The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 01, 1917, Image 2

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CLARK 00P, faMUhir
Strnltv m Aft-nt
The Year.. ! w
Six Month J5
Four Month w
Regular, per inch per Insertion l-"c
Transient, per inch per Insertion 20c
LoraU, cr lino per insertion 6c
Etm t t rttM !. Onjoa,
! cImi smiI MMlltr.
Twenty-fifth Annual Reunion of
Umatilla County IVnetra ami Fifth Aiiuunl Reunion of
their Son and Daughter
WMUN, OkKUON, Jl'NK 15117
( accompanist, Mr. F. D. Watla)
9 A. M.
"Help win the war buy Liber
ty Until bond."
To vote agninst tho road lwinls is
virtually to say thnt the wItw
. voter knows more Uut the road
needs of the state than a larjre ma
jority of the Oregon kvtslalurv and
the entire Umatilla county delega
tion. Men like Speaker StanhYld, Iiar
rett, Stetwer. Ritner and Ilodgen
are not venal neither are they fool
ish. The so-called Paving Trust has
no strings on them, and they use
their thought works in connection
"with both private and public busi
ness. That all these men were in
strumental in getting the road bond
bill on the ballot and are now its
strong Bupporters, is pretty good
evidence that the measure is of
value to Umatilla county.
10 A.
March, America First"
"A Snriiu? Somr"
(A. W.
Vocal Sow
Addre of Wekonic. . . .
Vocal Solo, "Carmcna"
"Star Spangled Banner"
1:30 P. M.
"American lndependuncu
"Flat; Without a Stain
Woatou Concert Baud
, Audience
Rev. W. H. Smith
Weaton Glee Club
l.umtcll, director)
Walter Roae
Mayor J. M. Bauiater
Freskicnt lSo. U. IVebler
l.ela U. Saliug
.... Hon. Will M. Peterson
. . Weston Male Quartet
One of the little pleasantries of
the country newspaper Sme or
business people who do not adver
tise and other people who do not
even take the paper to be looking
for "free puff's."
Charley Barrett is one of the
most conscientious men and one of
the hardest workers that Umatilla
county has ever sent to the legisla
ture. He is a cautious man, not
given to unwise investmneta, and
led the fight against the Umatilla
county bonding measure. That he
now supports the state bond bill is
significant. To meet with Charley
Barrett's approval means that it
must needs be almost without a
flaw. We commend a careful pe
rusal of Senator Barrett's letter to
the Leader in another column. It
seems to us a conclusive answer to
the innuendo that the legislature
succumbed to the blandishments of
the Paving Trust.
Sonjf, "Kvery Boy Should be a fcoldier ... Hum uougiaa
Reading. "Manda'a Organ" Laurel E. Davis
Vocal Solo Walter Komi
"Tho Star Spangled llanncr". . . .Athena Ladiea' Quartet
(Mis Pearl Coomaiw, Misa Lulu Tharp. Mr.
Ueo. B. Woodward, Mm. Austin Fo.
Vocaliiation ; "The Haywayan"
Vocal Solo Winifred McKeniie
Overture, "Majestic" Band
Vocal Duet .. Lcla J. Saliug, Walter Roae
Reading, "A the Moon Rose" Laurel E. Davia
"The Boys of the Old Brigade" Weaton Quartet
"Smoke Up, Honey!".. Band
(Election of Officers' Pioneers' Son and Daughtela)
3:00 a. B. Baseball.
4:10 ft. m. 10U yd. dash, free for all. .U0 ami $1.0";
loo yd. dash, boys under 14. $1.50 and 75c; ladies' board
sawing contest, $1.00 and 7.V; relay race, free for all.
i"0 and $1.00; fat men's race. 2W lbs. or over, $1.50
and 75c; ladies' nail driving contest; $1.50 ami 75c; quick
change race, free for all. $2.00 ami 01.00; pie eating con
test, $1.50 and 75c. Auto stunts.
