i Ml A SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS In order to mitko you Rcmmintoil with the efficiency of our MAIL OHDfclt DKIIAIUMKNT, we nre iminir to kivo you erion of ipecliilly priwl m tlclen, which you can or der by mail, the llrnt of which in ono of our FLUFFY AXMINSTKIt MOTTLKI) or MlXi;i KLT.S for $100 -delivered FUKK to any ixwtollice within the llrat or second tone. HecnuHuof their uptendid Hcrvlee qiiulilieB. eolorinjr and duinty diHtinrtiveneuM, thene mien ure uiiiloiiliteilly the mot appntpriutu for the hurts h paces U-tween rooinn. the bed room, or irucKt chamber, or w herever a wmull run may I! used. They huvc n heavy wool pile, woven In a delicate green and mottled ctfect, with attractive red-bordered ends. These runs are J7 inches wide by 61 Inches lonir, and have u firm, durable back, jrivinjr excellent wearing qualities. IMeaso order this run by Cataloic No. A474. If you ha vo not been receiving our circulars, Fuxhion I'lute, price sheets, etc., please send us your name and ad dress, as we very much want your name on our maihnjr list. Something of very Hwcial interest will soon lw mailed to ull the names on our mai!inn list, and wo want you to receive a copy. THE DAVIS KASER COMPAIIY lliimefurnii liinif )r.mlnipnl Slur I0-2U Alder SI. ((Md Mluws Temple) WAI.I.A WAI.I.A. WASH. Fresh OREAD Daily ( and Baker's Goods from Model Bakery ICE CREAM and ICED DRINKS O. K. CANDY SHOP Paper That Room With Bargain Wall Paper, in Bun dles of three to six rolls at 25c up per bundle. This is jjood wall paper, but we are petting rid of it in order to make room for our NICK NEW LINE. RugRack "Full Up" pf beautiful patterns. Make your selection now while the selecting is rood. SLEEP SOUND! SLEEP SOUND! on one of our soft NEW MAI TRESSES. E. O. DeMoss BREVITIES II. I,. Hi .lrii k, the I.m uI e.-nt, hiu sol'! s !!" car to J. A. King. Lou Harder, prominent Dry rreek fanniT, was in town Tu--day. Jaiiicii Kirk.atrick luw Kn' to Hawti-lle, Calif., for an cxUnl-d iitiiy. A im wan Imrn Saturday to Mr. and Mr. Jay Smith at the D. Wilwy farm. V. L. I'iiikcrton Iiiim a viU-d a clerical Mitioii at The ruimr Hunk of Witttixi. I have fur Nile 1 1'l hheep - 70 hulf Lincolim and 70 Oxford Downs. J. M. Swanifiirt. Mr. and Mr. C. II. NVIw.n left hy automobile Wodm-ivliiy for a two week' visit in Alberta. Mm. J. J. H'-cer wan the KUtd of Mm. M. J. Mari.li at IVndleton on Monday and Tui-iwluy of this week. T. I.. Mcltride und family and K. L. KeyiiHinl and family motored to ill. The It. (5. Saline motored to rreMott. Wiihh., Monday for a liidiiii trip with the J. O. Davis family. Klwnin. the little Mn of AU-rt U'llarra. wax opi-raled "lon Tues day by Dr. Smith for the removal of tomiili and adcnoiiltt. Jo Wur.er ho sold his Odewa, Wash., laud holdings, 40 amu, at f.'ll per acre. He retains two third of thin year's crop. Mm. W. M. Carter and Lionel and Faith Carter of Kvcrett, Wh., are vittilintr at the horde of her parent, Mr. und Mm. Allen Kichul. After un enjoyable visit with rel atives and friends in Weston. L. W. Farm and his son und daughter left Wednilay on their return home to Chelan, Wttih. M. L. Hunting, former Weston ile, has niovel from Kaniiuh, Idaho, to I'hilipj-hurg, Montana, where he ha bought a 2000 acre ranch and can raise Hereford to bettre ad vantage. Fred Hegg and family of Sedro Woolh'y, Wooh., were guests for several duys this week of his father-in-law, O. T. Douglas, while on a nwtoring trip through Oregon and Washington. Robert IVoudfit and Frank Gra ham are leaving next week for their annual vacation, which will be jHiit at Finghnm Springs. Mrs. Proudlit and Mrs. Graham are go ing along sa camp tenders. Mm. Margaret Rahb, who has been representing Miss Moore at the store of the Weston Mercantile Co. for several months, left Wed nesday for Walla Wulla. Part of the niiillnery stock which she haa been displaying remains at the store. Herman Stnggs has returned home for vacation from Philomath college, where he has been taking the preparatory course and also mil itary training, having served as lieutenant in the college company of cadets. After two years more at Philomath, he expects to take up the study of pharmacy at Washing ton State College, Pullman. WITH CLOTHES MUSSED, GASOLINE BURNED and FIRECRACKERS GONE We now hug ourselves, thinking what a good time we had at the Pioneer Picnic and Red Cross days. When you get well rested we would like to talk McCORMICK and DEERE binders KENTUCKY and VAN BRUNT drills, RACINE threshers and MOGUL tractors, WEBER wagons and a carload of Weber grain tanks. SEWING MACHINES from $18.00 up to the wonderful two-spool machine. Come and See Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader office Sixty (minimum) $0 90 One hundred ". 1 20 Two hundred.... 