The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 25, 1917, Image 1

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-t-v t
of A!bny. N. V.. Iim purchiumd 10,000 .VAVV.V.VVtVAVAVVV.VVVVAVAV.ViVAy.
head ii f Vdhi'IIiik traua of Dum I' i)
8intlie, iinimlni'iil iVinllutnn sheep. J
tllMII. . J
Order to recruit U unit of I ho I
, - Oregon imiliitml guard lo full war J
Principal Events of th Week tr"""' """""':. direction of :
ill Annual
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mttlon of Our Readers.'
the Secretary of Win, were received
by George A. While, Hiljulnl-sfiifrnl
of I he Oregon national guard, froin
Ilrlgadler-Oeneral Ma mi, rh)rf of tho
bureau of mllltli. affuir at Washing-Ion.
Major Elliott J. O-nt. United Stale
nglncr corps, at ! ( to nt. la trana
ferred (o Heutle anl will be succeeded
by Colonel George A. Zlnn, now oom
mantling llio second reglm'-nt of
Father K V, O'llara, rlialntiHii f
the state Industrial welfare romnihv
alnn, which administer tho women'
minimum watte law, baa tendered bin
resignation la Governor Wlthycotubo.
effective, June 1.
Out of 325 accident rcpurtud 10 the.
Industrial orldcnt rommUnlon for lha
week from May 11 to 17, Inclusive,
but onn waa fatal, the fatally Injured
workman being Joseph Cordon, a log
ging employ, of Gravel Ford.
K 11. MarNnughton, au architect of
Portland. waa named by Governor aa member of the In
duairlal welfare commission to sue
iwd Father K. V. 01 Urn of Portland,
who haa submitted hta resignation.
Illda for contract for pavlug lha
Siskiyou highway from the auuitnlt of
the mountain to the California lino
arc being adverted for. Work 1 to
be started Immediately and finished
thla summer If tb money hold out.
Una Of I lie moat Important mining
deal In the history of southern Ore
son waa closed with tba giving of
bond on Ihn 10 rlalma comprising Ihn
Creybark copper mint on Greybsrk
mountain, about 13 tnlle cost of Sl
Dia. With tb businc strcnta of tho city
ally decorated with carnival color
A bumper fruit crop all over l-ane
county ! looked for thla year.
I'nrtland la to contribute tut ainhu
Unee company for service In Trance,
, Th biggest bean acreage In lha hla
lory of polk county la being planted
thla year.
R. K. Hhull, a young rancher living
wr Myrtle Point, w killed by a
falling tree.
The Llsoolo county fair board haa
net ib da tea for tba county fair for
September 11, Iff and 20.
Dopoalta In Portland'a !5 banka and
truat rompanlra bava Inrreaaed Hi
00 000 alnc a year ao,
Raatern Oregon farmera are work-
Ing every day and part of every night
to get their aprlng planting dona.
Th paat week baa seen aeveral ma4
dng In Ukavlew. and It la feared that
an epldemlo la about to break out.
t'onatructlon of the lt wing of the
receiving ward of tbe Oregon alato
hoepltal at riatem la wil under ay.
t'Uty Durna, an Indian bny aced U,
waa found dead In the wooda near
Kruplre, wttb a bullet bole In tbe body.
'The ninth annual commonwealth
conferenr rloaed a three-day anealon
at tbe I'nlveralty of Oregon at Eugene.
Troop I), aarond aquadron. Oregon
national guard, alitecnth dlvtalonal
cavalry, 111 be argantied In Pendleton.
United Ktatea Senator Harry Lane,
of Portland, la III at San Kranrlaro
boapltal,' and la reported to bo very
Marlon County grade and high
.... I. .1. L.I I . I. - 1 - I
w iirm hi-hi iiinir miiiuwi ii pmmi bui - z
track and Held meet In Baleia fiatur- nA Patriotic cmblmtba cltlxena of
ar Itoeetiurg enterialner aercral thouaand J
Tb Grown grand lodge of the In- PP1 t ' fonuvitien auenanuf on y
ioneers o
Omafilla Oouoty
North of Gorlzla tba Ilaliaiia bava
captured tba height of Jill! K1, tbt
key to the Vodlce poaltlon. '
That aeven million men bava been . T"
kined in the war thua far and tha General Pershing to Command '
the eitlmate made by Artb'ur Hendt-r-aon,
member of the llritiah war coun
cil. . . .w . ; K f
Ilrlllah heavy artillery, wboa do
alrurtlve effoctlvcneaa made poaalble
auccenaful Bum me and Arraa offen-
Force of 40,000 Regulars
fo 60 Abroad.