7Utt. n. Free Band Conlcrt at Pavilion. 1 March,
"Heads Up!" 2 Overture, "Majestic." 3 Waltz,
"Moonlight." 4 Cornet Solo, "The Rosary." 6 March,
"Iowa." 6 lntermeno, "Red Feather." 7 March,
"Under the Double Eajcle." 8 "Hydrophobia," A
Trombone Smear. 9 March. "The Wallabies." 10
Waltz, ""Missouri." 11 "Washington Grays."
10 A. M.
March, "OKI Colonial" Weston Concert Bawl'
"America" Audience
Invocation. Rev. W. S. Payne
"The Hymn of the Marsellaise" Weston Glee Club
Vocal Solo Zilla SimnHiii
Reading, "The Coming Out of Miss Cummings"
Kola Keen
Overture, "Arcadia" Bund
Address, "Pioneers and Patriotism"
Hon. W aller M. Pierce
"Our Own U. S of A" : Band
1:30 P. M.
"Stars and Stripes Forever". .'. Band
Selection Athena Male Chorus
(Dr. W. R. Scott, director)
Reading, "What Husband Said" Laurel E. Davis
Vocal Solo, "Parla" Lela G. Saliag
More Vocalization "The Haywayan"
Selection Athena Male Chorua
Vocal Solo Zilla Simpson
Overture, "Sky Pilot" Band
"Freedom' Empire" Weston Quartet
Reading, "I and My Falber-in-Law". .. Laurel E. Davia
Musical Sitecialties Edna and Thelma Saliug
"Our Glorious Flag". Hand
Election of Officers, Umatilla County Pioneer.
3:00 l. 0. Baseball.
4:30 p. a. Sports (same program as Friday.) ,
7 to I p. m. Free Band Concert at Pavilion. 1 March,
"The Gladiators." 2 Overture, "Invincible." 3 Quar
tet, "Eraani." 4 March, "Quality Plus." 5 Trombone
Solo, "Memories." 6 Intermezzo, "La Paloma." 7
March, "Ensign." 8 Overture, "Zeus." 8 "Pahaon
Trombone," a Riot. 10 March, "Gentry' Triumphal."
11 March, "National Salute."
Having invented the submarine,
it is up to American genius to like
wise invent an antidote. .
Charles L. McNary, appointed to
the United States Senate by Gov
ernor Withycombe to succeed Sen
ator Lane, is a progressive Repub
lican and a former justice of the
Oregon supreme court, to which .he
was appointed by Governor West.
The selection of McNary mry be re
garded as quite a shrewd stroke of
politics on the part of Governor
Withycombe, who has stalwart lean
ings but thus makes a bid for pro
gressive approval. However, there
is no reason to doubt that McNary
will make a good senator, and in
such event the governor is entitled
to all the political advantage he
may "derive from the appointment,
having demonstrated, that he is with- '
out prejudice. "
1 1 . bonds must be expended east of
With all his forethought the the Cascades. This is a case where
Kaiser neglected to train his troops in Eastern Oregon gets more than
in sprinting, else the Allies would a square deal and should we look
not take so many prisoners. this gift horse in the face we ought
.. never to have the crust to howl at
Walter Pierce's road measure Portland again,
would have been admittedly better ;
than none, but the legislature pre- Through swapping horses in niid
ferred the bonding bill as more stream it begins to look as though
comprehenisvc and entailing no bur friend Russia had acquired a herd
' den on the general taxpayer. The of jackasses.
Pierce bill levied an annual tax of s
one and one half mills, the proceeds When in doubt buy a war bond,
from each county to be expended
within that county. Under that Goes to Summer School
bill Multnomah county would have Accompanying six girls' from Pen
received back for road work its en- dleton Miss Lois Porter left today
tire tax. which is forty percent of for Beilingham, Wash to attend
. 1 i it a . tu iw. j t,;n summer school of the Beilingham
the whole.. Under the bond bill wi tS5tablish a
Multnomah counly gets nothing, ,,OIIK. at t;,.jnf,,iim, to le presided
but Portland is willing that this over by Mrs. L K. Young, wife of
should be eo, in order that the tlie county guperiiiienoem.
state at large may get systematic
n,9H imDrovement. In fact, 60 Bundled wheat hay for sale. C.
percent of ' the proceeds of the M. Trice. ' weston
War Census Day is Tuesday, June
5. It will be a legal holiday.
Every male resident between th..'
ages of 21 and 30 yearn. Inclusive,
must register. This Includes alien,
as well us men who are sick or crlp
lrted. Exemptions from military ser
vile will be determined lulcr.
