. Itussla'a shaken armies in Calirla are still lu a retreat which bids fair not to end until they reach approxi mately tlio line occupied by them last year before General truilff began bla big offensive. Despite this ex ten slve retrograde movement, cow-ring virtually all the front between the north Galh-lan border ami the Car pathian foothills, the tone of. both o flclal and unofficial dl.(.li.n from Prlrograd shows confidence that tlia disorganisation In the army will bo adequately dealt with and a firm front again presented to the enemy. PREMIER KERENSKY ' Alexander Kersnsky, the young war minister of Russia, who haa been mad premier, RUSSIA IS WARNED BY NEW PREMIER Petrograd. "A blood and Iron pol icy" will be put Into effect. If needed, to save ltusHla, by the government uf Tremler Kercnsky. to which unlimit ed nower has been granted. In an Interview the premier said: nsi..inr imnn thft r-nnflricnro of the masse and tho army, the government will savo Itussla and llusalnn unity by blood and Iron, If argument and reason, honor aud conscience ar not ufflctent. ' "The situation at tho front Is very serious and demands heroic meusures. But I ho st am convinced tho organism of statu' Is sufficiently vigorous to be cured without a partial amputa tion," Th council of oldlora' and work men' delegate and peasants of all Russia voted to grant tho government of Premier Kercnsky "unlimited -pow-era" Under the title "government of national aafety," for the re-establish-ment of public order, both at tho front and at home. Minimum Wheat Price at Primaries. Washington. The senate amend ment to the food bill adopted by the aenate fixed a minimum price of wheat at $2 a bushel, aud is Inter preted by western senators to mean that this price will apply to Fortlund and Seattle, which are primary mar kets for the northwest. The wheat growers of the Inland Kmplre are not guaranteed $2 by this provision, but $2, less the freight rate from the point of production to cither Portland or 8utU. In Picture Fill V 6p 65. I .37 85 34 Zt 12 Till; omr kli, the last picture you drew. Is a big and queer looking bird, bm't It, children T Your mamma may have used ostrich plumes lu ber bat. The kirk of tho ontrlrh Is a bad as that of the mule. There are many ontrlcb farms In Texas and California. Now, the nest bird that you ran draw, if you K-( cut your oft pencil and begin at No. 1, la polled with only three letter. It lives In cold regions. The great auk's eggs sr almost as valuable as diamonds. Allies Oiv Crcscs Freedom, Washington. The allied control of Greece's internal situation has been formally abandoned, according to an Athens cable to tho Greek legation here. THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat Club tZ.0; blueatem 12.15; red Kusstan. 12.08; forty fold. $2.12. parley No. 1 feed. $13 per tou. Hay Timothy, por ton; alfalfa, fit. Butter Creamery, S8c. Kkss Kanch, 34c. Wool Eastern Orcgou, 61c; valley, 75c. Mohair 65c per lb. Seattle. Wheat niuestem 12.15 12.12; fortyfold, $2.10; red mission, $2.08. Barley $42.00 per ton. Butter 42c. Eggs Kanch, 40c. turkey rd, club, $2.08; Declaration of Independence by Finna. lleUlugfore, Finland. A conflict with Russia is regarded as inevitable because of the action of the Finnish diet lu adopting a bill granting lude fcciulenco to Finland. 8weden Seizea Food. Stockholm. Tho Swedish govern ment has expropriated growing crops of all cereals, legumes and sugar beets. Government Lets Contract for Cycles. Washington. The war department has contracted for 5000 motorcycles for the new army. : ThrnMhinir hiot bee-un around Pilot Hock, where wheat is yielding nbout 20 bushels, llnrley is very light. -"'iiM-1"n-i fr-a il it fi?i North Beach Th REAL REST RESORT r o th North Pacific Coast is now nachtd by Rail or Steamer from Portland. LOW ROUND'TRIP FARES u;no:i pacific systei xf S'tm Bttck FoUtr ko tfipKcttion ta n-mt O- W. R. R.