The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 16, 1917, Image 2

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CLARK WOOD, fuallihtr
me Nicre v
in safety,
KiuniBB. of extm session
Sis Coats Dresses
Strktlv i 'I Annc
hnl a live
The passage of the state bonding c,,rnmm.,H, rluh
.....ninii. llti'Hns M linnl SlirlnCeU Tiialiii viiiinir. uitli
Th Year J ,Khvay extending through Uma- discussion of such diverse questions
Six Month t ilia county to the tto linc-and as state road , bonds, hulk grain
Four Month w , ....:.,.. i1IH ,mo handling, a town hotel, cleaning tip
uiMuniH im nuMhods and concrete sidewalks.
. lie'0' The invitnti.Hi to send delegates to
,.20c 1 tho Pendleton road meeting having
5c If war Imllooiw ran crss tho At wnw ato for club notion. .Sim
litti, it ttt ttl II to reflect that thoy ltnrncs was directed to go to tho
Regular, per inch per insertion ...
Transient, per inch per insertion.
Locals, per line er insertion
ntffiAT. MARCS U
Enltitd t tht fstlfic title, OtJK,
i itcon cUit mall mattt r.
Tlie esteemed Fast Oregon ian has
this to say, among other things, in
a recent issue:
"One of the fine things about the
Sheldon bill is that it provides a
.mare deal for Weston, as well
other Lastern Oregon
t ..ft It.... t!t....u
can cross it from either directum- pnone am m um tvy annr
. it o . k.,ii 1 Vm if he Weston wished to be represented hi
andlWlehameanhu.ld em .f h. ()n m,ion ,.wMrnl yyl
will got in the Job. npHintod commit lee of five to
1 , , ., investigate and rert warn the
Is friend Seattle a fish, that it sU(0 ri(H( lK)m ism( ori,.r ,1lt
slundd Ih chiefly know n by its (!ill? tlte eluh may have comprehensive
information. Its mcmliers are t.. II.
Winkle, Sim J.
ur. J. M. Iriee.
apologists mai m- ...l.:n.;i t. tent..
We gather from Senator Lane's Nelson. I.. It. Van V
few apology that ho has suffered ? J;
from misrepresentation; but so
much more so has Oregon.
Feeling Is Evident That Con
gress Ought to Be on Hand
During Crisis.
Wenhlnalon.--leader nf 1'
lie In congr fiwifd with enprotal
TMlkni Wllaona rail tr a aawlal
ln on April t.
Tlo-re haa been a frrllng evident
(hat ronirrw ahould I In Waahlnr
inn hfn tho prealrient tak any at'P
further In ih German elluatlon.
Th lotidth of the aperlal aaeelon,
Ih lglIatlon It will enaet and toe
ilKhau that may mark Ha proarrM
III Hpnd lerly on lhr fartora
jimi hat Inflation the prMldcnl t- ahat rina
Wo iiiv now Hhowlng oil of the lutoht in.
HhtulfH a.f (iold. AppU. v . '.:t
I'rieeH in reach of nil.
Spiiug StyleH.
I'liy n it v
ulclrt In I In new
tllt'll'IIHO mid 111 lit'.
iiiit anil hoo nil the now
Indies' Suits
Utilies' ('mils -
Misses' t 'ints
Childivn's Coals
IjuIus' one piece
(very latest I
. $'i Utl to J7.M t'lnhhe'i's CiiikIiiiiii Hivsnea
f I . . . . 4ic imc-!ixc
,V!MM,,,7",0MiNV(iiiigliai.i Ihi-s VH,..$.pj
. .viHi i.. li nr. , ,t . Wu;)ll SuiU tl ,1,, . .
