The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 16, 1917, Image 2

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Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for inror
mttion of Our Readers.
At a meeting of fnrmere mid fruit
growere hold at Myrtle Crock a grange
was organist.
The 11th aunual convention of the
Oregon llclalt Mrrchanta" association
will be h.Mtt In IVrtlanil February 19
to tl.
tVtuuilitcce hare Ik appointed to
pioceod at our with the vrvctlou of
now IS&.P00 Christian church at
Ml lion.
linker lumber mill were compelled
to rloe do n bocauae of the car short
age. Nearly SOU men aero I brow a
out of work. -'
Hundred of acres of ground aw
being prepared this year for tha grow
ing of tugar boots tor tha Oranta Paa
augar factory.
rheose men of t'oos and Curry coun
ty make a rampalgo to aland
rdlia tha manufacture of cheese In
(ho two count!'.
Thirteen hundred acres In the aec
ond unit of tha West t'matilla Irriga
tion project HI ho opened to home
atead entry March S.
Tha Willamette. Valley Mint tirow.
era" association waa iiernianently or
ganUed at a meeting or th mint grow
er of the atato at Albany.
Ashland baa decided to repeat tha
Rogue River roundup and celebration
laraer acah than laat
upon an even
year during the coming July.
Itogue river la to have, a brlilse SO
mile from It mouth. - It will be the
only bridge between Granta Pss and
the ocean, more than 100 nillea.
Report aent In from county agenta
of Oregon ahow that nunieroua farm
loan associations are being formed In
accordance with the rural credit law.
A dctuonat ration wool car of lb
it..nrimeiit of agriculture. wnico i
touring the t'nitrd States at preaent
will vlalt Oregon from fN-bruary 1 to
March S.
Krneat V. Jcuaen. of tHirtlaud ha on
exhibit at the atale capltol a concrete
model of the t'eello canal which ha
la dealroue to place on. exhibit at the
tate fair.
Voter of Went l.lnn at a waaa
meeting autborUed aa election on a
IM.(M0 bond Isauc for the construc
tion of a modern school building la
tha district.
At a county meeting recently held
by the Moro County Karmer" union
resolutions were passed favoring tha
employment of a county agricultural
agent for that sect km.
According to the figure of the aem
ester Just closed, the women of raclf
tc college and academy at Newberj
are emphatically better from a aland
point or scholarship than the men.
Not willing to be outdone by the
residents of I'matlUa. the voter ot
Caayonvllle at the regular city elec
tion held there Tuesday elected wo
men to all seat on the city council.
ttirtba in Oregon for the year end
lug Oeceniber 31, 151. reached a total
f IS2S2. accordion to the report of
the atate board of health. Just Issued.
i... mM ...r.
" -----
T1S death and iVSS marrtagva.
Seventeen young elk. the Increase
from the herd now in Wallow county
brought originally from Jackson Hote
several year ago by the state fish
nd game commission, have been aent
to Salem and Crater Lake national
The eastern half of the Christian
Kndeavorera of Oregon will convene
at Iji Grande Friday. Saturday and
Sunday. February 14. 17 and It Thl
la the first Christian Endeavor con.
vention ever held la eastern Oregon,
nd at teaat S9 delegate are expect
ed. Plan are being laid by the Stan-
field FruUxrower' union for the con-
truction of a cold storage and pack-
lug plant. The new plant will be
equipped with gravity carrier and tha
latest types of grading machines, mak-
ing It tha most modern t any in the
A large attendance of grower, far
mers od dealer of the northwest
who are Interested In the Question ct
federal tandardUUtB of grain t ex
pected at the meeting of the federal
grain standard bureau tn Portland oa
Wednesday and Thursday. February
14 and IS.
Governor Wiihycomba granted a
conditional pardon to Edward B. Deal
son, indicted aa George C. Huft en a
charge of extortion, tried la Jackaoa
eonvieted. but released under
- bond pending appeal, and again taken
into custody aa the eharge ot a surety
company, who alleged that Denises
jumped his bond.
The water of Klamath river and
Spear? creek attain certain bouudar-
tea are to be ckwed to flshermea tin
week fi-r a period ct tour month..
" tnta tvbraary li to June 1. aectwtl
itig to the atate fh aad gaaie con
cttaaiaa. The commlssioa stats that
aw awaeje wilt be closed darts
that eaa to protect Usa Uvut aad
ttfetx tua. ..."
