iADER VOLUME 3D WESTON. OKECON. FMDAY, MAKCII ), Vd1 NUMBER 39 ESTON OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERU INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infer mitlon of Our Readers. Pear of an acute tturk'fl famlns It gmalng around Canyon City. A shingle mill U to be em-tod on the North fork of lb 8iulw Mvsr at Hevrn out of ulu of the rounellmeu of Oregon t i r f lug recall, In cluding the mayor. The backbone of the car ahortag on lu Routhr Pacific line In Orotoii n-enm to b broken. Another ffort to ermio Cascade rnunty out of tho eastern rtlou of I'Urkamaa I reported to b afoot, HliiMti hundred arr of producing prune lend In Polk rouuty gave a to tal of S.tOn.ooO pound of dried prune In KM. A tarlnad of young hrthoro bull. 43 In tiumlxr tH I end 1 yar. brought total of 110,00 at a ! It t'nlon. The n auslllery eehnoncr Margar t. the second vmmI built at tho Mc Eaohcrn yards at Astoria. aa U lim b ed Selurdsy. During tho recant h-vy sanw norm almoat every pot on iho Klddl" tola phone axrhango we broken and foil to tho ground. Maker rounty gold and roppor mlnaa aro at present produ log an average of 1304,000 a month, according lo ta tlmatoa of raining man. With noarly $00 raw of measli-a In Roaoburg the hoalth authorltloa do elddd to dolay oponlng tho public hoot until lato thla week. With 424 convicts at tba atata peni tentiary, every abla bodied man la now omployad at some uaoful orcupallon, affording to Wardon Murpby. Ituoerai from western Orogon gathered In Albany Hatarday at barujual. In honor of W. If. Hornl. brook, former mlnlator to Blam Thar ara al loaat eO.ooo aacka of polatoa hold In atorage In Portland, according to a roport made lo Assessor Henry E. Hoed of Multnomah rounty. Good road entbualaata In the atata of Oregon have boon Invited lo attend a rally to be hold In Eugene Iho after noon and evening of Saturday, March 10. The. 1200.000 road bond laaue voted In Waaco county at the lent general election la valid, according to an opin ion handed down by ihe auprema court. Plan to reopen the famou Todd quicksilver mince at Klk Head, eight mllea oaat of Yoncalla, which have been Idle for 14 year, have been an nounced. Over 80 dclogatea from the Y. W. C. A. organUatlona of weatern Wil lamette valtey arhoola attended con ference at the Oregon normal achool at Monmouth. Only euch measures aa are deslg- natcd In Ihe aet calling the apeclal elec tion ltaclf will be on tho ballot for conaldoratlnn at the election to bo held Monday. Juno 4. The W. K. Dragcr Trull company, of lloaeburg. ahlpped H7.J00 pound of Douglas county prune to Indon, w a here they will be distributed among the Milled armies. It la reported that the livestock of Douglas county suffered conaltlerably aa a result of tho recent enow storm. Huiidreda of aheep perlahed on tha higher elevation. Fifty Bandon bulnea men re f. nanclng a atock company lo tho mount of loOOO to reopen the Pandon woolen mill, which have been Idle for the pal two year. Applications for graslng pormlie for 6491 head of cattle and 51,800 head of sboep have been made up to date to Supervisor W. O. Hailing, of the Deaehutei national foreat. Wlntworth Lord, ono of the moel active men In the early history of Tba Dallca, and, with porhapa one excep tion, tho oldcat pioneer of Waaco county, died In McMlnnvllIo. Ml Dcrtlia Dorrl. for the laat year and a half matron of the department of public eafoty In Eugene, hu boon appointed parolo officer of the alato girls' tnduatrlul achool at Salem. John V. Bennea, a Portland archi tect, haa been named to prepare plana and apcclflcatlona for the propoaod 1100,000 library building to be erected for the Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallls. The Willamette University glee club haa atarted on a 2000-mile tour of easl ern Oregon, Waahlngton and Idaho. and IH appear In morn man 4i con rert on the trip. Work aiartod ibl week by