The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 01, 1917, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Renters.
Morrow countjr'a prospect fur th
wheal crop are xrellenl.
Marlon county baa 10(1 acbool rlilt
dren who ar member of Industrial
The city of Hubbard la conntruollng
a water tyttem and will pav ilia
mala ttreeta.
Oregon in exported lo produce at
lel 60.000 Individual tubscrlbert lo
lb liberty loo.
Western Oregon traveling mrit bald
their annual picnic at Collate Grove
with about ISO preaent.
Fully 1000 pcopl attended the an
nual Jtrkson county arhool plcnte
and (leld meet at Applegate,
Despite war condition, early tour
lat travel indlralea a heavy Invaalun
of Oregon by tnurleta thla year.
Continued rain, wblcit' are atlll
keeping up. ara tuaktng aertoua con
dltlooa (or tbe Cooe county raucbera.
The mlnlatera of the atate ara urged
to obaerva Sunday. June 3. aa "prison
day," In a proclamation Uaued by the
reudleton clalwa the distinction of
having mora autonobllea In proper
Hon to population loan any city In
the atata.
Governor Wlthyeomb baa leaurd a
proclamation declaring Tueaday, Juna
t. which la war cenaua day, to be
legal holiday.
Heeplte unfavorable wcsthV condl
llona, Lion county will have tbla year
by far the biggest acrcaao of bean
and potatoea In Ha hlatory.
Ilrown rot la preialeut In the pruue
orchard of Lane count), aa a result
of the wet, cold spring, and threaten
aerloia damage lo the crop.
Tbe t'nlvrralty o( On-goti Woman
league haa pledged Ha 4oo member
lo return to aehool next fall with the
earns dreaaea they now have,
Jacob Wlactrton, a member of a
Canadian regiment and a ton of Mr.
Mary Wiecareon. living near Eugene,
waa killed In battle In France May 11.
County Agriculturist Jay I.. Smith
haa flulshrd compiling the agricultur
al aurvey of Cooa county. It baa M.000
acre in crop, out of a total of
During the past week not a alngle
fatal accident waa reported to the
atate Industrial accident rommlaalon.
There were 3(1 nou laial accident re
ported. Curry county abecp raisers In the
region of Klorea creek arc being
forced to abandon tbla line of agri
cultural pursuit, owing to the adveut
of coyotej.
Plana have been formulated for thu
annual atrawberry feaUval at Leban
on and the date were act fur Juno 14
and 15, by which time an abundant-
of elrawber-lea la expected.
Japanese strawberry growera of the
Hood river valley, numbering approx
imately 200, will aid the local Ited
Croat chapter with a duuatlou each
of a crate of extra fancy fruit.
A probable plot to dynamite the
mill of the Oregon Lumber company
at Baker failed by the dlacovery of
a quantity of dynamite, cape and fuao
hidden by a fence 25 teA from tbo
That Tortland will bo represented
la Kurope by a complete unit of 20
ambulance In" the American ambu
lanco field acrvlce aecroi certain. Al
ready 14 ambulance have been cub
scribed. Mrs. C. II. Centner, president of the
Oregon Federation of Women' elulia.
haa been untnlmously elected chair
man of tho Oregon division of the
woman' committee of tho Council of
National Defense.
Aa a result or the food prepared
nea campaign in Mood river county,
the flrnt atcam power threshing ma
chine will be opcratod thla tea ton to
harvet the largeat crop of train ever
aeeded In the valley.
Under an opinion by Attcmey Oen-.
aral Brown It la hold that the amount
of the federal inheritance tax la not
to be deducted from the appralaed
valuation of eatate to arrive at the
amount of the atate tax.
Stockmen from various aectlont of
Douglas county report that many
horsea have become affected Jth
what la known aa "pink eye" and
that in tome Innlancet.the anliuala
are In eerlou condition's
Adam Oarren. H7 yeara oia, oi imo-
bard, private In Company I. imro
I. In a taki4nil COiV
frniil Hie Ircalle at liraica creek, near
lcliiid. by stranger ahum liv hud
accosted ami twaa escorting off tho
railroad bridge.
The dlsloii of llilu-rt llinivar,
government fond administrator, and
rlecrelary of Agriculture Houston,
plarlllg apple mi III" IIhI of food
necossltlc. and assuring Hi fruit ills
Irlrl lhat car would ) supplied as
soon as the crop Is ready for market,
saved to the Hood rlu r allcy rully
tl.MMi.OOO thla aeasiui. llmwern are
Jubilant on account of the derlitin.
Olds for th construction of a li
brary building on the Oregon Agri
cultural college campus were opened
by a committee of the board of re
genie and the contract wa awarded
lo flnook & Travcr, of Salem, at
The Hberman county school field
Bi't and declamatory contest at Waa
co attracted over 1000 persona from
the different district of the county.
