The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 02, 1917, Image 1

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    U TTT-rr-x
W Jib 1 U IN
shirk has' gripped Hi In country, baa
Wii postponed from February It to
Margh II.
Adjutant (ieimral George A. Whlta
hn resumed hie place a( lha head of
th Oregon national guard, following
Prlndpil Evtntt f the Walk '' Vancouver barrecke.
n i 11 si l t t i Weak., aa captain if troop A, Oregon
oriony onBicncs ivr mitr-
mitlon of Our Ritden.
Pendleton la to have a community
tyl ehow Thursday and Friday.
A eerlea of leachere' Inelltutea la to
be bald In Ike different cltlrt and
town of Laos county.
An enornioue Influx of eastern oeo
tin onto Oregon farms with tbe com
ing of eprlng la predicted.
The Sliver ralle Lumber company
will atart Ita ly ronatruct4 big
mill at Sllverton on March It.
Arrangements ara being completed
for ilia establishment of a tannery and
glove far-tory at Klamath Kalla.
Out of HO accidents reported to Ua
atate Induatrlal accident commlaaloo
during; the week, not an was fatal.
Tha dlatrlrt convention of tha
Knlithta of Pythlaa of Vnlon and Wal
in a ountla waa bald In Wallowa.
An epidemic nf measles baa awept
Oeteway and almoat every family
Ithor baa bad or la baring thla die
tea. Tba Cooa and Curry Pair association
baa designated Beptember IS to II In
cluelv for tba dale of tba annual
Tba new roan guard atatlon at tba
mouth of lha Rluslaw river, about
three mile from Fl-irenee. will bo
completed May 1.
Attendance 'at the meeting of tbt
Weeteru Oregon Cbrlatlan Endoevor
union at Salem last week totaled be
tween POO and 1000.
The Lane county Pomona grange, at
meeting at nanta Clara, psaaod reao
lutlona opposing tba proposed $6,000,.
000 road bond laaue.
Katherlne M. loen, supervisor and
parole officer at the atate Induatrlal
cavalry, which waa disbanded after
nine montha' aervlre on the California
border. Major W. W. Wilton, who
cttd aa adjutant general In tha ab
pence of General White, returned hi
former poelllon aa Inspector ganural.
Beceuae of tba prevalence of rablea,
tha entire eaat end of t'mailila county
as been placed uuder quarantine by
tha atate livestock eanltary board.
The quarantined dlatrlrt Includes the
towna of Helix. Adaina, Allien, Free
water and Milton.
Nearly too Oregon member of tha
lka' order feaitrd on elk meat at the
Washington birthday banquet glvn
by the Eugene lodge of the order.
Delegations were present from Marsh
field, Salem. Albany, Hoaeburg. Mod
ford and other cltlea.
I'nder tbe provisions of the new In
heritance tax law which will become
effective May 11, according to the
terma of the act the feea to be derived
from that eource will Increase mat
erially, proliably In an aggregate of
1(0.000 for tbe biennial period.
Tbe Eighth company, coast artil
lery, Oregon national guard, retab
lUhed the blgheet merit mark record
ed for tbe ItU target practice or na
tional guard big gun companies, ac
cording to figure made public by tbe
war department militia bureau.
The army engineer have made as
adverse report on the pronoaed furth
er Improvement of Nebalem bay on
the ground that the commerce to be
benefited would not Juatlfy be ex
Pvodlture that would be required to
provide a 11-foot chanuel (row Ne
balem to the bar.
County Superintendent J. Alton
Thonipaon and County Agricultural
It A, Iilancbard have been buy or-
mm mF
i w if a, . an 9 ." i i
ii iiu' ir
. M . -J Wwi '
1 aT I
The Kanaaa atate bone dry law waa
algned by Governor Capper and tot
mediately became effective.
Tbe women auffrago bill panned la
Die lower branch of tbo Indiana leg
luliilure. It prerlouily bad been paus
ed by the aenfela.
Trtaldent Wilson algned and made
law tbe Smltb-Ilugbf-a vocational
training bill wblcb provldca federal
co-operation with tbe atatea in estab
liitbing Induatrlal schools.
