Weston SLeade R VOLUME 31) WESTON. OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH lfi, 1M7 NUMBER 40 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALJNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mitlon of Our Reader. I Grande h M atyle show Monday and Tuesday. A mne waa Instituted ta Kuaeburt recently In eiahllh public library. 4 The Tule lk land drawing at Klamath Kalis will probably be held between Apt II ft and SO. l b iblnl annual inwilni of th Ore inn Coworkers' association will be blt In Kugnn. March II anil 1. 1 ho aiaam i hoonr Horace X. Hes ter launched fmm the Kruso Banks shipyard at North ll'-nd lajit l.'r ('. Jones, it I'srlfle unlvar- won, (ha auuual roiilesl n( lha Htate oratorical aseovlatlon held al f'iralll. A rougsr entered the nernard at lb Felix Hparke farm, near Blue rir, a few nights ago. and killed fle large hogs. Fong Wo. agr.l n, killed, ami another Chines ahni through the lag '0 fowling affray In Portland s Chinatown. Tba Buttercup fair) prod ur is com pany plana to build a milk eondenaery at aotue point In th Coqultle valley In the near future Th war department haa granted permission to lh rltle of Mamhfkld and North Hend lu use the Coo hed military reservation for park pur pose. No president of Pacific university will he rhnn for lh' coming school ar to succeed Dr. Miarlm J. Iluh nll. roaliunl, who will leave the In ai Hut Ion next HfptriulM-r. Declaring that h haa been hamper d by Major J. A. Best, rather than auptorta4 In hi afforla to enforce the law. Chief ol Police Tom tlurdao Of Pendleton baa resigned. By a vote of (I to 1 th people of rtackaniaa fount y school district No. 4. Wet Linn, authorised the aal ol 114,000 school bonds for Ihe conelruc lion of a modern grammar arhool. riant for a l)l "community alng," In which hundred of voice will par tlclpala, either aa an attraction during the strawberry festival or aa a ep arata event nave been Marled at Hoe burg. After ipandlng tha night In tba city Jail following hla arrest on a charge of drunkenness. John F. Albright, eounellmsn from lha flral ward, waa expelled from hla aeat In the Oregon City council. Allan C Kopklna, of tha school el commerce of lha University of Oregon, haa been conimlaaloncd by Ihe United State department of agriculture to conduct a survey of tbe potato Indua try In Oregon, Tha Polk county court haa decided to flgbt the. action for a writ of man- damua to compel tbe county court a of Polk aud Marlon count Ice to atari tba building of tbe Salem bridge acroaa the Willamette. No fatal accldenta occurred In the Induatrlea of Oregon laat week, ae cording to reporta received by tha atate Industrial accident comnilaalon. A total of 130 accident were reported Uurlng the week. Taxpayer of aeveral counties In tho late are contemplating availing them eelve of (he provlalona of law, pained by the recent leglalalure. auth oring tha examination and audit of ootinty book and recorda. With wheat and oats bringing a re cord price lait aeaenn l.lnn county farmer are working hard for a big acreage the coming harvcit, and more fall grain haa been planted In that county than for many year. To encourage the' Industrial club work among tho achonl children of Albany, the Flrat National bank of that city haa grec"d to lend the money lo any member of an Induatrlal club who wnntn to lake itp pig ralalnsr. loyalty to country, support of Presi dent Woodrow Wilson In the present International crisis, and preparedness were the themes of the aesslon of the Oregon conference of the Daughter of the American Revolution at Eugene. Vuleaa there la an early change for aiiiiiisiliinN will lie hclil at I'orlliinil ftiikwr or Klnmalli KalU. r'keuiptlou of ships and vessels from law other than Ihuae levied for state Virpoea under Ihe ship tag ageniptlon iidiuent psssed by the people at ih lust general election, doea not h? ! m ffectlte prior lo Ihe levy am' collection of tales on assessment msde March I. 117. Taxes for all purposes, levied on assessments of ucb ships and vesaela a of March I. till, are subject to collection aa here HOPE FOR THE BEST, PREPARE FOR THE WORST. BRIEF VAl NEWS Insurance Commlsslnner Harvey Wells hsa reported Hint during the month of r'ehrusry there were 33 fires, In 23 town of the state, wtth a Ions aggregating 1324. loo. The greatest fire loss during Ihe month was a fliu, 0oo box factory al Astoria Representative MrArthur bus writ ten to Ihe secretary of the treasury urging that a branch of the Kali Fran cisco federal reserve hank be estab llshed at Portlaiid. HiikIiii-ss Interests of Portland are urginu this project upon the Oregon iti li(.'nt.n At a mass ineetlnii at Hood lllier, With representstlvrii pren-nt from etery rural rominunlty, a ismiislKn to aid the pssssge or Ihe ltM'i.00 bonding act was Isunrhed by the nr