The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 30, 1917, Image 1

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m IVIiUWil uu j i i ; ; ; . . .
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
nation of Our Readers.
Kteps are being taken to organise a
troop of cavalry In l.ebanon.
TIip Klrtn of C'orvuHlii have formed
branch of III Girls' Honor guard.
Th" wrirn l.ane rounty play fes
tival will be ti.l.l hi f.lmlra Mar II
Hip Ilend Automobile club aa
forisyd recently with a large member
hip of auto om-r.
A chanlcr of lh NalUmal H-d Cross
society ti formed In in Hgu rlpr
valley with a membership of K5.
The IHV, II A N. company h de
termined li Institute a motorcar service-
between Klgln anl I Grande.
The Klamath rouniy lumber mill
are preparing for record' run this
season aa aon a th weaihsr permits.
Tin- Kugnic rtfl" eluh at Ha annual
meeting decided upon a campaign to
increase Ha membership to 1K mem
bers, Klorcnre M. Iwnlop. f Alrllp. was
the first make application for a
loan under the rural credits amend
Bicnl. With JO editor present from almost
all aorilon of the valley, ihc Willam
ette Valley Editorial association met
t .Albany.
William I'lper. wealthy farmer,
aged $. one of the oldest pioneers of
I'matllla county, dle.l at bis noma
near Helix.
The price of common labor. It la
conrluded. will be forced higher In the
Cooa bay section, for there l a srsr
city of men.
This week la "Patriotic week" In
Ihe alate of Oregon by virtue of a
proclamation Issued by aovernor
More than 1260 haa been raised
among I ha merchant of Itoaeburg for
the atrawberry festival to be held
there In May.
Very IHtle wheat will be planted
this iprlng In Douglas county, owing
to th. Inclement weather during the
early planting season.
Silver gray squirrel have auffered
more than any other game animal In
outhern Oregon, according to Game
Warden Thompson of Roscburg.
A meeting of fruitgrower at which
Co-operative marketing and plana for
the establishment of a cannery were
discussed, waa held In Albany Wed
nesday. Total deposit In the it bank and
trust eompnnle of Portland equaled
$87,32,3s3.l on March 6. 1917, ac
cording to Superintendent of flank
The Oregon Corn Show association
has been organised In Kugcno and
steps have been taken to hold a corn
ohlblllon In that city Ik-cembcr Jl.
11! and 13.
Curry county official have refused
to contribute i&o a month toward pay
ing a man to patrol the state line so
that liquor could not be brought over
the border.
Owing lo disturbed conditions owing
to the German crisis, all bridge on
the O-W. It. It N. between Huntington
and I'ortland aro under double night
nd day guard.
Where two measure ou an election
ballot havo conflicting provisions, the
measure receiving Iho greatest num
bcr of affirmative vote prevails, ac
cording lo an opinion.
Mr. 8. A. Skaggs. pioneer of Ore
gon, died at Medford. Mr. Sksggs
crossed the pUlna with her parent
In 1848, and wss one of the first
settlors of Lane County.
The Cooa bay country a ummor
resort and fishing ground I to be
given publicity In bulletin to bo Is
sued bysthe Rnuthern Pacific company
during tho coming summer.
Application for a permit to build a
torage reorvlor on Bully creek haa
been received by the state engineer
from tho W illow-Alder .Irrigation dls-
trlct of Vale, In Malheur county.
A class of those desiring to take ex
aminations for tho army officers' re
aorro corp haa been organised at
Salem with 33 membera. It I ex
pected the membership will lncreao
Plana for a greater Oregon City,
through tho conolldntlon of Oregon
City, South Oregon City. Mount Pleas
ant, Canemah. Clackamaa Heights,
Oladstone and Jennings Lodge, have
been announced.
Thirty-two thousand Jackrabblts de
stroyed In Httlo more than a month
la the record of which Malheur county
boasts, aocordlng to the report recent-
jjtaiiil lap SiK Bv4 wii
agricultural agent.
