Marvel Mattress $8.95 Huy your iiiuUrcKKca from u rt'lia houne. Mottri'HHOH nre lilt the "y,rnU nx" of childhood days you never know w hat in in them until you huc inveMligut ed. Hence you muMt r'ly iikki the integrity of the linn you buy from. Our itiinranttat on inaltreion'H in rock laminl if ynu are not HUtialled with thin innttroHH return it to iw nt our xmmhi, and wo will ri'fuii'l your money, Our MAUVKL FHI.IrSI.l-:i) MATTKKSS for JJ.93. Catalojf No, II It IIH). Actual weight, 40 Iba. Thin mat Ires in made of Unify hi.vcra of pure cotton lititor h downy, apringy lied of mm fort. It in covered with funey llowcrcd tickintr. which U htrong autl Hervircu llr. It Ik cloudy tufted, preventing the cotton lay em from shifting, and the roll edge IioI.Ih the tnnttrean in haM ami prolong ita life. It Iiuh IiuikIIcm on the Hide, just like on the ir.(H) tnattrcaxcH. If you have net received a copy of our liVf HAIJ'JAIN I'OSTKlt plenae aend tin your name and nddreH and we will ho pleaited to Mend you a copy. THE DAVIS-KASER COMPANY llonivfuriiLliiiig llcpmdincid Sloic tu jn Alder St. (Odd fellows Temple) IVAI.I.A WAI.I.A, WAMI BREVITIES hmiii bo n ady fur custom VVoton Milling Co. Fresh HI! EAD Daily and Baker's Goods from Model Bakery ICE CREAM and ICED DRINKS O. K. CANDY SHOP ! i 1 ; i t V$ 1 JJL- -AK, n; ( Simmons flfos A Brass Bed for Any Room "pVESIGNED tc harmonize with any type of fumi ture, this Simmons Brass Bed will prove 8 pleas ing addition to any room, no matter hew simple or how dignified may be the furnishings. Conservative In design, this is one of the most popular models we nave ever thown on our floor. And die Simmons' ipecinl methods of manufacture make this bed practically wear-proof. - DeMOSS FURNITURE STORE Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader ofliee Sixty (minimum)...' $0 00 One hundred...'.. 1 20 Two hundred . 1 75 Each additional hundred 0 45 111 A and KODAK SUPPLIES EXPERT DEVELOPING and PRINTING Goodwin's Drugstore Jiff We'll milling It. J. loid, a SiHikane miller, lnw estimated llic wheat rrop of Wah imion. On and Idaho at h vi ii- ty liilllmri hliidicls. Aflr u month' vinit with her lunelitn lit Weston. Mr. !. II. Foil- luiiie ami little aoria left Sunday on their return home to Highroad, Montana. ICay Cnllnlier, formerly of Wev Ion, hut Im--ii Mieii hy hiit wiff, IaIii May liiillulii i', fur divorce. She al lege tlrunktiiiM'Nt. They were mar ri''d I' ll yearn ago ul VVullu Walla. Allium Wood came up from Stan- li. l.l July till to play rlurinet at Athena with the JWstoii hand, and look oeca. ion to compliment I lii haiid highly oil the excellence of iU hh.'W M'Cl loll. Ir. J. A. I lent, mayor of I'endle tn and lornier Witnit mayor, hmt enli:.led in the medical corps tf the I'liil'-d Sliiten iinny hihI in a few weelot will receive his coinmiiMiion i i .. at lirnt lieutenant. t U. I". JohiiMiti w an iii town from the 1'nnvii w uplands Mouduy and hrouxlit a favorahle reort of croxi in that neiKhhorlKHMl. Although Mfiled lute, wheat and hurley are comin rinhl alonjf. HtrawherrieH were thoiiKht to he done for hy the frosts hut ciime through nicely antl are nearly ready for pickinjf. Contractor S. T. (lore Ik here fmm Walla Walla const ructinir a new barn, lUx.'O fit-t with Kamhril roof, on the AiiN.n W.mkIh place. 'n. L,.a,,.r j8 informed that the re He w ill ali build a Kravity eleval- jH scriouii daiiKer from the encroach or for Mr. Woods TJxIH ftit. ,Mrnt of Jim Hill mustard in the rrihhed innstnictioii, fmr biiw. huies and fields throuRhout this having 7ono liiiMielK capacity. When 4 vjC. j ANOTHER ANNUAL MILESTONE OF FREEDOi'I PASSED! WHAT WHl IT BE NEXT YEAR? Today (the fifth) we have an avvfuliy good, satisfied, tired feeling for which we thank Athena. . When rested, we'll keep on setting up Deere and McCorniick binders, grain tanks and drills. GET YOUR BINDER TWINE NOW Watts I Rogers AIMI.sTlt.Ttil s S.VI.K Ol' ItKAl,, riOPi:HT-. this work is liiii.