Register in your -home voting pre
cinct Booths ut regular voting places
will be open from 7 a. tn. to 9 p.
Absentee must register before
Minna. Orcaon, .May S. lull.
To tho IMIti.r;
The opMinem of tho road bond
Imxe cM so Itllieh lioatery about I he
orlti In of tho bill allien will be sub.
mlttwl to tha people on June 4ih,
tlmt I il'U' to m.iae aoms explana
tion. it llu- riret place. U Is an utler
(.iIm-IuhmI to, nny limn l ' "'"I
Mit Ih.ikI bill wns subinllinl to the
people through th el foils of the
paving iritft or any other truM, or
tliil any p.ivlng eomern hml iHk bill or proeitrrd ll o be pusmnt l
lb.' Iralntnlure. hoo the propln
who Know me. will not ieniilt the
rui'iiile of I lie bond pwiie lo mP-U'.iil
III. in iiIhuii Dili fuel.
I iot u inrltilwr ol the Heiuite
roiiiiiililru on nls ii'nd lilghwnvs and
:i In a piwltlon to know, it ml did
anow, tho Inflio-niv which hroiinht
mUiiiI Hi nm-lnicnt or ilu boiol bill.
Any one who will rMMiipn1 lh rtwl
l.-ili.liitlou or tho ImnI bl.itup
si-mblv will ha om Imlf o n
of Iniportuiit r.wiil bills wro viiuclvil.
t triofc tln cloml piuwlblo lnlin i.1 hi
all of thin Uglnlatloii. I wiw th nu.
ihor ol two of thr nior imiM.ri.iiit
i.r hr. ntrasiirra, Th I'ond I'M
vui. In a sense, Hu roliipanloit
J Fill In Picture Puzzle No. 6
lb., ollo r roud bills. It was brougtil
ulM.iit Ihriniish a tli-lrr of ihn incni
l-rs of tin' Icglilatur. and olhcrs, to
nubuilt a conil' rul plnll U
Iho lwoplf. Whutcvrr lhi propl lt
with It. tho fart rvinnlns that th
tHind tdll " com-civrd In good liillh
I " JJ Ji&
' bM i 11 Jlh
a our looking an).
I la Is sui'h a sura fnot4 uruis
it la as
... . .i.i I,. v.. i .,1, ior vim would uraw
r.i.i. 7 - . . . .. i... but
...-I .n.l Hill .11.1 It IS III flOIIV. in. ll.-l. , .. . . T-.
i.i. '.r..n..i tii. i In iha niouulslo.
... . t ...v ilonira mi Iha mull MIllTOm niuunia-n
"V ...... ." .h. ,i..i... th. .auisl In th. dH.rt. Wh. ou alart yauf
wna not a pari 01 it w .-ii o.. w
Ihr paviint triiKt ns hit Im''Ii IiiOiHm
In koiiio poorly tiiroimril pi-rnnui who
a" flaliHng thf bond.
lUxrrn twrgon tins nevrr recvlvml
nny sll aid of n ronswiuriicw In
rad ilrvplopmi-iit Tn" Iworlng of
Ihr bond Iwin- b Ibf only guaranlrn
Ibttt Kioilcrii ori-sn i hui t vt-r had.
i.r will vvrr li'ive for fr to iom. moii of thr ttlv mony will
!. uprnt al of the Ccad moun
i ti Ins.
I sav It Is a guatantro- Iwcausr It
diwlenatca ronda. It dwignl rid
'through limiiprn Oregon, somo of th.
intwt Important of which arr In
I'matllla founly. If tl l"'iid bill I
p.tMii-d. th highway i-umuibHtui will
b obllgrd to hard surfiic many
nilbn of roads In fiiiullllii county, for
w alreudy havr a tnir or are In a
p.wlilim to ciwuiriict a bu for. If
thr bond full th" comniln-lon will
not t obllgrd to do anyihlna for
Kairrn Orrgon or for t'matllla coun
ty. If trpnwvii. money will br avall
abh for cKtunalvti mnd dcvrlopno'tit.