As the result of a quarrel over pol
soiling of a dug In-huntlng to Union
Knight. Al Worlhlngion of Canyon
vllle Is In serious condition aa a
result of two knife wound Inflicted
In his able by Knight
Not allien I'lvll r lint's has flour
hren ao high In the Cortland market
a It I now. An advance of 20 cents
a barrel announced by local miller
put the wholesale quotation of family
patrol at II tO a barrel.
The Northwest District convention
Of (he Christian chun-li will be held
III Koreet Grove March 2!. 30 and II.
The 11th annual meeting of lh CnU
ted Mtal Trades association of tho
padfle roan! will be held In HYasldo
April in . Inclusive.
The ports of Hlindaw. Coo, I'mpqu
end Itsndou will contribute fliisiiclslly
lo the campaign, the object of which Is
to put the Oregon and California grant
lands on ihe las rolls hi the various
counties of the state of Oregon.
Iteprpsentatlvpe of seven northwest
colleges, the Multnomah amateur alh
letle club and large number of high
iwhots will participate In the first
annual Indoor relay carnival lo be
held at Eugene neit Saturday evening.
The Hermlston postoffko 'e wss
blown and about B0 In cah. $10 In
stamps and a gold watch belonging to
J. H. Williams, a former postmaster,
taken. Thla Is Ihe third safe robbery
In CmstlHa County during the pant
The elate board of control ha taken
under advisement Ihe Belectlon of a
committee of five to Investigate tho
statua of all dependent, delinquent and
minor children In Institutions, either
public or private, of which the stale
hss charge.
An argument against ihe H.ouo.ooO
road bond bill, which will be submit
led to the voters at the special elec
tion In June, wa filed by C. K. Spcnce,
master of the atate grange. The arnu
went will cover three page In Ui
voters' pamphlet.
Frank Powers, of Madras, was ills
Charged from hospital at Portland
aa completely cured after having un
dergone treatniout for i shies In It
most violent form. Physician ssy
few recoveries In similar circum
stance sre recorded.
The Clackamaa County Anglers'
association ha appealed to Master
Fish Warden Shoemaker, of Port land,
for tho protection of tho flh that have
been planted In the Molulla and Clack
gmas river and Milk creek nd Clear
creek by the association.
Another Hyde llenson case ha been
decided In favor of Ihe atate. Attorney
(Icncral Drown receiving word from
Circuit Judge Calkin, of Jsckson
county, that ho ban so disposed of tin)
cause In that county. Involving auoui
23on acres of school tsnd.
Three big areas of government laud
are lo be opened lo iho public within
the next two monU t Klamath Falls.
Two of these tract are of lnnd In the
Klumath Indian reservation. The
other Is the land prepared by tho gov
ernment lu tho Tulo lake reclnmntlon
project. i
The Oregon Klectrto rnllwny la pre
paring to rebuild the big trestles that
form th approaches to the brldgo
across Ihe Willamette at Wllsonvllle.
The work v. Ill require 10,000.000 feet
of timber. It la said tho estimate
made by Ihe company engineer
show the cost to be around 166.000.
Four of tho 283 accidents reported
to the state Industrial accident com
mission during tho week ending March
23 were fatal. They were Harry Yost.
Portland, killed In stove manufactur
ing operation; J. W, 8trang. Powers,
killed in logging operations: I. S.
McKIUgott, residence unknown, and
J. M. Davidson. Modesto, Cal., both
killed whllo trespassing on railroad
property. i
Importance of the great railroad
bridge leading to Portland In the mil
itary transportation system of tho
country led to tho calling out of tho
Eighth company, coast artillery, Ore
gon national guard, to servo as a
guard over tho Spokane, Portland &
Seattle bridge over the Columbia river
at Vancouver, Wash., and the O-W. R.
A N. brldgo over the Willamette river
In Portland.
Cltlxena In tho vicinity of Agnes
have recently completed a wire sus
pension footbridge acros Rogue river,
which Is ono of the longest, If not the
longest, brldgo of tho kind In tho
world. The main span of the brldgo
Is 878 feet long, with an approach on
the north side of tho river of 225 feet.