A 4 months-old Berkshire boar aired
by Kpochal, an English bog, sold for
$1000 at the annual sale In connec
tion wiib tho American Berkshire
congress In convention at Purdue Uni
versity. The Value atate senate, acting In
concurrence with the house, adopted
unanimously a resolution providing
for a special election September 10
to act on the adoption of a constitu
tional amendment granting suffrage
to women.
Woman and Girl Succumb to
Exposure and Are purled
at Sea.
London. Twelve or 13 persons
lost their live on tbe Cnnard liner
Laconia. torpedoed without warning
Sunday night, according to all reports
received here. American Consul Frost
at Queen town gives tbe number as
II, of whom be said five were drown
ed and eight died of exposure and
were burled at aea.
Cunard line officials give tbe num
ber of dead and missing aa 12, aa
follows: Psssengers, three dead, three
missing: crew, six missing.
The dead Include two Americans,
Mrs. Mary E. Hoy, and daughter, Mlaa
; Elizabeth Hoy, of Chicago, who aoc-
GIANT S.N3tfSL!DI IS FATAL bed to expoeure after the Laconia
waa aunk, and were burled at aea.
declaring an emrtcencr, those which
uav been roferrod to the ul. or
tboae which are to become infective
at some specific time provided within
tbemaelres, all law of tbe legislative
aaaembly which Just will go
Into effect May SI, under the provi
sion of the constitution that all laws,
not declaring an emergency, are to go
' Loa Angeles Times.
m-vtit ot interstate traae ana to-oo-ta
n a monopr !y thereof."
A l ! tp' a t conspiracy Is charged
to ruin competitors, tix price at a the
produce and tli! consumer and reap and unwarranted profit.
Fifteen Wer Killed and Many In
Jured In Idaho Mining District
Boise, Idaho. Fifteen men were
killed and IS Injured when a giant
anow alide destroyed the bunk bouse,
compressor bouse and warehouse of
the North Star mine, 12 miles north
east of Hailey. Idaho.
Work of searching the wrecked
buildings for the remaining bodlea
was delayed because of the imminent
danger of bringing down a alide from
tbe opposite aide of tbe gulch.
Tbe injured men were brought to
Gimlet station In sleighs and from
there were taken to liaiiey on the
The embassy's list ot Ameflcan pas
senger aurvlvora follows: P. P. Gib
bons, Chicago Tribune; Mrs. F. E.
Harris, wife of Colonel Harris. 17. 8.
A.; A. T. Klrby, New Tork. and the
Rev. Joseph Wareing. Baltimore.
A Queenstowo dispatch to tbe
Chronicle aays that the Laconia was
torpedoed in comparatively calm
weather. Tbe first torpedo struck
near the stern and when the vessel
was struck a second time she listed
quickly to starboard. The boats got
away with considerable difficulty, but
there waa no panic among tbe pas
sengers or crew. The amalineas of
loss of life was due to excellent disci
pline of tbe crew and the orderliness
of the passengers.
Into effect 90 days after the adjourn-
anlalna Industrial cluha In Deschutes mant nr ihn lrl!utnr,
acnooi for gins, naa aunmm-a ner re eounty. Keur cluba were formed with Conalderablo legislation Increasing)
Ignation to the atate board of control, , loUj tt-berlilp of 3t boy and the power of the public sor-iCo,Cut-
To decide upon the purchase of a gr, who will Mfie potatoea Ibis year mission waa enacted by the recent
new HS.000 alte for tbe central school for Mmp.,ton In tbe aula prUe. legislature, and the commission Is pre-
r Klamath Falla, the school board contract to purchase broccoli to be paring to administer the now acts,
baa called for a apeclal election March gTOWn on J00 erM of proi, o,0 m0Bt important law
',,! f"rm ,n,, h"T vtt 1nd br A- passed waa what waa known as the
Money from the rural eredlta fund RmMr M(J w T ungleto, of tbe West- certificate of public necessity bill,
will be available for lending P"' cm Broccoli association, recently form- cw,er the terms of thin meamtro a
to the farmera of the state by the , Euf.u. Vltly fwmm u,Vo ac utility, before entering a field already
secure from the
middle of March or the flrat part of .p,, ,ho teTM)i ottvr4 by tba com- aerved. must firat
Portland has another shipbuilding
plant, the- Coast Shipbuilding com.
pany, a 1400.000 concern, wblcb will
engage In tbe building of wooden
pany. Tbe crop la expected to total commission a certificate of public
10.000 crates.
