The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 13, 1917, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Retdere.
Raker's first ulomobtl show
b" last week.
Tbe Marion County potato Orowera'
nwM-ttllen held M annual meeting at
Tli 44H convention of Oregon etata
KtitiiB la In be held May I to II, 117,
I Astoria
There will be no Immediate rail
for a special aession of th legisla
ture to ronalder ar measure.
The steam schooner Johanna Hmlth,
largest vessel constructed on Coo
bay, was launched al North Ilend.
The coldest March In IT years. wa
the month Just rloaed, according to lb
report from the weather bureau.
The Mend Water, Light Power
company will twain at once on lb a
erection of an addition to Ha plant.
l.onard Haiby. II yesr old, waa
electrocuted in the new generating
plant of tho llawley f'nlp A Paper
company at Oregon city.
Tbt Oregon atat Federation of
Woman' Clube will atari a fund imme
diately that ahall be known aa "th
Oregon federation lloapltal fund."
Th Eugene chamber of commerce
baa taken up the plan of cultivation
of all elty Iota lo aid the nation In
lima of war by keeping down tha ooat
of living.
Preliminary atepa are being lakan
In Ikmglaa county to rote on a county
bond iaaue for road Improvement. Tha
total amount of th laau baa been
flied at $560,000.
Several of the farmera of tha Gold
Hill district bava been shipping In
carloada of heel pulp from tha Utah
Oregon Hugar factory at Urania I'aaa
to feed their alock.
The Cooa county court, haa arrang
ed for an appropriation of 120,000
fart of tha fund for constructing an
armory In Marsbftald for tha coaat
artillery company.
Subjects of Interest to livestock
grower will be considered at th
fourth annual meeting of tha Cattle
and Horse Italsnra' association to be
held at La Grand on April 14 and
Th CnUed State department of
labor, with head'irtra at Washing
ton, t), C will hold It second annual
cliltennhip convention at I'ortland for
three or four days thla coming Sum
mer. Th next annual conference for
Oregon of th United Kvangellral
rhurch will be held In Portland, be
ginning March 29, 19M, according to
action taken by the conference whll
In session at Kalem.
A new "honor lodge" at th state
penitentiary haa perfected .organUa
tlon. The lodge haa J00 members
and la organised to promot better
feeling between the prisoner and the
prison administration.
Th" number of employer subject
to the workmen' compensation law
during the aecond year' operation
of the law waa 6594. according to th
annual report of the atate Industrial
accident commission,
Assisting the farmera of the slate
.in, the production of larger and bet
teVcropt of fiber flag, will be branch
of the work taken up by the exten
Ion service of the Oregon Agricul
tural college this mouth.
'The industrial accident commission
received report of 277 accident dur
ing th week betweon March 3 and
April S inclusive. One of the accident
reported waa fatal, th victim being
Joaeph Francis, of Baker, a railroad
With war cloud threatening the
continuance of athletic in the coast
colleges later In the spring, the 0. A.
C. relay carnival of April 81 atanda
a th only major tract event of th
season which la aure to be held on
the coast this. year. '
In co-operatlou with almllar depart
ment all over the country, the exten
sion services of the O. A. C. haa
announced that a vlgoroua campaign
will be atarted Immediately for the
purpose of Increasing the food pre
paredness of the country.
There were 50 fires In 81 towns
during the month of March, according
to figures Issued by Insurance Com
missioner Harvey Wclla. The total
losses amounted to $75,145. The
largest losa for the month wa a $10,
000 building In Portland.
The people of Oregon are to be ask
ed to subject to the referendum two
of the school measures enacted by
term of school director from I to
t year. Referendum petition have
been prepared.
A statement Issued by the Industrial
accident commission say that there
wa a decrease of 04 per cent In the
number of personal Injury where
the relation of etnplo)rr and employ
nslalad, beard before the Oregon
supreme court In 114, from the num
ber In II4 The total number of
rase, however, decreased but 10 4)
per cent.
I !
n rF3
Report from (be upper McKensI
river territory slsl that there is
from 10 to IS feet of snow In the
eiountalna and that aerlou blah water
In th Willamette and McKeiule
river I prohha In th event of
ng continued spring rslns.
Convinced that gold, platinum and
titer valuable minora! are to b
found In th Deschutes baaln deposit
near Terrebonne, Deschutes county,
central Oregon, a number of Portland
men have Incorporated the Deschutes
Mining and Milling company.
Th financial atatement of the In
luslrlal accident commission. Issued
for the clo of business on March
II, this year, show a total balanr
with th Utat Treasurer of f2.ll.
ti. Receipt a from November t, 1114,
lo March II, 117, touted
71. and disbursements II42.477.SI.
