The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 23, 1917, Image 3

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Music the Fourtli Essential
It ix Bnld that the flrat essential In life U Ioodr the next
Raiment, tho next Shelter and the next Mualv. Without
mualc the beat in life ahrivela and ahrmki. Mualc la the
universal lunininRo, and tho fourth eHHentlul In the full de.
velopmftit of lifo. '
nnvla-Kaaer'a ure splendidly equipped to nerve you In
providing your noodn In thin direction.
Here aro tha wonderful new Edison Disc Phono;rupns
ami Records.
Here In u Nplondid line of I'iunoa emhrueiiur everythinjr
from tho hlichMtt of hitfli (rradoa to the moHt moderate
priced ones, and all tit price that buvo you money.
Here are novcral irrndoti of Modern, Up-to-dute Player
TlnnoH, and tho latent and jrreatcst marvel, tho Ampico He
pitKluvinjr Piano. The Ampico actually reproduces the work
of tho world' Krcaleat pianists exactly ait playact by them,
without any attention except putting In the roll and atartinir
It. It can also bo uaod m a player piano, twin any 88 note
roll. Tho reproducinK mechanism down not Interfere tho
leuHt bit when played manually.
Easy term If wanted, and a fuir aliowanco for old pl
aned In exchange.
Call, phone or write for further detaik
Pianos, Phonographs, Mule - ComplvU Hume FurnUlitr
VAMinnin II M
0 1 CT:
t.hrratur. ncr
IkMW. 1 ltck W
8. 8. NELSON
Agvnt, Weston
District Paswng'r
Walla Walla
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum)... $0 90
One hundred.... 1 20
Two hundred 1 75
Each additional hundred 0 45
B. A. lMrtia went to Portland
Wednesday on business.
"Residence for rent. Inquire at
drug- store or of C. F. liulflnch.
Vnntrne Walden ha " t' Wal
la Walla to work again on the
Hughm farm.
Iley Winn has ordered a wlf pro
pclled combine for use m-xt summer
in th harvest field.
1jyd Kil h y came up from the
Willamette valley the other ilay to
too what a good country looks lilus
1'ianua tumid anil repaired at rea
onalile prices. First-da work
guaranteed. A. W. Lundcll, Mus.
Have you seen the Morton Motor
Washer the best made, mooth-t
running and easiest to ojieratc?
W. &H.
I have for sale for a client 500
aliaira of stock in tin- Weston Mer
cantile Company for 1450 canh.
Andy T. Harnett.
Tli It Ci. Sailnga are doing over
the interior of their cottage, which
will have a built In china clowrt ana
lxHk and music
Mra. EfTie Perkinit of PbIoumj,
WaiJi., Iileee of W. If. Hosier, waa
a guint Saturday at Itwohcr
farm. Sho haa aluo Urn vUiting at
Athena. '
Tin- "Mothera' Mwting" will be
held at the opera houae Saturday.
February 21. at 2:30 p. m. All the
Iwlies of Witon and vicinity are
cordially invited to attend.
W. F. Alexander, the magazine
and road man of Walla Walla, was
in town Tuesday. "Alex" thinks
that the pnwpecta of a line highway
across the Blues are growing bright
er every minuU.
The city ftound contains ten head
of horses, six of which will be sold
today by the chief of police. Four
colu were taken in last Tuesday,
and will be sold later unless re
deemed by the owners.
John Kdward and his sons Oscar
and Ernest were here from Morrow
county Tuesday while on a motor
car trip to Walla Walla. Mr. Ed
wards was one of the earliest pio
neers of the Weston country.
A driving snow in small flakes
descended here Tuseday and showed
that Winter Is not yet ready to re
linquish his reign, but after seeing
the Mawaon pictures of Antarctic
blizzards Weston folk felt fairly
Daily Journal: President Mover's
stenographer was paid $110 for the
session. Ten dollars a day for a
stenographer who in private employ
receives little if any more than $3
is a small but significant example
of waste when the public foots the
bill. .
