The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 23, 1917, Image 2

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weston leader ;:'.rS,r,r OREGON EJHDS AKD AK1MALS
CORK ooi, I'MMiihtr tiie vnU., of .,. if.,.i,..ii,,n v.i.ii. cumuu iu unTinu DiPTiiorc
onu nn in mu i luii i iu i uni.
The Shoe Question
the value of the information vouch
safed by the shakers.
It WUt CXpCCtcd tlmt W. L.
Thompson. Ut Eastern Oregon
Czar Nicholas Abdicates and vi,e v..r
All Russia Pledged to
Mnvinu nii-linvM of the wild Kill-
... $1 W member of tho new state highway m( ,jr, nm Ush life of Oregon
Six Month ...0 75 '", wvuiu aecomiwny mw wj jK. tuiown Mt Weston hth
Four Months 0 60 IVmlleton party, but ho was called mnise m.,x Tuesday afternoon.
uiv luai minute iu an important March 27. at lour o clock, ny I an
l. Shoemaker, state game warden.
,v,.rtwd aiMUhpfiiMwl more than any other item in II..
wil.iiy Mriih.wall lrlem mid ii.aik M
H...I mII them. we arc not rcv. " " "V "... 1
hal Mir we.) day price, am a. 1-w """ '"'"" ' "
An il.'in dial U
inervhanilie line
llifillila' soft solo shoes
Children s shoes, 1 to
lYtrograd. via tendon. The autoc
racy which ba held Kussia tn Us grip
lnc the bcKlnutiiR of history, hat
fallen. The house of Konmnoff, which
ha ruled tho empire for 4iH year,
came to an end with the abdiratiou
of Nichols II. Grand Puke Michael
as announced as havlnc refused tha
throne proffered him hy l'ar Nlcho
la in abdicatiiiR hia rishta of here
dity, unteaa the people of Hussla
ahould choose him as ruler.
Kalr trial will be accorded all offi
cial of the former government ac
cused of duplicity, corruption and
even treason to Hussla. Anuy Karri
sons at various posts have lent their
aid to the provisional government.
For the tituo being Kussia will ba
administered by the committee of tha
lHiina. Presumably steps will be taken
shortly to submit to the cople,
through a general vote, the question
of the form of government to ba
One of the first acts of the minis
ters was to notify Russian diplomat
abroad that Russia was united iu tho
desire to fight out the war with tha
allies, a determination to continue the
conflict until victory is achieved be
ing; stronger than ever.
The armies in the field have ad
vised that the abdication of the em
peror has been enthusiastically ac
quiesced in. according to a forelga
office official. Telegrams from vir
tually all the commanders have beea
received assuring their support, guar
anteed in advance by General Michael
Alexieff. chief of staff.
AUiCKiiiinu aa.c. mJ mw,jnjr at ,Ulkor
Regular, per inch per insertion 12c
Transient, per inch per insertion '.Vc
Locals, per line )er insertion 5c
EstlU t Hl pOltOllK St WfltO. trto.
SI (.. llul HMll MMlttl.
According to tho Berlin version,
tho Germans ntv making n victor
ious retreat.
'"Power Through Repose" is Un
title of one of tho new Ix-oks in the
local library, and we'll have to lead
it to see why Kernel Boyd isn't as
strong as Samson.
We trust that Missouri is suffi
ciently musical to have grown tired
of its Stone.
Let Bob Do It
Why let your suit go lh'ty
Until it nearly rota,
When Hob's Voces of cleaning
Will free U from nil spots?
If your suit is very dirty
And you know not what to do,
Just take it down to Robbie
And he'll make it look like new,
At James' burbor shop.
Hitto, J to II
Misses' slna's, 1 1 i
Ijldi.-s' shoes, hull. "II
or low heel
1 41. Ill's' tan kid lands.
tJooiyo Tonkin, deputy warden, waa Hitto, f4 to S
here Tuesday of this week, making
arrangements for the exhibition.
Those pictures wciv taken by Wil
liam I., Kinley, state biologist, and
have created much interest an.l on
i lliusiiism when-ver shown. Warden
Shoemaker is makiiiK a tour of the
slate with them by request of Cio
ernor WithycomU' and Commission
er Marion Jack, lie says: "We
want the school children to become
familiar with the name resources of
our state an.l U'lieve that this w ill
assist in buildiiiK up jrutne protec
tion seiitillK'Ut. '
All school children will be admit
ted fret1 to this I'litertainment. In
order to nuvt local eoiiM's, there
will be an adiniltainv charge to
toll. '-'.'.
to fl .JtS
to f.'. !!
