WESTON LEADER will be published in thi paper, in CUKK OO0, fuMUhtr WPQTHM rrvMMCDriAl ri MR order to how what farmera in the " "w wmnik-iiwit - w-w Weston neighborhood are live to Food Committee their duty in this important mutter, ... . . ... To be aure, they .re handicap,.! WKSTON, ORISON. April 1K ll17. by nn extraordinarily lute wason, To the Farmers of Weston and the Uplands: III this time of omerironrv when the irivnti'st food exiK'l Is of they enn will bo appreciated. t,tf ,mti0 predict a herious crop shortage and when the ivhiiikU Agricultural communities like bility of winninur tho war in whirh u. me involved ivst.i Inriroly Tranahsnt, per inch porinaertion 20c "eston w " "anger 01 ingress w,th t,0 farmers, we urge you to use every pottsihle endeavor to LocaU. rrliiwH?rinwitmn 5c from famine conditions. Hut it is Increase the amount of votir nmducta in some of tho following 1 1 up to them to do their hit toward iiartieul'itx ' relieving the industrial centers Ctr4 it tht stflt ( WtiUn, Oiti. when men must eat in order to it clui autur. Wl.ii Hll, ,mlsl ww., J,, r(,.r tlmt SCBtCRIPIION NAIEt . Strictly m AJYt'K Tha Yaar '. $1 W I.. it 7". Four MonUii!"""""."""!!"".'!.'" 0 W ,,ut ,hoir t do the l.eat ADXtdtUINli RA1E1 Regular, per inch per insertkm t2'ac 1 l'lant from five to ten ncrvs of lienns or pcaa on land yon intend to minimer fallow. Uncle Sam and his allies may win the war. As we go to press, Von I linden burg is still irclting some awful wallois on his western exHsuiv. As to the weather -x?!!ki?! hlankety blank- great jeoeophat?!? !?!xyx- dammit! Alf APPEAL TO THE FARMERS After one of our beautiful April showers it is sad to sec the poor little angle worms lying dead the sidewalks. 7 8 The danger from food shortage is imminent and real. Men of na tional prominence who are in no sense alarmists are deeply con cerned over tho situation. The Great National City Bank of New York, whieh may Ije regarded as an authority, has this to say in a letter to The Farmers Bank of Weston: "All of Europe neutral as well as warring countries has been placed upon food rations to eke out supplies until the new crop is har Increase your ncivnge of HtatooH. m that you will haviMpiite a Inrgv ipiantily more than you will need for your own use. Raise n great many more yellow turnips or ruta bagas. Ineivase your toultry. Hncli fanner should have 100 hens or more to take care of waste. Increase the amount of jour canned stiitf, both in fruits and vegetables. Put in a small patch of corn to feed the hogs and Hiiltry. llet an extra IikhI sow or two. Conserve all possible waste material. Here's hopin' that Germany will won become a republic and that Bill will join Nick in the Down and Out club. The blank line is for your signature. We urge you to indicate w ith an X or otherwise tho products mentioned ulwve to which you w ill give your attention and promptly return this circular to us in "The draft bill will pass." is the l'ie enclosed stamped and addressed enveloped, leaving it unsealed, news from Washington. It should. fat we nia.v inform the National Council of Defense of your proni There isn't a sound argument 'od co-operation. Other counties'and localities are taking an ac against it. f've Vrt m tmB campaign lor increased foot! production, and there " is urgent need of utilizing every available acre in the richly for Death Of Mrs. Wheeler tile Weston and Weston Upland districts. "Do your bit. " and you Mrs. Margaret Wheeler, a Jiighly- wil1 nt