The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 22, 1917, Image 2

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    WAWVAVVVVVVV'.vw.-. . . '
Opp-ra House
urcTMj nnwurc i iRroii i v
nkdiuii uunniktf tv.iui.iiru.1,1
le Big Show ol the Year
Thos. H. luce's Famous Million Dollar Spectacle
The Greatest of Modern Times
A 1 L
n i;
65,000 PEOPLE
First starts 7 p. m. - Second at 9 p. m.
Adults 25c - - Children 10c'v.nHhrwm.. pFNDLETGN ML CELEBRATE
A .Motion of citkcn from the rt" . p L i n u.lW
Pino mvk uplnnda eonaullod with M TUP 000 OLD WAY
the- club concerning the prooacd UUMM VhM
new county tm up I'liio crvrk 1
Tho Weatnn community ha at- which branches off tho present road IVndleton, Or., Juno 21. Have
ready subscribed acveral hundred Hi Kocky ford and avoids 1'inc creek y(.u nm.lo up your mind whoro you
dollar nn.i-v than Ita allotment, hill, affording acvrn to eight pcr w .m tlio Fourth of July? If
$J.riUO, of tho great Red Cro fund, cent grade, not, tho City of IVndleton rxtend
On Tuesday, tho aeeond day of Tho cost of making this rtmd ia greeting and invitca you there to
Rod Crtns week, tho local campaign estimated at 9:1000. Tho county ,urtioiwto In regular, old-fmJi-
comimllct reported receipt of court has tentatively agreed, it la i,,1M oclcltriition.
about I'J'.HIO. It ia expected that mid, to appropriate liitmo of thin Maybe you wcro ther last year
f 100 or more will yet come in, aa amount if tho remaining $1000 la nm m a time. No matter,
the Upland subscription have not auhacrihed in work and money by ,Mmw, again, and every effort will be
All Uvn reported, the Upland and WenUm people In- nm,c i,,, mv ttiait you have another
In addition, tho name committee tcrented. K(HM time.
raiMil J'.MU lor the Y. M. A. rreiieiit rrue apiHitmcu j. r
nr work. this beinir Weston' full I.icuallen aa Weston' committee-
asM KMiii'iit. Tho addel task wan man to solicit aid for thia Mad, and
thrust UMn the hoy, and they re- emKiwercd him to select hi own
CLARK WOOD, Publisher
Slricih "' AShtntt
The Year $1 50
Six Months 0 75
Four Months 0 50
Regular, per inch per insertion 12J4c
Transient, per inch per insertion...... 20c
Locals, per line per insertion ..5c
nUDAT, JPHE 22, - - 1911
Entered t the poilollice t Weiton. Oreon,
at econd cln mail matter.
and elevated the Red Cross.
On every battlefield our soldiers
will not go further than the btretoh
er bearers of the Red Cross, will
not risk their itves more splendid
ly for our liberty than the stretch
er bearers do for mercy.
Our ally will not love us
gay and vivacious - and veracious,
too, except in cases where a good lie
looks better than a poor truth.
Goethals, the American idol,
seems to have at least one foot of
clay, while the other he uses to kick
better the wooden ship builders.
for the strength we give his fight
ing arm than the healing we lay
upon his wounds. Our boys will
fight more heroically, confident that
if they fall the Red Cross will car
ry them back cf the trenches and
do all that skill and love and devo
tion can do to save their lives.
Knowing too that if a ilttle cross in
a foreign land must mark their last
resting place, the Red Cross at
The news that sheepherders are
getting $100 per month and expens
es will be read with a certain de
gree of envy in not a few country
hkuuU'i cheerfully.
Tho Rod Cnata auWriptiona were
as follows:
$150 list J. M. Ilanihter, Mrs.
$100 list - J. 11. I'rico, A. J.
Mclntytv. Ceo. V. Winn. J. M.
Trice. F. I. Watts. K. C. Rojrers,
J. II. Key. Mcltride Uros.. I ley
Winn. Chk. W. StaK. J. Hodm.
$;0 list-1 I. O'llarra. C. II.
Nelson, J. M. O Harra. J. N. York.
Imie Ringol. J. S. Hell. W. S. Han
ister, W. K. WihhU, John lU-amcr.
1'mv Dudley, J. A. King, Alex.
Johnson, C. M. I'rico. I.. R. Van
$40 - V. II. Boohcr.
$2r list-S. A. ltarnes. Frank
Price. A. V Perry. 11. Urcw. A. I..
l)ouglas, R. G. Momgtvn, Newt
O'lliirra. S. I.. Kennard. J. W.
