HGmm Is Your Cook House Ready for Harvest Time ? White Enamel Dinnerwnte nt the pricn of Gray Kniim- el. A km! Rruilo of While Enuuiel dialies, willi pretty blue rim clean looking, made for hurd usage, und in Htyle uml blsecu thut have created a great demand fur thin ware for two in the cook houtte and in campH, etc. Note and compare our very low prices on thm ware, then make tip n $10.00 Older und we will tdiip it to you FREIGHT PREPAID. D.4L Vhite Enamelware Pinner plates 12e each, Ilowlrt '.He each. Larue Platen &c each, Vegetable DishcH Wv each, Cups be each, Cream era 25c each, Snucera 10c each. Lirge Stik'ur I So win 7oe each, Dipper 18c each. Catatou No. 11 It j50. THE DAVIS-KASER COMPANY BREVITIES ii. ('. W. Met. I r III the lliifiicfiiniiflilnir I)ciHnlmi'tit Sl.im 0-ao Alili-r St. (O.I.I Fellows Tvo.l. WAI.I.A WAI.I.A. WASH. Fresh BREAD Daily and Baker's Goods from Model Bakery ICE CREAM and ICED DRINKS O. K. CANDY SHOP Nfitt cot tape and two nt fur sal' lit M sacrifice, J. A. MiKne, I .out On tin1 Mi'i-et, twn ('res edit Wldii'hrM. (to, SchllilZer, The Jl. Nt-lrtoiiti motored to ISiii);liHiri today to remain over Sunday. Athena inoiliinf it mr'ln. un mm- liliiil prin'tice which it finds to Iw iputc Mitlkfaetory. Mr. '.. (. Price and Claud Price n turned Monday from a week's niitiii ul PuiKham. Mi Nettie Van Winkle of Palm- it, Idaho, i vi,-itin;f In r ituiit, Mrs. M. W. Van Winkle. Mr, and Mi l A. James ami Mas ter )iiulil icturncd Monday from thrir viit to KntiTpriw. I have n coml dwelling Iihum- at Ficcwntcr trail"' for Wcnton property. V. I. KoMiins. Willium Iai- and family have moved into the Mi'm. Reynolds tes. iiliiirc mi vkect Main street. Mr. ami Mn J. K. Sianfiilil wei c at Adam .Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrii. J. II. Ferguson. Ir. ami Mr. F. 1. Watt ami Worth Watts lift Wedncwlav on a i'Miiipiriif trip to liinKhum Springs. A daughter wbh born Wednesday morning to Mr. ainl Mrs. Jtarry Minnii'k al tin- J. ii. Dupui resi dence. Mrs. fiii'ict' Nesbitt and children arrivi'il home Saturday from their extended visit with her parents ul l!oi.M Idaho. Mayor iiiid Mn. J. M. lianisier motoreil to Wait.slmrir and Dayton Sunday n guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fduurd Leonard. si i X "Well, Say! I ItagM Voa People i Ibe Tire Business!" A customer said to ua a few days ago-and the remark opened our eyes. We have never quit the tire business. We did "close out our stock," and so advertised. (We have no money in it now, but we represent some of the best tires made and we back them up because we are backed.) No knocking of our tires goes, for if the tire does not go as guaranteed we make it go. Firestone. Republic. Diamond, Kelly Springfield and others. Watts I Rogers The following jwople from Wes ton and vicinity were at Bingham Springs hit Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'HarrH. Itufford Price. Joe NarkauK, Vada SiniH-k. lilanche SniiK-k. JamcK Smock. Fivd Cn-cr. SUMMONS r - , "i till f7r In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lmatilla County. William P. Hirst, Plaintiff, vs. Eliza- i f? 'fr"'t- ' To Hint. Defendant ab.,vc Ueualli'ii. luil h Tucker. Vida imm- Hons (Jure, foiinei Weeton hoy, Cixif, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Jreer. i ,K ... , c, , ... has leen promoted ... train .lis- Mr. and M. lUm King, Mr. and yiu" y0L$& lllXi patchel h position in the Spokane Mrs. James kintr, Kldon Kinjr, Will nnswer the complaint of the plaintiff Re viia ud il!ice of the Northern Pacific. lldl, Flovd Roy May. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mrs. 7.. V, Anna Laven- ler, Frank Ijivemh-r, Dr. SetniHrt. K!i.a Morrison, Thelma Anderson. A Brass Bed for Any Room T""ESIGNED t; harmonize with any type of funvi turc, this Simmons Brass Bed will prove o pleas ing addition to any room, no matter hew simple or how dignified may be the furnishings. Conservative in design, this U one of the most popular models we havosver shown on our floors. And the Simmons' special methods of manufacture make this bed practlcnllv wear-Drool. - DeMOSS FURNITURE STORE Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader office Sixty (minimum) $0 DO One hundred 1 20 Two hundred...... 