only help your country through a footl crisis but we feel respected pioneer resident of Wcs- assured that you will be able to market your surplus product at v!t.Ht Thi .ntrv th - . " . "l pivi.uiuie iiKun.'3. r , T . ... home of her daughter, Mrs. Newt to Sport (Ms , !.. t..i :.u " " V 1.fl" T'u '' O'Harra. after an illness of several ried over from the crop of 1915, and in 1916 produced 482,000.000 months. Mrs. Wheeler was born near Otta wa, Canada, July 10, 1852. She was married to James S. Wheeler in 1876. They moved to Weston there will be practically no wheat uw w ? . k r ,! '.i ,u ' "heeler occurred here Januarys. bushels of winter wheat and 158, 000,000 of -spring wheat; total supply, 804.000,000. This year carried over and the government's estimate upon the winter crop fore- 1908. The funeral Read these expressions: Mobilization of all resources. - Proaitlviil WiUon. Plow up the golf links anil battubull parks.- Prwauloit L. W. Hilfof the Great Northern. Tho outlook la alamiing.-Thc National t'ily Hank of New York. The Cuitcd State will have to Uxii tlic world fr wsilily three yciir. Secretary of Agriculture. IFtiliw ev:ry fool and then the supply will he short. - W. J. Kerr, Prvaidcnt O. A. C : t .it casts a yield of only 430.000.000. " "iJ i,T, iu " ! If -vou " havc idIe a wheat supply equal to what we y"7 by a quartet, and will export and consume in the crop ,Su '" '" "'d year now closing. Tins is an alarm- M ui. i - : ,, outlook. The spring wheat ,. , " S''" "'",r is notoriously subject to VL 1 . ,K,..H" . nun . ho, r ;,wn but i is (itrtru,k' o,,,,arra f sht; doubtful if the wheat shortage can Wl'r,h n'-'T" f be made up. Other food crops Woodcraft ami the United Artmns. must be grown to meet the defi- Jim,Jv Ami iha wnrlr n. . lu. ' Till slfilMkilltmi.nt it i l.u.il ....n.. started immediately. There is no mittec of defense to assist the U S' I'"nd on,co Jff'fi rtf" time to wait on orsranization from county committee was authorize! nt v. ... . .'. . '. outside. The emergency can be Tuesday evening's meeting of thcrby met only by by spontaneous action commercial club. The local hotly cral Land office, under proviaions of filS h$, - emZ, or ohjwti".,'t, in ere duiic, tuuniy anu scnuoi "m mioiai vi iivc men unu women. r. ;vr ' rn .. uriore ine iimu OealKiiated lor tale district, forming local organic- IVesident Price reserved his ap- Sr No0lS we wi i & S" HtUr- ' tions." poiutmnu. offeV ,tbiic"l"! to ththe.?bK! Nolan SKtrr, Keceivcr. The Weston Commercial Club' is Try Lustro for your auto. It ..tT&r DR C H SMITH " quite evidently on the right track, will make your car look like new, June, 1917, next, at thia office, the fol- II Next week the replies received to aT, TtT BLfJI 011 the letter sent out by its food Phiiiip6 Lustro agent for WaJla ifi- J Ofllce in WatU buiklinf committee-repnnted elsewhere- Walla and Umatilla counties. on. 5."tito li WESTON .... oluQWi ing crop land that you will find it impossible to illing to lease it or to donate the use of it. JOSEPH WUKZKR. W. H. GOULD. J. W. POUTKK, Committee. RvUcc for ratUcatlM-Isobttf Tract (Publisher.) We are showing a compleU line of all the new novelties in ladies spoil hals. 8..rt Hkirls, hand bags, collars, novelty dress gotds. Imlies' siioit waists, shoes, etc.: aluti men's sport shirts, tics, hals and caps. Kilt lino "f Ih.Ii".' p.iil huu In ' S hi t WMkU in liib oilk niul fn atripe. ihnk. pln'il no.1 tti n. ! luv. n; jiinl lh I limit for prii.n ( n ,,.Ii4 lis- In l. I'.' enr, kc the new "'rt hi Hh' j Use to l.;s ShiiI xknU m hulh tuli mill .i , n,i,,' khov In whltu nh ki.l, nniUril. plum iul dun V rlnx .n. k timl while i'oiiiI limHnn, l,n, '.i.v t '.'