Good Wig Machines Any machine wild by um numt Ihj kimmI, niUwt Kiv aatia faction to tho UHop, for oil our machine lire "money buck cd;" iM'Midi'H, our lontr t'Htabliiihed policy in that no trunsac lion In cloned until the ctiittomcr in ant hilled. Thin protcc lion, thin iiiHiiranee auitint diaMUtiafacliuii and poHxihlo Iomh ia un important item, yi't it conUt our cuHtvrnvrs nothing, for our prict'it nre itt Ifimt ux low in muny cane lower--than minted i-lHOwhti'c, Our lino ia law, cmhinciiitf I'vcrythinj? front u I land Tower Wander ut $5.60 to 14 inaihine eiiipM'd with It own Kiwolinn motor ut $S7.60. Our Water Tower Washer at f 22.60 iiwU u little more than other, but it It du rable, t'lfei'tivc ami has a motor thut really works riifltt. Kb'ctrio I'ower Wnidicra arc here ut from $39.60 to $76.00. KwiKht paid ly um on any muchine. cutstintf $10.00 or pureharteof other Rood to that amount. Full line of wrinjrern. bankets, linca, had irons, ironing hoards, etc., also here. The llijrh (W of Living can Ik materially reduced by -lining lu'imlry work at home. With u ifood Washer tho housewife eun have her wasbiuK on the line early without iK'inwr "fam'd out." THE DAVIS KASER CO. I'iunu, rinni.iKriilii", Muiitt CuitipU'lo Homo Kurnlnliir. lu 31 Alder St. - WAt.l.A WALLA. WASH. SUMMONS lii tin- Circuit Court of tin' .Stair ( OreKn for Umatilla CiMinly. The Taylor Hardware Company, a ntrorMtion, I'liiintilT, vn, John S. Keen, Marie T. Ktf, hirt wife, iiml Mmuiel IVdro un cxirulor of the hint will of diaries Cunning ham, tliti'iiM-d, Defendant. To John S. Kees and Marie T. Keen, two of the above named defend ant: In the Name of the Slate of Ore Kon, Vou. und each of you. are here- Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wii: ('iiniiieni'intr at a int Igii.OJ (Wt North ?l)v I'mhI from the Suuthcant 'oriii.r of lil 7. HIiK'k 10. Kwitr. ler's Aild.lltlon to Pendleton, for a .w'im' BREVITIES Found One mile south of town, a ladles' coat. K. W. Itoyts. U. I'. It. eKirs at 50 cents per let ting of Ifi. Mr. I.. 8. Wood. Mim Kay 'le Nor I Van t Ssikutie is visiting her parents and friend in this eity. J. A. liorwi i driving a new Fold touring ear, liiyM last week of II. I.. Iledrick at the Im ol Kitrwr. The poitHMii iiiHili).? of I In lo cat library Imiird will he li Id net Monday aflerniMut at two o'clock i t the lihiury building. Carl MWoimell and family mo tored up from Adams Sunday in their new Ford, and were gumU of the I At' Wilsons at the Hsiiister farm. Cu MalliH-k, a Pendleton pioneer widely known throughout thin sec tion of the Mate, died at his home in that city Monday morning al the age of 80 yean. MInm lloH Ikvkr and Miss Lois Porter attended the recent "Patri otic Day" celebration at Pendleton and were gucu at the home of Mrs, I. ilia II. .Stiirgm. Alex Walker ha relumed to his home in Montavillla from Sun Fran- he siient the winter. Famers-Seelhis Big Field Demonstration WORTH SEEING tvutrsoor WELCOME plav of heginning. thenee North Mr. waiser nas oeen n HH.r nea in HO" Wert 1 1 l.ll f.Tt. thenee North min"K u"'. ""' nl ' 111111 u,!c- 70- Fjo.t f.O feet, ll.en.-e South 20" ,,,M t"r curt'- hUini lli.V, feet, thence South 70" J0hn Lunde and John FJmore West r0 feet to place of beginning, tw tw young men caught in the containing 5722.50 square fiet, ad- rt of Mealing brass fnm Uie coun- versely to plaintiff and its interest ty electrical sub station near Wes and etaU in sail real proerty, and ton, pleaded guilty Monday and that the Court tthall render a de- were sentenced to from one to ten cree herein declaring that none of years in the en. the Ueieniiants, nor any in-rson $725 KcroMBe-Burnlof Tractor $725 Demonstration