The whole bridge la built of fence
wire, the bottom being three feet wide
and the sides five feet, capable or sus
taining; a weight of 3000 pound.
The tate highway commission at a
meeting In Portland laid down the
following policy In connection with
Mti aUk. 4uU4 . t? tii vuiau
Fill In Picturi
- ., - Tt3wM,
AS you have f-rund out alrmd)-, yuu di".v n e! 1 h;int whi n you drew i.l.t.ire
No. I. All U yiung people no d' u'it Iv'e - eri litni at the -!n o -r In
Ih sv when be tnme. When shr 111 Krel strength make hi
km-prrs tremliln f"r their live. It Is fw liiatmif to m( Ii tM un.mul swee
up artl-.les Willi his trunk. Now, here U unmher puxxle cut. Slurt at 1 nd
let your iwtii ll move to t, I, 4. . etc, and iho picture of another well knuwn
object will he your reward.
counties: Win never any county shall
make application to the commission
setting forth a desire to do instruc
tion work on post roads. foreit roads
or any other state highway within Its
limits, the commission will outhorixo
a dc.'inlto location survey estahlmhlng
grades and alignments. The cxpenso
of such surveys will bo paid for from
statu funds at the disposal of the com?
Governor Wlrtiycombc has appointed
the seven member who aro to Investi
gate the question of what state artl
, . . ... lonbimi nil) III the Interests
of efficiency and economy, bo consoli
dated or eliminated to avoid duplica
tion of work, It will report to the
legislative assembly which meets In
1919. The member of the commission
are: A. J. Johnson. Corvallls; T. J.
Scrottglns. 1-a Grande; John 11. Car
kin, Medford; Austin T. rtuxtoti, For
est Grove: Frank Patten, Astoria:
Herman Van Hmstel. Portland;
Charles Undcen. Portland.
Fhoto by American P.resa AssoclRtton.
Brand Whltlock, American Minister
a. n -i :.. . uhA has htien withdrawn
tu w w i y " " ' 1 - -
and Instructed to proceed to Havre,
Spokane. Wash. The six members
of tho Spokane regional farm loan
bank organised hero.durlng tho course
of a long executive session, took oaths
of office administered by United
States Murshal McGovern, and learn
ed with somo dismay that a doicn
sacks of mall awaited their first con
sideration Following the first adjournment of
tho directors' session Pwsldcut
Puzzle No. 2
U'Shca set at r ;.t H' rr,lcmi.cj
tioiis Involved.
While the opioliiiiii--'iii of nemo up
jiralaers lo ai-sti;l in our work will
come shortly," he snid, ''the matter
ill be handled at o:;hlii!;ton. IX "..
and not by the board lu re. Also, tho
jrcntral bank lu re loan directly
'(,. IndlvldualH: it mW all bt- done
Through local association. Our firet
effort will be to answer queries and
Blvo whatever n!d we. ran to the activ
ity that Is now guilts on in t!;e rural
districts. We nhatl protab'y twve. ap
praisers on the road to help this out
rarmers Asked to Diversify Crops
and Citizens to f'lant Gardens.
Washington A !tateii,c)it nrulisr.
that as a potrtoilc duty i i!y rrsidonts
transform their ;uds ijuo
and farmers no diversify their crops
as lo make each section self at!ii
Ins. was Issued by Carl V woman, its
Bisiant scaretary of nsncultui-e. The
great need In wnr time. -Mr. roomau
said, would tc a surplus of wheat with
which the nation could ft"-.! its "1
Hes. He also decbrc-1 actcr.f.e of soy
beiins ami cow peas sUmM be increas
ed to augment the.iv-o'.irces for pro
leln which i" eim.-i;.,i ;.cy could re
pluce meat for liutuun coiioomption.
Two or three crops of some sort
should bo raised during tho cemin;,
summer, ho fuid. on every vacaoi
square foot In the cities.