1 75 Each additional hundred 0 45 liled against you in the above entitled uit, within six weeka of the date of the firt publication of this summons, to-wit : on or before Friday, the 24th day of Auguxt, 1!17; and you will take notice thnt if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the Those wishi. to donate cakes f..r i'r'li1" "r wnt tl?er,eof will apply to H.. w.-i.... 1.1: .. i . u he Court for the relief prayed for and th- W,i BoMu-r l.yS who sue demandcl in plaintiff', complaint, members of ( utnpany K, Si coml namely: for a decree of the Court for Idaho. may lake Uieir gifts Sunday cver dissolving the bor.ds of matrimony morning to the residence of Mrs. n?w ""d heretofore existing between l- . nnl, C-,,1,,,.,, ti,... ...:n phuntitr and defendant, and for other reiurnioio f..m ,,..,. ,.t ,. i. ,,,. U ,;..:. n,.. Vi..- : i.im-j her home in Portland Sunday ev- , ,j ,lf (;,,uu.PvilU. y..,,,,. ' to an onler nmde in this Cause bv Hon. making to ihi- Idaho tr.Kips. This (,;1",r,,:f1 l: Marsh' County Judge of , I ........... 1VU1I1 , S.VIIf 111 IIV O tj Si i.n. iMitiel rtifJin was inrnwn ami nainues to uie soiiiiers lor some from said countv. The first nublica diagged by her mount. She was time, as they will sion be shipX'd turn of this summons wilj be made in painfully bruiwd, but encatH-d ko- ""t of Utah to an unknown de.stna- sion i.eaaer on rriday the ljth l ious injury. t ion, it is said. Mias Z na Ijin.slale w:w oH-rated Are you in tin nun ket fur a- pi tipon at Pendleton recently for ap- ano? If ko. why not call and in peiidicitisby Drs. Parker of Pendle- upoet the new simple piano at the ton and Smith of Weston. Her He.Moss Furniture Store? It's a condition since is retorted to be In-auty and is guaranteed for ten encouraging. years. An excellent used piano is Ka.st Oregonian: Floyd S. Fox, for f le l saerifice. See De wln. lives near Weston. wH.s fined w',ss r I-undell. $25 and costs by Justice of the An O-W. steam shovel is taking Peace Pnrkcs for having caught fish big bites out of the right of way under the legal length. He was fish- near Pine creek trestle, which is ing near Uingham. being filled now at a rapid rate. J. II. Clodius returned Friday Ion Lundell hits taken the up front an extended visit with rela- prentice's chair at Keynaud's bar tives in Spokane and Kitzville. He bcr . shop, Lloyd RiteUey having was accompanied by his niece. Miss gone- to La Grande. Gesvna Chnlius of Spokane, who left .' Monday for Portland. Executor's Sale of Real Property J, M. Ashworth has the contract , for ll huge bungalow to be built Notice is hereby given that I, as Ex for Oliver Dickenson on 'his farm wutor of tho last will of Charles Cun west of Athena. It will contain I!,,?)!B.n.'' I?el;c.!,8cd J .Xirtll.e of mil nine rooms, w th commodious porch- linid ,Wt wiil -er for dale at public OS and a full basement. auction to the highest bidder for cash m ii .u ..II i . .i . vi.... i.'i:..,.i...o. m.... .c. .i.i ..r a, i. lit I o. liNMUii ill iiiiiniii-iii ill rlll- loHgl eiiu and Mr. Luther Wiltnot of una now belonging Ntwyer, lilnho, were uniteil m mar riage juesday al t(u i hristan Fo. pleasure and utility Ira Hen- ! "y'1 h"x' .Mr derson. Pine cr...k farmer, has ,,IIV' 'f11;1 1 "'. bought it lug Four (Kerliind fro,,, ' '' J" biiven.ler, Dr. Ketinaid, the Weston ugent, Scott Puiiister accidi-nally whit tled his baud with R pocket knife the other day. inflicting a wound that reiiircd surgical attention. Miss O'SulIivan, who has been the guest of Mrs. Herman Goodwin for the past two weeks, 'lung. 1,'t :i , 1.1 ; I-. .1 ... 1... I.. . . . , mine noiM'oach rilling receiuiy, inu m- uir iim u wiiiiiiuy m H'nu t,,- f (;--; i,i. c v ii,i., day of July, 1917, and the last publica tion will be made on Friday, the 21th dny of. August. 1917. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 11th day of July, 1917. Peterson & Bishop. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Post Office address: Freewater, Or. the Tailor is an expert with the X tape. He will take your measures scientmcauy t and produce a made-to- order suit that will give t you the utmost satisfac-1 tion. Try him. WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud TMiltlllM -- Dr. S. L KEIillARD Veterinary Sigeoa Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. Phone Main 253 i l mile markaftudcvyrtytaaolitjUnrtf or mo f-. hcJ nwth-4. kvtcbea or ttholu ati4 d fcniAkm for FREK SEARCH wd nport ou itntRWlrtjr. Kmk nfvmitm PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for jrou. Our free boofct4 Ml wiuU t tuwt and wi yom momef. Writ tostey. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWVE&L 1303 SBventh SL, Washington, D. C. HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law and Federal Practices in all State Courts. ATHENA. OREQON m b 'sssp- m 1 f and KODAK SUPPLIES EXPERT DEVELOPING and PRINTING Goodwin's Drug Store Kli.abeth Mansfield of Ath- lonriiur to the l),-c,.SP,i J h) riL.i," iik'HUT to Ins estate, in die v.uy oi remueiun. uinatuia Coun ty Oregon, to-wit: Lots numbered 6 t ;.. to. ...i a .1.1 iii . ,.ho.-l. i. P..!.,!!..,,.!. Tl.eo v-ill iey a r ' r i i . , i Auunion 10 mo lown ot reodleton, inake their home In Athena for the with all tenements, hereditaments and present, but later may move to appurtenances thereto belonging otap- Sawyer. where Mr. Wilrnot has fTlll n h'ck th,e"fu'r- ... noon on the 21st nay of Julv. 1!U7. at projierty interest. lu frontd(M)r of te Court Housp of i r .i . i Umatilla County, Oregon, in Vlio Citv Mit.ject to approval ot tlie title, of Pedloton in laid 1 The Fanners Bank of Weston Established 1891 J. A. McKae has Imuglll a residence iil be hia'do subject to the following nt tU2 Hobson stm t, Watla Walla, l'-'s on said property: 8 and together with his wife and 1 A hen for street improvements ? , ,, , ,, , .. . on Webb Street abutting on said prop- S daughters will move to thai city in f01.jji.2.v with ini..r.i m.'.'IL S at the rate of ti twin date of interest pewnt per annum time for the opening of the Sep. temher term of school. The dennrt- lure of Mr. McRae and family' will ,nB "L 'JMrt!fW s,ecxxr; WgreatlyregreUi by thelrhostof tf? JM?? friends in this neighborhood. annum from July 14, 1U17, payable an- , . ' , ... nuiilly, as shown by the Records of x ue new eievator oi the Weston Mortgages of said Ui Warehouse company ut Downing (;) company robbed F unknown men, who took three Cres station was robbed Fridav night bv m?nU 011 Willow Street adjacent to ,. . , -. - nam nrooerty, u City of Pendleton, Jmatilla Countv. I he lien for proposed improve- nil Willnw .l.i,.f u.l,'unu.. . property, by 11 f Pi&iirf lttmi ( cent wrenches and two pair of ply- ation, the amount 'of whieh is not yet ers from the engine room, and. also determined -said lien being not yet re- Jj n suck ot tuiuss oil cups which had , .... . , . . . ! i , , ,.. ., ... 4U' , Said sale will be made subject to J been put ayay 111 the warehouse, confirmation by the County Court of S 'r 1. . J.. . . ..1..,. i . . , I. . . . I . . . ...... i. - . . . i . . . .... T. nieic ki uu eiuc w uie inieves, who 1110 aiace OI Uregon are supposed to nave been tramping county. through the country in search of plunder that could be disposed of for Umatilla to city "fences," Dated June 20, 1917. MANUEL PEDRO. Executor of the lust, will of One hundred thousand people subscribed to Eng land's first war loan of $1,750,000,000. After three years of grim war, eight million people in England subscribed to their great FIVE BILLION Victory Loan. If the people of the United States had subscribed to the Liberty Loan in the same pro portion, there would have been twenty million sub scribers and the amount would have been fourteen billion instead of two billion. This is to show what can be done and what we will ' be expected to do. Begin saving now for the next loan, which will prob ably be called for within three months. Charles Cunningham, Deceased, li