The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 09, 1917, Image 3

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IVrlinpH the mimt notable development in homo furnish
inirs in the Kn-at incmtHo in the uhc of draperies- for win
dows, doors und openings of all iort. Draperies appear to
bo Rcttinjr more attention than for many years and more
than any other lines of furnhihingH.
' Our enlarged Drapery Department contains all the lutein
materialdainty Cretonnes, und other light hang
Injrs, Elegant Tapestry, Terry Cloths and other heavier ma
terials. Laces too an elegant line of the famous Quaker
Craft Laces by the yard at from 30c to $1.35.
Drapery Patterns Something now, also here. These en
able any woman to cut and make up her own drneries cor
rectly and artistically. Price each 25c.
We do drapery work. Our experts will cut and make up
any work desired, Estimates free. Visit our Drapery De
partment. THE DAV1S-KASER CO.
I'ianua, I'hoiiographa, Muile Complete Hume FurnUhvr
10 W Alder St. W A I.I. A WALLA. WASH.
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Loader oflicc
Sixty (minimum) $0 IK)
One hundred 1 20
Two hundred 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
The Universal Car 320,817
lUvo boon built and actually delivered to retail buyer tinea
August I, 1916.
Thcae fiauri-a-320,fll7-reprecnt th actual number of cart manu
facture! by u ilncu Autfuat lit, Witt, and dulivertd by our agent to
retail buyer.
The unuiual fall and winter demand for Kurd cara make it necwaary
for ua to confine the dlnlribuiion of cara only to thoaa agent who
have order for immediato delivery to retail cuntomcrs, rather than
to permit any agent to atock can in anticipation of latr aprlng tale.
We an Uaulng thU nutlet to intending buyer that they may protect
thamaelve againut delay or dlaappolntment in aecuring r'ora car.
If, therefore, you are planning to purchaae a Ford car, wo ad vine you
II, tnorciure, you are Planning to purchaae
to place your order and lake dollvery now.
Immediate order will have prompt attention.
Delay in buying at thi lima may cauae you to wait several month.
Enter your order for immediato delivery with our authorised Ford
agent fitted below and don't be ditappointed later on.
i'RICES-Rnnabout WW.85, Touring Car MW.85.
K. L. Woodawaaa Luttineaa viitor
in Pendleton Saturday.
K. O. DcMoaa wait a lUhiricwi via
itor lut wwk in Portland.
Jiw llodgnon left Wedneaday on a
hunim-M vlnit to La Crow-.
Sylvan Kunnaid in ex-cled home
next Sunday from lm Angelea.
Luther Hliellenberger returned
yinterduy from an extendi-d Uiy in
Mr. and Mr. Geo. L. Ilrinmi
returned lant week from a vlnit to
ti'm fJIndya Smith ia apending the
week at Walla Walla as a houwc
guest oi tne wm. Macitenziea.
Piano tuned and repaired at rea
sonable prices. Flmt-claaa work
guaranteed. A. W, Lumlcll, Mua.
ft. W. Hrown left Wedneaday for
Portlund to conault Dr. A. K. Idxk
ey. lie iit Buffering from abdominal
1 have fr Mile for a client 500
hlmrea of atock in the Weston Mer
cantile Company for f-150 canh.
Andy T. Harnett.
I'atrona who have ahoea and har
ness at my shop are requcated to
come and get tliem, a 1 am leaving
boon. I. F. Settle.
Mrs. Hulett March, who is report
ed to be critically ill with Uiroat
trouble, was taken to Pcndeton yes
terday for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. linker of Wallace,
l.liilin nr.. t'iititintr ul tlin bum. tit
Mr. and Mrs. Marion O'Harra. , ''a frm t'alifornia, President
Mrs. Dakcr was formerly Mias Mary 'nv Ka,n occupied the chair
IIojh., at the Wcaton Commercial club
. ', .... rtu meeting Tuesday evening, and pre-
A daughter was born Kbruary 28 titM wilh his accustomed aplomb,
to Mr. and Mrs. Row Kennedy at ,.,MjrU were heard from committees
their home in rnntland . Idaho, and vnrious matters of civic interest
rV, Mn," y Wtt fornurIy M,ss discussed. Having decided to help
Stella O Harra. tBt. Weston Concert band in an ac-
Our rates for wood sawing are Uvc way, the club took up the mat
now as follows; Four foot wood, ter of selling tickets for the an
once in two, 50c: twice in two, 75c; nouneed series of concerts. A tick-
three times. $1. Old rails and ties, et w iling contest was arranged,
$2 an hour. S. Thorsen. J. L. Fuson. with President Price and Vice Pres-
Farmers-See This Big field
Mogul 8-16
KeroKne-Bunuflf, Tractor
OUR BARGAIN COUNTER Heavy 26 inch hog wire fence, 27c cash per rod; 75c coffee
grinders for 25c; sewing machine worth $35 for20; single barrel breech-loading shotgun
foe $5.00, etc.