Date-SATURDAY, APRIL 7 At theC. II. Nelson (formerly Wm. MacKenzie) ranch at the edge of Weston, Oregon. At least two different Tractors will be shown in this workout. WAtts & Rogers n ii ; Vv AS?) Tlic society page of Tueaday morning's Oregoniun contained a likeness of Mrs. Arthur Cleincnt cateniillar. Drown, formerly Miss Lulu Duncan i,ut jn nhwit "Fut" Wood and "I'wly" Duncan were here Saturday ; and Sunday from prospect farm, where they have Ittvn busy settling the Kpring crop with the effective aid of a Yu- They had already 100 ncreM and h:nl of Weston, saying that she was a nearv 1.10 nwe to seed. Then thev brlle of last wwk. Mr. Drown Is wj i.gj,, tnc of ,,owi,1K 700 a resident of Vancouver. Bm, fr next yt.ar8 harvest. Th.y Tlie leader Is advised by the y that ProsjHvt farm suffered Multnomanh Hotel of Portland that damage whaU-ver from the re- "P. T. Harbour of your city is -nt heavy wind in the tWw coun- registcrcd at this hotel." We arc 'hich in some localities blew left in doubt, however, whether the 'he grain out of the ground, chief distinction accrue to "Pink" Cleorire Schnitzer has returned that the Court make suant to order of the above entitled or. to Tortland'a magnificent hos- from the Pendleton hospital, having In Miintfitffii4i mill riiiiirHi to mt. xir and answer the complaint fllinl claiming or to claim, by. through, against you in the idwve entitled or umltr thvm' wr "" ,,f ,h,ln' Miit and Court within six weeks bave, or has. any right, title, inter from the date of the Orsl public- wc "r ",, adverse to plain lion of tihs Miinmona against you; " " intenut and estate in and you are notified that if you fail "'"I l'roH rty, nor In, to or to answer, plead or otherwise a- upon any part therein; that plain pear to aid complaint ami in said ' bavc and recover Its costs and rauiw within that time, the plain- lsbursementa of Hitid suit against tiff above named will apply to the defendants, and for such further above entitled Circuit Court for n l'ef as to the (Vurt shall seem the relief demanded and prayed for equitable. against you as stated in its com- litis summons is published pur iil.'iinl liku'il lliut tli ( inrt miiUi. miiml In order of the alxive entitletl an examination and determination Circuit Court made on the 24th day m a measure recovered from a at- of whatever rights, titles, estates, of March, 1917, and the first pub- Charley Moore, who brought a ious accident which befell him last interests or liens the said defend- lieation thereof against you Is made suit case full of whisky into Pendle- week. He tumbled thirty feet out ants, or any of them, claim or shall in Uiv "Weston Leader" newspaper ton from Montana. as sentence!; of a- tree, and while badly bruised A ft make' or asert in, to or upon the on March .'to, 1017. following described real property CARTER & SMYTH E, situated in The City of Pendleton, Plaintiff's Attorneys SUGGESTIONS FOR MAKING THE HOME MORE CHEERFUL A New Rug, Rocker, Morris Chair, Dining Room Set, Library Table, Bedroom Sets, Mattresses -and don't forget that Kitchen Cabinet Now is the right time to re-paper tho walls. A good line of WALL PAPER and PIC TURE MOLDING always on hand. E. O. DeMOSS The Leader prints Butter Wraps Printing Developing and Good Work Guaranteed. Bring in your Films and Plates for Enlargement. GOODWIN'S DRUG STORE. Weston Oregon by Judire Phelps Monday to pay a anu sunering internal injuries, con fine of $100 and serve 30 days in eiders himself fortunate to have es thc county jail. This is taken to l'd with no broken bones, indicate that Judge Phelps is dis- Miss i:anj8U.r was operated posed to show no leniency toward upon Tuesday at Portland