BREVITIES BUY FURTIITURE NOW Kurnituru hint not ntrvnni'etl in price like mont linen of Koodn. Uarriinr h fow 'xc('tion, tlio uilvnnco oh raw ma terial is much heavier timn on the AnUlied product. Hut stocks of raw material uro running low nrnl udvuncc nro bi't-omlnii Mia order of th day. Our tock nro heavy and complete. Nearly all of our furniture wan contracted for beforo heavy mlvaneeB became ttllVctive, henco wi make prices that hiivu you money prices that will bo ImpuHsiblo for juontlm and iiiiiiiUih, more likely for veam. to come. All who huvo or will have furniehin; net-tin hIiouI.I buy now, Investigation rotta nothing. We ure always glutl to huvo folk do thin. (!omfortuble Home FurnihhiiurM cont lets per yeur of (ervice, than any other expenditure. They pay u larger re turn on amount invented, in IhingM worth while, than any other in vestment you can make. Home in what you make it. but it cannot In at itt Im-hI without convenient, comforU bio furumhintftt. U'l m repeat. HUY FUICNITUUK NOW. If you hav en't money lyinK in tho bank, we will help with ournpeciul ca.iy payment plan. If unable to cull, write for price and dcHcriptionx of urticlci you are interewted in, but como if OHnilil(', for you bliould Hoe thix tine big utock. THE DAViS KASER COMPANY I'launs, riuni"nriiili, Mimic ('ompjrtt! Home r uiiii.lii r tO-!U Altlor St. (tkld Fellows Temple) WAI.l.A WAI.I.A, WASH. FOR SALE 800 acres level bluck wheut land in Illnine county. Idaho uli to be summer fallowed and weeded to fall wheat good for 35 buaheU to acre. Crop and land go for $35 an acre. First crop will pay for land. Four miles from town und depot, J. K. VAUGHT Fairfield, Idaho Young Jftn-y ntw and twin tit-iter t nlvm fin II. Key, A W ItoiffrM liu Invested In t Hmxoii gig fur utility mid recrcuilnn. ll hut lw( "t bread ut five, (i cloi K vst-ry day. llakery Hlnre, M.1I11 H mi. will serve i lili ken dinner ut tho Wvslllll hotel both Ua ut til" I'll'- lii i'in" r iitihiii. Mm, Webb. liitl 'i(om wx ere till k (i urn hiM li"iii"Hif.l In southern I'lu Im. for it unit wltli bin iiurcniN. Tim public la mrdlally hivltnl tn liispret my bake shop ut any uml nil time, (l.unlliii'M U my motto. &. II. ' hm. Mm. J. K. Henry t,f Portland, for. in.rlv rt-xlilfiil ut Weston anil Athetni. U tho guest uf Mr. 1 I'liiki-rt'iii. Tim t il library tmurd will meet in t Moii'luy at 3 ! at lh ll'irary itml It la mi nested (Jiul eveiy inem- M' iltllllll, " W, H. I'ayiie hn tienii railed nut .f i..n to pi. tul ami paper tho new iwlili'iii'i ut Elmer lilrhnmnd near Wull.i Wulliv I liu nil kinds .if ai iaii inm tl. miilli ul'ln an I rut and .uy in per ton delivered ut Aihrnn; weighed nil llurke s amir.. Max r"elteln. Illll el.ailil wua irnllrd tu the I'l InuOa thla wtu-k ( lu'lp III t'lill'lrvit In .m,, r.itniHilKiilnK. " lw-a' f Din littn wuann lln-y are way lie h In J with Ihilr wurk. HiriiNel-iino white-faced red i-uw. and Until eara ailil. brandid it-verw" H nml bur nn Imth aldin. Ali i.n lirlmllit row with aiml imatrll $l rewind A. 1. I'orrjr. Wualun. Or. fiull, tho lulented mm ut Mr. und TrTTTTTTZTTZZTTZZTZZTTZZ Mr a. J, H. Wllllama, left Tuemlay . ,npnTU fAltnr lap m,.rnl Mr IMrt.und t;, bta UgERTY LOAN BONDS ARE aiuuiea wiiiv ain. , .iuic Itiatrurtiir In drumulli! art. H will li iilnent twii monina. Will frnnn left hinnluy fur Him kiiim in vli.ll lua niiiter uml reji'ln lila i. I I rimtlHiiiy of the Wnahlnglvn .SiiiiiMial lliwrd. The oriniiilitutliin la kiinwn ua o.niimny If nf the Mecond Wnahtniitiiii liifiiiitry. tlt'iirw tiiiin mine over frmii Wal la Wall.v Tuday fr th hmiorluni and wiirthy imrimae of pnylitK The fellow who said "Life is Just One Damned Thing After Another" gave a good definition. It bothers us to keep up with Life ; and the High Cost of Living. See our two-spool Sewing Machines our Motor Washers, the New Ranges, and Let us show you the MeCormick and John Deere Binders, Weber Wagons and the best hog wire fencing. MM Rogers A SAFE INVESTMENT Hotic in Publication-UoUtt4 Tract (Publisher.) Help win lh war. Kljsht, ecuno nitae. cnnwrvv. producr; but first of all. buy a IJlierty Loan Ilond. I.Hx rty Iii HonJa are the aufent liiveaiiiiiut In tlm world tuduy. They lira Kued by tho fnlted