X 7J t Y Y Y Y LJ LJ t t Y Y Y I at the time when the price of high. We were fortunate in This will be good news just all leather products is going sky X having a good supply of shoes on hand before the war prices went into eiiect. Many of these are what we call "short end linos"-just a few iairs of a kind. In order to make room for Spring goods we must close out these lines. They are the cream of many good lines well known to shoe buyers-such makes as the Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole, the famous Selby for women, District 76 for children. All in fact are better shoes than can be bought today for nearly a third more money. We want to reduce our stock-in fact, we want the money; so out they go at a saving to you of from 50c to $2.00 it pair less than the new price. It will pay you to look these over. ft f Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ROGER! firioTI m A good shoe for a woman for $1.98. A good shoe for a man for $2.39 to $5.00. Children's shoes accordingly. Never too much trouble to show yov anything in the Grocery Depart ment. Our time is yours and we are here to serve you to your entire satis faction; so do not hesitate to ask to see anything and everything. We always try to have hi ham! tin- latest of j, - - . . - - - V ... ! the best the market affords in Plain and Fancy llrwcnes, First Stowing of ninety I bestImts For Boys and Young Men Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Mrs. Rabb will be here this week with a splendid showing of millinery, representing Miss Moore of Walla .Walla. It is her purpose to fill your wants in that line this season, and she is here really before the season opens to learn the wishes of the trade and supply you to your utmost satisfaction. Mrs. Rabb is a milliner of rare abil ity and we are pleased indeed to announce to our custom ers that she will be with us this seasoiTwTth a very choice selection of hats of the newest and best models designed for this season's wear. Do not hesitate to call and talk with her as to your wants for this season. SERVICE is our hobby. Wo dote on it. Nu consists In being able to give our customer:- what tl Our constant aim is if'l your order to you promptly ly what you order. Our every ilny performance tt (.ihmI ,mT ice call for. and i ut l the kiiul of service the kiml of goods ami values this store for more. that will bring yuu hack to .J Wc received only yesterduy a ship ment of these splendid suits for Uya. These suits have a reputation for style and service that have made them most desirable and we are fortunate to have them for our customers. They are be injr marked and placed on display and we shall be triad indeed to show then). The price is no higher than has been asked for ordinary clothing for boys. Do not blame us for the time of the year. They are tin up! Spring is near. Hn.r trend e- of tjreeii v-getab!' this best the market nilunk Cheer II you have a kick coming almut the groceries i.r our service, please let us know. It helps us to hear about our hoi tcomings once in awhiU-. We axe buying some line parsnips and carrots from our friends the farmers. Cheaper than potatoes, and a jrood suil;.iituto. TQ'M OA trapcp CJ3 Cp-g Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y z With two "&tage coons" in the i BREVITIES J at th when i t&'ittSESiZSg! FRIEND JIM SAYS NOTHING ABOUT KENTUCKY BOURBON Mr. ami Mrs. Anson B Woods avenue having re- H0T1CC TO! rUBUCATIOK lH'trtiiii'it "( tlio liiturn'r, U.S. I.nnil Oltiio t l.n ir(iiulr. Or., Ituvumbrr i. It'Ki. r ? cast, "Molly" and her fellow actors Were SUrroiindiHl hv rln ilarlfnK e lights wpnt n..t-nrm. reai uieir home on Itoyer .i k,.,.. ,.t .u.. u.u m nana waua " J W.U.TV Wl UK IllfJII Willi, . - Vl.l ll l,- U l.....l.u ..I. II.,.. I,..,...,l. Three .sc-wing machines sold in Nothing daunted, the Mignonette -""oiornm. j. , McUanie wnli from Uu- (); -mc. Z two days last week '0 to 45 dol- R'kan players brought out a "One hundred dollars wouldn't abetntown, Kentucky, that he is K. . I. No. I. Vt.tu,., Own, tl.t, lars W & R " - kerosene 'amp and went ahead with buy my motor washer if I couldn't viHitinff hi old home again after an un th &ih ilny uf rVhmaiy. Win, nl a well-staged, well-acted tnd truly get another."