x t n Easter Suit be a aittcrafi I T Mr & -H v-9 Lh7 mi X Y- Y Y X y X X X X f .? .? .? f ? Y V f Y Y Y Y Y X X X X X Y. Y Y Y Y Y We arc in receipt of our spring line of Clotticraft Suits for men and young men. Clothcraft has be come a household word in American homes. It stands for clothes satisfaction and is the only line with a positive guarantee to wear and hold the shape. We have them in grays, browns, blues, be sides many pretty novelties. See the Famous blue serge, none better and priced the country over at $16.50. Other prices $12.50 $13.50-$15.00-$18.50 We have kept the boys in mind this season in making spring purchases and have succeeded in pro curing lines that will not only please the boys but the mothers as well. The "BEST EVER lino of boys' suit mv by all users coiiMileivd tin most satisfac tory; for fit, stylo and durability they mo unoveeliod. iHm't yon want your Uy t haw a new Master suit? Why go away when wo can please you and stive you iiioiuy ',' Only ivi us the chance to show ymi that wo aro rinht that wo haw u pride in pleasing you. If you want u low priced suit wo have thorn s cheap in $1.98. If you want a I I r hiiit. we have thorn as good as $10.00. (Ivor KM suits in hizos from II to 15. REG. Ui PAT Off. j THE FIRST LONG PANTS The BELMONT line is the lino for Uys who desire long jmnts. A at Hetty young men's suit from 32 to 3G bust measure. Just the thing your boy wants for his first long pants. Triced from fa 50 to $15.00. THE WORLD'S BEST SHOES FOR WOMANKIND. This make of shoes has become almost national in reputa tion and is regarded by those who know as shoe satisfaction. We are pleased to have for your inspection the most select line for spring. It is our desire that our customers have the best ob tainable; that you bo dressed more beautifully and fashionably than ever before In footwear. The Queen Quality shoes solve this problem. Prices from $1.00 to 7.50 easily one dollar per pair loss than you will pay the city stores for the same shoes. Always a Line of r.ULLCtERY Mrs, Kabb will be here all this w eek show ing new sprintr millinery. Now tiling oominu in daily. Buy your Easter hat at home this season. New Collars, Brassiers and Corset Covers. Just in this week a very pretty line of very pretty collars, corset covers, etc. the new things you will wish to see. Dainty touches for your Easter costume. JUST TO Rli YOU that garden time is here and that we are headquarters for all kinds of pack age seeds, onion sets and early and late seed potatoes. Just take a good look at those seed potatoes before buy ing elsewhere. The price is right. HEN'S WORK CLOTHIG Our line of is complete, tltoves. Shirts, Apron. Overalls, Suits, Standard goods, but priced it little lower. Boss of The Koad union suit only $1.98 tllovos from fHic to c l.Ki. S. 5c t' . Shirts Bow of The Koad 65c win BREVITIES At the council meeting Wednes- UTCTflM Tfl DCflClT PV .School, Miller. Indiana, and for CtlDrtpc au M4D ODTUITICC day evening April 18, 19, 20 and 21 were officially designated as com munity "clean up days." It was decided to put the city fountain on Main street in commission for the BUILDING AND INDUSTRY four years of the Koacburg, t'r- gon, high school, (oncidcruhlc interest has U-en 'creatird among the members of the Weston Concert Hrlili.li forv r irrsrfiiif ilouil lly north of ltU'l Two Ormsit linnhlp. wio n uilllary rruUrr, have run tint llrlliuli btm-hmto if (ii-riimii Vani Africa Willi rario4 of ar kuiIU , II wa tti-i Itond by the fact that he is cornet refmhment of thirsty tourisU this this week on the Witon Wurchooie l'1". Girl wanted st the e.ton hv summer--the fountain having Coninanv'i nrw vlpvitnn it Wmiim The selection of the remainder ...I Vl U.KK k.,,l.. ., l'... ' . ' . ' ' J i... I i i ' " ' ,,, u"1 ".,ul" ,a4"v w and lKwnmg. Foreman W. A. " uw n .nm t th official Overn. .. N Aenry. Dr. James Cannane, a prominent nd nw pipe im-h Mid quarter Thies has charge at Downing and until th arrival of Mr Kitutrick. Two mti$n Mrn UQ iM Qvt Milton dentist. dil Sunday morn- - r Foreman Howard Wilson at Wes- JuuKmom in wis manor ing. purp. Mrs. F. D. Watts having ton. Bum. Construction Co. wanted by the board. , resigned as a member of the local of Portland has the contract Superintendent