The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 06, 1917, Image 2

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Strittt I't AtOfAIC
The Year
Six Month
Four Month
f Wet.n - -which n rijtnt haihitiim imi i ..v I... tl. .vmmk
pretty tvvn if Riven u chanee to Al DLUC MUUlllAlll Mill ,m( he wmiM nut insure Wwti.nV
Ik. 1o thin now or at lcat l" " Main hlrcet lri.lKO ajsniiiMt Kst iuc
fore the rush of Kprinjr work in on t w Avery, co-e.Hi alive weath- 'V f,,r lw than t,M' ,H
si oil or the auiumcr heat tmneaytuir am- er oiNiervcr at tito nine mountain '-""
0 75 Kii.,n If loft until then the work raw-mill, minis ua the following
i. Mnw reached u maximum U'iii
ill,, of no Lsm) than 111 feel on n level
a ra . . . i 1. . titmttinir hi mixing cuncerniner
t8 generally only nan trnmr- ami " - - t ,,,,, T(, Hte ,mtt(owl,, , WM u
ai.le. risk are taken. with disease. . h . mmmtuinisml.inil wn ox- feet In depth at the head of lluek
Regular, per inch per insertion ..
Transient, per inch per insertion 9 for glVHU.r happiness, fiwtera self
LHU.perliWpcrinertio. f Rm, Hl,
tracts vi-ilirs and all thm are fac
tors of growth and proserity. In
this connection, a suggestion made
uutiful ami healthy town make itiiuliitir nvor m iMriixl of CrWK.
18 yeara:
nttDAT. knn t,
Enttita nt h rlollKi t !, Ongm
1 ion 1U11 nmII matltr.
President Wilson's war message
to Congress was calm, dispassionate
and incisive. Reading it, one is
prone to wonder that our nation
and government have endured so
long the German policy of ruthless
and murderous aggression.
If ever nation had just cause for
war air.tinst another, the
States has cause for war against
ly Councilman Wunser at the com
mercial club meeting is pertinent.
He thought that permission to cul
livate 4'very vacant lot in town
should he obtained by the cluh from
the owners hy letter, if they are
nonresident- and that, the lots he
then turned over to deserving fam
ilies for gardening. This would
help tin? proiicrty, he said, and add
Maximunj depth of snow:
February 10, 1 !;. ii inches.
February 2, liUO, 80 inches, v
February 21, Ull, . inches.
February 2H, tU2. t'.l inches.
February rt, ISMS. 7'2 inches.
February 11, ISM 1,52 inches.
January l:t, KM5, .'12 inches.
February 2, iSMti, 75 inches.
April 2. 1SM7, inches.
For the last eight years the aver
age depth on March IMst has Uvn
27 inches. This year the depth on
this date was no less than CI
inches above the normal.
At the edge of the timber April
2, ISM 7, the snow was Ave feel in
leiUh. No snow at all is the nm
Are you satisllet with Ha lime,
keeping ipinlitiea of your watch? If
not, g t the habit of coming lo us.
No mittter what condition it is in,
we can rciair it to your satisfac
tion. We make a serially of re
(miring old and diM-mili-d watches,
ami you will Ik' pU-asel with the
results, liood work, corrtvt time,
moderate prices and entire satisfac
tion are promised you. Will you
try us? II. II. Hill. Jeweler, Wes
ton, Oregon.
materially to the town s attracttve-
Unitwl "ess, since a vacant lot grown up to nla condition for this date.
, . 1 1 u m., ..I .' .
wevls is a vioieni ryesoiv. . ine mountain season is hihuu pi x
. r to donate a sack of weeks later than normal, Imsed on
Health Insurance for Your Children
rv...,Mv Mnr uiir with Siuiill IV-
.ultol from rvason iwitiwly triv- ".tatov for acl was
ial in comparison. (K'rmany has "apHil uin
violated well recogniml principles
of international law, sunk our ships
iieople n the ' .
01.,, im vtnaiever may w im- 1
state at large
million dollar
concerning the six
road bonding mens-'
and murtiennl our
nolo plea of necessity
come as an outlaw apiong nations,
l........l Ik.. ....I., of fivilixul inn mill
lolifvn outlaw to Wdesoisvd and the pmbility is that it
Indeed, had Gormany herself not
become obsessed by the spirit of the
Most children are taught to wash
the hands ami face. Comaratively
. . . k . . t . 1 . . 1 11:.. 1 .11.
snow conditions, nlou-over, lllllll lew are laugiu 10 m-tini uieir lei in
hist week'a thaw it hits Ihhii an regularly. Yet a clean mouth is
unbroken winter in the mountains really far more imnitanl for the
since NovemUv .rth. Usually sev- health of the cl;ild.
eral thaws or breaks tKCur during I'hililn-n- whose teeth me well
the winter. cared for are far less likely to catch
Mr. Avery is inclined lo fear unu- diseases of childhood such as men
sual IIikhIs this spring. He says sles, muniw, diphtheria and scarlet
the prosjKvt that the snow will po fever. Dr. A. F. SF.MI'KHT.