- Waahlntfon. President V-'Uian haa
ordered that dlvlalon of regular :
alvca, la co-operatlug with llallana In troopa. rommandinl by Major-Oeneral
their latest attempt to drive the A us- John J. Pershing, be aent to Franc at
trlani from tha line of tbe fsonzo. the earliest practicable date.
tfpaln la awaiting reply to her Announcement of tbe order followed
pruli Bt over tbe sinking of the Span- alKoIng of tbe selective draft war army
lb atiamer Patricio, also destroyed bill by tbe president and the iseulnf
whilo sailins tinder Uerman guar- of a atatenwnt that under advice of
aiiu-c, and the tone of the Rpanish military txperta on both side of the
press Is Increasingly peremptory' in water, tbe presldeift said be could not
its demand that Germany be com- employ volunteers nor avail himself'
pelled lo respect Spanish right. of the- "fine rigor, and enthusiasm" of
The second phase of the great bat- ex President Kooeeveit for the expedl-
ilea of Arras, tbe Alsne and Cham
pagne baa ended In the failure ot the
costly Gorman efforts to stem the
tido of victory now aettlng against
them. Tbe net result of Field Mar
shal yon ilimlenburg's supreme ef
fort to regain the Initiative haa been
tion. ' 1
. All three arm of America's fighting
forces the army, nary and marine
corps soon will be represented In the
war zone.
. With American destroyers already
In European waters and army regit-
' ' " 'fins
lhal the , British and French have lars concentrating to carry the fla to
tightened their grip on the German the battle lines in Bejglum and
line and have placed In peril the key France, a regiment of marines was
positions held by
northern France.
tbe Germans In
Usual attractions.. COME
GEO. D. PEEBLER, President
S. A. BAR7IES, Secretary
County Ordered to Hold Election.
Salem, Or. The Bean Oregon
California laud grant bill will not be
on the ballot at the special election
June 4, and Curry county must hold
the election along with the rest ot
the counties of the state, tbe supreme sail for Europe ahe4d of the troopa
designated to join the expeditionary
force and round oat tbe nation's repre
sentation fn the field.
Although details are not feeing made
public. It was calculated tbat with tbe
marine regiment the total American
force now designated fosJand service
la Europe Is close to 40,000.
General Pershing; and his staff will
court decide 1.
deBendeatOrdeJofOddfellowabeldlU iouratmn "
annual meeting la Eugene, beginning wherry festival.
Scores of Blocks Burn in Atlanta.
Atlanta, Ga. Fire tbat started in
n obscure negro section swept a
broad path through the residential
aectlon of Atlanta, devastating scores
of blocks and destroying many ot the
city's finest homes and hundreds ot
negro boose. ,r--.. ,..., w
to pave the way for final training ot
tbe huge army the United States la
preparing to pour across the seas aa
rapidly aa men can be trained and '
A three-day convention of tbe East
ern Oregon division of the State Sun
day School association waa held at
Hundred of delegate from all part
Ho great la the demand this year
for rsnned Jrulia and vegetables tbat
tho Eugene Fruit Growers' association
ha leased the cannery at Creawclt and
will operate It as an auxiliary to the
large plant In Kugeua and the amallor
imm hnipuuiKims ce.isMw,.. i - fo END LAEOFt TROUBLES
Innd. ami to by the C. A 6mll.aL.uui- , ,
bi r cniiipiiny, of North lien J. Commisslen to Fix Wages, Hour of
William RiKsin.. HKvd 57 year, con employes In Interstate Commerce,
vlct at Salem, serving tliu for larceny WushlnKlou. Creation of a United
of the stats gathered at lloseburg to ono at Juufilon City this year.
attend the Oregon State Sunday School The entire extension dlvlnlon of the
convention. 1 ' ' University of Oregon has been turned
Ctiarlea V. Galloway waa appointed over to the Red Crosa and will be
Lai commissioner by tbe state tax coin- used by tho government relief agency
mission, under th law passed by thn" aa organ Ixat Ion and Information cen-
went legislature. ter for all war nrtivlib In the state
Tho fourteenth anpiml convention of of Oregon for tbe duration of the war;
the Kugene District F.pwortb. league of
the Methodist church held a three
daya' session at Albany.
