The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 16, 1917, Image 3

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DaiMaser Service
Wo muintiiin (hut in order to justify IU existence every
institution mut perform a real acrvice to the community.
DnviH-Kimor's continued (rrowth is larjrely attributed to the
fact Hint we do perform such u aorvice, uml thut more folks
realize and appreciate thut fuct. We have never claimed
your mipitort nimply Ih'chuhu wo are a locul institution and
help to huild up our Rreut country, hut becatme, all thing
conHidered, wc give you more for your money thun you can
Ket elsewhere; becuuHe our experience enables us to help
you avoid coHlly miHtakcH, and because our guarantee of
"Satisfaction or Your Money Hack" insures you satisfaction
under any cii-cumHtanccH.
Our Spring allowing of Furniture, Rugs, Draperies,
etc., in rapidly ncaring completion. Among lutest arrival
in a splendid line of overstuffed tapcutry furniture- the
rich, restful, durable kind the kind that re fleets Rood taste
and judgment. Come and insja-ct our Spring Showing.
Piano, l'lninigri)iii, Mumc (ouiilit Hume Furnilu-r
10 im Alder SI. WAl.l.A WALLA, WASH.
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader ollice
Sixty (minimum) $0 VO
One hundred 1 20
Two hundred 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
Lloyd King, a Weston boy, has
enlisted in the nuvy.
Henry Schroder ha returned
from his visit to relatives in Mich
igan, I.iiMlro fr dressing nut on. Old
rui'M inude to look like Hew. A.
For Hale (Senile driving home,
buggy and harmtw. Mm. , Lillian
More twiHMo hewing machines
coming. See tliem a wonder.
Walt & RgeS.
Mr. and Mr. Wm. Falconer and
dauKhler of 8mkanc are guests of
the J. A. McKae.
The Win. MaeKenzUa were here
from Walla Walla Friday evening to
attend the band concert and visit
Mla Krma llcacork and Miss Joe
eplilne Rhode of Pendleton were
week rnd guests of Dr. and Mrs. S.
L. Keiinard.
Our electric washer was put to
the tett as h wedding tflft last Mon
day and Sim say. "If sure made
good." Watts & Rogers.
Man and wife, with one child,
winh steady employment on farm.
Kxericnced, Krnest Hrown,
Col. Bid., St. Johns, Oreg.
Mi Juaiw Rlchman and Mr. Will
Richman of Dayton, Wash., are vis
iting at the home of their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lleuallen.
Rev. H. S. Shangle will preach
Sunday evening at the Methodist
church on "Christian Education."
There will be- special music. All
are invited to come.
Fanners-See This Big Field
Mogul 8-16
KerowBurniBg Tractor
Another conservative mountain rancher, H. V. Compton, has ordered
an 8-10 Mogul Tractor.
OUR CASH BARGAIN COUNTER is getting more interesting. Next week we place some mail
order goods in comparisop. Come and see our 27c hop wire fence beside 40c fence.
II 3- '"'i JP V.
ft ri "" S
mm bei
Let Us Show Yon Vfcat Casb VilJ Do!
Mrs. Ruby C. March, wife of Hu- VAWV&v&M
ett March. diel at fct. Anthonv a '
Marlon O'Harra junior is getting
hpltal in Pendleton Sunday of
lurulyxis of the throat. The remains
were brought to Weston, where fun-
along nieeiy, ana win oe auie 10 re- vi8l services were held Monday af
turn home soon. His father came ternoon at the home of Mr. and
back from Pendleton Tuesday, and Mrs. Frank Taylor, parents of Mrs.
March, and were largely attended.
The sermon was preached by Elder
The Universal Car
actually delivered
to retail buyers since
his mother Is now with him.
A small crew of O-W. R. & N.
surveyors were here yesterday, get
ting information. As they gave
out none in return, the town is more
or less agog with conjecture.
agent to
Have been built and
Augunt 1, 1010.
7 hew fiifurus-320,817-reirciil the actual number of ear
NCtunxf by ui sinva Auguftt 1st, 191B, and delivered by our a
Tito unutual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes It nvceaaary
fur us to online the distribution of ear only to thoet afrenta who
hvo orders fur Immediate delivery to retail customer, rather than
io pennii any agent to siock car in anticipation of later spring sale.
I.. I... !.. ... i . i. m t .
uuiiii imii'wib, uiki me norai iiro
utes were muny and beautiful. Mrs.
March was only 21 years old, and
her untimely death is regretted hy
Eddiji Fulford of tfunflvld Is vis- munityt when. WM highly re-
rjiimi iveyn- jrarded.
Tbe Fanners Bank of Weston
U iting his sister, Mrs.
Established 1891
Wa ara Uaulng thU notice to Intending buyer that ihey may protect
iieiay or aisappoinimeni in securing f ord
rv inanniiiff to outxnaae
to place yuur order and tako dull very now.
themselves agalnat dela;
II, tnereiure, you are
to purcliaae a Furd car, we advise you
Immediate orders will have prompt attention.