. Jl.'.IX l' l.f; t'Ki'-ll.l'.t
... . .i . .i ..i L.... . ;
Serito I'l'iw Hoys Mills (hiiiri.i i um m mi nif.i
Jf'.l.llO to Ill.To
Ui.lU-s' Silk I'oplin livs's- till
colon :'. ,i',K'
Udiea'Silk Pivnh-s in "II he i"'
shades Very latest styles
. $!l.SMl to $-.'7..M
(i to 17 - lieWiht UltlelllM
. fl.l'H to ll.'.IM
Cliililieu's I'lie piece I'lny Soils in
kliuki and imligti red Iniiinii d
t..)" Overalls '-' r.c-t'.!l,-lluys'
Overalls (iudigl r'.ic.7!''
tnwns. Our
t.n.u hv. l.mur insistel il..n nf Mexico, but we are unable
n town a ' " -
that a fair, first -handed invest ign-
to see wherein either Carratwa or
tion of their city will convince any- Ml.xirt, js ,.n(itKil to congratu
one as to the desirability of keeping '
the normal school there. The Shel- lt'wn-
dun bill provides for exactly what
thev have waved for so long. It
leaves the Un-ation of the
live propositions with regard to the
huildimr of a local hotel. An hotel
i committee was Appointed, consist ing
Carratua has been electetl privst f H. OixHlwin, Marvin lYiee and
Kalph Saling.
An exceedingly Interesting ad
dross was made by Sim J. Cttllcy.
president of the Weston Warehouse
company, on the subject of bulk
grain handling. Mr. Culley gave
In offering to give away so much the club the benefit of the large
luiul ol ntiormaiion ne una gain
ii.. i I.;.... Vi,....i
from Ihs artnlnf I i u .. ; "lt.iv v-i.ul" II. e all site 1.-.!
of morchaal ahlpa. and ih ' ' ' I i,.,v'' k...e P..i.t -all aiea .
t till IVll S HOIIl KM M - ."V ,.,.. u. t
liioi . H'c-ivc t'sc-ll .
K-Lsiem ,.r ii... i;i.i siui.-t tl... Knisi-r re- fuml ol tniorniauon ne
ft e..!,..! il. of re- , :.. i..w.f.-l ere! on mis imH.riani n.auer.
vuftwi ...w. w niiiius US (l N iTiiam iiviuiTwi...
y i ho nw hoti or rpriatiTfa
condiuta Itaoir wlih lia rranly bal-ani-d
The d'mivrnu eontrol the nr in
ii by 13 xoloa, and dplu Ha hluor
dtmi on International proMcma and
Ita fallur to pana ih armd noutrall
ty hill. It ran ho aaWy connt'd on lo
aiand Iwhlnd hr prlirnt In almoat
iihlnc h aaka In handtlna tho llrr
m.iu H.iailon. Tho llitl group of
. n mi III ihorf. hut tbnlr IMiw-
' . ......... ..n fc- ...II.
rr IO J'l'i' fipiiin -v - ...
Just received td.lnicnt of Ladies' Pivsh Skirts the latest
novo Hies J2.98 to $7.90.
gents, a Ixxly etmiposed of alsolute- 1Hirsomll?ll who ,..M, m .owity eiHH.uraging.y oi tm ip , lh mtJht un,
ly disinterested men. none of Uiem linage w ho h.ul mon generosity f vUfSlvn nt u and mb,f B th, modlflH
having any purpose to serve other than possessions. Downing. H(,ur)l rul)l ,hlrh ,hf ,doPt4.
than the good of the state. With Called upon for his dens on the ftr,nlM
such a fortunate arrangement at The band dinner and concert to- J;i ' '" v........
. c . renneycajne.
i I :. ...... A.x MitI Wihu
ihuiu iv wuuiu iivivi vvf v ai iiiorrow CVi"
mon lnV r r.. -.v to together affair for the entire
gonian refuses to lie a party to , .
Clark Wnnd'n Hialmlioa u ot aira list munuy ami wuriu i w
his town." hummer.
We fear that frankness is not ..... .
t. r . . . Tliose who kick about the
mil- ... . alfap
ning will bo made a got- nmn uiwr gave them in ablohl ' , or.
r S , . form, and they are presented, else- bul , ,,,dtr, ur mM
falling snow
to bring cold
man kaiser.
comfort to the Ger
It lronwe ,,t thai IIUIIHIJ
. i , ; poor sou s, amend the law of
tnn ii7.ll n..v..r lu. ..It.wl hv the ev"
board of regents some of whom
are known to have objected to nam
ing it in the Sheldon bill. It knows
that $125,000 would not be pro
posed in the bill for new buildings
if there were any thought of utiliz
ing the Weston plant.