&N. Agnti. r ky writing r J Wm.McMurnw,QaralPsasM(rAci,Psrtlaad fX 1 J Puzzle No. 14 L ft It Depends on ths Dog. Two Bruedvtay buMm-mi men met before a Iwr. They were cxxl friend. "I'm worried a little." Mild one. "My chauffeur ran over a do t"duy and killed It." "fib, I wouldn't worry nlemt a little thing like that." wild the oilier "The d" probably pit lu the way. These d"s arc o pest." -J'Uut It was your dog." What!" came fp'm the second. "My doK? I'm sorry, but that will cot you $lUil. That chauffeur of yours is too careless. I Insist on the hundred, uu-derstsud."-New York Telegraph. So Twould. "How would you like to ta!;e a triri In a Hiiliitmriue'r" "I shouldn't care for thut," replied the society bud. "Why not?" "Oh, dealt! Miift I really tell you? An oceim voyage would bo frightfully boring, jou know. If there were no place to iluwm-e." UlrniiiiKiiuiu Age Herald. Rack Rents. A "reck rent" In a "rent that Is equlv. alcut to the full net animal value of the real property out of which It Issues, or approximately so." By statute lu Knglaud today rack rent U defined as "not lees thau two-thirds of the full net animal Value of the lauds out of which It arises." Name of the Colli. The collie's liamo appears to lie shrouded In mystery, but there seems to be n fairly reasonable foundation for supposing that it Is from "coll" or "collar," on account of the brond white mark round the neck which Is seen In the majority of these dogs. Kschnuge. Anoisnt Candles. Candles used by the liouuuis were composed of etriiig surrounded by ei ther wax or pitch. Splinters of wood covered wttji fat wore used by the RngHsti poorer classes, abviut 1300. "l V ae Z? 71 l4nW".! t-' TJ-.1 - Pi Aim MAY U MAV 10WERF10UR PB.CES Reduction Predicted aa Rtsult f inimum Wheat Price. Chicago. The senste amendment to the food control bill, fixing a 12 minimum on the best grade of wheat, mcana lower flour prices. In the view of J. P. Griffin, president of the Chica go board of trade. Board of trade operator bav be lieved that the wheat minimum should have been placed higher, aa July fu turea closed Saturday at $2.(t per bushel and September at $2.27 V C'aah wheal aold at 12 49 a busbel for No. t northern, which la two grade below No. 1 northern, fixed as a bast for the $2 rate by the annate action. Speculation in wheat and corn baa practically ceased. The grain trad la frankly punled as to the future of the market, assuming that the house will concur In the senate amendment 16,000 Men In Army Division. Wsnhington. Secretary Baker an nounces that In pursuance of sugges tions growing out of the conferences of American army officer with Gen eral Joffre. tactleoj unita of the na tional army will be organised on a basis of about 16,000 men each la place of 24,000. CHANCELLOR MICHAELIS Dr. Georg Michael is, who succeeded Von Bethmann-Holiweg a chancellor of the German empire. SEATTLE IS IN GRIP OF INDUSTRIAL WAR In th Seattle. Wash. Seattle Is throes of the greatest labor upheaval In the city's history. The climax Is being awaited with grave anticipation. On the horizon looms an industrial debacle that threatens to tear at the very heart of Scattle'a life and para lyze the city's Industries. There are many strikes. Including the timber-workers, shingle-weaver. express wagon driver. Junkmen and even pollcrmcn. but above all stand TEUTONS TURN SOUTHWARD the motormen, conductors and other employes of tho Puget Sound Trac- Effort to Encircl th Ruaalana I tlon. Light & Power company, the Under Way. storm center of Seattle for yeara. One Copenhagen. The Austro-German thousand, six hundred carmen are out flood In eastern Galicla haa been turn on strike- Every car Is idle. ed southward in an endeavor to get Ope of the outstanding features of the strike situation is the attitude of the police department. Already 15 of ficers have been discharged or quit because they firmly refused to ride as guards on streetcars and express wag ons where nonunion men are in Charge. Mayor Gill has ordered the arrest of these policemen on charges of nonfeasance. Alton W. Leonard, president of the Puget Sound Traction, Light & Power company, announced that the com pany had no answer to make to