Krastua Jones, fit year old, com
mitted aulrlde at his homo In Eugene
The food survey campaign being
conducted lu Hood River, Sherman,
Glllium and Morrow counties by the
extension department of the Oregon
Agricultural college, under the dlree-
of agriculture. Is prosremlnR rapidly.
The government, In an endeavor to
get aa much limd as pnwlbio under
cultivation within the Klamuth and
t'mstllla Irrigation project. ha coma
by hanging himself with strap in tho Hon of the United Slates department
co barn back of hi house.
"Registration day" In Oregon, under
the ermy bill, will be declared a legal
holiday, according to an announcement
made by Governor Wlthyeombe.
D. M. Mclnnore, a California stock
man, bas Just shipped In 1300 head of
cattle from southern California poluta
to feed on the Klamath ranges. 9
Tbo first loan to be made by the
land bank of Spokane In tho state of
Oregon will be outdo to tbe association
organised by farmer near Mnlatla.
Delegate from Oregon and Washing'
ton towns met In Monmouth at attend
the 34th annual session of the Oregon
conference of tbo Kvaiigcllual sasocla
tlon. ,
Approximately 1302,010,31 of tbe p
In Yamhill county, and how In tli?
Couuty Jnll at IlilUtroro for investiga
tion of another en, made a voluntary
confession, claiming that be killed
Wlltlnin lltMHb ur Wlllamiua, Oclo-b-r
, 1S15. Mr. Ilooth. wife of the
murdered man, and Wllllum Umnnou
are now serving time In tho suite pris
on for the Booth murder.
, Three member of the state land
board, crented by chapter laws of
1917, have been appointed by Uio gov
ermtr, as follows:, .'Ronton Rowsrs,
Ashlnnd, recommended by tho taxpay
ers league; R. O. I-edy, Corvallli, rec
oi.iiiieiul.'d by Iho State grange;
oho Shlmati'ik, Crnbiree, recommend
ed by the Farmer union. The warden
of the state penitentiary is an ex-
Status commission of Industrial ad
justment wltli sweeping power to fix
wages and hours ot labor ot employes
In Interstate transportation and de
signed to eliminate strikes and lock
outs is provided In a bill presented
to cougrojis by the labor department
Tbo commission, to bo composed ot
nine members appointed by (he presi
dent with the consent of tho senate,
would be given drastic powers to In
tervene In labor wars and establish
equitable rlRhta which would be main
tallied in force for three year.
Enginssrs to Form at American Lake.
San Francisco. The Eighth . Re
serve Engineer regiment, now organ
iting on the Pacific coast, will mo
bilise at American Lake, neat Ta
coma. Wash., about June 1, It was
announced here.
' Brazil May Join U. S. In War.
Rio do J.vielro. President Bra haa
sent a m io to congress recom
tnend'T " wation of tho decree
of p. ' '. ; :e war between the
r ' ' Germany.
at actual cost under a three-year lease.
Speelul premium will be offered In
the sheep depart ttient of the state fnlr
by the. American Shropshire ReglHtry
association, the American llumpohlre
Bheep association, the American Ox
ford Down Record association and the
American CotawolU Reglstty assoela
tlon. ' f . . ' , "
The referendum petition directed
against the Gill bill of tho last legis
lative session waa filed with Secretary
proprlatlous of 101514, It is estimated of State Olvott by the Clnckumas Fish
by Secretary of Stat Olcott, remain ermen' union. The petition contain
officio memltftr nf thA tinuril nuri thettn
forward with an offer to landowner f.wr wl ,he mb mettl()cr
within these project to supply water . . .. , . ,
Senator Lane Give:) Up Oy Physician
San FrntiClsso. Physiclnns atteud
Iiir United States Senator Harry Lnno
of Portland, Or.," statciV'hu .could not
recover. Senator Lane suffered a nor
vou breakdown In Washington and
arrived hero lat week.. A blood clot
on tho brnlti Is :ld by physicians to
have cuod uorvoua deterioration.
unexpended, and will revert to the
Tho central Oregon Hack meet and
field day wu held at Dond Saturday,
at which high school athlete from
Crook, Jefferson and Deschutes coun
ties competed.