However, the Leader is by no
means so obstinate that it would
refuse to modify its "peace pro
posal." It will support the Sheldon
bill if Pendleton alone will with
draw as a candidate- for the school.
To lie sure, the E;ist Oregonian
has already demonstrated its blind
ness to the wisdom of such a
course. Yet it may be brought to
see the light.
behalf of the concert
efforts in
Councilman Saling, chairman of
the street committee, was asked
itation. concerning the prosjiecta of con-
crete sidewalks on Main street, and
Revolutionists have seized the reported the outlook as encourag-
Russian government, but this is apt taf. .TfZ
iiko llttl dlffoiBf wale h parly
7" , ., Z V A ' "1 1 " j trol. hn It comaa to mtornauonai
thanks of the Weston Concert lwnd i,jiira.
the club's hiirhly successful p r
Com- ...u..-. i Ki. ..o.u.p in m.iro iletalt
Willi. Ill Vlllt7 'I'a
a social Professor Lundell tencleretl the
have been found to favor this improvement.
The railroad brotherhoods are de
termined to strike tomorrow, it
seems, even if they hit the entire
nation at a critical time.
Waahlnitoa. Offlcora of th feder
al land bank, of Hpoaan. wore ap
pointed by tba farm loan board
follow :
rrnildent. D. O. OShea. of ltd
I.ode. Mont ; lce prildnt. C. E. B.
Roberta, of Ruport. Idaho: aecrelarj,
Oanrae Jf. ' Palnuae. Wah.
rrasuror. tlaro l Prchcr, 0J 8po-
Meet the Briquet Man
Now that you haw taken our advice
and iHiught il good coal ntove 1 want you
to get belter ariiaintiHl with the Hi iijtiet
Man and bin excellent fuel, and I nm court
dent you will Ijke it m well tlutt you vjl
have no cnujie to regret the nctualntance.
Try u loail and be com inced.
P. T. Harbour
TnuriDDmif irrrDiinfiii "
lUiliUAAUn fUlbnilUWII kno
Tho oftlcrra and A. W. Caulhoro. 01
Portland. Or.. alo wrre apnoint4 ai trrawi ln X
Tlie ladies of the Saturday After- rrrlor,. TMrnor Oliver, of U (Iranda, 1 Jlf V I KFllflAniJ t
noon Club, asaisteil by the petiplc of ,PnointH riirar and attornoy Vim Mt Ifa lUailUMW f
" Weston ana vicinity, win give a p, prfhor it brothMn law of at-
(To the Alitor:) I was impress- dinner on Saturday. March 17 (St. Spnor (iponta Turnor.
ed with the editorial on "The Burg Patrick's Day.) at the opera house, R,Krdln the two Oregon appoln-
Beautiful." beginning at five thirty in the af- tP, lhB (irm nan board In a atata-
Yes, let us all get togt'llier for temoon ami continuing until all arc mn, My:
a better, cleaner anI more beautiful served. -a. W. ( authorn. dlrwtor. la peca-
Why should so fair and unselfish town. Tlie Weston Concert Itond will ry fjtud to aorvo the Spokane fd-
a town as Pendleton a town of such I would suggest that the Com- play throughout the dinner hours mi ))qj Pi, Py rrMon of his prac-
lofty sentiment and hitch ideals that nwcial Club and the Saturday Af- and everyone is earnestly invited tC, ripari-nct a baalwr and a
.. .. . . . . . ternoon Club each appoint a com- to come and enjoy the musicalso ,be edlor 0f a trm paper, Mr. CaM
it would never stab a small neighbor mjttee tQ confer wjth gtm,t fine menUi whieh wiU lncud4.. ,horn nilnler of ,he f.rm ,diu0
except in the dark or between the committee of the city council, make the Culley potatoes and in this 0f the Portland Journal, and In tbli
ribs stand in the way of the Shel- a survey of the city with a pad and delightful manner assist our band. caprity haa attained an lntlmat
don bill by permitting the suspicion pencil in their hands and take notes " Come early and stay through the knowledge of f,rin condition la tk
to obtain that it is a measure of what is needed 10 ne-hm entire concert, as there will be northwe.t."
i j r, j. . . . wiu whvic w inane vui iitwic fvtvj
cooked up by Pendleton boosters deaner md more attractive. Dinner at the usual price,
in Pendleton's interests? t i,now mmf w;ii "Oh. I SDite the hisrh cost of Bpuds.