-lud Mr. (iore will build a ?5UUU rvhideiiee for Alex Kirk at Atliciia. I'p tn.Tlie-Tiniuc Maitzine: The Weston Milling Company, Weston, when ili improvement are all in Mailed, will have a rapacity for turning out daily "' barrels of (lour, along w ith a variety of ce- ivaK mid other millini," prMlucU An up to dale Is the idea of Proprietor Nvlieo In lierel.) given. Ihat iur- sei-tioll, and that unlexs the farmers "'"l orl-r of tne County Court wake up to the imMrtance of pvt. "f ,b,! """ " tregn for I'niaiil.a tint! ri.l of it the Weed in time will ''"u",y '''-'"'" ": J. "- ..: I t iu t. . n ixtmior of tho mniie of llcnrv tiol'J- ire Md of the.r wheat. 1 hey are u.rp deceMedi wi ofTt.r for gale 8t a'lvised jy a well-known farmer to o'vlork i. m.. .u July sth, iK. pull the weeds al once. He and his imiMu- nucii ( the lilKte- t hoys have Int-n enajfe1! for two "Idtler fr cash, at the front Uoor ef weeks in this kind of work. "I? "'u' 'f euM County, in -the City of Pemlletun therein, thu Harry Kundy of Pendleton is foiioin re:ii properly heloiigiiiR to anions the cement workers at Ihe ,rn' 'nceiist'd Ins death, to-wit O-W. hridire below town. Ahull lh" "ihr.nt .,.iart.r of ih i.uth- tfeiicral utility (dant i,ws.-r. inter and trap ilrummer, v,, ''u"r";r "f 12 town- IVoprie.or Kobhin,. Harry is not averse to aciuirinu J?'?' wul i. is a man of enterpriM-as well new cxerieiKv. County. as some mmiiciai menus. . , ... , . , ... . . Dated inn kth FianiM tuned and repaint! at rea- After a fortnight's visit with her : ioler, Mrs. 1.. McMorris left today on her return home to IVii'tland. We are invpured to handle urain in the hulk, either for rolling or storage. Weston Milling Co. Executor's Sale ol Real Property Mimical Mention in I p-to-ihe- sonahle prices. First-thtss Time Magazine: "Mi.- IVnmv uarantivd. A. W. Lundell, Kichmond. contralto, pupil of Jiach. Mliim, director f the Whitman Con wivalorv of Music, aiieart'd in teii;ul for i ad nation la:.t month and acquitted herself with much honor. Her voice u rich ami full ami Mill ndiilly trained. Miss Kich mond was assisted hy Miss Klcanor Jtlacey, pianiste, and Miss Vaiva Mfl'4tchcni, acctmipanist." IJesidellfS of (he I'inc creek up lands have already raided nn'ie than their tpjota, 'i0(l, for the pro posed change in the Pine creek ro.ul. Weston is eXH'Cted to sub sivibe another $.riDU, and the ie mainintt JL'OUU necessary to make the nad will lie appropriated hy the eojmty court. J. !'. I.tcuallen, commit teeman appointed hy the Weston Commercial club, was in town this week soliciting subscriptions. work Mus. im. WALTKU FA It It. Adinlnictrator, . Dr. S. L BERNARD Veterinary Surgeon Roynaud ! is an expert with the tape. He will take your measures scientifically t and produce a made-to- f order suit that will give t you the utmost satisf ac- tioh. Try him. WESTON BATHS, BARBER t and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud f Herman 0' Hurra, Weston hoy who is in training at the Ollicers' Reserve camp, Presidio, writes that the life there is strenuous but inter esting. The recruits have nine hours a day of drills and lectures and two hours of study each night. Notico in hereby given that I, as Ex ecutor of the last will of Charles t'un iiingliMin, Demised, by virtue of au thority vested in me !v tho terms of said w ill, will otTcr fur sale at public and ion to the highest bidder for cash all of the following real property be I'luging to the Deceased at Ins death, ami now belonging to his estate, in tho City uf Pendleton, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon, to-wit: lxts numbered 6 and 7 in lilock IS of Arnold & Haley's Addition to the Town of i'endleton, with nil tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or ap pertaining, nt 2 