Tho Muro school won both first and
second place In athletlca and In th
declamatory contest. ,
Th public aervice commission haa
ordered a reduction In the Until and
power ratea of the Portland Railway,
Light & Tower company. On the com
pany'a present volume of business th
reductions will amount to approxi
mately 160,000 lo I6&.000 a year.
Tbat itudvute way be permitted to
remain In the field to harvest crops,
and lhat the faculty may have a long
er time to further tha food prepared
ness campaign, the Oregon Agricul
tural college will not opyn fur next
year' work until October I, three
weeka later than ihe regularly ached
uled date.
C. K, Co, auperlnlendent of tbo
Iloaeburg Indian agency, baa an
nounced that a aale of Indian allot
ueiita would b held on June IV. Tbe
tracia lo be sold are attuatcd In north
ern California, aouthern Oregon and
In Harney valley. Much of the land
la aald to be well adapted to agricul
tural purposea.
At a meeting of Sarah Cntldr
1'olk chapter, Itoughlcra of the Amor
lean Revolution, of Dallas, a resolu
tion waa adopted favoring tin erec
tion of a monument on the site of the
first court houae in Polk county. It
a located somewhere in North Dal
las and a suitable marker for the spot
will b aecurvd.
eter Zollner placed 13 slick of
dynamite under hla brother's motion
picture, theatre at Ml. Angel and blew
the aide of the building out, beside
breaking many windows In the neigh
borhood. Zollner declares he d!d It
for revenge on hla brother George,
with whom he has had trouble over
family properly right.
lisaittnction , which haa arhen
among aonio employes of state lnstl-j
tutlons Ut-auie they allege that other
emploe doing tha same, work aa
themselves in other Institutions are
receiving higher wagea. la presenting
problem to Institution brads, who
probably will ask that the atate board
of control aiandordlxe all wugea at
the various liiHtltutlon.
That Kendall Hroa., of Pittsburgh.
Pa., linvo abandoned all hope of con
structing a railroad from Roseburg
to their timber holding In nought
county In the near future waa attested
when Judge Hamilton at Roseburg
waa asked to dlsmls all of tbe con
demnation aults brought In the nume
of the city of Roseburg iiRalnst own
er of land situated aloug tbe pro
posed route of the line.
A number of limber crulrera huve
arrived In Roseburg and have begun
preparation for returning tho cruis
ing of the O. 41 C. grant lunda in
Douglaa county. Tho work had ex
tended aa far aa a portion of tha
oounty hint rail, wheu tbo winter
weather act In and the ruuda tor thu
(Cruising were exhausted. AH that
portion of the hunts In the aouthern
part of tho atate are already classi
fied. In telegram to President Wilson,
member of entires and lu tho pub
lic crvlce commissions, of Washing
ton, Idaho. California and Nuvadu,
the public eervlco commission of. Ore
gon I urging ihe appointment of
Clyde B. Altcblson ha a member or
the Interstate commerce commlsalnn.
Mr. Altchlson formerly waa chairman
of the Oregon commission and now la
aollcltor for the National Association
of Railway Commlsslonera.
While reallxlng the gravity of tho
problem created by tbe shortago of
farm labor, Secretary of War Baker,
In response to a telegram from (lov
ernor Wlthycombe asking that enlist
ment In tho rural districts bo discour
aged or discontinued, haa written the
exemitlve that he, as secretary or war,
haa no right to discourage enlistment
"in the tac of an act of congress
Twenty-Fifth Annual
Bin IB ID'
regon Pioneers of
Umatilla County
Usual attractions. COME
GEO. D. PEEBLER, President
S. L BARNES, Secretary
part of our army by this process,
Tho material Is now being assem
bled at Astoria by Contractor (". I,.
Houston for the construction of 64
rt-lulorced concrete storage bins for
bulk wheat, which are to txi erected
In connection with the port of Astor
ia'a bulk ruln elevator. The eatlre
plant, which will have a atorsge ca
pacity for 1 .oiiO.Ooo limine! or bulk
Brain, will represent oil expenditure
of $:il9.t00. In addition t the eleva
tor and bins. tho. port warehouse has
a capacity for storing 2,000,000 bufh
els of sacked grain.
Agricultural land Included In the
Oregon & California laud graut area
may bo made uvallnble for settlement
as aoou as the tax lieu can be re
moved by the payment of bacg taxes
by the government to the various
counties In the state In which the
lands are located, according to a Id
tor received In Eupene from the ilo
partment of the Interior. The pay
ment of the back taxes Is being de
layed pending the disposition or legal
questions which huve been referred
to tho department f Justice.
Senator Chamberlain Heada Congres.
alonal Party Attending Funeral.