' In -'.!'
in lii.f. IhkIi
f . tS to fl !'H
white top
4,'ic Itovs mule linnet sluas. ti to ;l
Hut.., l:i& to II
Ihtto. :i ii ll l'
Itovs' elk Inmost altm-a, li to l.'l
'hit to. m to '- '
hit to, Ifi to tt II V
!..s' ill ess ih.H-s, ! to H
I. Ill to II
i lU.ys' dtesa ll.a's, til t
II ti'.t to IJ f
Indies' black kid boot, while knl
tup P '
I villi's
white wa-li knl Ixiotn
$-.!Ml Jii (to
M isses'
1,-tdies' "t
white top, attht
Jane, :'i t"
m fort" SliiHt.
l.i' I
I'llto, t "i ll'.' io l i
Men's mule harvest slna-s II
M. ll'h elk haive-t sh.H-s II
Men's duss sh'M li! I'H to I.'.
Mi n't lieav w .. k shoes
l. I'' t" I ..' .
Men's 1 1 Hi. h i Ii.hi 1 1
Men's I '. ii.i Ii te sh.s's
$', 'Ml to (Ml I'l
Ye unsuccessful "ancient editor"
nrisos to reply that when his young
friend at Stanfield declared at a
press association nux'titiK his won
derful discovery that more brains
Two jrruin elevators with a cn
pacity of S0.000 bushels each will
le built by the Weston Warehouse
Comany this spring one of them
at Weston and the other at Down
injr. Construction contracts were
entered into this week by the local
company with the Hurroll Knjrinoer
injr & Constrution Co. of Portland,
which will complete the two eleva-
In idxive numla-r sic from t lie f'.lli'ttlntf ii.s.iufn. Inn.. llrown M
i;.,l..rl J.iliiia.i.i linn. I SI.. Co. : i rltrrtf Slmv t . 1 1 vtl Slum I'..
I'rosiH'tt M.'t Co
the i.i.iiki'l
ti.hliimn SIi.hj C" . I .s. ..Ink .V, Co, No loiter l'lil
London. British troops, continuing
their rapid advance on the heels of
the retiring Germans, have occupied
the imortant towns of N'esle, Chaulnea
and Peronne.
Along a front of about 45 miles they
have entered the German positions to
a depth of 10 miles in places. In ad
dition the British have taken mora
than 60 villages.
ISapaume, for many months describ
ed as a German stronghold, now is la
the hands of the British. The forces
of Emperor William apparently hara
been compelled to give up positions
that they have occupied for more than
two years, because of the terrifia
bombardments to which they have
been subjected.
Paris. The German line at last ac
counts was in full retreat over a sec
tion which represents almost one-fifth
of the vast front from Switzerland to
the sea closely pressed by the French
and British.
Two entire French departments,
those of the Oise and Aisne, have
been liberated from the German ia
vader. The total territory now re
gained is roughly calculated at 620
square miles.
This immense tract of reconquered
territory was traversed by a corre
spondent for the Associated Press,
who found the inhabitants in many
places, where they were allowed ta
remain by the Germans, tearfully joy
ous at the reappearance of their fellow-countrymen
coming in as victor.
Among the first words from tha
women and children, who bad been
for 32 months in the hands of tb
Germans, were expressions of grati
tude to America.
"Americans have kept us aiive;
otherwise we would have died of hun
ger." This was absolutely spontaneous,
the stricken people not being aware
that an American correspondent wa
are required to run a country tors tiy July 1st, in lime to receive
weekly than a city daily, the y. f. tho new crop grain.
aforvsaid must have boon refer- . 0 B'?'n!J!J? "f ,U,,h
. , , . buildings is $20,000- or just about
ring to a skull full of mush ,he W f ,ht, fBrmm
of the Weston and Iinwning neigh-
A Gernian-Mexco-Jaiunesc plot lKrhoods.
would at least have made business The buildings will lie of crib con.
brisk for the interpreters. struction, with concrete founda.
tions. They will be fully equip
ped with the latest wvighing ami
cleaning upratus. Under the new
federal grain grades which take
Our I'r. IC. A. French will In- in
West on at Mrs. Wln-eler's Tuesday
and Wednesday. March 2" and 2S,
and will ho pleased to have any
who are having trouble with their
eyes call on him.
hr. li. A. French is a graduate of
two optical colleges ami has liml a
Vast amount of practice in his pro.
fession for a man of his age.