the fVeriMiii Conoirui lion company ou the elimination of I he O -W. It. A N. grade crowing on Portland Kaet Hide, a project contemplated for yoar. The contract amount to 1007.000. Th atato board of oontrol ha turn ed over In the advlory board of wo mn of the glrl'a Itiduatrlal achool at Hatein. all problem of hiring and die charging employee, or of accepting tba resignation of urh employe!. C, V, McCullagh. for Hie laat five yoar aaloa manager of tho Yakima Valley Ornwer' aaaorlatlnu, baa been .looted aale mauager of the Hood RIv r Apple Grower' association, and lgm-4 a contrai l al a lutlary of tlO'io A year. Hen lor Djetulx-r of ill" logging engineering aebool of O. A V. are on their annual togging trip lo ramp of (be Columbia river region. They will spend two weeka In f'athUmet receiv ing practlral lnt ruction lu lbs log ging Inductry. Itorent report made to tho atata board of health and examination of th head of anlmala auapect'-d of hav ing rahle obn an alarming lnrr In the pred of hydrophobia through out Oregon, according lo Dr. Pavld N. Robrrg. ataio health officer. William llranoon. tried on a charge of killing William Moolh In October, r.is. ee rounq gun'r m-mnn u- grnt murder at McMlnnvllIo. Tbla aa llranaon' third trial, the flrt bavliig resulted In a hung Jury and tbn aeeond In a rerdlrl for conviction. More than 1100 peoplo ationded th mole trapping demonotratlona given during the recent bad weather all over Multnomah county under the auaplcea of the Oregon Agricultural Eitcnilon dlvlaion and by Theodore Mchoffor, of the fnited Btatca biological aurvoy. The Woatern Ilroccoll aaaoclatlnn haa placed fUDO worth of broccoli aeed In aafety dopoelt vaults at Eugene for aafe keeping until II la distributed to Une county farmer, who have con- tractod wtlh Ihe aaaoclatlou lo grow broccoli. Tba seed la valued at 12 an ou,,,:, The amount due the II land grant countlo In Oregon on delinquent taes from the Oregon A California land grant la $1.711,775 89, according to tabulations prepared by Oswald Weat. who la representing Ihe department of tbn Interior In steps to collect the back 'too- Phil Metachan, Jr., and W. J. Hof- niann, both of Portland, were named by Governor Wlthycombs as members ror Oregon or me iinanco committee or six members which will hsve charge of disbursing a fund for exploiting the scenic wonders and attractions of the Pacific northwest. It Is reported thai SI applicants havo filed requests to secure quarter sec tions of Oregon-California grant lands. All tho applications aro made by reel dents of New York City. Attorney General Drown aaya no preference will be given to those who file early, except to those living on lands. Kfforts to secure the revestment of tho Isnds of the Coos bay wagon rond grant In the United States and their .sale according to the terma of the grant are being put In motion by Os wald West, who haa drafted a bill lu tentative form for auhmlsalon to Sen ator Chamberlain and presentation to congress. The 135.000 grain elevator of tho Parmer' Union Grain agenry was dedicated at Pendleton ftntnrdny. Extensive plans are lielnu made by member of Oregon lwla and Clark chapter, Daughtera of the American Revolution, for the fourth annual stato conference, to bo held III Kugene March 9 and 10. The Cascade Contract company, of Portland, haa obtained an option on Baddlo hutto, 13 miles south of Albany, and plana to develop an extensive rock quarry there. The plans contemplate tho construction of a branch railroad two and one-half mllea from the quarry to connect with the 8outhorn Pacific railroad at Shedd. The McMlnnvllle council haa author- lsed the calling of special election March 20. when the question of a $90,- 000 bond Issue will be submitted to the votera of the city, tho funda thua made avallablo to be used to secure an additional supply of water from mountain streams for tbo municipal gravity water