The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 08, 1917, Image 1

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    eston 1 'Leader
Selection of First Increment
for New Army Is Next
Movo In War.
WashingtonMore Iban in.Oiin.miu
ymwg American enrolled thrmclvr
The I r 1 1 1 h It are u k a I it mi tlin offen
sive on Hi" Arm front.
Tll French Mini lli armies Imvo
rn it nri'il r.;',iiOi) German prlmon I , In
clilillHK I'"11' officer, Mini. April t'i
l(wnlari troop have won a victory
In a liallln wlili the Tuik in the H,i
kit region mi Hi" Monpoiauilau fron
tier, taking possession of l lire"
During Hie montli of Mil), llm Or
man offlrlnl announcement a. I In-
Turpi))- for war service, ami the flrl Germans captured on Iho western
military census fiiT taken In I hi' I'nl
ittd Hlalra was rnmplctml without a
single untoward event of ioiieiuonco,
Tha manhood of the iiallon obeyed
Iho prmli1nl h i all ami volunteered
In miai, letting at nauklit all the
achenica anil iitottlnti of German sym
pathiser and the few crank who
have aaltattiil against rcglatrallou.
A feature of Iho ri'Slnlrutloti a
the refuat of hundred of lhnuaud
of man to make any riply to lht que
lion "IK you rlnlm ciemptlonT"
Ken tnmi who reported that they had
dependent famlHe. Wen Willi ohvlou
ihyaU al dliabllillre ami thon whoc
fr.ini Ij.r.iiu rank ami tile uud of
ficer. InrliiriliiK un general.
There ha been liun-amd artillery
firing In Yprcs sector. In llclgiiiin.
Ilnili London iiikI ls rlln comment In
their im in ii iil ni Uiii h on tin' in tu ny
of lii'avy Kim In Uml region.
Premier Klliot linn announced In
llm Krciich chamber of ill puticn that
tlin government would not facilitate
i hi yo) uk of French him Input to thf
International SiH'Inllnt emigre at
TIip reply of (In' German govern
ini'iit lo Hpiiin ri-gardliiu tli' hy
a German submarine on the Hpanluli
nrrt'pallon arr certain In keep th''in steamer Patricio, any n lluvu:i dls-
at home, declined to make such a
Tha net slep In tha government's
tilan will be the selection of those
who actually ar to bear arma.
The men selected, about l.non.oon
a now estimated, will tie ralli-il to
ihe rolr and put Into training early
In tha fall Originally It Intend
I'd lo rail only MO.oihi for the flrnt
draft army to support the national
guard and regular, but a few day
tn It was announred that nearly I.
imn.OiMi nien would le needed on the
flrat selection.
Washington. flan tr luln
Mono free government Inauranen on
the life of every Amerlran aoldler and
aallor during the war In ll"ii of pen
alon arrangement will lie taken up
thla week I))' the rouuell of national
defense, A report prepared by Alt
ant Secretary Hweet, of the commerce
department, urge that the liouirnm-e
be provided through legislation before
Amerb-an troop are aeiit to France.
The plana as prepared provide for a
flat Insurance of Hood on the life ol
very officer and private In the mili
tary and naval arr vice, to ! paid to
hi 'beneficiaries without premium. A
government luuratiee bureau would
handle tint whole uh)erl and there
would he provision fn
patch from Madrid. Is uiidirMood to
I litremely colillal.
The takliiE orr of the k-reat fori
re of Kronntuitt ly tin- Im nl t ouni ll
of Workmen and Soldier' lulrcates
and ntrlke outlmukn In many of Hi"
law niuiiltlon fai luro or l' Irownid
Indicate the iit-w prin lotoiMil roM-ru-mett
of ItHMilit In iiiiilini; with III
cremed Internal opposition
Psrshing lo Have Jotfre's Help.
Part Marnhal Jolfie has be.n
designated by Hie imnli ter ot war
In continue IiIh work, ln fuin In Wnnh
Itigloti, of UM.jntlui; in i-i. uiiii' uii r
lean participation In (to- war lie
will roopi-r.ite with tin- American
commander. Major Ueneral IVrnhliiK-
J Flowor'gowned,
Try j a n n
June 13.14 and 15
Brilliant t instructive
Excursion Fares via
Tickets on Sale June u, 13 and 14; return limited to June 18
S. S. NKLSON, Apent. Wefttnn
mild lie provlnlon for a ayalem of f
sur.inie b) which officii mid mcii J1 K
-aliltiK to do o could take out fSj ftt
uount hlc.her than the Mtnio fne f "
IT- :,'.
l . "J
j- airST P - X '7 m A
policy by payltm premium at peace
Confederate Reunion Held First Time
Outside Southern States.