Oiapin. Claud I'rico. Win. Hrown.
J. C. Turner. W. 11. Gould. G. H.
Sums. ". M. Johnson, J. P. I.ietial
len. C. L. Pinkerton. J. V. Hell. II.
G.HKlwin. H. A. Hrandt. Ralph
Tucker, W. A. liarnes.J. A. McRac.
$15 list-Sidney Wyatt, Jamea
Peanter. Kmery Stagg.
$10 list-Goo. Wyatt. Robert
Proudfit. Harry McHride. J. A.
Ross. R II. King, J. S. Harris, J.
V.. Scrimsher, R. R. L.
$5 list-W A. Mi-C-orkell, Davis
& Kllis, W. S. Payne.
Rolow i the Y. M. C. A. sub
scription: $25 list R. G. Saling. Clark
Wood. J. H. Williams. W. L. Stnick.
J. F. Snider, Mrs. Wyatt. U-ster
$10 list-Udies' Guild. Albert
James, K. M. Smith, K. O. IV-Moss,
A. W. Lun.lell.
$5.00 list - F. G. Lucas. J. W.
Porter, Frank Graham.
The Leader joins in three rousing
cheers for the Weston committee,
which was headed by J. H. I'rico
as chairman and of which S. A.
Karnes was secretary and C. H. Nel
son treasurer. The other three
members were Joe Hodgson. J. M.
Banister and G. W. Winn. They
went about their work with a smile
of confidence and were smilingly
received. They are good men and
true and may their respective shad
ows - except, possibly, that of Joe
Hmlgson, who needs no bigger shallow-
never grow less. The I.eader
man thusly rhapsodize because he
was on the Y. M. C. A. committee
and they helped him and his good
colleague, E. M. Smith, out of a
Take Notice.
K i nikI after Him !! aim'"
uti.iMiiiu iiM'ii oiir iimnlawi will
l irtMHvutl m Itm full ritrnt of
th law.
Wrln. lira. Juno . Hit
Mil. AND MK& J UK tT fiKNNfS
Mall Frank Aaktd for Boldltra.
WaahliiRfon . A bill tu vitciitt Ilia
mall frunh prlvilng to oftliir anj
onllstttl ni.'D In the army, navy and
marine corpa haa lrrn liilrmliirrj by
Iteprvapittatlve Kranria of New York.
rltaln Seeks
New York.
Joeta U'lmecn
yvara now In
Her Men In America.
-All tiial Urltlah aub
tlio aura of Is anil 4S
the t'tilK-il Slates are
to be roMUH-llril to Join ttie Urltlah
color If the lawa of this country will
permit, It was mail known here).
Fuel Famine Possible.
Washington. IHvlarltig that tba
American ele are faring a coal
famine next winter bwauae of failure
of the transportation system ade
quately to move fuel, (ha federal com mission recommended to
congress that the production and dis
tribution of coal aud the operation
of rail and water transportation farll
ttlrs be pooled and carried on by a
government agency.
Tonnage sunk by
rinvs Is increasing.
German subma-
Fifteen hundred dollars will bo
raised in Pendleton to aid In tho
celebration. IVigea will bt awarded
unstintlngly. For Instance, $500
will bo distributed In prlrca among
tho winnera of tho eight hurao raoea
that are scheduled to lie held on the
Round Up ground tho afternoon of
the Fourth. No entrance foe will
lie charged, no horaca will lie
So bring on your buckskin, old
Iing Tom or tho plum colored
marc. All aro welcome and ,tho
more I ho merrier.
And in addition to this all aorta
if foot races will lie run off bo
twitn time In tho center of the
arena. There will la- prirca award
ed liberally.
Hero la the chance for grandma,
unuulptt, pa, ma and all tho kiddie
to win something. There will be
raci for every one of them, and
then for good measure, If thcr la
money left, a sack of potato- will
be bought for a special Hitlo race,
winner take all.
The evening will bo taken up
with dancing and fireworka dis
play. The committee in charge
nro working on a plan for a wonder
ful evening exhibition at the Round
Up grounds.
All visitor will lie gladly wcl
coined to Pendleton on the? Fourth.
The big iwrado in the morning, in
charge of tho Swinish-American war
veterans, will not be started until
everyone will have bad a chance to
arrive from the varioua towna in
the county. IHk for announce
ment of the program In thia jmT
next week.
Much as they have been provok
ed, we would prefer to see the Al
lies win the war without resorting
to aerial bombardment of
fled Cross Notes
If there were no Red Cross
America's part in the world con
flict would only be ruthless war
fare. .