system. The project looking to the establish- moot of a submarine and avlul Inn base at the mouth of the Columbia river was set back a year when Ibe senate, on a point of order, rejected an amend- meat proposed by Senator Chamberlain appropriating $300,ooo to purchase land and equip euch a station on the slto regarded moat favorable ty the Helm H.m Aiiwlt . SAFETY 8(lf pBit.s, throufih ubmarin di,tlnguhd by "a coating of paint Tbn Holly t'ondi-iiM-d Milk company of Amity, Iim Invented a new product rice and milk which la gaining Douularlty with a bound, and many (,ougt.wve ore welcoming ll Into their 0f ,Bl)B d?tlcctca. The Idea la enUr(,y , IHW one ,n(j ti,c ur noo- ,,,,, trft lbt orlgIlttoril ld oniy nmuu. f,cturwi i put out the article. It Is rrQ cmM ,d faim,.d ,h condone- nk Tb (.cntrnl Curry rjood llouds aaao- c,,on nM iUbmltted a memorial to Wnator and rcprcm-iuatlvea ,n KODIfrtmt urgng them to lake Immo- t,p ,owar, eliminating lamlo ou tho coaat lopo of tho Coast Range ,n0UUnil n curry county from the 8(wklyou llatloual forest and to have tn!,m 0oncd to entry under the pul.llc of ,no Vnil(ui staU.B. ivtl- t)()m ll(orllg ,he memorial nre now .i,, circulated through the county. virtually everybody In the county Is declared to favor the elimination of the jnn(U rrom thc tvmnt with a view to ncrcaslng the amount of assessable Um) , ,h0 county. SENATOR LANE M. . 1 r . :'A'V f t 0 Senator Lane, of Oregon, only Coast senator agalnat giving President au- thority he asked from Congress. . ZIMMERMAN AIMS PLOT AGAINST II. S. , Berlin, via Sayvlllo wireless. For- Clsu Secretary Zlmmermann Justified Oermany'a actlou In seeking to ally Mexico and Japan against tho United. states. Such a course, ho said, 'aa merely o defensive measure not to be carried 0ut except lu case tho United States declared war on Germany. Moreover, ho said. It was no more a "plot" than tho "plot" which was reported In South American newspapers as having been undertaken against Germany by the United Stales when America sought, accordiuK to South American and other newspaper reports, to Hue up tho American republics lu commou action against Germany. The foreign secretary commented on America's pro- ally sympathies. He refrained rrom admitting specifically his authorship pj tti usjif tt HtoUW X W li FIRST. yW VXA MOT rOMT UkJ nrump rTr vs renews jxa hvuas okkav ton v... to be given if Amtrican ahipi in vertical atrip." Coldamith in Boiton Glob. M Men ( liy am! his entire ili.cimsicn "t the umiter a, he a cic-fnl to ,","- lwB"1 ,n ' "K1'H,,i report" of the "CVrmaii plot to : t Mexico to declare war iixiilnst the L'tiUed states and to secure Japan' aid osalnst ihe I'nlted Staiea" SPY GIVEN FIVE-YEAR TERM MlnneoU Eoldler In Letter Predicted Revolt in Evenl of War. Mlmiea.oll. I'nul I.. Scharfcn- bors. of Kt. t nul, a privntc in Com- pany IA 1st Minnesota Infantry, was acnlenced to five years' Imprison- niont. tit Fori LtuvenwiTth. Kan., February S. by a court maitiul ui fan Antonio, for furiilnUIng military In- formation to tiermany. A tetter addrcascd to relatives In Germany aahcrtiiiB that 10,000.000 Germans In this country were ready to rise up asuliist the government in tho event of v.ar v.ith Germany was Intercepted by British authorities and turned over to Washington officials. Schnrfcnbcrg Is a native of Germany. Scharfenbcrg predicted in his let ter Hint President Wilson "soon would be put out of tho way" and stated that ' the lon.ooo troops on the border would not stund tip If put against an efficient force." Austria Defends Submarine War. London. The American ambassa dor at Vienna has been handed the reply of the Austrian government la regard to unrestricted submarine war fare, according to a Vienna dispatch to Ucuter's by way of Amsterdam. The reply declares that neutrals are responsible for losses they suffer by entering territory where- warlike op erations aro taklug place. . Benson Heads Oregon Road Board. Sulem, Or. "Economy and efficien cy" will be the policy of the new high way commission which waa organized here with tho election of S. Benson, of Portland, aa permanent chairman. "Leak" Report Is Adopted. Washington. The rules committee report absolelni; public officials from blame for any "leak" on il peace note was unanimously adopted by tho house Saturday night. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Club $1.63: blucstem $1 !; Russian. $1.60; forty-fold. $1.69. Barley No. 1 feed, $-9 per ton. Hay Timothy, $20 per ton; alfalfa, ji6; Butter Creamery, 37c. Eggs Ranch. S-lc. Wool Eastern Orepnn. Sfic; valley, 4Jo Hops 1916 crop, 4u Sc; 191T con- lOlle. Seattle. wheat Blucstem $1.70; club $1.66; forty-fold, $1.66; red Rus-siau, $1.63; n(9 ji.ei; turkey red. $1.71. Barley $39 per ton. Butter Creamery, SSc. Eggs 2Sc. . , , Gorman agents to have been wb3iailu, vul wuh hue suma- BRIEF WAR NEWS In Die T.rnn region, tho lirituh in iicit of UuK'Irt'l, ore following up the Turks rectully driven oul of Kutt-I- A in ma. Ilaiiiadan, In Persia, 240 mile nortbtant of ISatvlud, tbo g'-al of the preneul advame In Mcsopouiniia, has been captured by t tic llusslans. No iiolnMe ( l..-,m,i j in positions liavo taken piece In elth'-r Ibe Austro Itullan or Maevdo.iian theaters, where en. all f-tiKuKemcm and artillery duels continue to p-vail. lri a raid on Itiiuhiau lines wt of tiitel;, Vo:bi,iit. nhkli were jx-ne-tratcd ixarly a mile, Jk-rlin pays Ihe Germans destroyed the Russian works and took 122 prisoners. British troops niaiotAin their daily proKre.'s aannH the Cerman lines on the Ant-re front in K.aine. Thc cap ture ft Goiutiicourt v.ai toliovied by tho driving of the liritii-h line 10U0 yards northeast U tht-.l rlaee. 1 inures vouched for In London show that German sueiuarines destroyed 490,000 tons of merchant shipping in February. This figu-e Is less than hall the l.OOO.oOO tons hich Berlin has contended would result from un restricted submarine waifare. Plot Revelation Due to Guardsmen. Houston, Texas. Pour men, one noil-commissioned officer and three privates of the First Indiana Infantry, ajid not secret service operatives of the government, arrested the messen ger of Ambassador von lieniatorff, en route; to Mexico to deliver the plotting note of Alfred Zimmerman to the German Ambassador at Mexico City. This as learned from two men who participated and were- members of the border patrol. Their story was substantiated by officers of the Unit ed States army. Roosevelt Won't Talk With Bryan. New York. Theodore Roosevelt has declined an invitation of repre sentatives of the Congress of Forums to debate the subject of preparedness in this city with William Jenuings Bryan. Mr. Bryan, it was explained, had accepted the invitation. , Britain to Build Ships in America. New York. Determined to fight the German U-boat menace to a finish, maintain lla overseas commerce and offset its lohS by the products of Amer ican shipyards Great Britain has placed nearly $!00,000,WJO in contracts with American shipbuilders. Lansing Abaolves Japan and Mexico. Washington. Secretary Lansing, in an official statement, made clear that the United States did not believe Ja pan had knowledge of the scheme or would take part In it. lie also ex pressed the confidence of the govern ment that Mexico would take no part SENATOR LA F0LLETTE 4 wI - - Senator La Pollette, of Wisconsin, who led the filibuster which deprived the President of authority to arm mer chant ships. Zebra's Stripes. The zebra's stripes and similar mark Iiik oil other animals nre called "pro tective colorings." In tho theory of i-.;;ttiitil selection it is assumed that ihoo autuinls survived who were best lilted to escape from enemies, and nut iiials which were so colored and striped us lo avoid detection in the jungle passed on their characteristics to their ilcscemlnnts. Those