Delay in buying at thi time may cause you to wait several months.
Enter your order for immediate delivery with our authoriiod Ford
agent listed, below and. yon" be disappointed Inter on-
I'MCGS-Iinnabout im.M, Touring CarHM.89.
prior to the deimrture of Mr
and Mrs. Reynolds for Alberta,
Mrs. Fulford accompanies him.
Mr. and Mr. James Kelson are
visiting at the home of C. H. Nel
son in this city. Mr. Nelson is a
pioneer farmer of Umatilla county,
of late years a resident of Alberta.
At the United Brethren Church,
subject 11 a. m.. "All." Un
ion services at the M. E. Church in
f the evening. Important announce
K ment for the following Sunday even-
Ing. Watch. F. A. Phelps, pastor.
Pythlans held a big meeting here
Wednesday, with large delegations
from Milton and Athena. The firt
and second ranks were conferred
upon Rudolph Proebstel, and the
third rank upon Walter IVamer
and Lester Wilsey. Most of the
work was done by the Milton team.
The interior of the United Breth
ren Church is being embellished
with new paint and wall paper. A
room for the primary Sunday school
class has been fitted up in the basement.
We will be pleased to assist you with
your taxes this year as formerly. If you
wish, we will secure your statements for
you, and you may pay taxes here and save a
trip to the County Seat.
Mr. and Mrs. lleorge Brutscher,
J. A. Stolp is leaving the Weston
uplands this week for worley, Idaho.
j ...I-- u - i i . i i.if : . .. r ... i r
J T Wlieit? Ill- lias ncw-v, a mmii ckiivii ivphivmw aiviii mi jr ,vhid Mi llie
A!fWmWtWVWWV of Indian land on the Coeur d'Alene Weston nleghborhood, have gone to
reservation. He shipicd a car of Newberg to make their home.
farm tools and machinery to his new
Tomorrow Afternoon
I have for sale for a client T00
shares of stock in the Weston Mer-
Feeling much encouraged, Rufus cantile Company for $450 cash.
Brown has returned from Portland, Andy T. Barnelt.
where he received a thorough med-
ical examination for stomach trou- Pianos tuned and repaired at 'rea
ble. Mr. Brown was relieved of sonable prices. First-class work
the fear that his indisposition guaranteed. A. W. Lundell, Mus.
P ease I
You Have a
In Weston
Try Helping mm
might be duo to ulcer or cancer,
and was advised that careful diet
ing would bring him "out of the
Mrs. R. G. Sal ing went to Pen
dleton yesterday in response to an
invitation to sing again for the
Thursday Afternoon Club, and ren
dered two selections from Madam
Butterfly, in appropriate costume.
The club hostesses were Mr. Wm.
McKinney and Mrs. Dr. Henderson,
and Japan wag the theme of the af
ternoon's study.
Tip regular mating ot the Mis
sionary Society of the Methodist
Church was held March 7 at the
home of Mrs. J. F. Snider. After
the business session a paper was
read on "Social Legislation Regard
ing Public Health," -and a short
discussion of the topic followed.
Mrs. E. C. Rogers and Mrs. Robert
Proudfit were present as guests,
and Mi's. IVoudfit became a mem
ber of the socjety. Refreshments
were served by Ms. Snider, assist
ed by Mrs. Gould and Mrs. Porter.
The W. C. T. U. met Tuesday af
ternoon with Mrs. Alice Price. De
votional exercises were led by Mrs.
S. L. Kennard and Mrs. Eliza Har
ris. The afternoon's program in
cluded a roll call of dry states by
Mrs. Clara Harbour; "Liquor and
the Labor Question," Mrs. Cora
Sowers: a poem, "Frances Wil
lard," by Mrs. Frank Price; part
of the address given by Miss Anna
Gordon at the national convention,
read by Mrs. R. L. Reynaud. The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Eliza Harris Tuesday,
March 27, at 2:30 p. m., with Mrs.
Cora Sowoifl at leader.
The Best Place
in Town
! To Get Candy
At Alta Stables
Pendleton, Ore.
Imported Percheron and Belgian Stallions that are extra good. Be
sides other Pei-cheron, Belgian, English Shire and Clydesdales with im
ported ancestors that are young and good, with correct pedigrees that
are desirable. One pair extra Percheron mares. If you are a customer
and want to save your money, take time to come and see me. REMEM
(If you have a stallion that you cannot use longer, I might change.)
J. R. JUSTICE, Importer - - . Pendleton, Oregon
Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant
Comfortable Reasonable Rates
J. M. Bentley, Prop. M. A. Ferguson, Clerk
Is at a the store "what has"
The Whitman Candy
Give a gift worthy
the giver.
X Odessa Kiikpatrick
s and Pran
Good Work Guaranteed.
Bring in your Films and Plates for