We would be sending forth fore- yun
es solely to lay waste, destroy and
For our soldiers and sailors, we
would give no evidence of the con
cern felt at home for their welfare.
In our selfish clinging to conven
ience, comfort and luxury we would
give no sign of the "Spirit of '76"
or the splendid quality of sacrifice
that - strengthened the fingers of
our women in the civil war as they
tore their delicate garments into
Our dollars would be slackers and
the soldier boy to whom you wid
home will be keeping from want cities,
mother, wife or children.
Wherever war makes need, the
Red Cross serves. The service of
the Red Cross demonstrates above
all that we do not brutally fight to
beat down and break a foe, but for
liberty, not so swayed by lust of
battle that we cast from the hand
of love the symbol of mercy the
Red Cross.
Thus, even as America fights,
America's heart thrills in response
to the Red Cross appeal and Ameri
can pocketbooks open wide.
Thus, even as Oregon gives her
men to the army and navy,
fihe gives her money to the Red
Cross that our defenders may be
Throughout the state the emer
gency appeal of the Red Cross has
set in motion an army of volunteer
workers who are getting enthusias
tic, patriotic, generous response.
Oregon's dollars are not slackers,
Transports of joy will have noth
ing on our troop ships if they get
to France without being submarined.
The Oregon State Grange wants
to abolish the State Senate, but
some of us would prefer to dispense
with the Crange.
Mountain precinct may change its
view as to the merits of the state
road bond measure if it should hap
pen to be on the route of the Ore
gon trunk highway.
The Library room where mem
bers of the lied Cross meet will lie
German open every Tuesday and Friday af
ternoon from now on. The women
members arc requested to come and
sew whenever practicable.
Four sewing machines are now
in use and two or three more are
very much needed. More chairs
will also be very acceptable.
The Weston Auxiliary of the Red
Cross now numbers 96. Have you
joined? Membership is ox?n to ev
cry man, woman and child.
Now is the time for everybody
to do his bit. This service is di
rectly requested by President Wil
son. Your son or brother may re
turn from the war safe as a result
of the work you do now.
Big Four, Light Six and light Four ;
I The Overland Big Four la the car that built Overland.
i Tin car. for nine year, ha undergone steady development and jj
I refinement, with the help ami advice of an army of owner which . h
now tout more than a quarter of a million.
! Tho Overland' accumulated experience In building thia car ha J
J taught them true balance nothing else could-Mhe value of rijht J
weight; the rikrht ratio of power to weight; tho trua tire, gasoline
! and oil economy: the utmost attainable riding comfort; the line that i
I truly cxpreaa refinement and beauty-a better value than any car of J
t similar specification. J
J The price I $1010.00. , U
Tho Light Six I the same model with change conforming to ap- . U
proved aix-cylimlcr construction, and I likewise an excess-value car K
at the price. IIU'UW. S
Tho Light Four - n dimily car for thi count ry-t7H6. 8
The Country Hub-handsome and acrvlclle-$HH6. !
These quotations aro for Weston delivery. We will be able to j
supply a few car only at these price. je
Jj Dr. S. L. KENNARD, Agent for Weston ij
while the buying its Rood.
It's scarce now, but the outlook is for greater
scarcity and higher prices.
The time is fast corning when a
blind beggar with a wooden leg
would hesitate over changing places
with Kaiser Wilhem.
The commercial club meeting
Tuesday was devoted entirely to
road discussion.
Remarks were made by S. A .
Barnes from wheih it appeared that
there is considerable prospect that
the proposed road crossing the Blues
from Elgin to ' Weston will be se
lected as the route of the Oregon
highway. Other routes under con
sideration are said to involve con
struction costs almost prohibitive.
It is also said that the Elgin
Weston route is the only one that
will receive support from the fed
eral government. Even though it
fails to become the state highway it
,' - wiU be built as a post road by the
The Leader has entered upon its Congress would accomplish more government, according to those in
t.Mt ia ei mi vmincr if it could onlv "fire" its Cannon. touch wiut toe situation, mis
Late reports encouragingly indi
cate that General Sarrail and his
army are capable of a certain de
gree of motion.
Hoover says that the food specu
lators are making a profit of fifty
millon dollars a month -yet in all
that makes life worth while they
are poorer than a leprous mendicant.
Those Washington, D. C, suffrag-
An offensive Russian like the ettes are doing their best to prove
good bye would probably not come agitator Lenine can beht be coun- that women do not deserve the
back again, says the State lied teracted by a Russian offensive. ballot.
Cross Campaign Committee.
Rut there is a Red Cross
At 1 -1 - J M g' .41. lea dill irr.lirir
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected blucstem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company