We can recommend him as being
very coniictoni and erticieut in his
If you have frames or mountings
that luvd adjusting or straighten
ing, take them to him. He will
make no charge fr this work.
Walla Walla. Wash.
v Co. inc. J
ATHKNA. OKi:;0."
Commissioner Thumsoii lias an
nounced that the state and county
will build hard surfaced highways effect this year, the growers' grain
through all towns on the proosed must be cleaned before it is ship
route that contain less than 2500 M. or else in transit. This require- m Jlfrninill liTPPfl P
ment win apply io saiketl as well as J HfMirnibAll irri
Market Note - Onions are 6trong
at around ten scents the pound.
bulk grain, so it is obvloua that ele
vators are almost indispensable.
Weights at the new elevators will
be of cleaned wheat, and the farm
ers will receive receipts on this ba
One of the disappointments of the s,s'
!ondon. The sinking of the Araerl-
They will have no more freight ran steamships city of Memphis. (Ill-
war is that the Hohenzollerns are
never mentioned in thecasuatly list.
Let's hoK.-, anyway, that
always have a Pacific ocean.
a ne
kind of a germ in Germany.
Portland Rose Festival dates have
been announced as June 13, I I
and 15.
to pay on dirt and broken straw to nois and VlciUncla was annouueed.
tidewater points. Moreover, the el- Fourteen men from the Vlgllancl are
evators will be able to clean the missing, as are some of the men from
farmer's seed wheat to perfection. the City of Memphis. The crew of
The Weston Warehouse company the Illinois landed safely,
is now considering the advisability The City of Memphis. In ballast
of rebuilding its flat houses, which from Cardiff for New York, was suuk
gunfire. Thf second officer and
men of the crew have been lauded.
The Illinois, from London for Port
Arthur, Tex., in ballast, waa suuk at
t o'clock Sunday morning.
The Vlgilsiu la was torpedoed With
out warning. The suhumriun iM not
Meet the Briquet Man
Now thut you hnvc taken mir tut via
mul bought a gixxl coal stove I want you
to get U'ttor aequnintcd with the liriqtut
Mun uml Ins excellent fuel, urnl I am confi
dent you will like it ho well that you will
have no cause to regit t the ititiinintmf.
Try n loud and lie convinced.
P. T. Harbour
e smalliH.x seems to Ik- putting woul(1 increase its storage capacity by
. ... ,. from 50,000 to 80.000 bushels at 15
w and somewhat troubleome . , . , .... .
Reflecting uon the methods of
Germany, one is forced to the con
clusion that her hatred is almost a
mark of distinction.
each of the two elevator stations.
Sim J. Culley, president of the
warehouse comiwny, has devoted
much time to work and research to
bring about local facilities for
bulk grain handling, and has grown appear. The rapialii. first and second
visibly thin at the task. The Icad- mates, first, second ami third rugl-
er desires to commend him, and al- neers and 1.1 men of the crew hava
so to express the hope that he will been landed al the Selll.v Inlands. Tha
take on his accustomed embonpoint, fourth engineer and 13 men arc ml-
now that his task has been so sm Inc.
ii Dr. S. L KENNARD i 0l YfllT Slit FlESSSl
SUTCeOD J I Beforc PrMinS Your Suit
T I v.. ..Ml I. :e i
i uu u win hit if wc uo
the work.
A shave, hair-tut ami
bliine woultl help.
cessfully accomplished.
Our notion of a U boat is that it
is an L of a nuisance.
Se Dr. R. A. French
Eye-Sight Specialist
At Mrs. Wheeler's
March 27th and 28th
. . . Alii A A A ..A.J i liAli A A A
Fifteen memljers of the crew of th
American steamer Vlgllanela lost
their live when the steamer was tor
pnd.Miil y a (lermnn sulinmrine. Tho
survivor wen. In lifeboat from
day morning mull Hi.i.iliiy afturniM.ii
Among those drowned were several
American rltixens, Including Third
Offieer Nells North mid Third Kn
gineer I'arl Adeliol.le.
Hospital at comer of Maiii t
ami IhoHil Htrvvt,.
i Phone Main 253 t
i'rscticiK ill nil Nunc mul Knliirtl
Court v
Will Not Stop Shipments to Allies).
Washington. The United States
government refuses to place any em
bargo on supplies or munitions to the
allies, says a note to General Carran
za, sent by the state department. The
note is in reply to General Carranza's
note proposing such embargoes.