1 I ' 1 fill hEL
La d Novelties
In l.silic' Sm.iI Skills, 'VuLU, Hals, Neckwear, Ib-iii),
SliiKS, etc. V now have Hie niiwt eimiplete line have cu r
iluiwn, ami at prices in reach of all.
Lmlieu' fancy
new kIuuIoh.
silk whImIh in all I ho
$,W $2.1M l.tW
Sport skirls
checks. . . .
in lh new
slripcH and
?;t.;s 10 $d.'.
Lailies' wash skirls (spoil style) in
w hites, sli'ipe.-i, lluweieil and rliecka
;i,Ke in $:i.JW
in iHHigee,
SHii l lulls
Fancy sill hose
Silk petticoat;
nb!o colors , , .
111 plain
; In
peisiaii. hlriHH,
i;c r,;v ;i.Se
an. I change
. $2.S! to
Don't forget we earry a eoniplel luiu of MliN'S I t'.MS.
INtiS. tiuit frtuii !.!" tu )lt .75.
to the interests of Umatilla county.
The road from Pendleton to the
state line" a continuation of the
great trunk highway provided for
by the bill will lie among the very
first to lie bard surfaced, according
to Commissioner W. L. Thompson,
if the bill carries. If this road is
not rebuilt by the state it will have
a fact
Hun, fostered and encouraged
through years of military domina
tion, she would understand our posi
tion ami hold us blameless. Were
the situation reversed; wen- the
United States at war w ith the En
tente powers and using submarines
In cinlr neutral shinnim; in a so-
n,vt Knrr.vt w would have to be rebuilt by the county
been brought to book by a justly which becomes oppressively appar-
outraged Germany within 24 hours t to anyone who rides over it
after destroying a Teutonic Lusi- The state bill will not eu.t one do!-
tania. The old proverb as to the lar in added Uixes to the people of
ownership of the gored ox applies this county; but if they have to re-
aptly in this instance. ' the "nd to rebu,,d,.1l1
Even Germany's sole excuse for right, they will be very speedily
herfrightfulnessuias false as has made aware that they have spent
been her entire propaganda in con- something.
nection with the great war. She Another important fact to reflect
upon is uiat ine quarter mm rouu
tax and the increased automobile
licenses will go to the state here
after regardless as to whether the
landing bill wins or loses. Should
Do you know that Pendleton lias a large and Modern Dental Of lice
which has just opened? We are doing high class PAINLI:5S dentistry
and guaranteeing satisfaction to every patient, no matter how large or
small the amount of work. Having had nine years' experience in Port
land's leading offices, we can compete with them in every way. Why
pay car fare to Portland when you can get the same class of work here
and save both Time and Honey?
Newton Painless Dentists
was not required to fight and is
not fighting for "her national exist
ence." She began the struggle
herself through an overweening
of England. France and Russia to Umat.Ila county will be re- ,J
unite with them in settling the aucea ioinemiunecesSllv OI py-
Austro45erbian dispute. Yet she the state for roads that .t must
could undoubtedly end it tomorrow Pfwc build at its own expense,
on terms favorable to herself by dc- But even transcending material
throning her rulers. Not (kr. W is thc mat,cr of !,tJ4te
many's integrity as a nation but Pri,,?- U's about li f"r uft l"
tlie "divine right" of the royal that wc possess a modicum of
house of Hohenzollcm is at stake in
Corner Main and Webb Sts.
(Tel. 12)
Pendleton, Oregon.
Open Evenings. Lady Attendant
the tremendous and bloody game
which Europe is playing.
To most Americans war with Ger
many comes as relief from an in
tolerable situation. It was tlie
sole alternative to national humil
iation and dishonor. When the Ho
henJiolleriis and the Hapshurgs are
at last brought to their knees - a
conclusion which seems inevitable
tlie voice of the United Slates will
carry weight in the council of the
nations held to bring aliout the
great compact for a lasting world
peace. Such a consummation would
be entirely possible along the lines
suggested by President Wil.-4n
that Drotrressive spirit which has
made of Washington--with no
greater resources nor better oppor
tunities a grander commonwealth
than Oregon.
Not unlike soup, a town is im
proved by a little pepjicr.