In response to letter from District
Attorney Evans, of Multnomah coun
ty, and also to numeroua request
from aouthern counties of tbe state,
Circulation of petllloua asking for a oov-,or withycombe la trying to
neceaaity. It also gives tho commis
alon power to extend the service of
utilities now In tho field, nnd which
may hereafter embark In business, la
tho state.
recall election against County Judge
J. D. Metslck and County Commission
er J. P. Hitter, has been started la
Baker county.
'With 430 bllla enacted Into law tho
seaalon laws of 1917 will bo tha larg
est volume of seaalon laws ever pub
lUbed by the state. The volume will
be ready for sale early In May.
send some apeclal agent to the Cal
ifornia line to endeavor to curb Illicit
liquor alitpmenta from being made
acroaa tbe border.
Under provision of a law passed
by tbe legislature It will be compul
sory on all who desire to engage In
tho manufacture ot butter and cheese
to secure a license from tbe dairy and
Iciaane Murderer Comes to Aid of
t Asylum Attendants.
' Sa'era, Or. Joe Caatranora. Insane
fcimOtrttr . from - Multnomah county,
was tho leading spirit In breaking up
an orfutiltcd Insurrection at the crim
inal insane ward of tho Oregon state
hospital, nnd probably saved the lives
of D. U. Fitch and V. M. Lane, attend
ants. 1 1 '
Dr. II. A. Sturderant, former Port
land dentist, joined with John H.
Thompson, former Mllwaukle. Or.,
blacksmith. In orgnnlzlug the conspir
acy to disable the guards, steal their
keys and make a break for liberty.
A number of the patients were
bruised and cut up in the fight, but
tho three most seriously Injured ara
Castranova, wlio aided the attendants,
and Attendants Fitch and Lane.
President Has Made Plans to
c Protect American Ships
From Attack.
It. It flaymond, administrator ot tbe tanA .ammi..inB(u. mi iir...a must
Raymond estate, sold a half section b ttcunA ott 0, fore juIy lt m7,
of wheat land near,Wylund atatlon, tnd J flrgt of Ju)y of eCB yegr
northweat of Ilollx, to S. 8. Parrls, ,hOTWIfteri A feo of fl )a prMcribod.
well-known Weston farmer, for $35.- The old mlUry highway, the plon-
00- eer road running through the Cae-
Making preparation for the coming Mdei .bch hM virtually been aban-
flu scaaon, the state board of control don,d for wlll 0D-ne(1
has arranged for letting contracts to
Include a minimum of five acres and
.a maximum ot 7(0 acres to any one
Wbon a new law goes Into effect In
to motor trafflo for the first time this
fall, offering a scenic highway unex
celled for grandeur lu the northwest,
according to an announcement made
by Clyde It. Sells, eupcrvlaor ot the
May, It wlll be a ml.demeaaor In Ore- CMCBde national forest.
gon for a peron wnn wauiiicieni WhU ,8 coldered Dy (n, gUte tag
fund In the bank to 'cash a check, c0lnmuuion to be a mcaure of prime
providing bo doca It with Intent to do- ,mportlll,co ooming before tho people
'raud. tt me apeclal election to be held In
A maracr tor tne oiu uregoo r,
south of Eugene, has been prepared
and will be sot tip at Coryell Pa, on
the Pacific highway, between Eugene
and Goshen, when tha weather gats
better. ,
It la reported that some of tho
offlcera of Crook cdunty may resign
their ptacea aa a result ot the reduc
tion of their salsrie by the legisla
ture, and the elimination of two do-
puty officials. -
, ""' ' SSV
JTV 6 ,'"1 a
( NrK
Division of Idaho One 8tep Nearer.
