The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 23, 1917, Image 1

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    Weston I Lead
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Reader!.
I llrande held n first automobile
how laat week.
The I'uMiiinii grant of Ijtif cnunly
mill establish warehouse In Fugeue.
The second annual IHifuf rM ahnw
ill In- Mil nn Friday anil Haturday,
June 1 ami t.
Tba raiahllslimmt of (ruil anil
vegetable ranner) ( Lebanon Ihla
uimiirr iwmi assured
Fred la ararro In Klamath rminty,
ami ranchers, In 'jural of auill',
can only find l year old hay.
V ('. Marstrr, of lloaebura. baa been
appointed a member of (tin atato fair
board by Governor Wllh)roinlK.
II la predicted thai between 110
ami ;no carloads of briM-rnll all! ha
hipped out of iHiuglaa county ibia
Kugrn bualnraa mm hat launch
ed plana for lb formation of ISA,.
Ono corporation to tab oer thr flat
ledum ry In l.anr county.
II. M. Jennings, who baa under Iraaa
lha r. A. Hmlth mine al llrnryvllle,
la figuring on filling an order for
ftA,onn inna of Coo bay coal.
Portland s $3,000,000 bond Issue for
lha conatrurtlon of grain elevators
for handling bulk grain will b placed
on lha ballot at lha June election.
Albany sow baa uiorulng newspa
per. Thla give tba city three dally
newspapera, aa two afternoon paper a
have been Issued for several yeera.
I.lvra of the cltlsen of Oregon ara
Insured In lb amount of M.64.w0
In 134.4M policies, according to lusur
aoca Commissioner Harvey Welle.
At mas meeting at Halriu of mora
than 200 rltliens It wa voied unanl
In addition to voting on Dm $;,nnn,.
(tin state bond laaue for rd linprove
nii'nt June 4. II la probable that ov.
ara I riiuiitl alao Kill al I hi- same
lima volM on rowii) bond Ismtea In
order lo pnuld fund" In cooperate
lib lha alatn. ArrBimi nn nl are al
ready being made In liraul county In
rail an election In title on a bond
Issue of H.i", ami In Tillamook
rnrni'f llirrr la under discussion an
lartl jf $4i:.o0o,
Tba t'tak Oregon Hugsr rAtnpinr,
with principal offices at Crania Paas,
la preparing for the Inalallatlon of fit
heavy, parmauent loading alallona
along the line of Ilia Mouthem Pacific
In the llogiio river valley, at a coat
f l.'
Farmer and atorkmen of eastern
Oregon are faring a eerloua problem
In the shortage of feed due lo the
length and eeverlty of the winter.
Ordinarily lb" snow la gone from (be
grating ground by March 1, but litis
year la aa exception.
IVtltlona ara being circulated, In
Lincoln county for a apeclal flection
lo vol on the question of bonding
Yaqulna district for $&oo,mo to meet
one half of tba aipenaa of the pro
poted Yaqulna bay project for Improv.
Ing the depth on the bar.
A new apple shipping concern. tb
Hood River Fruit coiupaii). beaded by
II. F. Davidson, formerly president of
Uia North Paclflo Krult !ltrlbutora
and a pioneer apple shipper of the
valley, will participate In iba Hood
River apple market next year.
Supervisor of the national foreata
within tba dlatrlrt romprlalng the
northweatern atalea and Alaska con
vened for one week brglunlng Mon
day In Cortland for a comprehenalve
dUcuaalon and Interchange of Ideaa
relative to forest service work.
At a maaa meeting held at La
Grande a resolution wn adopted call
ing upon cltltena lo meet and drlro
all Chinese from the city. The action
waa the result of the accidental abort
ing of Mr a. C. K. George by blgh-
Fill In Picture Puzzle No, 1
V m . "" "m jt .