-Prof. Lundell. (He absence of eighteen years, and finds 1" thw offlco Swrii MiiiUniw.i hikI Ah Vernie Marr was in town this delightful comedy. Our dramatic got it of Watts A Rogers; whoopee!) many changes. , It has Ihh'h a had gg ",'vf;" ' ;i ''""Ij ' 4 week on h.s way to Durkee, where critic is enthused over the perform- , w , , winU-r there, he says, with many NortV 'ltn i i:..nt. WnWtu 'l. ne contemplates locating. ance, but was called down bv our a.L V , . . C suduen changeamnn 40 above to ri.lmn, nnd thu timber thortmi. umkr "Now vn n hnv vn.irdf foreman while hurrivmr to eet to o"..0' " - it-ro in 24 hours. He visited the ih. ,rovwl..M. of thy ad of Ju.. 3. a J jV-m... mm - - kMTtlLL ML Illf" rtftTlT IWlllin l.lf tt . .1 .1 I I Mi M ll1 Uft m tt If t t li I II 1 1 ltl bushel of wheat or half a sack of press, and we are unable to give vnt nf i m 7 tZ...Zu " ?''n01" cave anu me uncpm , , . - ., j- " , ' election by a m TM aF lift A 1C TU .1. ... . Iht "1 mi mr itrttl SImhh I uu ' itl mu spuds," writes Henry Dowd of lne tnena players the notice they mrt of .li.ip-i r. " R "I ve wi value . n.iKlit be Used l.y npi-roUe- Washtucna in sending one and a-half desem.- individually and collec- KiL anin tanSfi. f'Wnn lpc who had mo.,1 .,hI tVt . im.Hm.nt f. mul, .,. simoleonsforhksiihKcnnrion Hnh' tive y for the success of their hi. " " dtu tn recoiuer- contributed to the eri-ction of Lin- licuti..i., tlic luiul h.i.I timUr tluiv.-M simoieons tor his subscription. Huh! J -flrT, tuT ? "r nis- ship, and we are tn-ginning to won- coi,.'- monument h"vo appriiiwd. nt il.to.w tl. As though e are. going to waste trionic offering. The between act der how he doeJJ t . n s inumint. Umhvf Hi) (m b),i,d fwt , our hard earned dough on luxuries specialties were also of a high order m , , Mr- McUaniel intended going to XM ftur M ,, ,ho ,,, mM, t(llt of that sort. of merit. The Athena I'ress reports that New Orleans to see the Mardi Oras, hM iipplirant will offi-r linnl irf in the serious problem of rabies erad- and from there to San Antonio, xnpimrt of hi np.i-iiil.m niid wuni A company of Milton players un- Lnder the auspices of the Satur- ication still confronts the Athena Texas, to visit a brother whom he "l?'u,,,;"1 "!' 2IhI ili.y of M.u. h der the direction of Miw Hlondcll day Afternoon , club a gieat commu- vicinity and the east end of Uma., has not mm for for 24 years. He iL.J'uZTi Richey gave an amusing comedy at mty 8upp..-r will be wrveil at Wes- tilla county. A horse afflicted with will be in San Antonio two weeks, iwwiC?. iw. t Weston op.-ra house Monday even- t-m oma house the evening of St. rabies was killed at the Dean Dud- and after a day or two in Los An- Any pvrm is nt liberty to Vn,t, i ing for the lament of the Weston f atrit-k s Day, March 17, for the ley place last week and Milt Swag- tfeles intends to strike back for thin purcluwe before t-ntrv, or ii.itluic a and Milton bands. One of the best benefit of the Weston Concert Kami. vart. kMlo.l u mmi i. . rm j... "miol iM Onumn " content Ht unv tinio before miient i- .. - .... .... ..... r u t'4 "mV n 1.TT UOIB rv"" ' ' ivbhi . - . bits of acting in the niece was that While the club will have ircneral nr, Tim. ..A :., V....I....L.. i... uc.i, ny iiiiiiu romiboi nt of Mr. Carl Hicks in portraying a direction of the affair, it is hoped ' savs. for those who have nvil.i..,f i ..Vl'l.?.!!!'!.."'' IlKWimmrimnlUsn ml .kiiwI..! I,u Il. .u... ii i . ... . " "vu-iu iiiu yiuj . .,,t,w-,a uiai ,mllfl ten, nut evcryuimg they have to The next meeting of the W. C. T. cvery Ia!,y. ,n c?mm""'ty will IIPI Aflil FfFWN FIflTF vy high. Tobacco is high- U. will be held at the home of Mrs. iralt " aKirig it a success w a mm w than it was ever known to be be- Alice Price Tuesday, March 13, at I?- i ,DanV, m.ay hnow 2-30 n m All mmw ami tnat ,ts fr,ends and well wishers are .., , friends'ofTlie union hiv cardial t ,lion' The fm,d will he donated. u Weston Uplands, March S.