for appi n violators of the bone dry law. dicitis, and is reported to be pro; The matter of a suitable observ- ressing favorably toward recovery, ance of Decoration Day was taken Her parents, Mayor and Mrs. J. M. up at Tuesday evening's meeting of Banister, arc with her. the commercial club. A. W. Lun- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goodwin dell. J.Kbnlderand W. A. Hames nrrived Tuesday from Portland, were appointed as a committee to where their wedding was recently cooperate with iB similar committee -aolemnhwl, and have taken the from the did Fellows, whose mem- Blomgrwi resi.lenee on Normal bers are S. A. Barnes, J. A. King Hljirht and W. H. Gould. , ' , . , I have for sale for a client 5u0 S. A. Rarnes was in Pendleton share8 wf stock in Weston MlT. Saturday attending the mcetins of cantle Company for $150 cash, trustees of the fcastern Oregon Andv T Rmn. tt Highway association. He says the gathering was an enthusiastic one. 1 ltt tuned and repaired at rea with every trustee in the county enable prices. First-class work present, and that full confidence guaranteed. A. W. Lundell, Mus. was felt that the road bonding mea- Bach. sure will carry. Only a few Wil. - - - lamctte valley counties are consid ered doubtful. "It pays to advertise," especially if you have found a full purse for which you really want to locate the owner. The Leader had scarcely appeared last week before Ransom Lieuallen had a call for the purse which he picked tip on Water street in iront 01 tne mcisrnie Darn, it In-longed to Press Mitchell, and as it contained about $60 he was de lighted to recover it. Since last reports the Leader has received with becoming joy divers monies from the following patrons in payment of their subscriptions: Thomas Narkaus, J. A. Stolp. W. S. Payne, S. F. Wilson, Mrs. Lina H. Sturgis, R. E. Gore, Henri March, M. L. Hastings, Roy Tompkins, Harry Minnick, A. C. Knudson, P, T. Harbour, Mary Lansdalc, G. II, Sams, Mrs. V. T. Davidson, Joa Cannon. 4 A jollyVrowd of the "Bachuloa Girls" gathered at the home qi Miss Lois Porter Monday evening for their regular social and business meeting. The evening was enjoyably passed at fancy work, and a very dainty luncheon, suggesting the club colors gold and green was served by the hostess, assisted by her guest, Miss Hope Beeler. The following officers were elected: Zella tiould, president ; Lois Porter, vice president; Leola Duncan, secre tary and treasurer. The next meet ing will ue, lieiu at the home ol Miss Zella Gould, and each member A Tbe Best Place in Town I To. Get Candy H 0 K Candy Shop : Odessa Kiikoatrick will b allowed to invite on guest. tmHmtttm4 PS hi "what has" X Is at a the store I The Whitman Candy i Give a gift worthy the giver. "fi 'RE you reading the history now running serially in advertisement form in Collier's, Saturday Evening Post and other national magazines of the building of the Union Pacific? Union Pacific is a national achieve ment upon which depended the safety of the Union and the holding of the Pacific States. Tie stories are riclt in intimate facts of United States Listory. Waea yoo read them yoo will realize wlat a great part Union Pacific played in tne growth and welfare of oof Nation: and low truly serviceable Union Pacific is and will be in peace or war to the people of oor United States, as individual travelers, or shippers, and as Nation. Union Pacific System OTJ Mississssssisassaaaisa ii 8 15 The Fanners Bank of Weston Established 1891 We will be pleased to assist you with your taxes this year as formerly. If you wish, we will secure your statements for you, and you may pay taxes here and save a trip to the County Seat 7CT 3