More thsu S000 people ot Med ford
and Jackson county Joined at Med ford
In the largest and most enthusiasts
patriotic demonstration ever seen in
southern Oregou.
The fifth anuual Ruyer' Week date
bas been set. The event marking the
16,160 name. Tho Gill bill would
close the Willamette river between
Oregon City and Oswego to commercial
fishing. . -
' J. M. Brlstow, probably Luno coun
ty's oldest uatlve son and one ot the
first white children born In Oregon,
died at hi home on the farm near
Eugcno where he was born 68 ycara
ago. He won a son pf A. K. Urlstow,
who bended ono of the early Immi
grant trains and who settled on thla
farm In 1848. ,
t j Irish Frame Constitution.
t London, It was announced by Pre
mier Lloyd George In tho .house of
commons that the Jfovernment pro
, posed to summon Immediately a con
vention of representative Irishmen lu
Ireland to submit to tho Iirltish parlia
ment a constitution for the future gov
ernment of Ireland..,'
4 Unci Sam Ha No Seed.
" Washington. No seed for free dis
tribution nor for sale Is at tho dispos
al of tho United States department of
Washington. The war department
has announced that the full strength
of tho iKuloiml guard would be drafted
Into the United States army beginning
July 15 and concluding August S.
A minimum of 3JP.00O fighting men
will bo brought to tho colors under
those orders, supplementing the S93,
000 regulars, who will be under arms
by Juno 15.
ti It la from these force that the first
armies to Jolu General Pershing at
tho front 'Will bo drawn. t bo followed
within a few months by recurring
waves from tho selective draft armies,
tho first of whom will be mo
bilised September 1.
Oregon will be ashed to raise not
less than 2400 national guardsmen for
federal service. Washington 4000, and
Idaho 1600. The national guard of
Ortrtn, WenhttiKton, Idaho,-Montana
nd Wyoming nuke up the Twentieth
national guard division ot the army
oiid will probably be trained at Amer
ican Lake.
Men Who Have Seen Service th
West Indie to Be Sens
Washington. A regiment av ma
rines, about 2600 men, under coi-and
of Colonel Charles A. Doyen oi tho
Washington barracks, will accompany
the first American army expedition
to France.'
Tho regiment? will bo composed
principally of organizations which
have recently Been active service 15
Haiti, Santo Domingo and Cuba, ac
cording to official announcement from
the navy department
They will be armed, equipped and
organixed similar to the army with
which they will eerve.
Colonel Doyen will be under com
mand of Major-Ccneral Pershing and
tho marines with him will serve a
soldiers In the trenches of France.
American Nurses Killed by Gunner.
New York. Two American nurses,
members of an ambulance unit on its
way for service In France, were killed
on board an American steanief when
pieces of a selt fired by a naval gun
crew in practice ricochetted from tho
water' surface and scattered among
a group of nurses Jd surgeons. A
third nurse waa ses fiBly wounded.
The two nurses kll'od were Edith
Avers and Helen Bulk t Woods, both
of Chicago.
Washington. When President Wil
son signed the war army bill a proc
lamation was Issued which call upon
all men between -the age or 21 and
30, Inclusive, to register for military
service on June 5.
Registration will be followed by tbo
process, of selection which will deter
mine the first 600,000 men to be called
to the color about September L
, The regulations make absolutely no
exceptions for any male resident of
the United States between the age ot
21 and 30. Inclusive.