which were easily detected did not survive to have prog euy. Poor Form. Percy "I'd sooner gq without the money than borrow from such a boun der tis Smith. Why, every time 1 usk him Tor n loan he says he's broke, aud Cttivluce bi that 1 ts" MUCH LEGISLATION. SHUT OUT AT CLOSE Many Administration Measures Fail Because of Tangle in Congress. Washington. Of the legislation o the administration program proper, only the revenue bill and the measure giving civil government to Porto Rlcs and American citizenship to Its lav habitants, got through the legislative) tangle at the close of the session. Among the administration bills which failed were the measures to supplement the Adamson law, the blU to enlarge the Interstate com mere commission, the Webb bill to legalize joint foreign selling agencies, and con servation legislation, including the general dam bills and water power bills. Bills which do not form part of the original program, but which were pressed unsuccessfully by cab inet officers and administration lead ers included amendments to he ship ping act to give the president power to commsndeer ships. drastic espi onage bill which passed the sensU but was never taken up in the bouse, and amendments to the federal re serve act to Increase reserve Dana gold holdings and decrease member bank reserves. Congress provided for the payment of $25,000,000 for the Danish West In dies. Among important enactments which were not specifically included in the administration program waa the bill abolishing saloons in the Dis trict of Columbia and the rider on the postoffice appropriation bill mak ing It a crime to transport liquor in Interstate commerce Into a prohibi tion state. EXTRA SESSION SEEMS CERTAIN Washington. Prospects of an ex tra session of congress soon seem strong. Members of congress gener ally now look for an extra session to be called to meet not later than June as a result of bints said to hsve been thrown out by officials close to Presi dent Wilson. Aside from any action on the armed ship bill, the need of an extra session to pass the big supply measure which failed at the last aession is regarded as imperative. Although President Wilson has been advised that he has the author ity to arm ships without waiting for action by congress, some among; hia advisers believed it would be the bet ter policy to wait to see whether the senate will act Modification of the-senate rules, urged by President Wilson to prevent future filibusters like the one that killed the armed neutrality bill, vir tually was agreed upon by a confer ence committee of 10 senators, five democrats and five republicans, nam ed by the party caucuses. WILSON IS INAUGURATED Takes Oath Sunday to Uphold Const! tution of United States. Washington. President Wilson took the oath of office for his second term at noon' Sunday in his room at th capitol and was formally inaugurated Monday with public ceremonies. Before a desk piled with executive business laid before him in the closing hours of congress and surrounded by members of hts official family, he re affirmed, with uplifted hand and grave features, his promise to uphold th constitution in whatever crisis may confront the nation in the momentous four years before it. Members of the cabinet then crowd ed up with expressions of regard. Mr. Wilson received them with a smile and then turned back to hia desk to complete his interrupted task. Vice-President Marshall did not take tho oath Sunday, but was sworn la for his second term Monday at the special session of the new senate with the usual vice-presidential inaugura tion ceremony. Bonds for Army Post Valid. Olympla, Wash. The state supreme court has upheld the validity of a proposed bond Issue of $2,000,000 by the city of Tacoma and Pierce county for -purchase of land at American lake to be given to the United Statea gov ernment as the site of a military post. Band concert tonight.