ganliatlon of the Hood II her County (2iio Itoads sssorlstlon. II. A. Wsrd. of the United Hlatra bio Wleal survey, department of agricul ture, haa been In Josephine county working with County Agent ('. I). Thompson in organising a campaign against squirrels and other rodents that are destructive of farm crops. Dr. Darld N. Roburg, atate health officer, haa been named one of a com mittee or alx lo conduct Investigations Into Infujitlle paralysis fvr premuta tion before the coufyrenec of stale and provluclsl health Officers of North America at Washington early lu Juno. A footbridge, said to I hi ihe longest of Ha kind on tbe Pacific roast. If not In Ihe country. Is being built acrona the Rogue river at Agnesa. It Is of woven wire supported on pillar. The Oinln span la 365 feet In length, and th two aacbor of tbe bridge are 633 feet apart. At a Joint meeting of the Grant County Good Itoads aaeoclation and the county court It was decided to sub Dill to the voter of the county, at tho atate apeclal election In June, the prop osition of a bond Issue it JH'i.Ooo. to be used In the construction or tbe John Day highway. Aa Oregon haa received from tho government Indemnity land amount ing to S6l3 acres more than tbe valid base given by the slate, Attorney Gen eral Drown haa advised the clerk of tbe state laud board to comply with the request of tbe department of tbe Interior lo make np the deficiency. Professor (J. R. Ilyalop, chief In farm crops at ihe Oregon Agricultural college, ha returned to Corvalll af ter two weeks spent In eastern Oregon lu promoting the system of bulk hand ling of grain. Professor Hyalop re ports that everywhere tho bulk-handling Idea waa received with open arma. Mayor K U Swartxlander, of Ihe Umatilla Indian reservation, has re ceived word that the Indian appropria tion bill baa passed congress and pro vision will soon be made for allotting the tribal landa on tho reservation to tbe members or the tribe, Kach un allotted Indian will get land not ex ceeding 80 acres In Ihe spring. Governor Wlthycombe bus appoint ed the following aa delegates to the annual meeting of the American Acad emy or Political and Social Bclencea to meet In Philadelphia: P. I.. Camp bell, president of the linlverslty of Oregon; W. J. Kerr, president of the Oregon Agricultural college; W. T. roater, president or Heed college; Mrs. A. C. New-ill, Portland; Mra. U. R. Alderman. Portland. With the contention that Ihe lands of the lower Klamath marshes were ceded by the atate lo tho federal gov ernment for the purpose of reclama tion, and that they cannot be dealt with except In accordance with the reclamation law, Representative Sin jiott la working for Ihe exclusion of the national bird rescrro near Klam ath Falls. The bird reserve occuple a territory of moro than 25.000 acres. Standing on a point or land over looking tbe Pacific highway and tho confluence of the coast fork and the middle fork or the Wlllnmctte river, Darwin Rrlstow, or Eugene, son or aw ' - & .- u T . .. V,- . j- f ill i r?yfs2v fed llery uuU un are In prog- IU entire Auctro-Itallan AFRICAN SAILORS TELL OF SUFFERINGS I.( -,il tirti rmi alng front. The .NVrweufiiii nti-amer Htarsiad, a Ufii'.ian rcii-f ship of 2 ton, with Men Report Severe Treatment oi.e -Min ricaii o.-i bbnru, lias bct-it sung t-y a Biiliiiiarlni;. Kx Premier Veniielos. of Cn-ecc, wlio Ih now vi the hea l it tho pro vi' i,ual iiO-.-m:,!. i.t at H.il ,!,l!tl, myn tliH.e "rM of io.Mii (jri-cks will aid th-.- Milente (i!l!e. In an u'lvaii'c on front of mure tlian three mll.s I: the Am-re rc;;ion in Frame, ., troos nttai ke.l and Cujtured (he vill.-e of Irie, north- C-BRt of (iriiil'Ieourl. A Mii-.sliiiiK Mow struck by the Pici.f li lu tie.- Champaync- t i?ion on Thursday r!Uiii d in the. capture of ; -1 1 1 a 1 1 positions on u front of nearly a ui.le to a depth of C'.-v t toy yards. Austrio mIihoi plve i;p l,i-r rlfht to iijk 'eiii.-my un-r haul men," she de clared In her reply to tin; American Hide on more rc eived at the state de partment. Au.itria docs not however, Inclule merchant thl;n under this rlglii. llenec. authorities are Inclined to feci that Shu !ia tretthd a point In order to in. t t;ic AiiK-ricau effort to avoid a l.uai:. U. S. SHI? U-BOAT VICTIM Harding in Brooklyn Daily Eagl. Ing a life' sentence (or killing William Booth, confessed to nisnnlsniilifer In the circuit court at Mc.Mliuivlllc for her part in the killing of her husband, and was sentenced to in Indeterminate sentence of from one to 15 yearn. She was once convicted of murder In the second degree, but the. supreme court reversed the judgment, aivl Mie plead ed guilty to tho lesser charge. Distribution or architectural work on state buildings to be constructed hss been made by the Stale Heard or Control. U W. Thompson won the' work on a 120.000 building at the soldier' borne; llntir.lituling Dougan. or Portland, received the con tract for tho amusement hall addition and tubercular pavilion at the Oregon state hospital, ll.tofto; Fred .