Hlutea guv- hl eminent and ara a mortiranw on the Paper That Room With Bargain Wall Papeiyin Bun dles of three to six rolls at 5c up Iht lundlo. Thia is Kod wall paper, but we are :'ttirr rid of it in order to mako room for our NICE NEW LINE. Rug Rack "Full Up" , of beautiful patterns. Make your the aclectiiiK Us trood. selection now while SLEEP SOUND! SLEE1' SOUND! on NEW MAI TRESSES. ono of our soft E. O. DeMoss U-.i.l. r auliarrllHluil. He iruiiilava tu tf.nii aiiuln for the nlntieera' reunion, hnvliiff mlaaed but one of tht eventa 111 i yeura. Noah Itimewll of Myrtln 1'iillit. origun, la vinliliig lim imrentu, Mr. mid Mm, John Uoneiti. H la nr. cmnpnnled by Ijiwrem-e liarkUiw. who l aieklnis relief from atutimeh tlini!lii and luMica thut tin- change of fllnmte will urovt. of tmncfU.; la the order of service fur jiin 3 at th rjiureli of tho lltnihren. fiuiiday achool t Id . lit.; I'f.tiiliimi ut tl . m.; Miloti pnudy at J: an m.j (, W. - t ; ! '.; atml. 'Ufe of fhrial. ' at t:30 . in. John' Ti atilinnt) ; Kltl WwlplifH t'hiMn-n. John iiimewit. J.u-k Kiunttier untl family hvis moved from Atjierlcaii l."ulla to Hock land, Iduho. whern Jiu'k hua juat flnlahfd aeedlnit the II. a. SnllnK jilueo. He wrltea that jmrt of the- new erni la iiniiliiit ui und liik fltm. Itiilti him been utmndunt nd this li.ieotn ure Lrtplit In thai 'fl ll kotilhern Idulto. t'nltfd Sialic of Anierh-a iur coun try th rleheat country In the world. Ttii-y nr Cncle Hnm'a tironilm- to l'.i. und h la worth $!2 j.MiHi.niiii.- Liberty Ijoan' Honda wy S 1-! per cm Intemt und tney may bo had in any uf the followlnir denomlnn tlnna: 150. ltt, I50O, (. $S00. Pubuc Land Sale. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oreg., II v. A7i I. Notice i hereby piven that, aa di-' rocted by the iximmitutionerof the uen eral Land office, under provision of Sec. 2155, It. S., pursuant to the Appli cation of Thomas H. Mosjrrove, of Mil ton, OreRon, iterial No. 0156tC!, we will oiler at public aalu, to the hieheat bid der, but at not lean than SI. 50 per acre, ut 10 o'clock A. M., on the 6th day of June, 1917, next, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: E't SWV, NW4- SEU. Sec. 23, NKtf NW);, Sec. 25. Td. 4 S.. R. 37 E.. W. M. This tract is ordered into the market on a showiiiR that the greater portion thereof ia mountainous or too rough for cultivation. The aale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those tiresent at the hour named have ceased , lidding. The person making the high- est bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. C. S. Dunn. Register. Nolan Skiff, Receiver. Kcv nan d is an expert with the tape. He will take your measures scientifically and produce a made-to- J order suit that will give X you the utmost satisfac- tion. Try him. WESTON BATHS, BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaudf Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader oflice Sixty (minimum).......;...............:.... $0 90 Ono hundred.......... 1 20 Two hundred I 75 Each additional hundred.. 0 45 V-J 1 VI Jf M m M f V and KdDAK SUPPLIES EXPERT DEVELOPING J and PRINTING Goodwin's Drug Store Iff f ((kaJ fvw The fiillnwliid Rood peoiilu know how to upend their money to advan tu, linvlng recently contributed of their aubatiinco In exehanse for the Wewttin Ia-iuIit: Carl Urutacher. lieno St. iHmnla, W. I ."mock. E. C. Hotter Itenry Scbrwdor, Friutk llry. ant. Cyril IToebatel, ljur Knox, tlrtliinit M, Hull. Juinea Hitchcy, Van Hoy, Cloorgo Olnii. Kudiiliih rrocbalel, who will semi tmle Mum n a member of the craek ciivnlry troop orRiinir.ed In Pendle ton nml conaiHiliiir UirKely of expert rider, left Tuivihiy to enmpIHe hU eiilliitmenl. Kudulph ts ono of a dvot n T nlore ounc soldiers from Wes ton who haven't waited for conscrip tion. Except lilmaelf. all selected either the infantry or naval branch. Two alutera, a brother and a nleco of A. J. Harnett have been vlsltlnir Mr. and Mrs. Harnett at tholr home In thla city tho occasion belnir In thennttire of a family reunion. The sisters are Mm, Amnnda' Taylor of Vunkeetown. Intl., and Mrn, Prenlhv ttlscel or Bhenunn "oiittty. The niece Is Mrs. l.uliv Taylor of Hood Itlver. and the brother Is P. I Harnett of nvuaco. Ore. , Tho Weston dolcRatea who attend ed Rrand ImlRen of the Odd Fellows and Ketieknha at Eugene returned home Mondiiy and report a pleasant nml profitable session. In the party were S, A, Iltirnes. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. (Iriihmn mid Mrs. J. K. Stanfleld. They say that much of the flat coun try In the neighborhood of KURcne Is yet under water, to the discourage ment of agriculturists. John Hubbard was back here this week Jfwt fur a. day, after an absence of one-third of a century, "and his old time frlemla and schoolmates are just a bit peeved that he couldn't have spent it little more of the century In Weston. Mr. Itubbat'd is now nt tho head of a In r ire shipbuildlui; concern In Seattle, where he 1ms Inn lieeii located. Ho was raised by J)oc Per kins, 11 pioneer resident of the Wild Horse neighborhood, and went to siiiool forty yetirw ago wltln Post-' muster lw Van Winkle and others of our cltixena. Hla visit was for the purpose of getting- locust timber for vuuua phtMia uf. tbip tiuutrucUco. 1 0,111111, luO.onu and lioo.uiiu. yix ran make u fir it payment as low as one dollar mid have until August 3! t pay the balance. Most blu busi ness houses will accept IJberty Loan liiinds same as cash in payment for merchandise, A Me&Nage from KcrrvUiry W. J. IC.liH. "Wars cnnnoi bo conducted with out money. Tt Is t:ie first thing to bo provided. In this war it is the most immediate help the most ef fective help that we can give. We must iki be content with a subscrip tion of two billion dollar we must oversubscribe this loan a an Imli ciitioit that America is stirred to the di'Pths uii4 aroused to the summit of lior greatness In the cause of free dom. Vel us not endanger success by complacent optimism. It us not satisfy ourselves with the reflection that some one else will subscribe the required amount. Let every man and woman In the land make It his or her business tosubscribe to the Liberty Loan immediately, and If they can nut subscribe themselves, let them In-' iluce somebody else to subscribe Provide the government with the funds indispensably needed for the conduct of the war and give notice to tho enemies of the United States that we have billions to sacrifice In the cause of Liberty, 'Buy a IJberty Ibmd today; do not n it off until tomorrow. Every dol lur provided quickly and expended wisely will shorten tho war and save human llf.' , W. O. McADOO, Secretary of the Treasury. Ask anv hnnkne. iit-mtmflsf r. . press Company or merchant for ap- Jtt Plication blank. Pianos tuned and repaired at rea sonable prices. First-class work puaranteed. A. W. Lundell, Mus. Bach. i wiiwuiwas si . mmm mu mm. w.w i I Dr. S. L KHJHARD I gD, SWIFT & CO, trntt iiirkndrei"Ttfilotiiawi nr no j rtfkMi ft FRFK SEARCH mod ropwrt I ott ;tt-nwblity. Bulk ndvtvmtm. PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES tor ! jrrrn. iHtr frvr bootMrn teU Hw. wiuu U UvrtH I I ht you twcHK-y. writ codar 5 Hospital at corner of Main i and Broad streets. $ Phone -- Main 253 t PATENT LAWYERS. 303 Seventh St., Washington, 0. C. J HOMER I. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Practices in all State and Federal Courts. ATHENA, OREGON r?!i- n . it . . i ne tanners w oi wesion EstalMed 1891 ! Having pnjf.ed approval upon the Weston country and paid hisLeader .MUbscriptton, Jim Kltchey left th's week upon his return home to Forest ! rove lighter in pocket, but with a, clear conscience. Jiin looked over the crops pretty thoroughly here abouts and was goon enough to say that no one need lie alarmed, In his pinion. While some thirty days be hind the usual schedule, the wheat fields, are clean aim promising, and only Inopportune hot winds will spoil an abundant yield. Jim also talked tinrtnee and politics to "ye editor." but not for publication, as he did not wish to disturb the national status V8 8 i i 8 "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith dare do our duty as we understand it" ' . Lincoln. Let us also have faith that it is our duty to accu mulate sufficient to provide for sickness and age, and in that faith persevere until we have the might. Trifles make perfection, but to be perfect is no trifle.