Let Pendleton be satisfied with haven't got time." But it won't Seattlt Booli.qoir Saya Ha Oava tha
Veterioaiy Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
nnd Broad street.
Phone Main 253
its Round Ud. its Buer House, its take much time. One can go all
Elastic Consc
yon Squirm.
i'ueilci'n In all Slate ami rVitvial
uik. niM at.. u...t Mayor mw.
Elastic Conscience and Happy Can- over the town in a couple of hours. )W waH rh rvlve af Seattlo.-fleorga Vandeveer. attor-
v. uic ui.m iUW Um cu,j" 0Hk,Hj one of ciiuiniey'a ney for the Billing)? Broa., aunog
districts and individual members frPnu. "Why. they congratulated me (helr nennatlonal bootlegging opera
appointed to make a survey of al- h.-nrtlly. In fiict, one of the mem- ,ion. in Beattle. let tha bribe figure to
report to the, bera enme to in unci toMjiip that when ten,iered Mayor OIU tt 7"0, M
Time is too valuable lately to
Ik sqaundcred on dime-fed ambi
t-ven iature can t turn out a
good job in a hurry so what
chance do you stand?"
I aat down he hud anlif to himself It
wan the heat thine I had ever done."
Loudon Kntunliiy Journal.
Printer'a Problem.
Mnrie lilt u.ou u prohlum the other
lotted localities and
whole committee,
It will take a little effort to do
this, but the work is worth while
and all will proud of it after it
is done.
The committee could get up post
ers a-lting lortli tlie various auvan- ,iiy ,ll0re pi-rploxlinf thnn George H
tages of cleanliness to our town, uiiole dumpling. She peered hetweea
The above somewhat confusing designate a clean up week and have the uncut leaves of n ningazine ond
mVrams are laltn fr,.m me Doys deliver a posw W every, now: -aioiner, no uia niey ever gel
. . . , , , , family in town a
,KC i im ii i ivauiman , weeaiy ,ho w..k i,.,! if thIs (s (i.m(. i
batch of sapience. In one place believe the city will pay for print
he wants us to go ahead, whether ing the posters and hauling the gar-
right or wrong, and in another to "W- away,
family in town a ilay or two before the prlntluB In thiire?"
an Bllllngiley testified under i'ro
examination at the handa of Wllroon
Tucker of the itatr of six ahrewd at
tornayi conducting the defanio. and
by whom the wltatas was kept under
a fire of queitlona through.
"Don't offer tho mayor leaa," Logan
quoted Vandeveer aa warning.
The teatlmony waa a aurprlse (
the attorney! for both the defenao and
prosecution and It created a tarna
tion among tho apectatora.
RlllinRKley explained that the rea
tpif fte K' ,hf f")"r n,'t $4000 aa
Before Preiflnij Your Suit ; ;
You'll win her if we do ; :
the work.
t i t . ;.. ..i i ii
a suave, iiHir-i'ui ;uui
shine would help.
to your measure
R. L. Reynaud
-iHhm fr flirC SI AH OH nJ rwFl
vn iMirtilajtrttHf, Ilnoli nfvr
ihtrfrwlwuailUMItHiw. wlwt lu tiHtt
ATIMT Lawviaa.
1303 Seventh St., Waiblnnton, D. C. 1
"Call a taxi!" Ufa M. Hrido'a la al
ways nt your iliMiil, I'honw pg.
Physician and Surgeon
Olllco In Wntl building
vviiSTON . . OkEUON
make haste slowly. These and oth-
The rubbish should be put in
er similar examples of Kaufman dlu(J convenientiy. Any 0d worn
wisdom are sufficient to indicate saek that isn't much good for any-
why so persistent if not consistent thing else, can be used.
a mentor is not the captain of
industry he would have his readers
to become, but is coiiiwlIvd to
scribble for a living.