-kk. of Salem, work at the school for feeble minded, 130.000, and W. C. Knighton, of Portland, work on a $icoo baru at the eastern Oregon honpital, at Pendle ton, a $4000 building at the prnltentl ary and some small work at the train ing school and tho tubercular sanatorium. cart icri, tho man ru-l-i 'l imo tne eov eriior's office, tiovtrnor l,!u-r nd to the office of State Auditor C. W. Clatihsi-u. A. W. Colder, an employe of tbe (at; houbv, open! iieollations with tin- man in an attempt to get htm to Come oi.t. At first be refused, saying he feared he would bo shot, but fin- the governor. ai: siitrt-iiif rf . for hiit atuiik tu Steamer Algonquin Sunk by Shell Fire From Submarine. London. The Ameriean steamship Alge.iu.uin has bei-n sunk without warning by a German submarine. The crew was saved. According to advie, from Ply mouth, the German submarine open ed fire upon tho Almjiiin from a dltai!ce of 40C ynri!. firiiiR about 10 sliellf. These wcru not sufficicut to sink the steamer, o she was board ed by men from the submarine, who placed four bombs, and the Algonquin was then blown up. The crew was given plenty of time to leave the vessel. From Captors in German Prison Camps. Zurich, Switzerland, via Pari. La den with present abowered upon them by tbe Hwlss. 9 of the Yarrow dale prisoner arrived In Zurich. Al though emaciated from their Imprison merit and lack or food since their ar rival In Germany on December 11, they are In lair condition. Tbe men told or the severe treat ment to which they bad been sub jected In the German prison camps, and where they, as Americans, they said, were apparently singled out from all others. During their stay la Ger many, they reported, they had sub sisted on one allowance or soup dally and had made their long journey to the border on one auch "meal." There waa hardly one of tbem who at one time or another, they declared, bad uot relt the rist of a German camp guard, and the squad or ttve soldier which brought them to the border bad exercised the privilege or abusing them up to tbe last possible moment. Since their entrance into Switzer land, at Rorebaeh. tbey say, they have been royally treated by the Swls. The party Include all or tbe Amer ican detained except one seaman named Bulleat, or a French Canadian family, claiming to have been born in Massachusetts, who at the last mo ment was held in Brandenburg. GENERAL MAUDE - "sis'.. ,,0ai1(n - I L..M.......,... n,..,.,,! MEXICANS ELECT CARMNZA Old Residents Say It la First Real Election Ever Held In Mexico. Mexico City. General Vcnustlano Carranxa was clecic-J president of Mexico by an overwhelming vote. Although the voters had the privi lege of writing in or declaring any name they desire t, General Carranxa received all but a few scattering bal lots. The estimated vole cast runs nil the way from several hundred thousand to a million. Many old resident declare it was the first rciil election ever held in Uils country. Reports from various parts of the republic Indicate thai there waa no disturbance or intimidation. Mexico will now have a constitu tional president for the first time since It'll, when Krumisco Madero received more than SOO.OuO votes. Railroad Trainmen May Strike. New York. Information received by the mitlowtl cinifTcnco committee, composed of nii'iin.'.eis of the great railway systems, mid made public, in dicates thai tho four railroad brother hoods have completed arrangements for a progressive series of strikes, to begin at 6 o'clock, eastern time, on Saturday night. If the conference on the eight-hour quest-on held here fails to reach a satisfactory agreement. Strike to Reach Coast Next Week. Portland, Ore. Information receiv ed In Portland from the cast .was to the effect that if the railroad strike Is called on the eastern roada ' next Saturday night nnd no settlement is effected ineauwhitc, It will reach the Ta iific coast and northwestern roads by Wednesday of next week. BRITISH CONTINUE GAINS ON SOMME British Headquarter in France, Via London Tbe ridge overlooking Ba paume from the northwest, which haa come to be looked upon by the British : as a sort of promised land ever since the battle of the Somme began last July, ha passed in the hands of Gen eral llaig'a troops. For the first time since the great struggle on this rront opened the British have the advantage or the highest ground and can now look down upon lht famous German strong- -hold and a wide extent or the country beyond. British officer believe that they are now in a position to take Ba- ' pauuie whenever the word la given. In this latest forward movement tbe British have taken