Railroads' Want Higher Freight Rates
Washington--Preliminary proposals
of virtually all rallrcnds of the coun
try for flat frcisht rate increases
rausltiB hetvvot n 15 and :i per cent
are being weighed by the interstate
commerce commission, togclUcr with
a multttudo of ptoteslo hlRie-r
rates telegraphed by sh p;oro. com
mercial orguuuatior.b nnd .-.lliod in
torests. Another move plaitued by
tho railroads is to sc-.-k !is;.!tM- i:ttr,v
Btato rates from every st.i.e utilitiou
or railroad couunission i;i Ihe coun
try. Passentcr rates wou'.sl i!"t 1,0
changed under the prosout a.-!ion.
America First to Greet New Russia.
Pctrograd, via London. Tho Unit
ed States Is the first nation to Vccos
nlxo formally tho now pvorument of
Wheat Club $1.05; blueston $1.7J;
red Russian. $1.64; f arty fold. $1."0.
Barley No. I Feed, $40 per ton.
Hay Timothy. J21 per ton; alfalta,
Butter Creamery, 3ic.
Eggs Ranch, 27e.
W00lEastern Oregon, 40c; valley,
Hops 1910 crop, 4'f7c; 1;U7 con
tracts, nominal.
v Seattle.
Wheat Blueslem J1.74; club $1.69;
orj.(otd. I1.7D; red Russian. $1.67',
7 hero ha ; been a rei.ewul of activ
ity ou tliu lliii.nlan ffiil lu the Vllua
Ko'iiliwcMt of K'riiiiiml.uli, Persia,
Hie Kui.ini. hatu wi-rtrttftb to with
in i: fiiilcs (it the Men .polanitun bor
der. ;t Is reported uii'dficlally that Ger
many 1 1 : 3 nutlli d ' .1 ; of llic ex
li i. .dun uf th' blockaded imnc to tho
Antic Ocean.
The I leiich n-linlrutty hai an
uouiii e l tlm dcKtruclluii by a t'(redo
In the Mcditerr.-.iKSti cf the battleship
Pnntoii, a loan of 2'i6 men
The return of the (iermrin raider
Muewc to German port, having on
board about fiO'i tsallors, the crews of
captured mcrcliniitmcu. Ik announced.
Activity has been retained on the
Koumitniiiii frontier, win-re German
: ,'Oups have Htorined the- KiiHiiiaii po
sltluus bi.-twM-n the Soiointar and Czo
bauos alleys and have lak-.-n LOD
Notwlthstandli.K stif.'elitd rt-sifit-ance
by the Germans before the Hin
lU-nhiirg line, liritlkli and French
troops made projiros on both aides
of the Sontine al Oic rivers In
gt-vvn AuK-i'i:.ns are believed to
Jiave been lost when the American
steamer Utaldton was tnrpcloed by
a ti'ibuiarine in the North Sea olf Hie
cta!.t of Holland The Heuldton is
taid to have been well Inside the -tailed
"safe chanui-r of these waters
when t!ie was a'.tackt-l.
Atscrt Violations of German Treat'es.
Washington. tJermany's -clear vio
lation'' cf the treaties of KM and
1 and her "ditwjard of the cauons
of International courtesy," were as
sigotd br the Ci.:'c.! Slates as rea-
rie for relusal to rtafiirm or extend
these tt;;it-iiiici!iB. The note of re
fusal to Germany iransrnU'cd through
Or Paul Hitter, the Swiss minister,
was made public.
Mexican BoMer Cltar of C'
Sin Antonio. Tex. Tho Mexican
border Is now- clear of all state troops.
i-r Z
P , - ,? V )
Photo by Anierlcsn Press Association.
Mishacl Rodiianko, President of the
Russian Duma, who led the revolt
which overthrew the Cxar.
America Supports Cuban Government
llavnua. A noto from the Ameri
can government to the Cuban govern
ment, rcil orating the purpose of tho
United States to support the Cuban
government in Us efforts to re-establish
order nnd condemning the con
duct of the rebels, vuis delivered by
William 12. Goiuales, the American
Germany to Seize Grain.