Portland. Federal, state and city
offlcluls paid honor lo the late Harry
Lane, United Stales acnutor frum Ore
gon, Tuesday afternoon, when tha
funeral rites were conducted at tbo
Masonic Temple.
Tho cumin ill eo or United States
senutora and representatives appoint
ed to rcpreaont Ihe federal govern
ment at the runernl Included Senators
George K. Chamberlain, Ashuret, King.
Thompson, Gronna, Norrls and Ken
drlck, and Representatives Johnson
and Dill, ot Washington; .Mays, Walsh,
Klncheloe, Barkeley, Raker and Mc
Cllulock. ;
Aa Senator Lane was widely known
and highly esteemed by tho people or
Portland, where he served as mayor,
and throughout the state tu which bo
passed tho C2 years of hla life, the
funeral was largely attended.
German Republic Aim of Organization
New York. German here, have
formed an organization called the
"Friends of tho Germau Republic,"'
whose object la the dethronement or
Kaiser 'William and the establishment
or a republic The onranixatlou is
taid to bo nation-wide In scope, haa
headquurters und has issued an ap
peal to Germunt to help iu ita propaganda.
The British transport Transylvania
was torpedoed In the Mediterranean
with the losa of 413 persons.
General Cadornu's brilliant offensive
continues unchecked, each day finding
the Italian lino projecting a little tar
iher down the Carso plateau toward
A total of 22,419 Germans and Aus
trian were taken prlsoncra by Italian
troopa during their advance along the
Julian front between May 14 and May
25, according to official rigurea.
French forces have occupied moat of
the Chevreux wood, cast of Craonne,
after lurtlcttns heavy losses on tha
Germans and Inking 30 prisoner. Two
Oertuan battailous were almost anni
hilated by the French.
Germany's submarine campaign ap
parently ia at ill full lug far abort of
German expectation. Tho report of
the British admiralty on tonnage sunk
laat. week shows that 18 merchantmen
of more than 1600 tons and nine of
Ices tonnage were sent to the bottom.
Thla la far below the million tona a
month expected by Germany.
Balance of Trade Favora Japan.
Washington. Normal trade move
ments resulting from an enormously,
expanding export trade waa the ex
planation given at tho Japanese em
bassy for the - large withdrawal of
gold from America within the last
few months.
Filipinoa to Raise One Army Oivition.
Sun Francisco. Filipinos are to
rnlsc an entire army division for serv
ice with the armies of tho United
States in the European war. according
to Brigadier-General Herman Hall,
chief of the l'hilipplne constabulary,
Race Riot in East St. Louis.
East St. Louis. HI. Three white
men and three negroes were wounded
In a riot that started after a meeting
to protest gaalnst the wholesale Im
portation or negro laborers. Six com
panies or Illinois Nnhmul Guardsmen
patrolled the streets.
Antl-War Stiekert Spread About City. Scuttle, Wash. Hulet M. Wells, ex
rortlaml. Under cover of darkness, nresldent of the Seattle Central LatW
aliened ageiita or the Seattle ison-i:on-acriptton
League Invaded Portland
and plastered the city with atlckera
ui'slii men to resist conscription.
G t Out end Exorcise.
i n.ii.t nillict:) especiall;
ii.v-e vital proceasea are toe
lire to Be Vlca-Admlral.
Washington President Wilson toon
will nominate Rear-Admiral 81ms to
a vice-admiral In view of hla position
aa commander of American naval
force co-operating with the alllea In
European waters.
Wheat Club $2.45; blueetem 12.47;
red Russian, $2 43; forty-fold, f Z 45.
Itarley No. 1 feed. 1 44 per ten.
Hay Timothy. 132 per ton; alfalfa.
Butter Creamery. J5&
Egga Ranch, 33c
Wool Eastern Oregon, tOe; valley,
Mohair per lb.
Wheal niucslem S2.S4; club 12.49;
forty-fold. $2X0; red Russlsn.. $2.47;
fife. $2.49; turkey red, $2.54.
Barley $46 per ton.
Butter Creamery, 3 fa
General Cadorna Within Few
Miles of Anslria's Queen
City on the Adriatic.
Rome. Italy's mountain-climbing
fighter are wlibln a few mileo of
Trleate, Austria's queen city of th
Adriatic. The Italians have fought
their way forward to within two mllea
of Dulno, the moat formidable natural
barrier between them and Trleate. Vi
enna refute to concede the Italian
victories, but tbe map tells the atory
of General Cadorna ateady advance.
Dulno, at the gate of which tha
Italian guns are now hammering,
mark a point at which the Carao
plateau almost touchea the tea. Pro
tected by tbe ocean on the one aide.
It la powerfully defended to tbe north
by Mount Querceto, a height of con
siderable magnitude, which dominate
the country for many mllea around.
