The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 29, 1917, Image 2

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3 Let's Bust 'Em Dp!
a.a-i.av fill P"!
m n ml
cm r ni n
A Big Day Chock Full of Excitement
sialic in the timing
Two Bands Beautifully Decorated Autos
Marching Military Units-Patriotic Exercises in Hap
py Canyon Unveiling of Allies' Flags
HORSE RACES $500 in Prizes
At the ROUND UP GROUNDS in the Afternoon
in Happy Canyon
TIE of SMI JOAH RUT-ISO People 150
To be staged in the center of the arena at the Round Up grounds. One of the greatest fire
works programs ever brought to the Inland Empire. One set will be 65 ft. high, 170 ft. long
Pendleton Invites You-Be There-YouU be Sony if Yon Hiss It
while the buying is good.
It's scarce now, but the outlook is for greater
scarcity and higher prices.
Perhani a Safer Investment
The Yankee does not tine his gift for
putting truth 'pithily. A prosperous
New England farmer, replying to o
comment on the amount of money he
was spending to put hi son through
college, said : "leu, it does take a lot
of money, hut I'd rather leave uiy
money hi my hoy than to hliu."
Youth s Companion.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg. Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
round-trip fares
IV' 1
DENVER . . . . . . . $60.00
OMAHA ....... 63.00
KANSAS CITY .... 65.00
ST. PAUL. 63.00
ST. PAUL, via Omaha . . 69.70
ST. LOUIS 76.20
WASHINGTON .... 113.50
NEWYORK 115.70
PHILADELPHIA .... 115.70
BOSTON 116.70
Regular Sal Datea: Juna 2 to 30, 3, 4,
and Prldaye and Saturday ther e).ter to
Sept. 29. Special dttea, prlrUeasa, limtta,
(area to other cttiea, route, and arrange
bmqW upon avlicaUen.
Union Pacific System
Yellowetone, Salt Lake, Denver.
Eotea-Rocky-Motmtain Park and
the f amoua Colombia R frer Corf.
Aak (or deacrtptlra bookleta.
S. S. NELSON. Agent
this wooden shipbuilding
WESTON LEADER program. Now If the two leaders
CLARK 00l, rxklUhir could be Induced to Start race to
- - - ,i,,nilMU,jr,ic the correctness of their
. s,hm HinioN Mm JJJ ri wnwwnU th
5,.vi ... 0rtKon Jounwli Wtf wouU h,.ve ,
U J'"',.' o 75 American merchant marine In short
Six Months ,0
Four Montha W '"- n
AivrmiNU Air
., . Kecent new from the western sr. per inch per Insertion 12V.C " ,, ..n,,,,, .....
Trr.lnt. ,.er inch per Inaerllon SOe front would seem to ln.IIH tl ml
Locals, per lino per insertion 6c (ho Kaiser's junior rtncr ho U-
- M.rtl lliat august war lord to
WlDaT. JOWt fight on the aide with the most en-
tt'l al lha tollltt at Wilton. Ona, ftTpritiintf aviators and the hcavl-
Mtaad dan wall atUf. artillery.
The time will .Mine when brio
knucks will le disclosed Iieticath the
velvet glove tn Japan's "fret' hntul"
in China.
Since the German fleet will not
come out, wc nre inclined to ogree
with Winston Churchill that it'
about time for the vastly suicrior
allied fleet to go in.
Since nothing seems to have been
done about it. it may U well to
proclaim again that Can-am has
offered to mediate.
While there have Iwn time in
the past when we thought that Old
Man Oregon showed signs of ossifi
cation, he ha now atoned for ev
erything ly his grand donation to
the Red I'rasn.
Whenever the Kainer ami the
down Prince get rcatly to demon
strate personally that the German
empire is worth dying for, the
world will applaud the (sacrifice.
However uncouth and crude,
these line from the Hulltlogger are
not without significance: "Some
gave little, some gave much; and
others gave to beat the Dutch."
With duo resect to the numerous
prophets who fear that the war has
only begun, our own prediction is
that Uncle Sam will just about get
his musket loaded in time to be in
at the death.
With Germany's new crop retri
ed to be a failure, we wonder how
much longer she will be able to
nourish her hatred!
Mexico evidently needs a stimu
lant, as Chihuahua hasnt' been cap
tured for several weeks.
As an earnest of the nelghlmrly
feeling ltctween the towns, Weston
folk are preMring to follow the
Uiul to Athena's big celebration.
H . . ,. . . -a
However downcast the Roaches,
they will be looking up considerably
when the American air men get
into action.
The I-cader is in receipt of the
first number of Oregon Kxehangea.
a magazine for mwspaer men
published by the School of Journal
ism at the Tnivemity of Oregon.
It is attractively gotten up. ami is
of interest to the fraternity from
cover to cover. Hie doings of news
paper men - of considerable import
ance to themselves are faithfully
chronicled in this publication, which
will keep the press boys informed
as to each other's whereabout and
activities. However, wc are not so
enthusiastic over the first number
as we would have been had it con
tained a boost for Kernel Wood and
a knock for Kernel loyd. Herein
is subject matter of vital import
ance that its young editors should
not neglect.