' Si
: t .v t
, 11 .
i)3 nji m
" ' .105
0'i .es
I. .
HAT a-rt of a picture la I hi? Blurt your remit at I. draw a line to
I, t. 4, elc, until all of the number have born linked tnKi'tlivr und yu
will be aurprliwd and pleased with the reituli - f your art work. Tliio
picture alwnya carries a trunk when It travels about, likes to puck that trunk
Itself and, alranne to ', pnrt of the picture plays blllmnls ull over thv norl l
Now thla la all you are tu be told about It. Ott busy with your pencil and Mud
out what the ptuile la.
moualy to establish a free ferry aero blndera during a atreet battle.
tba Wlllaoielto Kltar al Ibat point.
At lha annual meeting of tba Urania
1'aits commercial club the name of tba
organisation waa changed to the
chamber of commerce of Urania laa.
Tha flrat big meeting of potato
growera of the Willamette Valley waa
held al Hprlngflrld last week. Fully
100 farmera and bualneaa men attend
ed. 2uaa K. Moody, governor of Ore
gon from Heptember, 1RI2, to Jan
uary, 1887, died at hla home In Salem
after a lingering Illness of nearly two
Tha aale of new aulomoblllea In tba
atato la making rapid alrldea. A total
of 2976 now car were registered dur
ing tha paat three aud one half
W. 1). Dennis of Carlton waa elected
a member of lha Oregon bureau of
mines and geology commission at tha
anuual mcvilug of the conimlealon la
Tha atata fair board baa approved
a premium Hat for lha 1917 fair aggre
gate ISS.OOO which la lha largeat
aum evar put up by the ttata tor
It la expected electric operation on
the weat aide lines of the Southern
I'aclflo between Whltcion and Cor
vallla will atari on May 15, but It may
be delayed.
The L'ugeno Fruitgrowers' associa
tion will take atepa at onca for tha
erection of au addition to Ita canning
plant In Kugene. The new building
will be 48x60 feet.
A meeting of the prunegrowera of
tha Riddle vicinity waa held Saturday
for the purpoae of discussing tha tuat
tor of building a cooperative pruua
packing plant there.
With representatives present from
all aectlona of Oregon, Washington
and aectlona of California and Utah,
tha I'aclflo Concrete Pipe association
wa organized in Portland. .
Ileprosentntlvc Hawlcy has request
ed Secretary n to recommend tho
Incorporation In the sundry civil ap
propriation bill of an appropriation of
$2500 for protection of tho Coos Day
wagon road grant.
A ounvention will be hold In Tort
land April 7 for the purpoao of dis
cussing the $0,000,000 road bond laaue
aud forming a statewide organisation
to conduct an educational campaign
In behalf of tha road program.
Through what la evidently an error
In wording In drawing up the act, the
last leglelature made an open aeaaon
all the year around on ducka, geese,
rails, coola and shore birds In Harney,
Malheur, fjikc ami Grant counties.
An Oregon grape, thla atate'a official
flower, will decorate tha lawn of tha
white houae In Washington, D. C. It
waa aent aa an Inauguration gift to
President Wilton by Mra. Viola P.
Cement Lime company s pfUnt.
The stale has won Ita moat signal
victory In tho Hyde Benson land fraud
cases tircult Judge T. K. Duffy, of
Crook county, notified Attorney Gen
eral ltrown that he had made up hla
mind In tho Crook county caae, and
forwarded to the attorney-general a
memorailuni of what hla flmlliiM will
be. The state wins ita conleutlona same btulc day.
on every point Involved, the court even
going ao far aa to require an account
ing from Hyde, which baa not been
given in any other decisions ao far.
The Crook cotiuty caae la the most
Important of any Involved in the con
troversy which has atreched over
seven counties of the state. This de
cision return to the state H.S0O acres
of laud, or approximately half of the
acreage Involved in the auit, and
their estimated value, for timber
alone, la approximately $200,000, based
on tho estimate of federal government
cruiser. This does not include the
value of the -lands themselves.
an important victory, oiuiour.'i h ui-s
not bring them all their ori; Inul de
mands. Ily tho asrticmcnt. It la as
sumed they will be awarded pro tufa
time for otertiiuc on the basic rilit
hour clay, which they have been us
aurcd. Their original demands called for
lime and a half tor overtime on the
It. A. Ward, specialist In the biologi
cal survey department of lha Oregon
Agricultural college, assisted by Pro
fessor Claude C. Cate. county patho
logist, hse organised eight large
clubs and IS smaller ones In varlotia
parte of Jackaon county for the ex
termination of the rodent peal.