The world owes every man a liv
ing, but the street corner is a poor
collection agency.
it can be accomplished, the world's
gigantic conflict will have been
worth somewhere near its cost in
blood and treasure. Otherwise its
only fruitage will be hatred, sorrow
and misery.
Publisher's Statement
Statement of the ownership, man
agement, circulation, etc., required
by tlie Act of Congress of August
Hll-i of Tlie Weston Leader.
" published weekly at Weston, Oregon.
There should be a general and
hearty response to the city council's
invitation to "clean up." More than
that, this is the convenient season
for every citizen to bring out his
brush and paint pot, his hoe. lawn
mower and other humble yet effec
tive implements and do his part to
ward developing the beauty of the
city. And while about ' it do not
for April 1. 1917:
Publislier, editor, managing ed
itor and business manager, Clark
Wood, Weston, Oregon.
Known bondholders, mortgagees
or other security holders, none.
Sworn to ami subscribed before
me this 6th day of April, 1917.
Notary Public.
I H Your M Pressed
Before Pressing Your Suit
You'll win her if we do
the work.
A shave, hair-cut and
shine would help.
to your measure
R. L. Reynaudf
Practices in all (state and federal
In the Circuit Court of the Slutu of
Oregon for Umatilla l ounly.
Myrta M I In r to, I'laintifT, v. J ark bum
llarto, lcf HiulMitt.
I'o Jitckmm Hurlu, Difcmlunl uIkvu
In lli) Name of the Stale of Ort'guli,
You are hereby required to spivr anil
answer the complaint of the plaintiir
tiled against you in the above entitled
ituit, within nix week of the dale of
the first publication of thin tinmuiix,
to-wit : on or before Friday, the 27th
day of April, 11117; and you will take
notice that if you fsil tu appear Mini
answer tlie mini complaint or otherwise
plead thereto within naiil time, the
plaintiff for want thereof will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed lor ami
demanded in plaintiff' "aid complaint,
T namely, for a decree of the Court for
ever dissolving the bond or matrimony
now and heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and for other
equitable relief.
This lutmnoiiH is iiublixhed piirmiaiil
to an oJilcr made in this cause hy Hon
orable Gilbert W. Phelps, Circuit '
Judge of the alnive entitled Court. 1
ine nmt publication or tin summons
will be made hi the Weston Leader on
Friday the 16th day of March, 1017,
and the last publication will be made
on Friday the 27th day of April. 1U17.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 14th
day of March, 11117.
Will M. I'etkrson.
Attorney for I'laintilf.
Poatofhce address : Pendleton, Ore.
Meet the Briquet Man
Now thai you have taken our mlvict
find bought a good coal idovi I want you
to get bettor uciuainUd with the nriijuel
Man and his excellent fuel, and 1 am confi
dent you will like it bo well that you will
have no cntme to rvjrret the ticiiuiiinlame.
Try a load and 1m? convinced.
P. T. Harbour
Removing Fence Post Easily.
Feuce poets of eonaiderable size
may be removed rvailllj- hy bitching
a chain aroaud the post Dear the
Srvund and padng: It over a piece
vt 2 by 4 stork set at a alnat aguluxt
tbe iHxst. A hone bitched to the
chain can withdraw larce poets by
nieua of the leverage on the chain
and the piece of wood. Will Clin pel,
MiiDrhtftr. ta In Ponulnr ilechmn
forgvt to clean out th cvllar, tuly ics Magazine.
up the premises in genoral and
clear away the tin cans. oM hoots To Rej,ve Colie In Herses.
imJ tifivW-s ami tlie oilier thHi.saiMl la rM of cllc. raihr i-ir-nc salt
and thi.. that Un r ,riB. S'lS
the winter, lKiing I1 Ui will not arJieij to back vt ih oxtr
CVtt nuch in Lrd cal), but it "ill tb ki'if; IU tUu rOievf grtatljr.
I l.t. aVtad W fAtalii-l tM 4e
i sa-ritatawat fur fR SIAHCM fwt
em 1 i lJ4siHiy. at rWrv--.
wa Uv Ifw koAMl IrA Ism. vkfi loatntM
mmd M yM IMS- y. Wrtt tvaWj.
1 303 Seveatll iU Waskiagtea, D. C
"Calls taxi!" Lafe Mcllride's is al
ways at your disposal. Phone 92.
I Dr. S. L KBillARD 1
X 1
I Veterioary Surgeon f
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
I Phone
Main 253
Chas. H. Carter Dan P. Smyths
Carter & Smythe,
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Watts building
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Orion . Wailsburt?. Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mill in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company