The East Oregonian of Tuesday
reports that "tho case of Watta &
Rogers, Weston hardware dealers,
versus F, G. Lucas was settled out
of court this morning, the defend
ant permitting judgment to be tak
en. The case was set for trial this
Henry S. Westbrook of Portland,
grand master of the Odd Fellows,
will be in Weston Tuesday, February
27. and will visit the local louge.
An open meeting will be arranged
for, to be attended by Odd Fellows
and their wives and members of the
Sylvan Kennard and Cyril Proeb
stel have finished the banking course
in the Los Angeles business college
where they have been students for
several months. Sylvan will remain
in Los Angeles, where he has se
cured a position. Cj'ril . goes to
Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he
will be employed by his uncle,
Charles Proebstel. .
Lou Uulin of Bingham Springs
went fishing lost week, and in
jumping across a stream slipped and
fell, breaking his log. He was two
miles from camp, with'fiveT feet of
snow on the ground. He broke up
his flfh Kle and made splints for
his h'ff- After he hud crawled a
mile and a half over the snow, For-,
est Ranger Baker and W. W. Hoch
rescued him, and he Is now n a Pen
" dleton hospital.
George Tonkin, deputy game war
den, visited the Finland settlement
southeast of town a few days ngo
and arrested Jake Aaltn for killing
deer out of season. He was accom
panied on the mountain trip by
Carl Brutscher, special deputy, and
they found both cooked and fresh
venison in the Aalta cabin. Sev
eral other houses were searched,
but only in the one instance was
the evidence found to bo conclusive.
Aalta was taken to. Pendleton,
where ho received a fine of $50
and the court costs. His gun was
Fanners Sce TMs Big Field
I V-ilUl,. -awr . . , T- ,, -...jsa
f : ml - if " ' '
fc79Ci Mogul 8-16 R79E
P iJ KerocnBuD Tractor P I J
Seeinif and operating and knowing, Y0O TAKE NO CHANCES on anything backed by
The International Harvester Co.
This makes for security and profit and sleep to these men and to us.
Hovdy, Jo&n, Joe, Henry!
I want to talk Tractor to you
Tim is the subject of the first of
a series of Sunday evening sermons
on the most hurtful heresies of the
present time. The widespread agi
tation in opposition to the claim of
infatlibilitfy and absoluteiam made
by Roman Catholicism for the Pojh
and his church, is sufficient evi
dence that the people are becoming
aroused to the danger embodied in
this subtle foe of enlightenment and
democracy. They are asking the
pertinent question, "How can any
one be a citizen of a republic or a
democracy who has sworn allegiance
to the Pope seeing that he arro
gates to himself absolute sovereign
ty of tho world, answerable to none
but God; and teaches. 'All human
power is from evil, and tliere
fore be standing under the Pope? "
The awakening has come none too
soon, but the danger is that other
things may demand the people's at
tention and they be lulled to sleep
again, po not miss this opening
sermon, as Rome's doctrines will be
read as she herself has published
them and after that the seven pillars
upon which her structure is built
will be examined.
"The Ministry of Pain" will be
the subject of the morning sermon.
Why do people' suffer? is a ques
tion each individual has often
asked. Have you answered it satis
factorily yourself? If you have,
give the pastor your solution. If
not. perhabs ho can help you. Come
and see.
United Brethren Church, Sunday,
February 25. F. A. Phelps.
Hie Fanners Bank of Veston
Established 1891
We will be pleased to assist you with
"your taxes this year as formerly. If you
wish, we will secure your statements for
you, and you niay pay taxes here and save a
trip to the County Seat . .
Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant
Comfortable Reasonable Rates
J. M. Bentley, Prop. - M. A. Ferguson, Clerk
i tie Best race
in Town
To Get Candy
. i irtirisiiiiiiii
Is at a the store "what has"
I He 'WMhnan Candy I
Give a gift worthy
the giver.
fAff ITtrlrnitrirlr
; iji.n f i.iKfii.i.ii i.u ill r
viUfiilUa ivvnvvyw) wiwwwa
Best Line in Town.
Our Cigars and Tobaccos are NOT DRY
and Prating
Good Work Guaranteed.
Bring in your Films and Plates for
Weston - - - - Oregon