.t' Kr ) 'iiiililimi'"ii, hiiflimil . iii . lovhul . .' to li 111 .SoinrthliiK lu in liiinl luH. ""HI , , f..il I- Mvlh. ni I! I" !'-e Men p ' ' rxniic ( pit in. Iilh lini l.mlnn' isillios in i:n:e', I n;i tl- l"H! ! e. lllpi' H nil plain eivpe nml voile i , l:K-l.i l. I'.i . i i .i- . 1 Men' work ihitl". "port lyle lie Note 'V ilie Kmli in l'lli wn.li .. n.l W....I n...l.n..l. Hi- .titii.Kr.t, " 1,11 ""' ,"' '"".'.L"." ,,. . line we hrttc eter hi.in, IH. 1 plm.li mill pl.mi I..I. I ii, I i Mi'ii' lii In u ter . ihh- t.r ft.iwn14f V r fl. 10 end. Ii laiiito of pall, rim '.'V !; Don't itiiKft tbe big "May Day" cvrcisea and Ihijr raising nest 'ruesday. KtuyUNly tunif. S7 S7 ST MM TH UOLOtN MULt r ATHENA, UlttUON mmmmmmmmmmomiiuimm OVERLA3NTD Big Four, Light Six and Light Four 't he Ovi rliiuil IIik I our in Ihe ear (hat built Ovrilnnd. i Ih i ur, for nine yeum, lin uiidi iU'itii' atemly development nnd relinenienl, with ihe help and tulvitv ( nn miny f owner which now t il nli. more limn a ijunrter of a million. The Oierlaml'i, aecumiiliitvl expei'enro in hniMini; thm rnr ha tiliiiilil llieoi Iru,' lialinire im'IIiii ele riiiild llio tnlim of rRht weight; the riet ralioof ioWer to Wrlt;hl. Ihe true lire. K.linc nnd ml ei'.M , Ihe iitimuil Rttnuuihte n,l;ni; romfntt. tho limn that truly ep"V lelinemenl mid beauty -a belter value than any ear of nnnll.ir Keeilie.itioiiii. The prn v i Ili'l'Mn. The l.ijilil Six in the nitine ii.mh l Willi i lnoiKen eonfnrniine to ap proved aix cylinder cotitrin.-ttin, nnd In llkvwl nil vxeea. nine ear at the priee. filloim. The Light Four u dwndy ear f.-r ihm rountry 1'i. The t'oiinlry t'lub hunilnome nnd ervicithl-'fMi.. Theae iuotntioua nre for W'eaton deliveiy. We will be, nble to uttpply a few cara only l lhee priee. Public Land Salk. Department of the Interior, Dr. t. I.. KKTSITMA RF Atrtn Inv 1irAoaAn ! - - -w. - - I aw vv vBbVtl , thereof is mountainous or loo rutigh for cultivation. 'VVVVV'VV.VV,VVVVaVVVVV The aalu will not Im kent IllM'll. Kilt will bo declared cltweil wht-t, Uumc 44aa41iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa t bid will be rewired to imm.-diaUly Z Ql V SIa lUUfL I H. H. I H pay to the Kceeiver thu amount W 1 1 1 1 I M, Jk S, thereof. .... , , ... mini ntv money ny letting us iix your decayed or aching teeth. Try our painless method, our st ien tide work and very reasonable fees. All work guaranteed. Newton Painless Dentists Comer Main and Webb streets (entrance on Webb) rendleton, Ore. (Phone 12.) rCCN0 JErFfORAKT ," T?TTAf E ROAD "r JirfeVL . 7 . SYSTEM , i jLsSiSjfmA - rrJ) 'l--j VVa f. ROUTES DESIGNATED I AjS" 1 ' L y K E ! i BY THE OREGON 7ZIjS I-- I I"""""' STATE HIGHWAY JnRRy B" ifJZZ.Z SV- fl COMMISSION rT"'T$ . j!kT illJL, CAM'virrl y TO CONFORM WITH I "a!lA - "fInl if"""-' HCOyinCMCNT Of TMC j. an flirt REPAIR YOUR FENCES While the ground is loo vi to do farm woi'k ami just right to dig post holes. A new shipment of MID Vi'AhWl POSTS juat received. Tarred or un tarred. P. T. HARBOUR Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1866 Athena, Oregon . Waitjbur. Wash. American Beauty oando Pure White WIqut Madu of selected hluestem in one of the best equipped mills in tho Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Aercantile Company ami, ;' a vianwa. rraa aauai