Merrill O. Ktans, asalstant state
leader of county agricultural agents,
brought to the attention of the fish
and game commission the fact that
timber operator are sawing logs on
Lakes Ten Mile, Tahkenltrh and
Tslltcoos In southwestern Oregon and
allowing the sawdust to settle In the
Tho river and harbor commission
advised Itepreaentallvc llawley they
have approved a new project for a
20 foot channel depth at the entrauce
to Yaqulna bay. Tho engineers esti
mate that the necessary work will
cost $IU,ooo of which half Is to be
borne by the government and bait by
local Interests.
The desert land board baa selected
J. P. Newoll. of Portland, and II. M.
Park, of tho board of mines anil
geology, as members of a commission
to act with Project Manager Newell
and Investigate the feasibility of at
tempting to repair the leak In the
reservoir of the Tumalo project in
eaatern Oregon.
Pourth-clasa postmasters have been
appointed In Oregon as follows: Mrs.
Minnie l. Turnell, Edenbower, vice
Mable Botcher, resigned; John W,
Flick, Home, vice Ella M. Kllck. re
signed; Charles J. Ames, Hockcreek.
vice Thomas B. Tubbs, resigned; Mrs.
Bertha B. Pennel, Tiller, vice C. B.
Bartrum, resigned.
The public service commission is be
ginning to receive annual reports from
small public utilities over the slate.
These are coming lit under tne new Secretary of the Interior Lane, who
ruling that reports aball be filed be- hded lhd med,t0n committee
tore April 1 to show tho business
transacted during the calendar year,
rather than during the fiscal year end
ing June 30, aa in the past.
The senate has confirmed the fol
lowing nominations of Oregon post
masters: J. W. Vanderveldun, Banks;
Clark B. Foster, Dayton; Boy E. Prlt
cbett, Gaston; Shelby F. Deadcrick,
Halfway; Volney E, Lee, North Pow
der; Edgar T. Davidson, Oswego; Roy
J. Rboadea, Powers; Daisy Buckner,
Sclo; W. W. Wilson. Yoncalla.
Purauant to the terms of the meas
ure paaaod by the last legislature auth
orizing the governor to appoint a
atate lime board and making an ap
propriation of $20,000 to bo used in
leasing and operating a quarry aud
mill for the manufacture of lime for
aoll purposes, a proposition has tenta
tively been made to the atato to tako
over the largo quarry across the river
from Gold Hill, one mile distant,
Measure Making Spreading of I. W.
W. Doctrine a Ftlony Is Vetoed.
Olympla, Wash. With his final
consideration of bills passed, by tho
recent legislature, Governor Lister
wiped out by veto tho entire appro
priation for the maintenance of the
state bureau of inspection, amounting
U $43,700.
Ho also vetoed an appropriation of
$6000 for two years' salary of C. Will
Shnfer. state law librarian and killed
S. B. 24t, which makes It a felony to
dlscUHs or advocato I. XV. W. doctrine
In the state.
Other items vetoed in the general
appropriation bill include- $0000 for
maintenance, of the executive man
sion, $1500 for the bureau of labor and
$250 appropriated to Cutter and Maim
gren, of Spokane, for planning im
provements to the Spokane armory,
on the ground that they originally
offered to do tho work free of charge.
600 to 700 Killed in Russian Revolt
London. -The Petrograd evening
papers, according to a Heuter dis
patch, estimate tho victims of the rev
olutiou in the KiiBsinn capital as be
tween 600 aud "00 killed and wounded.
American Foreign Trade Drops Off.