Determined to gain cca to Marlon
rounty' free ferry, the road to which
ha been blocked on the Polk county
side by a fence along the right of way
going to tho old private ferry landing,
about ISO Polk county farmer, living
In th vicinity of Weal 8alem, a wed
down the fence and did away with
the barrier.
Hhould a apecial session of th leg
islature be called by Governor Withy
torn be to make provisions for depend
ent fsmillea of soldier called Into aer
vice, th per cent limitation amend
ment will have no binding effect on
any bond Issue that might be provided,
according to lawyera who have studied
th altuatlon.
Information coming from aaveral
direction leads to th belief the
Southern Pacific Hallway company
contemplates railroad extenalona In
the Marshfleid vicinity, probably from
Heaver Hill Junction, II mllea from
Cooa bay, to Itandon. by way of
Deaver slough and down the Coqullle
river to the coaat
W. p. Wilson and hla eon, J. U
Wilson, of Olalla claimed the largeat
varmint bounty ever paid In Douglas
county for the capture of varmint
from on family, when they preaented
eight coyote puppies about two week
old to the county clerk at Honeburg
for bounty. Th total amount paid
waa 1140, being $20 each.
Attorney-Ocueral llrown received
notice that he had won another of the
F. A. Hyde land fraud rases. Deci
sion In fgvnr of th state haa been
rendered by Circuit Judge (3. V. Skip
worth of I -a no. This la the fifth out
of seven Hyde land fraud case,
which have been won by the state.
The other two are undecided.
Seventeen bricks of gold, weigh
ing 1221 ounce and valued at $33,
199, ssld by milling men to be the
largest clean-up ever yielded by a
southern Oregon gold mine, were
brought to Granta Pass by James
Logan, owner of the dlmraonds-Logan
placer mine at Waldo, about 40 mllea
southwest of Grant Pass. Th inaa
of gold was th reault of a 10-day
Th legislative road bond commit
tee haa decided to hold a statewide
rally lu Portland, April 18. This will
net be In the nature of a convention,
but will be a rally to which are in
vited delegatea from all organisa
tion In Oregon tntercated In the road
movement Governor Wlthycombe
will be Invited and th three state
highway commissioner will be lu attendance.
Insurance business In the state Is
increasing by leaps and bounds, ac
cording to figures compiled by In
aurance Commissioner Harvey Wells.
During the first three months of this
year the fees of his office amounted
to $121,910.98, a compared to $97,
(24.43 for a similar period laat year,
When the new Insurance code goea
into effect the amount of the feea of
that office also will be greatly aug
mented. The first two wceka the rural
credit amendment has been actually
in operation show that 67 applica
tion have been made for loana from
that fund, and out of thla number
44 have been approved. The loana
asked for average about $2000, al
though some run as high a $5000
and other aa low ai $300. Approxi
mately $90,000 worth of loana have
been approved out of the $140,000
worth applied for.
Central Oregon communities are re-
and Get Rext to Godliness
The City Council of Weston has
designated Wednesday, Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, April
18, 19, 20 and 21, as "Clean Up
Clear your premises, burn-what
rubbish you can and put the rest
in readiness for free cartage by
the city.
Every citizen and property owner of
Weston is invited and urged to co-operate
with the Council in this movement
for a brighter, cleaner, healthier town.
City Council of Weston
Infernal Mschin Said to Have Caustd
Fatal Blast
('healer, Pa. With 122 dead and be
tween K'5 nnd IK) Injured, the major
ity girls and young women, the au
thorities are trying to place the blame
for the exploalon at the plant of the
Kddyston Ammunition corporation.
Hamuli M. Vaui.luln, bead of the
munition company, said:
"We ere nimble to account for the
explosion In any way other than tho
act ot some maliciously Inclined per
son or person."
President Alba II. Johnson, of tho
Baldwin Locomotive works, thaiigt-d
bi theory that the explosion was due
to an accident after a visit to the
"Although we have only circum
utantlul evidence." Mr. Johnson said.
"It looks as If someone touched off
a bomb or a time clock with an ex
plosive attached."
The explosion was felt in Philadel
phia, a distance of IS milea.
Several bodies were Untied out of
tho marches, 200 yard from the build
ing. All were mutilated.
$6,750,000,000 IS
Will Issue Bonds for Five Bil
lion and Allies Will Bor
row Three Billion.
Nation's Safety First Consideration,
Saye Labor Defense Committee.
Washington. No strikes or labor
disputes of any kind during the war
is the program of the labor committee
of the Council of National Defense's
advisory commission, beaded by Sam
uel Camper, president of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor.