Berlin, via Loudon. The German
government announces that all grains
and legumes still lr. the hands of con
sumers above limited quantities will
be soiled for the benefit of the public.
Italian War Economy.
In TVmo other Italian cities la
dles iire ud. pHii;: the habit of golnj?
luiil, t-s as n war economy. The ex
iii!tpK hits been sot by many arlsto--cnitle
Indies, who titke walks and nuto
inohilo drive, tmd even make social
calls, bnrehemled.
Cffect of Cutting Diamond.
In the proeoss of cuttliiK tibout CO
per cent lu weight of Iho rough ftone
i-i lost, nnd tlis. added t the cost of
tiiuiii' mid the rarity of these lino p:rtly uccomils for the high cost
oX th finished dlouioud,
' s. ; r
President and Advisers Pre
pare for Steps to Be Placed
Before Congress.
Washington. Having taken Tutu
ally every defense measure possible
before the assembling of congress.
President Wilson and bis advisers In
the executive branch of the govern
ment are concentrating their efforts
to prepare for more sweeping atep
for which congressional authority will
be sought.
The details of the steps to be rec
ommended are held In closest confi
dence, but officials let It be known
that among the others a general mili
tary budget, co-ordinating many Items
of expense deemed Imperative, will
be laid before the bouse and senate
when the extra session begins next
Aside from the business for which
congress has been called, the question
of organixation is chiefly occupying
the house leaders. Both democrats
and republicans said that a speaker
probably would be elected soou after
the house assembled but that the or
ganization of the committees present
ed a problem the solution of which
no one could forecast.
Congressional leaders are counting
on having to deal with nothing but
measures relating to the International
crisis during tho special session.
Spokesmen for temperance and prohi
bition organlxations have declared
their intention of not pressing for ac
tion any anti-liquor legislation and
although the federal woman suffrage
amendment will be introduced, there
appears to be little hope for it.
Washington. Twenty additional
complete infantry regiments and five
additional separate battalions of na
tional guard troops have been ordered
into the federal service for the pro
tection of property in the event of pos
sible internal disorders.
Nearly 15,000 men were added to
the national guard force available for
federal police duty by a war depart
ment order suspending the muster out
of all guard organizations still in the
federal service. With the men called
out during the past few days, this
gives the government upward of 50,
000 guardsmen for employment in
their home states to protect industries
and other property.
The creation of the two new mili
tary departments was ordered as a
means of dividing the immense re
sponsibility now devolving npon the
commander and staff of the eastern
National guard organizations will
be assigned to guard industrial plants
and other property, public or private,
in their respective Btates, in case of
Prominent Socialists Repudiate Party
New York. Several prominent so
cialists met hero aud, after protest
ing against the action of the party's
executive committee in issuing a man
ifesto "purporting to express the par
ty's position about the threatened war
betweeu the United States and Ger
many," passed resolutions indorsing
President Wilson's course and pledg
ing their support to their country
Among those who subscribed to the
resolutions were Charlotte Perkins
Gilman, William English Walling,
William L. Stoddard, Upton Sinclair,
Charles Edward Russell, J. G. Phelps
Stokes, Leroy Scott, Robert W. Bru
ero, Walter E. and Charlotte Kimball
Kruesl and William Ghent
Damage la Widespread In Indiana.
Indianapolis, Ind. Tornadoes and
windstorms which struck eight places
in Indiana took a heavy toll of lives
and did enormous damage to proper
ty. New Albany, where more than 30
lives were loat and where damage to
business and residence property is ear
timated at $1,000,000 was the heavies?
sufferer. In Delaware, Hendricks,
Sullivan, Grant, Harrison and Jack
son counties wide stretches of terri
tory were swept by the winds.
Osage Oranspj Toughest Wood.
The toughest American wood, ac
cording to United States forest serr
ice tost is tbat ot tiia oasc? rog