At the foot of Mount Querceto, fac
ing west, ilea the little town of Medeaa
xa and tbe Italiane have amashed their
way to within a few hundred yard of
thla village. It Is possible that a lull
will occur before they attempt the for
midable task of storming Mount Quer
ceto. Italy haa proved her tupremacy in
the air also during extensive raiding
operation of the past few days.
Trieste Is most directly menaced. In
the Adriatic there ia a formidable fleet
of British and Italian ahlpt, whose
bombardment has done havoc to varl
oua Austrian coast defense. With the
Italian army Itself arc ten unlta of"
British field artillery.
London. German airships, to the
number or about 16, raided aoutheast
Kngland and according to an orricial
atatement 76 person were killed and
174 persona wounded. Or the killed
27 were women and J3 were children,
while 43 women and 19 children were
Nearly all the damage occurred in
one town, where some bombs fell in
the atreeta, causing considerable cas
ualties among the civilian population.
The worst damage done waa from a
group of bombs which struck the busi
ness thoroughfare thronged with peo
ple. At one spot here 16 women, eight
men and nine children were killed and
4S persona went injured.
Aa soon aa the raiders had dropped
their bombs they turned homewarda.
British and French airplanes met the
Germans on the way, and spirited air
fighting occurred with the result that
three of the raiders were thot down.
Seattle City Employ Declared Respon
sible for Attacka on Registration.
Council, and Sam Sadler, formerly
connected with the Longshoremen's .
union, were arrested by a represents-
tlve of the United Statea secret s?rv-
Ice, charged with having participated
In the circulation of alleged seditious
literature, consisting of anti-draft clr-
culata distributed UuwiSlrout Stt
Surtax Is Also Rejected, But
Other Levies Will Be
Washing! on. Proposal for a i per
cent tax on manufacturer' great aalea
la maay ladustriee and for greatly In
creased aur-Uxea oa big Ineomet were
ttricken out of tbe war revenae biU by
the tenata finance committee, catting
down by many tollllooa th total rev
enue provided for aa the measure
paaaed tbe houae.
The aenate finance committee decid
ed to atrike oat tbe whole section levy
ing $200,000,000 by a general tariff 1st
crease of 10 per cent oa aa ad valorem
Aa s substitute the committee pro
posea direct excise, or consumption
taxea on sugar, tea, coffee and cocoa.
The administration's food tarvey
bill, first of the food-control measure,
waa paaaed by tbe bouae without a
record vote. It appropriate $14.77".
000 for an Immediate Investigation ef
the countrj't food reaourcea and for
measures to stimulate production.
The war revenae bill, framed to
bring into tbe treasury tuoo,oo.oo
through new taxation during the com
ing year, paaaed the houae by a otn
of 329 to 7 in almoat tbe same form
tbat it was presented by the way and
means committee.
Outstanding features of the koate
bill are the greatly increased Income,
Inheritance, exceat profits, liquor, ci
gar and tobacco taxes, virtual aboli
tion of tbe preaent customs free list
and a 10 per cent addition to existing
tariffs, new taxes on manufacturers,
amusement, club, public utilities and
Insurance, a far-reaching stamp tax
and a greatly increased aecond-claa
mail matter rata baaed on the aarcet,
post tone ayatem. ". ;,: '
Washington. Attorney General
Gregory Instructed United Statea At
torneys and marshals throughout tho
country to use tbelr utmost effortt
to arrest and prosecute an persona
responsible for the agitation which
haa manifested Itself in certain locali
ties against tha registration June S
of mea subject to selective draft
Officials have undertaken an ex
haustive investigation to determine
if the whole anti-draft sentiment ia
not rooted in extensive machination
of German propagandists having a cen
tral headquarters in thla country.
If such ia tho cats, the conspiracy
will coma to nothing, official! believe.
The department of Justice, It waa au
thoritatively announced, expects vir
tually 100 per cent of eligible to reg
ister, and prompt prosecution under
the criminal provisions of the law
will be instituted in the few caaea
where the law ia not observed.
To bring out the full registration.
Attorney General Gregory invited tha
entire nation to constitute itself a
committee of the whole, and every
man of military age a committee of
one to report slackers.
American Lake Project to Rank Fire;
In Northwest -
Tacoma, Wash. Mechanics will be
brought to American Lake to con
struct the thousands of building
needed there even if all work of this
character has to be stopped in Taco
ma, Portland, Seattle and other north
west cities. That announcement was
made by the representatives of tho
quartermaster's department of tbe
army, who are here to supervise th
preliminary work
It will be necessary to build thou
sands of buildings to house the 60.000
troops to be brought to camp, begin
ning September 1. Of thla number,
800 of the atructurea will be of a per
manent character. The great task
must be completed by the date of the
first arrival of soldiers. Captain David
L, Stone estimates that 8000 workmen
will be employed there during th
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