WaHhlUKloii. The national capi
tal In wartime threw open It arma
thla week to welcome tho survivor
of the Confederal army which oni;lit
lo capture II more than half a cen
tury ko. Cray-clad velcrana of tho
great war between the tatos marched
up I'l'iinaylvanla avenue. Thursday
morning through a court of honor and
past the White House, In front of
which they were reviewed by tho
president of tho United Slutaa
for tho first lima since the forma
tion of the United Confederate Veter
ans, their annual reunion, tho twenty
seventh, la held outside what were the
Confederal!! states.
Bio mm-
Ooien Chinese Battle on Streets of
Portland. Or Two Chluene tieloliK
ilifl to the I'iiifc Kiiim How I ,p.K tons killed, one was mortally wound
ed and several AniorlcjiiiH were
wounded in n ruiuiiiii: fi;:lit rnmnl
In between JIiiik KutiK How Lcoiik
Kiitiiucn uml Sin y Smi; iiuini n on
I'IiiiiiIitk uml Sixth ulii'i ta ami irond
way. The hIiooIIiii- tuarkiil a recurrence
of the ton war followlnc mi ineffec
tual iilli iiipt lo brim; about u peace
treaty nt San Krancisco.
WarraillB for the vholifalc arrest
of the officer and members of the
Hop Sinn and Sue) SitiR toliKf 'ere
Issued from the Oiftce of the district
attorney followlni; the Hlmotlns.
Col. C. A. Ooyen, commander ef the
marines to go to France as part of
General Pershing's force.
Lumber for Wooden Ships Ordered.
Washington. Lumber for l'lo wood
en ships has been ordered from mem
bers of the Southern 1'lno nesoclatinn
by Miijor-Generul George W. tioethals,
Kcueral manimor ot the shipping
hoard's emergency fleet corporation.
The price Is !.' a thousand foci at
tho mills. The orders call for approx
imately HO.IHin.ilOII feet.
Our First Theater.
In 17.-.2 the first theater In the I'nlt-
1 ritsites was opened In the colony of
Virginia nl old Wi!ii:iniluirtf. Tho
otit-limlor was an i;n-llh nelor. Wil
liaui llalluni. Sr., who lu-niiciit bis own
iiiinuiiiy from nver.Tas an.1 presented
"The Mercluiil of Veiilie" its tho in
llinl pei fonuiiii-e. Tin- Idea spread
rapidly, and s-mi New- York, Philadel
I Ida and the oiln-r Ic.idiiit; commtinl
ties of e.Ieni:il Aiiicviia each bad its
t'.e.iter. Wlille the Vii-Hihi playhouse lhi llrt In Hie t lilted States, ac
li'rs had phi.vel in the colniilei lvforo
HiIk d ue. The t';;t is said to have
been the Kiih'IsIi h'trollitii; player An
thony Asfon, who was Known ns fat
Mpilley. The m lor nml his art of that
day were p'litTtiii.v despised by tho
t'lirltiiuii 1 colonists. The Massachu
setts legislature- parsed n law shortly
after amateurs had chon "The Or
plinns'' at the Coffee IK use fu Itoston
In 1T!! which forbade stPh perform
mices. preserlbhiK 11 penalty for lie
tors and spectators uliKe of 2u each.
Convict Riot at Jolict Prison,
ilnllel. III. -After one prisoner hnd
born killed, ixht severely Injured
and several others hurt durltiK three
riotous outbreaks at the slate prison
Portland. Or. lly a decisive vote
the people of Oroiton mitliorlied tho
M.fiOO.Oim road bomlltiK hill, which
means Iho roiistruetlon of a comirc
hvnslvo system of permanent IiIkIi
woys. Multnomah county Ravo nn almost
overwhelming vote for Iho bill, and
many of the upstate countiCH report
a siirprislitKly heuvy favorablo majority.
(ieorRO l linker led
Dry Law Suspended by Petitions.
Olympia, Wash. K. M. Williams,
of Seattle, filed with iho secretary ot
stale petitions for 11 referendum vote
on I he bone-dry prohibition, law
passed by the 1UIT legislature. Tho
petitions bore i4.;tut names, 23,657 temperature several decrees nlmve fe-
Curious Baths.
In her hook, "My Siberian Year,"
Mls-s M. A. CziiplaeUa. speaking of the
H'cial haliits of the Slbetialis. says:
"The celebrant of the fortnightly rite
of the bath (ills the biinya with a dense
cloud of steam by yltuViii water Into
a kind of open mouthed oven in tho
wall of the stove and sits on a dais
over iimiiiist tlil.-i. himself nil
over w ith water he has taken from the
cistern 11 nil tempered to u just endur
nlile hent in n tin basin with colder
water from a barrel in the- corner.
Mtiviuj: put liluiself into a state border.
in? on suffocation mid raised his own
Salaries With Silver Lining.