This Includes alien aa well aa Amer
icans. Every Japanese, Chinaman,
Mexican, Italian, Spaniard. English
man, German, and men ot every other
nationality who are of the designated
ages must register. Allen will not
be drafted tor war duty, of course,
hut a complete record of them will be
Those exempt from military service
will be determined after the enroll
ment I taken, but first of all every
one of the specified ages must register.
In case ot temporary absence from
his legal residence, a man must regis
ter by mail. ,
Hours of registration will be be
tween 7 a. m. and 9 p. m., June 5, 1917, -t
the registration place in their home
precincts. ; . .
Thoso who are too 111 to register are
required to apply for Instructions be
fore June aa to how they may register
hy agents. . '-'.'i
Every Unmarried man between the
fifth anniversary of the merchants" age of 81 and 30, Inclusive, who Ilvos
conclave will be held during the week In Port Ortord, Curry county, the west
of August 61 1 at Portland. ' orumoat town of the United Slates,
Midnight Sunday night all leglsla- already has volunteered for service, in
tlos named by the recent legislature, cither the army or the navy branch.
save bill carrying an emergency The volunteers from the little town of t0,
clause, or referred to a vote of th 250 peoplo number one-third of the . BuUerrcmory, 38e,
electorate, necaroe vrrecuve. ' adult mate population. ,
Tbe first strawberries In Douglas Contracts have been virtually closed
county, and perhaps the first native by the United State shipping board
grown In Oregon, were brought, to for the construction f U wooden rurgo
Roseburg by J. J. Betta, who waa steamers In Oregon yards at a cost
awarded a prise of 11 for th box. ; of approximately $6,0t)ti,ot0. . Six will
For thn purpose of stocking small be built by the Peninsula Shipbullu
Portland. '
I Wheat Club a.C6; bluestem $2.72;
red Russian, 82.63; forty-fold, 12.67.
Barley No. 1 Feed, 349.60 per ton.
Huy Timothy. $32 per ton; alfalfa.
Eggs Ranch, 32c. . ,L ,
" Wool Eastern Oregon, 50c; valloy.
Moliair iDfotilc per lb.
To Train Negroes For Commissions.
Washington. A training camp for
negro officers will be established at
Fort Dos Moines, Iowa, where 1200
caudidatcs for commissions In
regiments ot the new army will be
U-Boat Problem Solved, Saya Maxim.
. New Tork. Hudson. Maxim an
nounced that he had invented and
perfected a device which will make
ships immune from the dangers ot
the submarine. He said that torpe
does, even when tired at close range
and striking their targets, would ex
plode harmlessly against the bulla of
their Intended victims.
Army-navy bill is passed
Appropriate $3,342,000,000 Including
$750,000,000 for Ship Construction.
Washington. The r senate 1 passed
the $3,343,000,000 army and navy war
budget without a rollcall and without
a disseuttng vote.
The bUl carries appropriation to
taling $515,000,000 more than those
contained In the house bill." Tbe chief
new Item 1b an appropriation of $400.
000,000 made immediately available
to the president for ship building,
with an additional authorised expend
iture of $350,000,000 tor the same pur-,
pose a total of $750,000,000 for ship
ping. - .
The meascre la th largest appro
priation bill ever passed by any legia-
lative body in ' the history of th
world. It carries more money than
tho entire cost ot the Civil war. '
Seattle. ; 4 ,
Wheat Bluestem $172: club S2.66:
tuat ia Nuw York. irtH F. ThQ&ui i& imjimt ForUand; bur ty Ui (orty-fold, UMi. rsd &uiixa. U-&3-
Liberal Loan for Farmer Are Urged.
. Washington. Secretary McAdoo, in
a letter sent Ho' every banker In. the
country, haa urged that tho bauks do
their share toward Increasing food
production by seeing to It that the
farmers am given liberal loans.
117 Wheat Harvest Begun.
Chicago. ! In Texas, near Fort
Worth Tuesday, au American reaper
began to hum the first notes ot tbe
world's greatest agricultural sju
Llnes to Be Remembered. . ' '
As good almost kill a man as kill
a good book ; who kills a man kills a
reasonable creature, God's image; he '
phony tho harvest ot the 1317 Amer- who destroy a good book kills reason,
icaa wheat crop. . lefcaf, ilil&sj. -