Boine, Idaho. The proposed crea
tion of a new atntc out of territory
comprised In tho 10 counties in uorth
oru Idaho was one step nearer realiza
tion when the house ot representa
tives adoptud by a vote ot 86 to 25
Iiouho joint resolution No. 180 calling
for a Constitutional convention to con
sider the prouosul.
Potatoes Used aa Money In Chicago.
Chlcoso. A newspaper reporter,
using a basket aa a jpurse and pota
toes aa money, had little difficulty in
getting about and making purchasea.
The potatoes were from Idaho and
valued at retail at S'i cents -each.
June, I the proposed constitutional
amendment doing away with the pre
sent provlaloua that alt taxation shall
be "equal," leaving the "uniform" pro
vision In and allowing taxation upon
varloua classoa of property.
. The president ha nominated the
following Oregon postmasters, bolng
tho flrat presidential poatmaatera ap- nilTTrn nOftAr55S!P
pointed In Oregon since laat Scptem- OUl ILlI UUltULitllO
Our; voinejr wv, nuuu ,wwuni
J. W. Vandervelden, Dank; Shelby F.
' West Quits at Grant Land Agent
Port land Or. Oswald West has reT
tinned as agent for the federal gov
ernment In the adjudication ot taxes
on tho Oregon & California grant
lafuls, ,
Senator W. J. Stone, of Missouri,
who hold the Important peat of
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Rela
tions committee.
Hogs Reach High Record at Chicago.
Chicago. Hoga reached a new high
record when heavies and mixed aold
on the local market for $13 per 100
pound!). This is tho hlfihcst price
ever paid lu Chicago.
Washington. President Wilson ad
iressed a joint session of congress at
1 p. m. Monday, and asked for author
ity to establish a state of "armed
neutrality." Ho hs made full and
detailed plana for protecting Ameri
can ships desiring to enter the Ger
man war xono.
Tim president , asked congress to
empower him to use the armed forces
ot the United States to protect Ameri
can rights on tbe high seas.
The immediate response waa tho
introduction In the house of a bill,
approved In advance by the president,
empowering him -to furnish guns and
gunners to American merchantmen
and to "employ such other instrumen
talities and methods" as may become
necessary, and providing for a flOO,
000,000 bond Issue, to be used In hi
discretion for war insurance to en
courage American commerce to brave
the submarine peril.
The president made it clear that
America was asking to exercise none
but the rights of peace; that he was
not proposing nor contemplating war.
He was thinking, he said, of tha right
of life-ltself, the rights of humanity,
"without which there is no civilisa
tionrights deeper aud more iti.uia
meutal than merely the rights ot
"No course of my choosing, nor of
theirs," said the president, "will lead
to war. War cau come only by the
willful acts aud agsresslons of oth
V " ,
Four weeks of unrestricted sub
marine warfare, the president told
congress, hus seen the destruction cf
at least two American ships. Ante !
can commerce driven in a lar;;e
uro from tlie seas through foar of th.;
umlerscas rcil and a resulting con
gestion of America's, vital Uidusim-
growing morw swioua every day. The
fact that
London. Coder cover of a heavy
fog, which shielded their operations
from British observers, the Germans
on Saturday carried out the greatest
retirement they have made on tbe
western front In tbe last two years
and the British have taken possession
of- I'ys. Serve. Miraumont and Petit
M Ira union t, including tbe famous
Butte de Warlencourt, wblcb bas been
the scene ot some of the fiercest fight
ing of the war and in places la deep
with the bones ot dead men.
.The German retirement, it is esti
mated, approaches a depth of three
miles at some points.
Tbe British soon will be in a posi
tion, possibly, to force the evacuation
of Bapaume, which baa been the key
to the German position since the be
ginning of the battle of the Somme.
Four Consuls Are Held Prisoners by
' Germany; Sailor Not Yet Releaaed.