an offer from the streetcar men's union strike committee to arbitrate all other questions It the men discharged in Seattle and Tacoma for Joining the union were reinstated. State of War I Declared by Slam. London. Slam has declared that a state of war exists with Germany and Austria, according to a Reuter dis patch from Bangkok, and nine steam ers, aggregating 19,000 tons, have been seized. Canadian Commons Votes for Draft. Ottawa, Out. The conscription bill passed the house of commons by a majority of 54. Bangkok-Siam has seired all the Austro-German ships in her harbors. GERMAN ATTACK III CHAMPAGNE FAILS French Repulse 40th Attempt to Take Chemln des Dames Since May 4. Grand Headquarter of th Freach Army In Krsnc. The watchword t th French troop at Verdun 'they shall not pass" baa applied equally to th Champagne, and tb Franca bowed the crown prince's army that th Chemln des Dame wa a closed road to them. On Sunday morning tb Germans, la treat force, made their 40th attempt Inc tb French captured Craoan oa May 4, to secure possession of the famous road. Th Is effort wa on of the biggest offensive movements they had mad since Verdun, so far ss artillery waa concerned and proved an undoubted failure. At 6 o'clock tb German Infantry started from their trenches. Rifle and machine gun fir began cracking while the trench mortara hurled torpedoes and the rifle grenadiers opened a wicked barrage' fire as soon aa th Germans, who bad been awaiting th prearranged signs! to spring forward, began to leave their Jum ping-off par allels. German shock nnlts. ss usual, led the way, followed by wave of ordin ary infantry, who were to occupy and organise any ground captured. Th attacking forces soon melted to a thin line under the withering French fire which met them, and those still able retreated hurriedly to their owa line, which meanwhile came under aa Inferno of French shell fir that mad the German trenches untenable. ENGLISH PREMIER . ANSWERS MICHAELIS London. The British prime minis ter, David Lloyd Georg. speaking at a great patriotic demonstration, la commemoration of "Belgian indepen dence day" characterized the speech of the German chancellor. Dr. Georg Mlchaells, as a mere sham and de clared that he did not want the Ger mans to "harbor any delusions that they are going to put Great Britain out of thia fight until liberty haa been re-established throughout the world." Far from being starved by th TJ boats, Mr. Lloyd George declared. Great Britain's food supply for 1917 1918 was already obtained, production was Increasing and losses at sea were diminishing. He had sought In th chancellor's speech for something upon which he could base a hop for the ending of the bloody struggle. "But," he declared, "I aee in It a sham independence tor Belgium, a sham democracy for Germany, a sham peace for Europe, and I say that Eu rope has not sacrificed millions of her gallant sons to set up a sanctuary for sham." In the rear of Russian armies between Brzezany and the Dniester, Austrian correspondents report. The Teutonic forcea engaged la this operation, they declare, bare reached Koseva station, 10 miles east of Brze sany. which la in Austro-German ands. The Koseva-Tarnopol railroad has been crossed by them in several places. These dlspatchea forecast th Russian army' stand behind th Sereth and reiterate th reports that Tarnopol was in flames. - A Berlin dispatch says Emperor William haa departed for the eastern front First Address by German Chancellor. Copenhagen. With the statement that Germany's wish la to conclude peace as combatants who have suc cessfully accomplished their purpose, yet admitting the severity of the food situation. Dr. Georg Michaells, the new imperial chancellor of Germany, mad hla first address before the Reichstag. Dr. Mlchaells declared adherence to the submarine campaign a a means of hastening the end of the war, and looked lightly upon the entry of th United State into the war. H. W. Collins of Pendleton ha pur- chased th first wheat of th eason, 3500 bushels Turkey Red, at 12.00.