possession ot the noted Loupart wood, consisting or great clumps or trees situated on the shoulder or the high ridge and over looking the entire Somme battle rront German Crew is Sentenced. Florence, S. C blight officers or the steamship Llcbcufels, sunk in Charleston harbor the night of Jan uary 31 Inst, were sentenced to a year in the Atlanta federal penitentiary and to pay a fine of $300 each. They were convicted of Sinking a vessel in a navigable stream in violattou of tho navigation laws. COUNT ZEPPELIN Score Killed, Many Hurt by Tornado, Newcastle, Ind. More than a score or persona were killed and 20 were seriously Injured, some fatally, in a tornado which wrecked 300 residences in this city. The property damage is estimated at $1,000,000. General Mauds, Commander of the British troop which captured Bagdad from th Turks. ARMED MAN FORGES WAY TO GOVERNOR Germans Retire on Wide Front. London. A further retirement of the Germans on a frmi of between 4000 and BOflO yards r.ud to an un known depth was reported by a Kou ter dispatch from the British front in France. THE MARKETS. Olympla, Wash. Charles Waguer, who also gives hi name as Lens, de claring that ho would shoot If anyone iha ht tr In th weather, atockmen one or the earliest pioneer families or came near him, walked from a cafe- of Grant county will meet with a Lane county, recited ome llttlo known terla on Main street two blocks to heavy loss. The situation I already history of early day, a he made the serious. Many of the atockmen have principal addres In the dedication of only aufriclent hay for another week a bromo marker at Coryell Point, or 10 days" feeding. erected by the Lewt and Clark chap Oregon boy between the agexf M ter of th Daughter of the American and 2S who desire to become second Revolution. lieutenants In lh marine corps will Mr. Anna Booth, ot Wlllamlna. hava opportunity to tak a coinpetl- jointly charged with William Branson, Uti mSBiUtiOA-iiii lfl -I4JL f44fttlf CWlYiCtel otrdjr, njjtrv. tho capitol, followed by two police men, and forced his way Into Gover nor Lister' private office, with a 38 callbcr revolver In his hand. The man enterod the offices of Sec retary Irwin W. Zleuhuus. who tried to prevent him galuing access to the governor's office. Drwlf g ft revolver from, bag bo Portland, Wheal (Mtib $l.Ct; Vluestein $1.67; red Hnsslan, ?1.BS; forty-fold, $1.63. Barley No. 1 feed, $3S.t0 per ton. Hay Timothy, 20 per tou; alfalfa, $16. Butter Creamery, "9c. Eggs Hunch, 25c. Wool Eastern Oregon, 40e; valley, 40e. Hops 19K crop, 338c; 1!U7 con tracts, nominal. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem $1.71; club $1.64; forty-fold, Sl.6-1; red Knsslun, $1.61; rife, $1.64; turkey red, 1.71. Barley $3S per ton. Butter Creamery, 3Sc ' Eggs 28c. i' s -V (V- :l--if- . BRITISH CAPTURE BAGDAD Principal Turkish City In Mesopota mia Is Taken by General Maude. London. As the climax of it sen sational drive against the Turks, fol lowing the capture of Kut-el-Amara, the British army under General Maude occupied Bagdad early Sunday morning. Bagdad is the chief Turk ish city or Mesopotamia. After announcing the rail of Bag dad in the house of commons Andrew Donar Law, chancellor of the ex chequer, said there was every reason to believe that two-thirds of the Turks' artillery had fallen into the hands of the British or had been thrown into the Tigris. German Raiders' Removal la Asked. Washington. Formal request for the removal from the Philadelphia navy-yard of the interned German commerce raiders Prince Kite! Fried rich aud Kronpriux Wilhelm. or the 700 men comprising their crews, was made personally to Secretary Daniel by Mayor Smith, or Philadelphia, on the ground that they constitute a menace to the safety of the city. Count Zeppelin, Inventor of th air chip which bear hla name, who died In Germany last week. Navy Is Preparing for Coast Patrol. Washington. Preliminary steps have been taken by the navy depart ment toward contracting for the quick construction of 100 or more ,high speed coast patrol-boats of a new typt for scouting against submarines. Labor to Stand By Country in Crlai. Washington. Organised labor in America, through its representative in conference here, offered Its serv ices to the country in every field of activity. This offer is made in the event that despite all endeavors and hopes, the United States should be drawn into war. China Break With Berlin. Washington. China has severed diplomatic relations with Germany and taken possession of all Geruan ships In 8tiauhai. Harry Thaw Declared Inaan. Philadelphia. Harry K. Thaw waa adjudged a lunatic by the common pleas court of this city and, under the law, cannot be taken to New York on requisition to stand trial on charges of assaulting Frederick Gump, Jr., a hlsa gcbaul student, t Kansas City,