Washington. Four American con
suls are being detained In Germany
while the Berlin government awaita
official advices that all German eon
sula in this country, ordered to Cen
tral and South America, have been
permitted to proceed.
The report from Berlin that the
German government la now detaining
the 72 American Bailors, taken pris
oners on the prise ship Tarrowdale,
on the excuse that an infectious dis
ease bas been discovered At the place
where they were living, was received
here with a feeling approaching exas
peration. '
The American government bas re
peatedly demanded the liberation of
the sailors and several times their
release has been reported from Ger
many, only to bo contradicted by lat
er statements.
Oregon Governor Namea Road Board.
Salem, Or. Members of the atate)
more American li'.vs ha highway commission named by Gov
The Roaoburg public achools were .de-iei,, Halfway; Clark B. Foster,
closed and the children were ordered
off the streets and away from public
gatherings last week because of an
epidemic of measles In Roaoburg and
the surrounding country.
Encouraged by the greater returns
to be made through the growing of
beets for the sugar factory, a num
ber or the hopgrowera In the Grants
Pass district are digging out tbelr
hopyards and v- J plant beets this
Dato for taking effect of tho new
rules promulgated by the Interstate
commerce commission In an effort to
rallavg W-Drecadeated car a-orttsa
Dayton; Roy K. Prltehett, Gaston,
Bdgar Lu Davidson. Oswego; Roy J.
Rhoadea, Power; Daisy Duckner, Sclo;
W. W. Wilson. Yoncalla.
Approximately 35 bllla relating to
achool electlona and th administra
tion ot achool affair were passed
during the 1917 aeaalon of the legisla
ture. Ferhapa the moat Important
measure was the bill which removed
Boise, . Idaho. Eight corporation
anil 11 Individuals wore named In an
Indictment returned by the United
State grand jury for alleged conspir
acy and unlawful combination in re
straint of Interstate commerce and in
violation ot the Sherman anti-trust
act. In the buying, sellins, manufac-
tlirlntr nml alt t it-.l n iv tt nntnninru nrtil
the property qualification ot aohool dry pr0(luct8.
cltlsen who has resided In a acbool
dlHtrlrt tor 30 days Immediately prior
to th election to vote for directors,
VSXk tba f vrrf Una ad I rail lY'ttg
Wuent Club $1.54; bluestem $1.60;
red Russian. $1.5-; forty -fold, I1.C6.
Barley No. 1 feed, $39 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $20 per ton; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 39e. .
Eggs Ranch, Sic
-Wool Eastern Oregon, 36c; valley,
Hops 1918 crop. 48c; 19? con
tracts, 10llc .
Leading dairy corporations of Ida
ho. I'tah, Washington, Orrgou and in
dividuals connected with- them wcro
ciajgod wltb "comblukUott la re-
Wheat Bluestem $1.61; club $1.56;
fnrty fold, $1.57; red Russian, $1.54;
fife, $1.67; turkey red, $1.3.
not been lost, he said, was dut- to tht
fact that Co m i subma'tne com
man.'ors ha 1 cx. J a-! u'i-ns r
cd discretion auU restraint," ratuer
than because of the lnstructiona uu
,!er which they wcro acting.
At tho conclusion of the address,
when the president spoke of the fun
dumontnl rights on which are based
the structure of family", state and lib
erty,, aud said, "I cannot imagine a
man witir American principles at his
heart , hesitating to defend these
things," cheers resounded through the
ernor Withycombe are: S. Benson,
a capitalist, of Portland. His appoint
ment is for the district which la com
prised ot Multnomah county and his
tenure of office la for three years.
V. U. Thompson, banker, of Pendle
ton. His appointment is tor tbe east
ern Oregon district and his term of
office Is for two years. El J. Adams,
lawyer, of Eugene. Hia appointment
la for western Oregon outside of Mult
nomah county and bis term of office
is for one year.
Washington Complete and elaborate
, , . , ,, evidence that German- has endeavored
M Ve fla- t- see "M M y to iine Mexico and Japan ' enemies
ftjid she'll be' gird to aea you. Opera of the Un ted Sitw is lu to hands of
house, March & President Wilson.