Other nations ot war have al
ready raised ami sient sixty-six
billions of dollars, so that Uncle
Sam's two billions make almut as
much real noise as a copier cent
in a church plate.
American troops ore landing in
France and we trust they will wk.ii
be binding on Germany.
Oregon wool Is selling as high as
721 cents, and we find ourselves ex
ercising great self-restroint in order
not to credit this record price to the.
Democratic administration.
A lost Urns may mean that Von
Hindenburg will shrink a bit in
Germanic eyes.
Cocchl Conftitot Murdrr.
Home. -Haunted by remorse for his
fiendish crime snd conddmit In I lis
beliot that the Italian law would bar
his extradition to the United Hiatus
to psy the penalty for It. Alfredo Coo
chl has confesd to the murdor of
Iluth Cruger In New York, February
German strategy is said now to
consist in fighting the United States
as little as possible, but we fear that
Uncle Sam will be wholly unable
to reciprocate.
Wheat Club 12.35; bltirttcm $3.40;
red Ilussisn, 12 26; forty fold, 12.35.
Barley No. 1 feed, $42 per ton.
Hay Timothy. $30 per ton; alfalfa
Butter-r-Crcamcry. 3Sc.
Ems Ranch, 31c.
- -a,aLaAaiAaaaa)aaj
If you cannot tote a
gun, Join the Crosa.
You can help t beat
the Hun join the
Cross. If yu l"M't
believe in force, If
you ran not rida a
horse, there is still
another curse Join the Cross. If
you want to help a bit, Join the
Cn. Tote a little mercy kit; Join
the Cross. You can bring a lot of
joys and a thousand twin alloys to
the Yankee soldier boys - Join the
Cross. Till the heaven-Messed sod
- but join the Cross. Keonoinlxe
ami trust In God
ami Join the Cross,
lie you old or lie
you young, no mat
ter what your birth
or tongue, yet you
ran he one among
the Great K-d Cross.
The local memlsTS of the lied
Croon will not meet on Tuesday next
for work, but will meet the follow
ing Friday as usual.
The Keil Cross ladies are invited
to join in the street rade July
Fourth at Athena at 10 a. m. All
are to wear while, if iwssible, and
also the arm batlges.
Weston Auxiliary has one sewing
machine anil several chairs prom
ised ami still need more.
The membership has now reached
the one hunded mark. U't us make
It much larger. We can each do
our bit in this way. .
The financal statement
ami submitted by Doris IUmea, sec
retary. and Mrs. J. W. Porter,
treasurer, shows receipt by the
local auxiliary as follows: Mem
bership $95. picnic offering $34.25,
stiver tea $11.45, buttona $6.75; to
tal, $147.45.
(No. SUB)
The Farmers' llsnk of Weston, at Wes
ton, In the State of Oregon, at the
close of buaineas June 2o, 1V17:
!,oans and thaeuunta ... , f 151. 1M 14
Bonds anil warrants ... 1,660 14
Stocks, eecuritirs, judg
ments, etc , 8.830 03
HsiiMmr house
Furniture and fixtures I.ono 00
Other real estate owned 29,414 32
Due from banks (not roservs
bank) 833 12
Due from approved reserve
bsnks I3.1K40
Checks snd othor cash Items 910 Kl
Csah on hand . 7,77 82
Other resources 40
Totsi ; mwro
Capital stock paid in $ 30.000 00
Surplus fund 16,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes psktt ...... 3,384 13
Individual dupoeiu subject
to check ... 97,724 11
Demand certificate of de
posit 8.2M IS
Time ami Savings cleoeiU 38,bu& 18
Hills payable for money bor
rowed 30.000 00
Total $217,005 50
State of Oregon, (
County of Umatilla, (
I. E. M. Smith, Cashier of the
sbove-named bank, do solemnly jwesr
thst the above statement Is true to the
best of my knowlodgo and belief.
K. M. Smith, Cashier.
Cohhect Attest:
J. II. Pkick,
J. C. Pbicb,
SuWrilied and sworn to before mt
this 2tith dsy June, 1017.
8. A. Oarnkn,
(Seal) Notsry Public.
(My commission expires Nov. 13, 1020.
Republican Russia asserts that
she is wililng to fight, but what
her allies want is a practical dem
onstration. German lunatics are said to have
been enlisted in Hindenburg's army,
but resulU proved that unlike their
compatriots they haven't been crazy
enough to fight for a wrong cause.
Henry Ford having subscribed for
five million dollars' worth of Lib
erty bonds, wc want to Bay right
now that if we ever invest in a car
it will be a "tin Lizzie."
General Brussiloff would clinch
his hold on fame by breaking sim
ultaneously into the German lines
and the press dispatches.
Iron crosses have become almost
as common in Germany as tobacco
tags, but possess the disadvantage
of being indigestible.
General Goothals, according to
Washington dispatches, will be giv
en full command of the steel build
ing program for the government,
while Chairman Denman will take
'ourth . of July
Round-Trip Tickets at
Reduced Fares On Sale
July 3 and 4, return
limit July 5, to points
within 200 miles on
rail lines of
O-W. R. R. & N. Co.
cAmeric&'s Great VfyUroid
Wm. McMurrsy, O. P. A., Portland
t Tickets and Information upon
application to
S. S. NELSON, Agent