Robinson was not Mrs, U-orgt- Lmt-rsoii ts improv- i,lrary b,wrili Mrs. Etht. Snider Excavatinjr for the concrete foun- " PPbcant for re-election. .ng. after a senous illness at the WM PtK.inted to fill the vacan0-. datns "2 in mkr thb week home of her mother, Mrs. Elackman. The interest rate on city warrants ?! Z was mluced to sis percent. the number Ls exncted to reach tHURCH OF THE oRtTHREN Frila- ami Satunlay, June 8 and total of forty-or twenty at each !. were fixed Monday as the dates station when the work is in full of the 191? reunion of Umatilla blast. These men will be on the lay. April H. i p. in. county pioneers, doorpe Pei-bler, P' roll until the twin elevators lA-swon No. :j Life of (In i.t pnvident of the acotciation, was are completed next July and a large Harmony with (he (hn-I. herefrom Pendleton and presided share of the construction cost will tkvtion 5 Tlie annutK-iution at me meeting, ne aeiigatea uie ii oui in gw. iakhi mm, Mary Luke I, i'b-aH. when, witoic R, lt ln.tg arronliug lu a Itputtr lia aooointment of the reunion com- it Is said, are Riven the preference ul hv nhnm wu tlw unuiinivmi'nt u .. r l . mitui to the Ciimmemal club, and so far as poessible. male? To whom was Mary be- ,t Arftiet foreh4.mv.j th r.tni, the commute chairmen will lie an- cieaior construction ts not the trothed 7 To which tnl- Ik they n.hm. nt .,f ri,n, ...i j.,...i.. Weston Meal A son was lorn Saturday after noon to Mr. and Mr. IMt Thomp son at the S. F. Hyatt residence in the uplands. The Ladies (JuiM will meet tlie afternoon of Easter Momlay, April 9, at the new home of Mrs. R. Proudfit on Normal Heights. H. J. Wilson, one of the forem n, . has brought his family from Portland, and (hey have taken tin residence of Mrs. Josephine Kephart on Washington street. E. K. Zehm has put the lva! bake ox-en in commission, in readi ness to begin baking today. He has arranged with several of the town's stores to handle the bread. A twenty horse power Interna tional engine, burning coal oil or distillate, has been unloaded at Downing for the new elevator there. TJe Weston elevator will ln run by man llnea rloe to tlio ' IIHicliMiburg lliin" by llrlilth anil Kroiirh trooa ai'i-arii likely to forri" (U-rman mlth drawal from the Important be city of Ht. Qurntln. ticrraatiy, accorUIng to Information reaching C'ociiliagi-ii from It.-rlui. la now gathering toR'liir cvrry nxiul ahln man for a mii'n inc imh'nry ef fort to bring tho ar to a victorioua 111 oonclunlon during till )i-ir cam palgn. to Thert) in tlnrmv irn a in ). Market nouncevl next Tuesday evening by only industrial activity that will belong? Why was Mary so highly that the Rcirhtas hac lurit.T nowera put simoleona in local circulation favored? What name did Cabrivl in the fonNan win. v Prime Beef Pork, Mutton, Veal Drosfd Poultry HSU Monday and Thursday Get Our Prices I'hoiiB No, .vi, iinUri tuken ly phone f-i mntl routi-v, Ten pvrci'iit iiitun-st on all c count aftur 30 tiny. A. P. Perry lVesident Price. Verni Marr and Tom are loading today for to their new ranches near during the spring and summer, say Uh chlid should have? Mean- Mooher journey " "r,"' wiure i onK mgm iso worn oi uoti snail ue Oragon Battalion Ltavta vneouvtr. .trlope. f.. J V0id f ,,oWCr", 'l '",h. ,.n,,. Oregon. Their respective families . TrC " 1 . T .i i i .V -Si-ction 6- Tle visit of Mary to arti0ns. tbe flrM bmiM.lon. 3.1 (ire -will follow about a week later. Sw d n r u 7 . . BiMeUi - Luk I. How gn rrgimrt. Major I,. K. Uowm.i, M WlcSLi 5. lhtT'Si tLt. far did Mary travel? Who was fill- eommaadiag. ...ove,. fr Vancouver ing, after a serious illness. i.i, urw w loruami nave iw with H. H,y DEATH OF GRANDMA SPEAKS SCHOOL HEAD IS CHOSEN FROM FIFTY CANDIDATES electric power, with two motors. Tlie next meeting .f the W. ('. T. Mrs. .Mary H Speaks, known V. will lie held at the hmr of throughout tin- countri'Je as Mrs. Henrietta K. tinard m W,-sh- Grandma Siaks. diel at Iwr homo ington street Tueey aft' hmmi at in this city March 31. Her maiden Uvn eU-eted superintendent nf tlie Spirt? Purpose Bnrraika at 6 uVloek TiiiHlay morn- of the visit. Memorize the prayer Ing. t'mlcr I ho military irnaoralilp of Mary 46-55. In three parts - agrefil himih. the uVuiinailon of tho (a) God's mercy to Mary, (b) Crtxl'n battalion or the amttKummt ot com- im-rcy to the huH-ly, (c) God's panic aa not mad putiiic. rwrcy to Israel. Section 7 Tlie annunciation to "ooaeveit Approvca Wiitona Mfnaga Joseph- Matt. I. 8-2"i, Isa. 7-4. Washington. Culnnel rtooatvell F. C. Fitziastrick of Fto-lMinr has was this annoumvment made? nopiwri off hers on hla ay boma (in n n rioriun u ran on i rritdeiu WU- What was the Jewisli law 2:30 p. m. Subject, , ViiiiiinjT the " as Mary r Wragar and slw Wt.m scIhxiIs ami has telcgraplicd ?!,nl lo "ivorceT) What did he say aon at the vmte Hou and congralu Young for Serviee." L-ader. Mrs. was Urn 1812 in Fayvtt county, his acceptance. about tlie child to lie horn to Mary? hu him on hla adilrpua to congri, K. L. Iu vtwiid, IVntMlvania. She HH.ve.1 to Iowa Tliat tlie poeiti.m her is coiisid- vhml was Uh ttinMmy of the an- "! Rc!.prlt lnl imullng la in and wa marrit.l six years ertnl desirable is indicated by the " " vnrw a divinity; me mmm oi a sn ai crowd in tho rail, later to John M. Price. They fact that there were more UiaA fiftv - All are invited to come and heiir f"1 '"fn here duiaM llm follow. m..vl to Kaas in 178 atnl to ap!icanU. The Uwrtl gave much ihis Iojwhi. JOHN PONL'WITZ. Orvjron in IS2. Ib-r IhiJuuhI di.il study to tlie aars ami recnm- at tlKir home on Wet-ton mountain mendatioits and winnowe.1 (Ik- Lou l"avi hift his U-st dray team a splendid san f blaeks fliis week from spaMnodic nic. i hw of Uh htrses succuniUtl Tuos-dv, and tlie other tln-n took sick and two Lola Daaaa a Bride a I V V 11 anI r U.. I f. 4,1.1. I . J . li.l in, law Tlw, t " auiuioie appuranu oown to I our could m.t be placed for less tlum ll,. i Ji" 'r,, r consid- Vancouver. Wash.. March 21. - - Jim n.l ti. i.s ; , Mri.M. tkth 'urri'd in 1909. Mrs. ercd almost equal. Mr. Fitzpatnck Tlie marriage of Misa Lulu Puncan to the firro of dwwn wk b mryivei1 h' two brothers, finally became the board, choice of of Portland to Dr. Arthur C. Hrown ' three sons, one daughter, nine the four, having the added ad van- f this city was solemnized at the A quarter of a milli dollars' grand children ami twelve great tag of a number of strong personal First Methodist parsonage yester worth of wheat raised by one man frand children. The four children and written testimonials frtmi men dav bv Rew. E L. Remsliet. Th.- was la at waua wa.ia Mmfciy are tnrg tTtc oi Kuck Kiver. known to the directors. by Iveorg Lrumhe!hr. hoe ISIS Wyoming: &hd anJ John lYice or The new superintendent is 32 witnessed by a few frien.ls. Tlie crop of wheat totaling 1.V),WI0 bush- Weston MiHintain; Mrs. Horence years old and married, but has no cmiple were attended bv Willi P. da was bought by the Jones Sou Price Crawford of Walla Walla, children. He is a graduate of Chi- Dutcher and Kate F. Walker, and eotnuany. The check i tin- laryvvt Mrs. Speaks was a meniN-r f the capi University. aol has taken p. little Mi. Walker was ring ln-arer. vt given in the Northwest for a Church of tlie ItnHhrvn. where fun- grwluate wxirk. He holds a life They will n-side in this city, the single crop of wheat. The price was era! services wr conducted April eertitkate in Oregon. He was prin- xrooro hoiding- m position as assUt- Kvusi 11.63 Ff buitd. S tjr E Jtr Jcta Ccacsitu cjjal fcr tfcnx jtan cf xht JliUvr ai uu meriaariaa. Ina atatement: "The president's nia. agr in a great atato .iT. ahtch will rank In bitory amon ihs arsat atttf papera of mhlch Aniirliana lu utur be proud." yeara nlll be proud.' :: Dr. U. 5. NUWSOM , , I'liyiiivlnii mio" Surifvun j; TohI lliiiMi)t (Ir, Stone's for- ,, inor olliivl Athena, tlreir. i$500,000 to loan on pood wheat land at 696 . Q. Lucas li Ml iMHie iiu.l la-una VHtoll. Uli'.'OIl NO WS THE TIME to pny yr Veloii U-ailor 'iwb' Wheal Coa is 12 In Chicago, Chicago Wheal t m t j a bmj. l here tha hinlu-et rl ever pali en a normal market. The quotation! ring ceremony was used, and was on MJ "heat Peterson & Bishop Pwiolvton, Or. rmatw yr. I'hon 229 Painless Dentistry DR. R. B. ROBBINS Juthl llnlhlinir t'uurt mid Main Slrveta rKNULKTOX, ORKCON Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y ? ? Y Y y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y ? ? Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V