Tho hlclient salaried man In Japan
doe not wolvo cii'UKh money In that
form to pay for the ffanollne ihkhI j
bis atitoruobile, for salarlea ot the man.
avers of liuslno rorMiratlons are In
siuiilficabtly small, say tho Japan
Times. Salaries, however, are not the
total Income of hunlm- men. ruder
tho Japanese ctihtotn there is a lilx-ral
bonus systeru, and the bonus amount!
to :v or tmi llmen ih monthly sab
arr In soinn csie.
'I ho MIihuI i-oniisny la regarded a
tho Uk'C'-it eorporallou In Japan, and
It dlreeiora
Readiness Shown to Make Any
Sacrifices to Hold Allied
Armies in Check.
Pans Sixteen times since May 29
the OraiMi havn attarked the Boat-
are noted for their larce . . ,k., h
m' -jiih-w. cm. u uire. lor ia aiu 10 j ir-
eplve In tho form of a Imihi aljout
IW,ftif a year, allhouglj hie salary
may be only liV) a month.
Legal Wit
A lawyer was walking Into court re.
eently with bis length of arm taxed
to hold a pile of law book.
To hi m ald a friend, imliitln;; to bit
"Why, I thought you carried ail that
stuff In your bead"
"So I do," quickly replied the learned
counsel, with a knowing wink. "These
re for tho Judges."
(be French at Mount Carmlllet and
the Height of the Teton and tho
Caique, south of Moronvllllen, In the
Champagne. All the efforts have been
iharaeterized by the greatest obstin
acy, the assaulting wave retiring on
y when their ranks were ao thinned
by French three-inch shells and ma
chine gun fire that they could no
longer hold them.
The most violent or these attacks
eras one upon the Casque and the Te
ton, which are the most advantageous
observation points In this sector, com
manding a view ot the entire Moron-t-illlers
region. The fighting went on
Fine Luck.
Sirs. Exe So you've got a new gown all day.
after all. I thought you said you That the Germans are prepared to
couldn't afford one this season? Mr. to to almost any length In sacrifices
Wye-So I did. I!ut you see my bus- 3f meD to hoId ,he ,itUatlon on the
band bad a streak of luck recently. western front , bdt Memi app.
He broke Ids leg the next day after t Along the line held by the French,
log out an Widenti-)II.T that psy. effort uk form f .
$M a week. ltonton Transcript . . .
most ceaseless counter attacks, both
Struck the Wrong Spot
A man lost his wife and bis cow
both In the same week. Ills neighbors
tried to console him by hinting that
in the Alsne region and in the Cham
pagne. Although suffering a sanguin
ary repulse on Sunday in repeated at
tacks on the Vauclere and California
they would ce that he got another plateaus, they made a new thrust fur
wife, ther west, near Froidmont farm, along
"Yes: you're willing to get mo an- the Cbemln-des-Dames plateau. The
other wife." said he, "but none of yon rr,n,v nnnrt thi. in bar hail
offers lo get tuo auotber cow
In the Barber Shop.
"Your hair," said the aggravating
barber to the slightly bald man, "is
coining out on top."
"Good:" cried the sensitive victim.
"I knew it was In inc. Now. for good
ness' sake, ilou't talk to it or It'll crawl
back again." London Telegraph.
some measure of success, the crown
prince's troops forcing their way into
some advanced French positions.
Paris. By a vote of 453 to 55 the
chamber of deputies in secret ses
sion has adopted a resolution declar
ing that peace condlltona must in
clude the liberation of territories oc
cupied by Germany, the return of
Alsace-Lorraine to France and just
reparation for damage done in the
invaded regions. The resolution,
which was accepted by the govern
ment, also favors the creation of a
league of nations for the mainten- -ance
of peace.
Speaking to the resolution. Prem
ier Ribot aaid:
"This resolution affirms our na
tional sovereignty. It declares that
in a democracy like ours there can
be no secret diplomacy. None can
or want to finesse with the national
sovereignty. None has entertained
such thoughts. French policy ia the
policy of frankness and clearness."
General Crowder, judge advocate
general of the army, who has charge
of the selective draft system.
being required.
Benson Threatens to Quit Socialists.
Youkers, N. Y. Allan L. Benson,
Socialist prcHldcntul camlidato at tho
luht election, will resign from the par
ty if It does not, as a whole, repudiate
W. 11. Paly antl draft resolutions adopted at its a fresh cloud of steam from tho oven,
vol- point, he pulls open I lie door, rushes
naked lulo the open air, rolls over niul
over In the snow, covers himself with
It and lies there till the bent of his
body has made 11 pool of waier tinder
him. Then he runs back to t tie banya
and tlau'cllates himself with a bunch
of ns ho stands surrounded by
on first, second and third choice St, Louis meeting.
by a thousand convicts who objected V,""B f"r "' ( "'orilwia. and re-
mm nnoiv i, i jiaimil mm uoiiii
M. Miiiin were selected for city com
missioners, Tho bonds for a bulk grain eleva
tor rarricd. Tho two proposed char
ters, Intended lo knock out commis
sion form of government, were each
defeated mid the voters also defeated
the two-platoon system for firemen,
Iho free streets for Jitneys, and the
proposal for interchange of telephone
to, new rules enforced by warden
Ilowen, a rainstorm drove the last
200 of the mutineers to the cellhnuso.
fcarly In the day. however, they had
stubbornly refused to row before the
bayonets of national guardsmen who
finally quelled the outbreak.