o'ekek in the after noon on the 21st day of July, 1917, at the frontdoor of the Court House of Umatilla County, Oregon, in The City of Pendleton in SHid County; said sufe w ill bo made subject to the following liens on said property: (1) A lien for street imnrovements on Webb Street abutting on said prop- J Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. Phone Main 253 Dr. A. F. Scmpert Graduate and Registered DENTIST Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. Watts Building - Upstairs tr;t! uinrfcsMutiroryriiEttuoiitftiM"! lv. ht-Hd nuhi tkrtrfee or phulu ami 4- I wnptk for FRCt SEARCH mad mwrt on iNtfemtubility. Bak rofvrMwca. I PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES I yun. Our frew ttookteu tU bow. what tu Invent I and amvo ton maHf- wrf to today. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS. .303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Practices in all State Courts. and Federal However, they have Saturduv after- fr M41.25, with interest thereon noon and Knn.h.v ..IT to ,1., u iil, n Ht tha. r,,te. of. 6 lucent per annum " iroinaateoi sale. they please, Herman has put in y The lien of a mortgage secur- an application for the Aviation i"K a note for $5,000, with interest Corps, and if it goes through all "'"-eon at the rate of 8 percent per i. . ...:n i, ..?,., t .... i . f annum from July 14, W17, payable an- right ho will be transfened to Ler- mlay as show hy tho Kecords of keley, Mortgages of said Umatilla County. .... IS) The lien for proposed improve- A number of Weston resulents meats on Willow Street adjacent to ATHENA. OREQON e Ikhmi losing small .chickens of sid property, by authority of The from a mysterious ailment. 1 'ty I'endleton, a municipal corpor- niiou, mu uuiouuc oi wmcn is not, yec determined iaid lien being not yet re corded. Said sale will be, mudo subject to conirinatioi by the County Court of the State of Oregon', for Umatilla County. Dated June 20, 1917. MANUEL PEDRO. Executor of the last will of Charles Cunningham, Deceased. Administrator's Notice hav late The mystery is solved by a re cent bulletin issued from the O. A. C. Kxperiment Station at Corvallis, ; which says: "Cockle seed is pois onous to poultry and if eaten in any quantity will cause extreme sickness and death. This fact was ascertained in an investigation of the death of a number of small chickens whose intestines showed symptoms of poisoning." (ieorge Purdy had a narrow es cape from death Saturday while working on the OAV. till below town. It was Mr. Purdy 's task to look after the heavy iron cement bucket, and while his attention was momentarily attracted elsewhere he thought it had descended. He was lookinpr into the pit when down came the bucket. He dodged in time to escape death, but the buck et struck Ins head a glancing blow building, in Pendleton, Umatilla Coun and knocked him cold, When con- tv. Oregon, within six months from sciousness returned it was found thl? Jat.e; ., ., S that a slight wound en the cheek f, ne JSfcu, Plant g The Fanners Bait of Weston Established 1891 In the "County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of tho Estate of William Walker, deceased. Notice is hereby given that lhave been appointed administrator of the above named estate with the will an nexed, and have duly qualified. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, to meat the othVo of Carter & Smythe, attor neys, in the American National liank Be a Worker-Hot an Idler in doing the things others Opportunity consists neglect to do. If you are sound and not living honestly on your own income, you are living dishonestly on the in come of others. The world owes no sound, sane man a living unless he works for it. Make an opportunity to put a few dollars in the bank while making is good. Dollars may be harder te get a little later. ' " y nutu4utev4wr vw