Lester Wilsey an M6 Mogul Tractor
Fred McGrew a Racine Thresher
A "Combine"
hard to beat
Howdy, John, Joe, Henry!
I want to talk Tractor to you
Mrs. A. L. Wood, formerly Mim
Lorena O'Harra of Weston, sustain
ed a major operation at Spokane
March 6th for the relief of a trou
ble of long standing. The operation
wns advised by three surgeons and
required three hours.
"While it Was yet Dark." will be
the theme of the morning discourse,
II o'clock, at the United Brethren
church next Sunday. Evening sub
ject, 7:30 o'clock: "Rome vs. Free
Ilible, Free Conscience, Free Speech,
Free Press, Free Schools."
Andy T. and Earl Barnett have
bought a heavy work team from
Burn Banister and will embark in
spud raising. They will plant 15
ident Wililams as the rival lenders.
All the club mctntors and all the
band members arc enlisted to take
part as followers of one or the oth
er of the battling brigades.
.The March meeting of the Ladies'
tluild was held at the home of Mrs.
J. E. Stanfleld. where Mrs. L. I.
O'Harra and Mrs. Sunfield were
the hostesses. In addition to the
members, Mrs. A. L. Douglas and
Mrs. N. O'Harra were present as
guests. Mrs. O'Harra became a
member of the guild. At the close
of the business hour an excellent
collation was luid on the dining
room table and partaken of in cafo
Uria style. The guild's next meet
ing will occur April 9th, the first
The Farmers Bank of Weston
Established 1891
We will be pleased to assist you with
your taxes this year as formerly. If you
wish, we will secure your statements for
you, and you may pay taxes here and save a
trip to the County Seat.
acres to this costly vegetable, and Monday afternoon after Easter Sun- I
Bland- tam
i i in a i'i i in i
NrSI4 VftfW Mwlk
lease Oemember
You Have a
In Weston
Try Helping Him
if things break right will oc in
Rockefeller's class next year.
Weston fs itself again, its pil
grims having returned Tuesday
from California. In the party
were Mrs. Z. C. Price. Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Price, Miss Edra Simp
son of Walla Walla, Claud Iriceand tArson
r.nue uioingrvn. iiiry ivjiori
splendid time.
Gillx-rt G. Ellis has bought Die
interest of Harry Beathe in tho
draying business of Beathe & Davis,
and has moved to Weston from Ath
ena. His family will occupy the
Dick Gerberding cottage. Mr. Ellis
is a native son of Umatilla county,
born in Ukiah. He is a nephew of
his partner, Mr. Davis.
William L. Bobbins, the new own
er of Weston's mill, intends to make
of it a modern establishment in
side and out. He has bought a con
signment of new flouting machin
ery, which was shipped February
15 f mm Kentucky, und has mapped
out a complete program of im
provement. Mr. Bobbins likes
Weston, is confident of its basic
and permanent prosperity and con
siders it an especially favorable
point for the milling business. He
lately returned from a trip to Ever
ett, and says that business condi
tions here in the interior are better
than in the Sound country.
The National Mail Order Brokers
doing business in the Globe build
ing, Minneapolis, are a bogus con
cern, according 'to tho postofllee
department, which has issued a
fraud order against them. This
outfit ostensibly sold goods through
some sort of an endless chain ar
rangement, starting with ten cents
from each customer. They have
taken and are still taking not a few
dimes out of the Weston neighbor
hood, judging from the letters to
them handled at the local post
office. Most of these letters bear
no return and have to be forwarded,
although they are now pi-evented by
the postal authorities from reach-
in$ the swindlers.
day, when the annual election of
olhcers will be held. Mrs. Frank
Skinner will be the hostess.
Mrs. G. DeGraw, Mr. and Mrs,
Sim J. Culley and Mrs. Cliff Culley
motored to Walla Walla yesterday
for a week end visit with Mrs. A.
The two-spool sewing machine a
wonder in simplicity and the work
it will do. W. &. R.
The Best Place
in Town
H To Get Candy
:: i
I.MT Developing
I Is at a the store "what has" f I
At Alta Stables
Pendleton, Ore.
Imported Percheron and Belgian Stallions that are extra good. Be
sides other Percheron, Belgian, English Shire and Clydesdales with im
ported ancestors that are young and good, w ith correct pedigrees that
are desirable. One pair extra Percheron mares. If you are a customer
and want to save your money, take time to come and see me. REMEM
(If you have a stallion that you cannot use longer, I might change.)
J. R. JUSTICE, Importer - Pendleton, Oregon
Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant
Comfortable Reasonable Rates
J. M. Bentley, Prop. -- M. A. Ferguson, Clerk
and Printing
The IVbibnan Candy
Give a gift worthy
; ; the giver.
I OKCandySfiop
I ? Odessa Kiikpatrick
Good Work Guaranteed.
Bring in your Films and Plates for
Weston Oregon