Mr buck, a Buy Blng tonguiaa.
was klllmli Japanrae m wounded,
nd an uildutltM Chluaman It be
llfvinl to have hoen woumlnl, In
Utile between nllM HIP li ami
How eong tongiuen on the on hand.
nt ,unwc" " M'
Only St vara of onion ara left un
aold In Oregon. Kxcept for a car or
two that may b held over, tha tock
will douhllewi be exhausted by the
end of the month. The market la un
changed at 17 .M to grower, but prloee
are very firm, and another advance
can be vxiN'ctcd.
frealdeut Wilson, on reeonuneuda
Hon of Heoretary of Agriculture
llouitton. haa laaued ail order adding
60.0t am-a la tho Whitman national
. . W ... la
ss.; zz u.; -
divide between the John llay. lwuer
aud liurnt river.
The IViclflc National Dairy ahow
hn bHn organlxil by dairymen and
Btockbreedera of Oregon for the pur
iMMe of holding In IVrtland an annual
exhibition of dairy cattle of all breeda.
well aa dairy product, including
milk, butter, cheeae and lea rreatu ann
alo dairy maehlnery and equipment.
Thomas W. Iweon. Hoalon Hnan
Cler. author of 'Krviuled Klnance,"
whoao cliargea gave rlae to the "leak"
. .. .. wkb'ti I. . . lMea
iOMiry e, v......
furniahiiiK a aenaatlon for the nation.
i in Oregon on hi annual vhdt for
n-at and rorn-ation. lie la vUltlng
hi on, lamglaa IJiwaon. at ine tmv
tera I'rinevlllo ranch.
Stockmen of lalahy liave Jolued
with the t'heaaueau Ijind A tattle
company In their fight agalnt the
atate water board and lla dwree In tha
adjudication of the water of tha The-
aaucan river to prevent, ir pow.o.e,
SJSTSS 'Ilth't'o X
thta cae to the auprenic court.
Important onlera were handed down
by the public aervlee comniliwlon laat
week. Including the eatabllahlng of
rates for tho Consolidated Electric
UKUt ?pany , , . torma, ro,r.. v
prougni 07 joun ij an n,v nw
and also a grade croaelng order on
tha Astoria division of the Spokane,
rwrtlaad A Seattle Railway company,
The following fourth cla poatmaa-
tars have been appointed In Oregon:
Jennie denser. Cottonwood, vice A. I.
Wright. res.gned; Ale, J. r-ullea.
Lonerock. vice J. W. Carrfce, resign-
ed; Eiia M. Cree. Pleasant Hill, vie
a J. Hull, resigned; Ed 1. Southworth.
Seneca, vice M. Southworth, resigned;
Isaac Blumauer, Cake. Malheur coun
ty, new office.
Following a conference with 8. O.
Corrcll. of Raker, secretary of tha Ore
gon Cattle aud Horsemen's aaaoclsr
tion, to convene late la April, the
executive committee on arrangements
reports three Governor are booked
to speak at the convention at Iji
Grande. April H-2S. Governor Withy
combe, ot Oregon: IJster, of Washing
ton, and Ale under, ot Idaho, are the
In a brief sent to (he five circuit
Judge of the atate still having under
consideration Hydc-Rcnaon land fraud
cases, Attorney General
I Brown lakea
or Judge lmp-
exception to the ruling
bell, of Clackamaa county. la that
rqling. tn one or tae Ilyde-Henson
rasea. the eourla hnl.l. that a atatute
0f 1S01 validated trauaaetlons by the
..... krj ... .i.
-" -r -
whether tinctured by fraud or not.
The Utah Quicksilver company,
located la the Meadow district near
.Gold Hill, waa aold last week to R.
E. Doane and G. K. Harney, a mining
man from California. It t promised
that operation will start as soon as
the snow leave. The management
baa a retort oa the property and ex
perts to start with a crew of 10 men.
As soon aa the amount of ore war
rants, several more retorts will be
Johnson Porter, of the firm of
Porter Brothers." general contractor.
Maoris ready to Invest USa.oM In a
ahlp-building plant at Florence, at the
mouth of the Siuslaw river. The little
town of Florence ia ready to Invest
10.0u9 la the project, and to make aa
effort to get the alte aeieeted by Mr.
porter. Kugene baa bees asked to
raise the rewalniag I4.90 required to
put ia a shipbuilding plant such aa
was suggested as feasible by Mr.
The senate commerce committee haa
completed the consideration of tha
river and harbors bill and all Orefea
Hems carried la the house bill were
retained. In addition the appropria
tion for TUiamook bay was increased
from $oaa to 111,. Sarveya wera
authorised from Young' bay. near the
saowth of the Columbia, the prose d
channel at the month or the Wiil-anx-tte
ta the eastern limit ot the
city ot Vaacouwr, Tillamook bay aad
lioquiaw sIubeIi.