In the Circuit Court of the State of guged vl berauae his frotber ob,
iiT i rToi , . . Jedcd to aeparatlng from ao larga
Myrta M Barto, I'laintiflT, vg. Jackaon
Barto, Dcfandant. ,uro-
To Jackson Barto, Defendant above
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
Hiram Johnion to Keep Senate 'oat.
Racramenio. Cat. Reports emanat-
Let every family in town apiwint You are hereby required to aoncar and inc from S.cramento that Hiram
themselves a clean up committee; f '"w" the coinpfaint of the plaintiff jhnon was planning to relinquish
clean up their front mid backyards. "l sra.ea aenator.hlp elect la
Pick up all the old broken Inmrda ffj' ttJmmJJ, favor of maafr Rowel., of,
and sticks strewn over the pretn- to-wit: on or before Fridav. the 27th anrf to retain hla nreaant noat aa aov-
: 1 .1.. a r . a it... J a :i mi i '..r .
im-ip aim iiu na iit&: uic manure uay vi nvtn, wnii n you wmi wkc crnpr, brotigh forth ft Ulmot from
piles mai nave oeen inrow
the alleys during the winter.
are an eye sore; a menace to health plaintiff for want thcroof will apply to
and breeding place tor Hies, Ih-shJos tlie Court for the relief prayed for aixl on Killed, Flva Hurt In Wrack.
violating a city ordinance. SJ?l'U&i: inrA- 0r- mn w" "
Itenair tumble down fdices-or ".J.'.. 'V..:? .?Llt ".. tn? "J',r .a tu. i ,i i . ,.i.h,
maW m.o-hf - in ihui Mil, li i ..,.. it ''ll." " oi niair inony
....e..v, -..v. ... .t "- n.v.ii no;, now aim norcioiurc exmiiiiK itetwceii voorbiea, one mile from
Instead of a
Winter comes to
broken backbone,
bat with a bent
: manure aay,oi prn, wu; ana you wiiiisse ,rnpr, brought fori h a ttment from
vn out in nuliai t.hlat ''' "l'pcr tt."d the governor that the report vat
ti,,,,, answer the said complaint or otherwise 7" u ,
r' . , 7 plead thereto within said time, the "wholly and absolutely false,.!?
"Let us have faith that right
(inn mllft from Mirifnrrl
us dare do our duty as we under- lng anywnere near uie center 01 ine planum anu oeienuant, and lor oilier when the axle of a car holding a beam
stand it."-Abraham Lincoln. tmeTlOO S h Phahed pursuant -
piacts will De improved IWW percent. u,MOtdermade in this cause by Hon- W cara of northbound Southern Pa
One miirht observe that the Ger- P -,epe1d m,uch th orable Gilbert W. Phelpa, Circuit clflc freight. All the men were waa
une migni oDserve mat tne i,er- Clty CoUnc,i. As a rule they are Judge of the above entitled Court, derera.
man government is a good deal of doing the best they can with the The first publication of this summons '
an ass 11 iui
ass could lie so means at hand, and will meet the
will be made in the Weston Leader on
That ruthlessness is chiefly dan.
gerous 10 ine uerman submarine least: "A clean up
19 indicated by the fact that m one ton way.
Till lllt-v-l UIC .-. .I.. ,fl. j.. . ,,
, 1 ... . , . riiuAT v.ic lutii uuy vi ivinrcii, tail,
Ieople half way on anything that aJMj the last publication will be made
is to the best interest of the com- on Friday the 27th day of April, 1917.
munity as a Whole. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 14th
Let our slogan be for awhile at a' 01 ""
day is Wes
3. W.
Wiix M. Pbtkkson.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Pwstoffits addrsi; Piindlwtyn, 0r.
facifle Railroad! Need Not Divorce.
New York. Tho government ault to
.divorce the Central Pacific railroad
from the flouthern Pacific haa been
wan by the railroads, J. I. Blair, gen
eral counsel for the Southern Pacific
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1866
Athena, Oregon . Wailsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluotstem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest'.
Sold in Weston by
Weston AWcantilc Company