In a report unanimously adopted by
the council and commission, the com
mittee declares "the defeuse and safe
ly of the nation must be the first con
sideration of all patriotic citizens,'
and proposes that whenever emergen
cies arise requiring a change of stan
dards, auch changes nhould be made
only after Investigation and approval
by the Council of National Defense.
of Robert E. Strahorn for aid In the
financing of the Oregon, California at
Kaslern railroad which, when built.
Is to serve Crook, Klamath, Harney
and Lake counties. Klamath Falls
baa voted $300,000 in municipal bonds;
Burns, $125,000; Lakeview, $20,000.
Bend haa contributed $36,000, and Is
preparing to vote $100,000 in bonds
In aid of construction. Surprise valley
cltliena are taking steps to vote $100,
000 In bonds.
Treasurer Kay has directed letters
to the Oregou delegation In congress,
asking that steps be taken to regulate
food prices. He asserted In his com
munication that speculators have
laken advantage of the war to run up
prloea, even on American-made goods,
the manufacture of which are not af
fected In any manner by the war, and
that aa a result the wage-working
classes throughout the United States
would soon be reduced to tho condi
tion of tho people In European coun
tries If some remedial legislation la
aot enacted.
Washington. In response to Presi
dent Polncare's congratulations upon
tho entranco of the United State into
the war. President Wilson sout this
"In thla trying hour, when the des
tinies of civilised mankind are in the
balance, it has been a source ot grat
ification and Joy to me to receive your
congratulations upon the step which
my country haa been constrained to
take In opposition to the relentless
policy and course of Imperialistic Ger
many. "It la vory delightful to us that
France, who stood shoulder to shoul
der with us ot the western world lu
our struggle for Independence should
now sive ua auch a welcome Into the
lints of battle as upholders ct the free
dom and rights of humanity.
"We stand aa partners ot the noblo
democracies whose alma and acta
make for tho perpetuation of the
rights and freedom of man and for
the safeguarding of' the true princi
ples of human liberties. lu the uamo
ot the American people I salute you
and your Illustrious countrymen."
any trouoie.
Nearly 100 German vessels lu Amer
ican ports which were taken over by
the treasury department probably will
bo utilised in the government service.
The resolution declaring that a
state of war exIMs between the Unit
ed States and Gcrmnuy passed the
senate by a veto of 2 to 6. Senators
who cast the negative votes were
Uronua. of North Dukota; La Foiled?,
of Wisconsin; Norrts, of Nebraska:
Lane, of Oregon; Stouo of Missouri,
and Vardnman, of Mississippi.
The war resolution passed the bouse
by a vote of 373 to 60. The Oregou
delegation lu the house voted tor the
resolution. In tho Washington dele
gation, Representative La Follette, re
publican, and Representative Dill,
democrat, voted no. The Idaho mem
bers stood with the president.
Miss Rankin, the only woinun mem
ber ot congress, on tho second rollcall
arose and said in a sobbing voice: "I
want to stand by my country, but I
cannot vote for war."
Martial Law in Gautemala.
Guatemala City. Martial law haa
been declared in Guatemala. The ac
tion was taken on Information of dis
turbances along the Mexican and Sal
vadorean frontiers, supposed to have
been created with German assistance.
Intensive Cultivation Ordered.
Washington. t'ato Sells, Indian
commissioner, has ordered intensive
cultivation of nil Indian reservations
during the year because of the war
Spain Declarea She is Neutral.
Madrid, via Paris. The Official
Journal publishes a decree declaring
the neutrality of Spain in the war be
tween the United States and Germany.
Washington. President Wllaons
policy, outlined In bis address to con
greaa, of paying America's war bill,
so far aa possible, while the war la
being waged, leaving a minimum debt
to posterity, waa reflected In a virtual
decision by lesdera In the bonse and'
aenate to raise 50 per cent of tbe first
year's expenditures by taxation.
Under this program congress will
be called on to raise war revenues of
$1,750,000,000 through new and la
creased taxation during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1918. Thla is exclu
sive of the $5,000,000,000 bond issue,
authorization for which will be sought
The total demand upon the finan
cial resources of the country during
the first year of war, under this pro
gram, would be $6,750,000,000.
Of tbe bond Issue, $3,0O0,O0.o)0, it
was definitely stated, would be loaned
to tbe entente allies.
Tbe facilities offered by bankera
and others who have asserted that
they would place their aerviceo free of
charge at the governments disposal
to aid in making the bond issue a suc
cess will be accepted. Assistance also
will be sought of federal reserve banks,
national banks, state banks, insurance
companies, private and Investment
bankers and of every governmental
agency, such as the Internal revenue
offices and the postoftlces, in floating
tbe issue.