The Port of Aatoria eommuwion to
preparing to handle aom ot the pre
sent year- grain export. , Step t fl
rd thta rad were lake, when the
pnrt engineer waa awtbortxed to pre
pare plana fur evening fear balk bias
or taoks with a capacity ot iao.aea
bathehl at" grata. The insprrBe
will be la addition to the preceat
rk anise aad srowrtag elevater recently
completed that haa a capacity ef geera
tu 10f. bliit-a-
CtAHR HOOl), rMlilir
The Year H M
Six Months - U 70
Kour Month 0 W
AlivmiltlNti t
rNvulur. ir huh per l.wvrtion I'.c
Tranaient. ier Inch nor liwartion -tie
LocaU, H)r line r Imcrtion
raiDAT. ra. it
ru l tin witMi t atitoa, Ottjan,
at iiH ilit ad aulltt.
The Walla Walla valley woultl
i a nhir if u
r If it would
only keep
ltd infernal fotf at
IVithanco the rochI kviIo
wl;o uit poBterini? Wilson with
twaec ietitions would find in
China an harmonious habitat-
smee tiunn
never resists atf
Now that Mexico has wine to
but with a peace proposal to the
wamnB ""a, v ,.....v
Satan will soon U twaninfr a
jjQ(tfn harp. "
. : "ZT. ,,
Ihc great wr will be worth
all it costs if it only results in
an international peace leasee'
whose combined military and
navaJ strength will bo Used Only
jj cr tQ cnforco the
rulings of an international court
. With a filV startinff ill htS
amc IJnclc Sam is getting ready
Q jgure frfe house,
fw tmn
. , . ,.
year every uiw wvh
advised that Weston Once had a
comer fire, we would 8UJTgCSt a
chaoire of advertisement,
r .u., T vii.rn'x
Recognizing the tM
value 84 a publicity medium the
Secretary of the Interior author-
izes us to announce the "open
ing to entry on March 6' at 9
o'clock a. m. of approximately
1300 acres
in the second unit of
. , .
tension of the Uma-
the West Extension
tilla. Or., reclamation project
News reports from day td"i1ay
would seem to indicate that there
isn't much more likelihood ot
war between the United States
anu oermany man mcrv i 01
death and taxes.
The encouraging news that
JaDan w a t the United States
. . . :u
m tnc eV((.nt Qf wgr Wltn (cr.
many shows that the Adminis-
tnttlOtl WaS not Without mCinOO
in its SUCCCSsf ul efforts t put
...u 1 i,i
mtr Kiuueti oil anuiiapaui-.
legislation in the Idaho and Ore-
gon legislatures.
. .
One Salem mystery, at IhlS
distance, js Wnat has become of
the Sheldon resolution.
A mighty man is the Kaiser,
but events may show that in
virtually challenging , the entire
world he is taking in too much
Thirsty pessimists can see no
use for a bridge between two
dry states.
Uncle Sam is wise in showing
sufncfCnt respect for the "Vank-
ees of the Orient" to prefer
their friendship to their enmity.
Carl W. Ackerman writes that
"the Germans arc preparing to
launch gigantic offensives on
land, in the air, and with torpedo
boat fleet, in addition to. the
std-sca campaign. Germany is
stronger today in a military
sense than at any time since the
war began." Still, wc remem
ber reading somewhere that
something happened to Goliath.
In the event of hostilities Ker
nel Boyd will be found in the
van -if tt contains any Oregon
Wc've never hoard a Hop Sing,
but its capacity for discord is ev
idently Unities.
Thf Intuitu of chief lUrwt
r-nHi.rl.Ml I.V tlt Wintoll Wl'irr
(jjub Tuesday evening wtw mat wi
eljmitfntf the club name. Tho name
of Wwton I'onuneivinl Club wna
& . . I 1 a. :' (At
mloiin on motion
an iMdtlir more atiinincnm.
... ... A W. .m
So jveial wtf kg of itivntal tu tlvily, no
- rmmUr atcm t" lc aiili' to aiijr
1H ircet n imme llmt iot l . 'villi imnni-
, 1 .......y miitrtival. Hr. ' Wtilta WIW
Mll ctiotiu'h t try, but ft'imtl bint
avlf Ibf nlo iiifinbor of u Ihuk'
minority. ' .With tmitiiblo om-oniuitm
Viov I'tvdidtut Willinmti Hitnotinoot!
thai K. M. Smith would mblrow tl'
club nt Us next m.vllu on tho
farmora bum act. ami Ihut Sim J.
Culloy woold likowiso iiddtvw it
a work tutor on sotno nic of Ui"
uwn oh(Kiti. Thoso well km.wn
Imal luatora blu.-Jutl mtMhully but
did not deny the soft iinoohinoiit.
Tho clmir iiniitotl Wilbur K.