Washington. American foreign
trade decreased approximately $1?0,
000.000 durlnp February, the first
month of Germany'a unrestricted sub
marine warfaro.
which averted a railroad atrlke.
New York. Tho conference com
mltteo of railroad managers early
Monday morning authorized Presldeut
Wilson's mediators to make whatever
arrangements were necessary with
tho railroad brotherhoods to call oft
tlio threatened striko.
Immediately after Secretary Lane
had made his announcement tho
brotherhood leaders sent telegrams to
all tho general chairmen Informing
them Uiat tho strike bud becu called
Tho decision reached by the mau
aisera at their midnight conference
Farmera to Pay Five Per Cent.
Washington. The farm loan board
has announced that tho interest rate
ou all loans nuide to farmers through
out the country by federal land banks
would be 5 per cent.
Diet Will Goon D Convened and
Askad to Establish Government
ImimIoii. Homo rule for ('Inland Is
the policy of tl in-w H'jr.niaii govern
ment, according tu a Iteutcr corre-HMHid'-rit,
who sayii Dint the Finnish
diet will bo convened shortly aud
fiski-d to establish a government poa
m mini; the full onlldenr of the peo
ple. (ii-ueral Zciii, governor of Finland
under the old regime, I1.-1 been sent
to I'ctroKrad a a prisoner.
Milliliter or Justice Kart-iiky ha
ordered the dlHtritt court al Tobolsk,
Siberia, to n-li-aie Immediately M.
Ovlnliuyer, former rciii:t of the
Kin nihil diet, and arranged for bis
Journey to Petrograd.
Resources of Nation Are Mo
bilized and Army of 3,000,
000 Men Projected.
Dispatch Bays Nothing of Value
Left to Encrr.y.
Amxtcrdam, via London. A Berlin
dispatch to the ihiiiJvoibhd describ
ing the German retirement on tho
western front says:
"As the ground abandoned now has
become a battlefield. It wab necessary
lo destroy everything that might be
of service to the enemy, such as roads,
shelters aud tho water supply. This
destruction was carried out ruthless
ly, but what could be of no military
advantage to the enemy was k pa red.
"The population that wag capable
of military service has been brought
away, ao Mint it might not be Incor
porated Into the enemy army or re
tained as peaceful workers and care
for the rcmaii:iug civilian population
left to the enemy."
Berlin newspapers all publish arti
cles by military escorts explaining
the movement an part of the strategi
cal plan ou the western front and a
master stroke to vitiate the prepara
tions of the entente for an offensive,
giving a decided advantage to the
Unrest In Germany Crews Alarmingly
Amsterdam. Well Informed corre
spondents on the Dutch-German fron
tier report that unrest Is increasing
daily among the German frontier pop
ulation, which is suffering from terri
ble privations.
French Premier and Ministry Resigns
Paris. Unable to withstand the
growing opposition in the chamber of
deputies. Premier Ilriand and bis en
tire ministry resigned.
V , V
v VP
w -
Washington. President Wilson,
recognizing that Germany practically
is making war on the United States
on the seas, called congrea to as
semble in extraordinary session oh
April 3 to deal with the situation.
The purpose of the sessfon, now
called two weeks earlier than the date
first aet, la to receive a communica
tion from the chief executive concern
ing "grave matters of national policy
which should be taken Immediately
under consideration."
Tho president in bis addreaa to
congress will detail how Germany
practically has been making war on
the United Statea by the ruthless de
struction of American lives and ship
on tho high seas In contravention of
all the laws of nations and humanity,
200 American Llvea Have Been Lost.
Since last Sunday, when three
American ships were sunk off the
British isles in quick succession with
loss of American lives bringing the
total number of Americans lost
through German submarine operation
to more than 200 the president and
all his advisers have recognized that
a state of war existed. From all parts
of the country have come calls for the
immediate summoning of congress in
extra session.
In a tentative way plans for mar
shaling the full strength of the regu
lar army, the national guard and the
raising of a volunteer army of 500.000
men have been worked out in the
army war college.