German Submarine Hit by Shell.
Washington. A German Submarine
Is believed to have been sunk by an
armed American steamer In a run
ning fight lasting an hour and a hair,
in which 35 shots were fired by the
submarine and 25 hy the Btcemer.
An official announcement says the
steamer's final shot "apparently
struck the submarine, which raised
clear out of the water and stood stern
ud up for a (w itcondi. . She the
Wheat Club $2.4:t: bluesU-m i'i.iSj
red liiisHlan, $;.4i; forty-fold, $2.43,
Hurley No. 1 feed, Jl' per ton.
Hay Timothy, $32 per ton; alfalfa
Uutter Creamery, U7c.
Kkbs ltanch, SL'r.
Wool Eastern Oieson, 5'n
Molmlr GOc per lb.
Possum as Meat
Is possum incut good? Axle nuyotie
who has eaten it. Long before the
white man runic lo thin continent the
Indian had discovered its excellence.
The next to yield t Its seductiveness
mis Die ncfc-ro. who In turn lultluted
h wbiia &iCUfc
Wheat Dluestem $2.4ii; club $2.I3J
forty fold, $2.44: red Knssian, $2.
file, $2.4:t ; turkey red, $2.4t!.
llrley-$43 per ton.
Butter Creauieiy, 3 Sc.
lMI-370, . . . J
Honesty Extraordinary.
A traveler writing In an Italian mag
azine snys Hint the Swls-s ciiuton of
Ticino is Inhabited by the most honest
folk it Is possible to imagine, in most
of the Tlclnese villages, the writer
says, the oldest inhabitants do not. re
member any case of thieving, however
potty, within a lifetime. Lost objects
when found untst never be taken
away. They must bo left where they
were dropped or placed in a consplcu
vulley, oils position, so that the rightful own
er enn tlud his property more easily.
Tho case Is cited of uu American w om
an tourist who lost her purse on an
excursion In the Vnl Cnprltisen. The
purse contained gold coin and n Jew
eliil watch. Vpon returning from her
trip she found the pr.rse with Its con
tents Intact on n little heap of leaves,
so plueed that it could not full to at
tract UiX aUcuUijy.
Washington. An increased vege
table diet was urged on the American
people by Herbert C. Hoover as a
means ot conserving the supply of
staple foodstuffs. In an appeal to the
country's housewives, Mr. Hoover em
phasized the allies' needs of staples
and the probable needs of this coun
try next winter.
"Price conditions in the larger cities
may not permit of so large a propor
tion of substitution of vegetables as
In the country districts and smaller
towns. It is even more Important,
therefore, that In the country districts
and smaller towns vegetables should
be substituted for the staples, because
this will relieve the question ot trans
portation. "It the rural population. Including
in this term the larger towns and
smaller cities, during the months ot
July, August and September, would
reduce the consumption of sugar one
ounce, bread four ounces a day, meat
a half ounce a day and vegetables
were substituted instead, the econo
mic saving would represent a saving
ot 20,000,000 bushels ot wheat. 125.000
teas oX sugar ana 700.000 towves."
President Asaurea Northwest Wheat
Men of Intent to Guarantee Price.
Washington. Spring wheat grow
ers ot the northwest were assured by
President Wilson In a personal inter
view that the government intends to
protect farmers in marketing their
crops and that prices will be guaran
teed high enough to stimulate produc
tion. The farmers' representatives
were told that the government hopes
permanent marketing reforms may
grow out of wartime measures.
It is not the present intention to
fix minimum prices, the president
said, as the government believes pro
duction prices will remain high with
out putting this measure into effect
Berlin Reports Portuguese In Battle.
Berlin. The first official statement
that Portuguese troops are now fight
ing on the western front was made
here. In announcing the capture ot
1000 yards of Ffench trenches north
east of Soissons by a surprise attack,
the war office stated that among the
prisoners captured were some Portuguese.
Four German Airplanes Lest In Raid.
London. Four of the German air
planes returning from a raid over
England were destroyed by British
pilots. It Is announced officially. Tho
total casualties in the raid were:
Killed 12, Injured 36,
Big Lumber Market Created by War.
Washington. Two billion feet of
lumber will be required within tha
next year for war purposes, accord
ing to an estimate by the lumber
committee ot Ui cvuadl ot mUsnai