Ex-Czar Retire a Nicholas Romanoff
Petrograd via London. Nicholas
Romanoff, as the ex-emperor is now
designated, left with his start for bis
personal estates at I.ivadis on tbt
south coast of the Crimea.
781,600 Ton Sunk In Month.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, N.
T. Merchant ships of an aggregate
gross tonnage of 781,5'iU were de
stroyed in February as a rcmilt of war
measures of the central power.
Farmers, business men and citi
zens representing the backbone ami
sinew of the community filled eve
ry seat in the commercial club
rooms and overflowed on the floi r
at the good roads meetng held in
Weston Tuesday evening. Wet
weather could not keep them away.
A standing vote was taken on the
state six million dollar road bonds
measure which comes before the
jK-ople in June. Nearly ajl prci
ent arose to their feet in support 1 1
the bill. Tins declaration of senti
mnt is regarded as significant in
view of the fact that Weston ast
one of the strongest votes in the
county against the Umatilla county
bonding measure defeated last fall.
The new roads horse is found to Ih;
of nn entirely different color, and
sound in wind and limb. The straw
vote was not taken blindly. fkm
prehensive explanatory speeches
were made by Keprescntative Roy Z
Kitner and senator rred Steiwer, T
and the measure was also read in
full. It was shown that, the quarter
mill road tax and the increase in
motor car licenses would take care
of both the principal and interest
of the bonds, and that the state's
great scheme of road improvement
I Drive the
I Point Home! I
will not cost the taxpayers a dollar I Spend your dollars with the Z
If yon ipend them oat of town t
ITT of the town.
It reduces roar DrosnentT.
w mm
in added taxes.
Aside from the swakers. the vis
itors from Pendleton were Dave Z
Nelson, president of the newly-or
ganized Eastern Oregon Highway
Japanese War.hip to Bring Guthrl. Association, and Lowell Rogers, one
Washington.-Jspsn has sseigoed 0f t,e I'endleton trustees of the as- t
the armored cruiser Azuma io nnng ji,K-,alion. S. A. Uarnes, Weston's
tome the body of Ambassador Guih- representative among the eiehteen
rie, who died in Tokio. Mrs. Guthrie trustees named for different parts
This ii TOUR town.
Tour Interests axe HERE.
Chance for Americans.
The vice consul at Belfast, Ireland,
calls uttetition to the market exisllnu
there for American manufacturers ..f
glnsswure, particularly bottle. i;t.
fast is the. world's center of the ginger
ale Industry, and also puis up umitl
ties of nernted waters, whisky uml
other drinks. England supplies most
of the bottles.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
wrvgun lor umucius Uiunty.
Myrta M liarlo, Plauttiir, vs. Jackson
uuito, ueianaanl.
fo Jackson Barto, Defendant above
III the. Name of the State of Oreeon.
lou are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
iicu ngnniHi. you m tne hlmjvc entitled
suit, within six weeks of the date of
niu una puoucation of this sumimins,
to-wit : on or before Kriday, tho 27th
day of A pril, 1917; and you will tuke
nuntB liihi. u you run to appear and
answer the said compluint or otherwisu
' , r ' ;. , wiimii nam time, the
plaintiff for want thereof will imply to
yis vuuii iur rcnei prayca lor niMl
demanded in pliiintilfs said couiplHinl,
namely, for a decreo of the Court for
ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony
npw and heretofore existing between
nlaintlir and defendant, and t,.r ...I,..-
T ciuoiaoie reuer.
i aiimi v ftirk
t, nmrfrl, tHi'tHt nt fh-AtM ti tl.
..ttiiHm f..r rmw SHARON wl tii
jm. ijur iiw mxhlU hll . wht iu UtvM
mi mm fw mnimr. Writ luttojr.
1303 Seventh St., Washington, 0. C.
to your measure
R. L. Reynaud
"fall a tnm!" Lf. M. Ilride's is al
ways at your lisKmil. Phone W,
Physician and Surgeon
Clllo. in Watt building
vi;sroN . . ohhoon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Alhena, Oregon . Wai!sburi, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Trade at Home l
t rins summons is published pursuant
i. to an o4der made in this causu by llon-
orablc f;illH!rl W. Phelps, Circuit
Judge of the above entitled ('..
The first publication of this summons
will be made in the Weston Leader on
Friday the Pith duy of March, 1117,
and tho last publication will bo madu
on Friday the 27th duy of April, I!I7.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this Hth
dsyof March, 1117.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Pobtuffiw address: Psndltton, Oro.
Made of selected !jluetern in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Win uu vh mw fc huhi