The volunteer army of 500,000 la
planned as a nucleus of what eventu
ally would be an army of 3.000,000
and would be assembled in training
Industrial Resources Mobilized.
The mobilization of industrial re
sources has gone much further. Hun
dreds of great corporations, through
the efforts of the council of national
defense, have prepared themselvea to
utilize their full efficiency in the de
fense of the nation.
Henry Ford, the Detroit automobile
manufacturer, has offered, and the
government has accepted, his great
plant to be operated without profit in
the event of war. Charles M. Schwab
has announced that his - Bethlehem
plant, now greater than Krupps, will
be used entirely for the government
The United States Steel corporation
and a hundred other great industrial
organizations have been making plana
for their participation. The great cop
per interests have notified the gov
ernment that they would supply the
army and navy with their vital sup
plies of copper at about half the mar
ket price.
Czar Nicholas, who abdicated the
throne of Russia aa the result of a
Eight-Hour Day on Railroada Declared
Constitutional by Supreme Court
Washington. The eight-hour stan
dard tor railroad wages, provided in
the Adamson law, was held constitu
tional by the supreme court
The "immediate effect of the deci
sion will be to fix a permanent eight
hour basic day in computing wage
scales on interstate railroads, for
which a nation-wide strike twice baa
been threatened, aud to give, effective
from January 1 of this year, increases
in wages to trainmen of about 25 per
cent, at a cost to the railroads esti
mated at from $40,000,000 to $50,000,
000 a year.
Tariff Board is Named.
Washington. President Wilson baa
German Spies in New York Confesa.' selected the following men as mem-
French Gunners Drop Zeppelin.
Paris. A Zeppelin has been shot
down In flames liar Compiegne. All
ot ita crew wero lost.
Iiniuviii . . .... Hutu uuiu I,.", viiv ' . v u.b ,u h, - i , , . , . . . ,
rrtomni Uvtiita ot UbUj' cttl il fetcUj ofyVl IWAvtb ncang tbat thQ brothorUooa hao n touj roidi $i..
l tv . a,
Wheat Club $; bluestem $L70;
red Russian, $1.62; forty-fold, $1.67.
Barley No. 1 feed. $:: per ton.
Hay Timothy, $20 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 33c .
Eggs Ranch, 27c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 40c; valley,
Hops 1016 crop, 4 7c ; 11U7 con
tracts, iiomitial.
Wheat Bluestem $1.70; club $1.06; "
red Russian, $1.63'
New York. Albert O. Sander and
Charles N. Wunnenberg, indicted as
members of the Central Powers war
film exchange on the charge of en
gaging In a military enterprise and
sending spies to England to get in
formation for the German military
authorities, have pleaded guilty.
bers of the tariff commission: Pro
fessor Frank W. Taussig, of Harvard
University; ex Representative David
J. Lewis, ot Cumberland, Md.; ex-Representative
William Kent, of Kent
field, Cal.; Daniel C. Roper, of Mc
Call, S. C; E. P. Costtgan, of Denver;
W. S. Culbertson, of Emporia, Kan.
Utah OusUr Injunction Sustained.
Washington. in sustaining injunc
tions ousting Utah hydro-electric pow
er companies from forest reservationa
the supreme court upheld federal and
limited state sovereignty- in develop
ing resources iu western "public land"
Seattle Employer Held Innocent
Seattle, Wash. E. P. Erckenbrack,
manager ot the Border Line Transpor
tation company, waa cleared of any
complicity in the death ot Mabel
Howe, a domestic in hla home, when
a coroner's Jury returned a verdict
that the girl had come- to her death
through self-inflicted bullet-wound.
Dyrpepr.ia. ,
Kilting vlicli i; the state of nervous
exhaustion or great physical fatigue,
prolonged mental .strain ur excessive
gi-iet inny to suUickut to cause sovcre
Unsightly Weeds.
Ubnoxi'His weeds may be killed by
coveriug the stalks with suit. Salt
mny be used to keep down weeds by
fifttiukUua it over tbo. ground