The terms of tEe bonds are yet to
be decided on, as well as the denomin
ations, but It Is likely that there will
be little change in the plan to Issue
them In denominations as low as $25.
Once tbe authorization is granted, It
la possible that the big Issue will not
be placed before tbe Investing public
In one lump sum, but will be Issued
from time to time as the money is
Creation of a general munitions
board was announced by tbe Council
of National Defense. It will be bead
ed by Frank A. Scott, a Cleveland man
ufacturer, and will be charged with
supplying tbe army ' and navy with
munitions and equipment. One of Its
chief functions will be to decide be
tween the country's military and its
Industrial needs.
The board's establishment puts into
the hands of a group of army and navy
officers and Industrial leaders virtu
ally the same task given tbe British
minister of munitions.
Chile to Remain Neutral.
Santiago, Chile. Chile will main
tain an attitude of neutrality in the
war so long as eho is not made the ob
ject of a direct attack, according to
assurances given by government officials.
Oregon Labor Law Upheld.
Washington. The supreme court
upheld aa constitutional the Oregon
law limiting labor of meu In mills, fac
tories and manufacturing establish
ments to 10 hours a day.
Island Republic Decides To Support
the United States.
Havana. The republic of Cuba haa
declared war with Germany.
In a joint resolution passed by the
senate and approved by the house, the
island republic ranged itself as an
ally of the United States in the war
against the (Jermau government.
President Menocal signed the war
bill immediately after it was trans
mitted to him by the bouse.
The wildest scenes of enthusiasm
greeted passage of the measure. Not
eno of the leaders neglected to men
tion the 'gratitude Cuba felt toward
tho United States and not one of them
failed to receive thunderous bursts ot
applause at such references.
Wheat Club $1.81; bluestem $1.86;
red Russian, $1.78; forty-fold, $1.82.
Barley No. 1 Feed, $44.50 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $22 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 40c.
Eggs Ranch, 29c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 40c; valley,
Hops 191U crop, i&'c; 1917 con
tracts, nominal.
Fruit Growers Elect Head.
Spokane. Paul H. Weyrauch, prom
inent fruit grower of Walla Walla,
Wash., was elected president of the
Fruit Growers' Agency, an organiza
tion of fruit growers and shippers ot
Washington, Oregon, Montana and
Idaho, at the first annual convention
of tbe organization.
Washington. Austria Hungary,
ranging herself unreservedly with
Germany, has severed diplomatic rela
tions with the United States, precipi
tating a situation which generally is
expected here to lead to war.
Baron Erich Zwiedinek, the Aus
trian charge, asked the state depart
ment for passports for himself, his
staff and the Austrian consular force
in this country, and simultaneously
American Minister Stovall reported
from Berne that Austria had an
nounced the break in relations to the
American embassy in Vienna.
Immediately the treasury depart
ment ordered the seizure of ail Aus
trian merchant ships in American harbors.
General Pershing has informed the
war department that there are no
signs ot German Intrigues on tho bor-
Wheat Bluestem $1.90: club $1.85;
forty-fold, $1.85; red Kusuiun, $1.81;
fife, $1.85; turkey red, $1.90.
Barley $44 per ton.
Butter Creamery, 42c.
Eggs 31c
Plotters Burned Elevators.
Minneapolis. Minn. The metal rem
nants of what Is believed to have been
a bomb cap were found In the ruins
of the Quinn-Shepherdson grain ele
vator, which togeiucr with the Mar
field grain company's elevator here,
was destroyed by fire, by persons
searching the ruins. The finding of
the pieces of metal tends to confirm
the suspicions of the military and fed
eral authorities that the fires were ot
Incendiary origin.
Warning Against Desecration of Na
tional Emblem by Aliens Issued.
Washington. A warning against
desecration of the American flag by
aliens has been issued by the depart
ment ot justice. The following notice
was sent to federal attorneys and
"Any alien enemy tearing down, mu
tilating, abusing or desecrating the
United States flag in any way will be
regarded as a danger to the public
peace within the meaning of regula
tion 12 of the proclamation ot tha
president. Issued April t, 1917, and .
will be subject to summary arrest and
the last legislature me leacnerr Jer inJ ., j,8 does not anticipate
The Proof of Littleness.
No enddcr proof cun be given by n
man of his own littleness than dlsbe
lief la great uivn. lUouius Carlyle.
Berlin Will Not Reply.
Berlin. The foieign office let it bo
known that the German government
will not officially reply to the Ameri
can declaration ot existence ot state
rtStf. . .
Make Your Gift Useful.
The weakest among us bus a gilt,
however seemingly trivial, which la
peculiar to him. and which worthily
used, will be a gift also to his race.
BusUa. ,