1 75 Each additional hundred 0 45 1.1 u and KODAK SUPPLIES EXPERT DEVELOPING and PRINTING Gootain's Drag Store I Watts & Rogers After a hearing yesterday in the probate court at Pendleton, J. M. Price was apixiinted guardian of A. Phillips. Marvin Price, Frank lexers and George Gt-rkintr were apiwinted to apjiraise the Phillips property, whieh is estimated to be worth about fJ 2.000. Claud Snider is rapidly recover ing from the effects of his recent enlightening experience with dyna mite caps. Piano tuned and repaired at rea sonable rices. First-class work guaranteed. A. V. Lundell. Mus. Bach. Wo are prepared to handle grain in the bulk, either for rolling or storage. Weston Milling Co. Executor's Sale of Real Property ADMIXISTIUTOlrs SAI.K OK lii;t. I'ltorKKTY. Null, c la herrb)' gtvrn. that pur suant to orJ'-r of the County Court of the Kute of Oregon for I'matllin Couni) heretofore made, I, as admin istrator of the cvtate of Henry Gold berg, deceased, will offer for sale at ; o clock o. in., on July th, 1917. at pul'llc auction, to the higher! . bidder for cash, at the front door of the Court House of said County. Ill the City of Pendleton therein, the following real roer'y belonging to saiil dece.i-d at his death, to-wlt The snmheasl quarter of the nouth t nuarter of aection 12 In town ship 3 north of range eat of Wil lamette meridian, situated in salt County. Dated June 8th. 1)17. WALTER FARU. Administrator. Et:- 4 Black Diamond, J. M. Swaggarfs beautiful horse, lias added to his laurels by the capture at the Waits burg horse show, June 15, 1917, of first prize in the three-gait saddle class and second prize in the single light harness class. Dlack Diamond now has no less than 19 ribbons to his credit. He was foaled 1902 and stands undefeated in the show ring. Fred Hoyd enmo over from Ath ena Tuesday with some flaming red, white and blue posters for Athena's Fourth of July. The program of the day will open at 10 o'clock a. m. with a grand parade led by the Weston Concert Band. There will be orations by prominent speakers; basket dinner in City park; sports and races in the afternoon for valu able prizes, and a baseball game. A splendid evening program has also been arranged. Co-operation with the Department of Agriculture in impressing upon the people of the country the nec essity for the "largest possible pro duction of food and the snmlle?t quantity of waste" is urged by Her bert C. Hoover in a letter to 200, 000 clergymen of various denomina tions. All pastors are requested to preach upon food conservation Sunday, July 1. Pastor Smith of the Methodist church here will be away on that date, but will preach on the subject assigned by Mr. Hoover next Sunday at 11 a. m. He invites all to join in this patrotic trvlc Notice ia hereby niven that I. as Ex ecutor of the last will of Charles Cun ningham, Deceased, ly virtue of au thority vested in me lv the terms of said will, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash nil of the following real property be luiging to the Deceased at bis death, und now belonging t- bis estate, in the City of Pendleton, Umalilla Coun ty, Oregon, to-w il: Lots numbered 6 mid 7 in lilock 18 of Arnold & Haley's Addition to the Town of Pendleton, with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or ap iertaining, at 2 o'ekek in the after noon on rhe 21st day of July. 1917, at the frontdoor of the Court House of Umatilla County, Oregon, in The City of Pendleton in said County; said sale will bo made subject to the following liens on said property: (1) A lien for street improvements on Webb Street abutting on said prop erty for $141.23, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 percent per annum from date of sale. (2) The lien of a mortgage secur ing a note for $5,000, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 percent per annum from July 14, 1917, payable an nually, as shown by the Kecords of Mortgages of said Umatilla County. (.'!) The lion for proposed improve ments on Willow Street adjacent to said property, by authority of The City of Pendleton, a municipal corpor ation, the amount of which is not yet determined -said lien being not yet re corded. Said sale will be made subject to confirmation by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Dated June 20. 1917. MANUEL PEDRO, Executor of the last will of Charles Cunningham, Deceased. Administrator's Notice Dr. S. L KENI1ARD Veterinary Snrgeoa J Hospital at corner of Main j and Broad streets. i Phone -- Main 253 1 Re vna ud tfes Tate is an expert with the tape. He will take your measures scientifically and produce a made-to-order suit that will give you the utmost satisfac tion. Try him. WESTON BATHS, BARBER and TAILOR SHOP f R. L. Reynaud 1 I, I imiii -.-II - f Dr. A. F. Sempert Graduate and Registered DENTIST Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. Watts Building - Upstairs . t- ...arks mirrytotit, obt.lnrd or NO I,v. Scud M. iWrtm or pbotw aad 4a rrintiu tor FREK SEARCH m nport oil )t!tit.b4!itj lUnk ntrm DirraTl nil n FORTUNES for you. Our Im bouM U-llhw. bt ttujwM irorwtmoavr. wrmiour i 303 Seventh St., Washington D. SWIFT h GO. HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Practices in all State and Federal Court. ATHENA, OREQON The Farmers Bank ol Weston In the County Court of the State of Orejf0" fr Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estttto of William Walker, deceased. Notice is hereby (riven that I have been appointed administrator of the above named estate with the will an nexed, niul have duly qualified. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, to me at the ollice of Carter & Sinythe, attor neys, in the American National Hank building, in Pendleton, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon, within six months, from this date. Dated June 15. 1917. Granville Plant, Administrator, Etc. DR. C. li. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Ollice in Watts building: WESTON ... OREQON Established 1891 "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith dare do our duty as we understand it." Lincoln. Let us also have faith that it is our duty to accu mulate sufficient to provide for sickness and age, and in that faith persevere until we have the might. Trifles make perfection, but to be perfect is no trifle.