If it lull" to pioov. bill llllln mom')
will Iw uv.ilublr fur vriim lo comr.
Imvr trb-d for twelve year to
" pr.M-ur. for Ihln illMrlrl. workubb
roud law, and coimlder tlmt every
innii mid womiiu who voles agnluMt
I In- Ih.ii.I Imuo Is niiiklug a iiol Se
rtoli nii.t.ikr. l l ii b lay ailda sm.ill
JvhIouxU-h uiol do our plain duly !,
KuMcrn uregun and ourselves.
P. A. It.VnitKTT.
Joint H.niiior. th Senatorial ll-
Irk-t. foiiiprlslng I'matllla, fnlon
nmt Morrow Counties
Big Four, light . Six and light Four '
Thu Overland Dig Kour is thucar that built Overland.
Tin car, for nine year, ha undergone steady dovehmnt and
refinement, w ith ihomilp and advtcc of an army o( owner which
now total more than a quarter of a million,
Tha Overland accumulated eipctmnre in building thl ear ha
Uugbt them true balmtee aa nothing ele could-the value of right
weighl; the riglu rattuof power to weight; the true tire, gaaolitw
ami oil ee'iiioim ; l be utmost attainable riding comfort; the line that
truly express rvllnemenl and beauty- better value than any car of
similar iecilkations.
Tho price is tloio.oo. f
The Light Six is the same model with change conforming lo ap
proved aix-cylitulei - construction, ami is likewi.e an exrewvalue car
at the price, ftiUMHi.
Tho bight Pour-a dandy car for tlii niunlry- '
Tho Country Club-hamlsoniv ami servicablu-lwiS.
These nuotnliini ar for Wenlon dclivwi y. We will be aide to
supply few cars only at thenc prices.
Dr. S. L. KENNARD, Agent for Weston
There ought to be a formally or
KOlllned Uod Ku.nU Hut ffocleiy.
There are muny en'rgelle but boya
uppuflng good roads, and it Is Strang,
they have not got together and elect
ed a president mid press iigeiit, say
Ihe Oregoiiiuu.
V.vt rj body who npporiex I lie road
bond is sin-ugly in f.ivor of good
rondx, Inn. Hood lomls. It iiipe'irs,
liuvo muny but. fcvcr body Is fa
miliar with most of them. The roads
ought to be market roads inntead I of
through rouds; they ought to be niTll
tury ronds Instead of market roads;
they ought to b built eut of current
taxes, not out of bond proceeds; they
ought to be built in peuce time In
stem! of war limes; Jui-t now we ought
to use Ihe money for something else.
These are the bent-Known but of
those who re strongly in favor of
good ronds, but, V
Hut hero Is a brand new but culled
from an engineering magazine where
in It Is presented by an engineer. Tho
engineer-author is. of course, in favor
of good roads, but . The but ho Is
most Innlstcnut about Is the Interpre
tation that Ihe state, under the bond
ing bill, would pay for Ihe pavement,
while the counties would pay for the
grade. The state ought to pay for
the grade mid the counties pny for
the pavement. Such is his firm con
viction. The engineer Is eur cundldafe for
preiddent of the Good Koads Hut So
ciety, The world I challenged to pro
duce a better butter.
'J .!
and Iced Drinks
Choice Candies
(Odessa Kirkpatrick)
Whilu the jrround in too wet to do farm work
and just riirht to dijr post holeH.
A new ahipment of HED' CEDAK' POSTS
juat received. Tarred or untarred.
Censua day at the office of the county' J
clerk of the county In
happen to be.
Jilen of milliury age who are sick
muat send a competent person to tho
office of the county clerk to arrango
for their registration,
The penalty for falling to register,
or for giving false, misleading or in
correct annwers. i imprisonment
without option of fine.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Watt building
I Weston Transfer Co.
1 Davis & Ellis
CIihs. II. Carter
Dan F. Smythe
Carter & Smythe
Prcston-Shaffcr. Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburg, Wash.
Americaii Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected blucstem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Nortnwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company