-H. lZt iZ rL Zl cv dollar of the proceeds W. Leea,,d Charles May were IV, completed at this meeting for the W1" g" lnt tne band treaury. il ii Mil In v tL fuel which V. S. UlINN, Iteglhtcr. S oil Meat iarkel I le Beef I Mutton, Veal I rd Poultry I ay and Thursday 1 ur Prices I I. I i H l:il,iMI by B !' Iilliil I'liutru. B illll.'1'i rt oil nil lie I ifU r :io (luy. Perry I dletion v isitors the hrht of the week Professor Maybcrry spent the week end with his family in Milton. Mr, and Mrs. tt. W. Lee are mov. ing to the Shed Price place. Jake Narkaus spent Saturday and bushel, and Sunday at the Lausdale home. Miss Mary tansdalc was a week end visitor with her mother here. Miss Agnes Schneider is six-nd. in? a few weeks in Athena. Mrs. Martha Ferguson is a week end guest at the home of her sister- fore, and some growers made $150 an acre off land that could Ih; bought for $ 25. Fat hugs sell on the Lou isville market for $12.40 per hun dred, and sheep and cattle in pro iwrtion. Potatoes are $2.50 to $3 per bushel at country shipping points; apples $3 a box, flour $10.25 per barrel) corn $1.10 per beans 15 cents tier pound or two jxiunds for 25 cents. Mr. McDaniel adds that he has been running around so much the Ix-ader cannot keep up with him always and he misses it greatly, as it is just like a "letter from home." HOTtCE OP FMAt, SETTLEMENT entertainment of the state speaker, This has been the snowiest win who will visit Weston some time ter in the Ulues during his 17 this month. ' y,i-s of mountain e xperience, ac- At a luncheon of merchants and cording to C. W. Avery, who came their wives in I Grande Tuesday, 'lown Wedninday from the Plue Senator Walter M. Pierce launched Mountain sawmill. He says there a boom to have I-a Grande mad" the ,H ""w i: a'ha,f feet of snow home of the normal school which "". a ,tv('1 '" tll- timln-r around the will be located in Eastern Oregon "r ",ort' "'an double the nor by the regents if the Sheldon bill ,nal depth at this season. At the carries. Walter boosted his home "PP 5,1,1001 bouse the fences are town as follows: "GorrarhiVnllv stl" covered, and at some places in , ....If t ... coo Kumt iti ilie l socially, financially and every other tnc mountain roads the snow drifts jn.aw ;n Alm.na way uranue .oo.ns ci me ,g- - Twtdoy aftrnvHrn Mrs. It. K. En. ical home of the proposed normal." Upon orders from the xherifTa glih entertained in honor of Mrs Since last reports the following office two unknown men were ar- B. W. Lee. Those present were subscribers have helied to lubri- rested yesterday in the Dry creek Mr. and Mrs. Eph Tucker and cate, as it were, the Leader's mod- neighborhood by Constable Fuson daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and i... ...... i and landed for the niirht in thn !. m... r . -n ii..; ..L...i cal hostile. Tti-v iim u:l. ... .. ti.... ... ... oersigneo Hum may uieir raiM-uve wiauows never - ,. mu, ram. ivoy may, wrs. MarK and renort as executrix of tho utmvn grow less: w. m. lavis, jwrs. t.va " iwi iienuerson, ivirs. joe nyatt, Mrs. namea estate; and that tlm above enti- V. Harman V X. Phelns Tom Mr. appliances at the county's DOWer Rov Hvatr. Mra. Dul Miv. All..- tied court him fixed SHturdnv. thu Slut Cartv. Wm. L. Robbing. Mrs. B. H. house east of tow". and in fart Dowd. Miss Mavberrv. Mi Forrn- df y, wf areh, 1917, at the hour of ten U Pruett, IrWilany, B.B.Rich- were ught with the gooils-more son, Mrs. Persoll, Mrs. Lee and the Tne ' and. 1' . . t- ti r . Minn inn iMinnMK .1 .1.. .. ... -. -- --. nras, t,. neison, mrs. Aiinmc uauKiiwr. Walker, John Hyatt, R. C. French, Mayor and Mrs. J. M. Banister or-"" " 1 ' p J. T. O'Harra, Mrs. A. Scmot rt, rived home this morning from their W' ' p,,tT," c- Bhoi Ilcy Winn, W. E. Driskell, Gillni t California trip-and Master Itay- PeterSOIl & Bishop Ellis, Mrs.' E. M. Warren, II. A. mond feels no longer like a poor or- LAWYERS - Powd aod 0VT. Doufflas. phaabi-y. Fendlulon, Or. FrwawnUr, Or. Dr. Alfred F.Scmpert Gnuluiitu uilil UcgiHtvrud DENTIST or OFFICE IIOUKS U:00 to J2:(M) A. M. l:W to C:0(i P. M. tW WATTS UI.UG., upHluiiH f i C MIMIOHH T VJ. IXIitYOUItl I'liynicimi Bnc' Siirguon t I'tmt llulliling (Dr. Hiunu's for- m mer oiurvj tinviui, VIXlt. $5009000 to luan on trood wheat land at In the Oregon for In the Matter of the Estate of D. N Van Skiver, Deceased. County Court of Hie Statu of Umatilla County. Notice in hereby given that the un- meu ner ntmi account .vv.v.Wv.v.v.v. I : . :J 6 G. Day or Week. Dormitory Huilding, Mrs. J. W. Porter Dun P. Xniytho the county enurthoonn in I'mullnlm Oregon, as the place, for hearing said Chan. If. Carter nnai account, ana renort. uoieciiona r . to said final account and report should VATlCr OC JlTlVlhP be filed on or before aaid date. vJi Millie Amy A. Van Kkivkk, LAWYtRS Executrix of tho Estate of - - . - U..ViSklYw:,ik4A PENDLETON OREUON I UCA9 JU'iil Entitle mid l.oiuia Weston, Oiffvon NO WS THE TIME to pay your Wixl.ui Lvadvr "sub" Pltoiiu 2i'J Painless Dentistry DR. R. B. ROBBINS Jitdd liuilillng Court and Main Streets PENDLETON, .OREGON-