Woods. C. f., rinkot ton ami Kobort
I'roudrilaatboaclMail dirtrlot conwl
idation otnomittoc.
It lum Ihh'h" dividod to 'Vkip" the
Mtular club nnvtin noxt wk 1.
'f tho t lmutm.
mllMT.lftl nmrill UrDC
lyKAUl AUUUA UrrlulAL ntrtL
Wr. J.Jml Dycbo. Muiarintoml-
Circuit luiimant of tho Klli-' Clmutauqua Sytom, 1
here us iocml ropreat'ntativt of
that company. Mr. Dycho desires
to in every way with Woun
(J. Joel Dychc)
Community Festival, and ia doing
his utnwwt i that recct. He
wishes to meet a many Htple Bg
poosible during tho time ho l hero,
beinir certain that mutual intercut
uecful event,
notice roi rrjiuttnoM
l)v-partmeil of the Interior,
S. Laml Office at La Grande, Or..
Dccvmlwr 22, lUlti.
NOTICE i hereby Riven that Joaeph
o. Hyatt, whose poat-oiftco address ta
k. V. I). No. 1. Weatnn. Oregon, dkl.
-- .-hVih day of February. lyi'.. file
in this otlice Sworn Statement and Ap
plkatkm. No. 01560S, to porchaae UiC
NK'. SW'... Sntion Zi. Townahip 4
North. Kanue 3 rUt. Willamette Me-
riUiati. and the limber theroo.i, under
the provision of Uki act of June J,
1 Rm, ,manai,try kMwn M
the "Timber and sumh. U," at such
uailia mm ffrittf ht laa fi VaMl hV llftrMiaw
valuo as micht be nxeU by aiipraiae-
... -n( that, pursuant to such ap-
pliealijn, Umj land aitd tlnibvr tercvii
hava been appra tiwd. at 13 tW tht.
timber climatcd I lo.taJO ooam loci ni
li.Jjo ir M. mM the Und w.m-, that
aaul allilItlaatll Will lllTafl llllMl TtriMal 111
support of his application ami awurn
statement on the 21at day of March,
I'll 7 S. A. N'uwbvrrv. United
state Commissioner, at his offlrc. at
Pendleton. Oregon,
Any person is at liberty to protcot
this purchase before entry, or initiate a
contest at any time before patent is
sues, by filing a corroborated all'ulavit
in this otlice, I losing- fact which
wonkl defeat the entry.
C. S. Dunn, KegtU-r.
. . jaj
To Whom it May Concern:
Our policy is to give "Our
Customers" the In-st that
can be had Quality and
Therefore we have se
cured the agency for the
famous Whitman Choco
lates and Confectionery.
Iljere's an 0cn lwx un
our candy counter today.
All legalized customers
arc hereby aubiioenaed to
the O. K. Camly Shop to
I insist t antl sample thcni
t without obligation to buy.
I (Attest WHmtAH CAKDT CO.
Cluaa. II. Carter Dan V. 8111) the
Carter & Smythc ,
l'loro Ih mi item that nluniM Ik of vltl lntfrtnt to v.
cry fumily-tliomt)tlil"nta.t urticlo of your wi-uiii.
npimrrl. Owlnjr to our cno. mou.1 l.uyinu' iow,T. my.
i, i hkIi for .II moivh.mll.. e w In -h i ul
times to pivU-tt our trutlo from the wtrejiw .Jviincr. In
shoo loutnor of which there In no much tiiik ttnlny. ,
InfeliU' aoft aide aliov '-Tio-I.V
Chlhlruira alnw. I t 8 ,0
.Ik en. .V U H SB' I" ,W
Miaaaa' glhwa. H, t H -
MaWehuve. II', to 2. .. W
I The aU.vo Include nil tha very
liitctt in btilton ami Incu atyle. J i
Udiea' patent lualher cUdh or mat!
Ladiea' Viet $i.U tW i
UMv1 gun metal, t.tit t.. or I..;
or high heel . 'IV
See our new lino of tho n;w wa.h ki.l
boot ....fciki-M.wi,
J.C.Pennev Co. Inc
Veterinary Surgeon I
Hospital at corner of Main I
and Droad atretts.
i Phone - Main 253 1
i'ractlcv In all State am) Kutlvral
trtaalr UaMrllO raaaU -iHW!' 4 f rw
( rhfaaal tawl I, 4rwa oe t-fual. mnA afcai
a,rH4- fH9t tf AKOH (!
-. tavrfrmlaaaMailKHsW, Wlaftlfat kitl
Haul fvm IRMsf , Wrt ttfdT.
atimt Lawveaa.
1303 Seventh St., WhinQton. D. C.
mW J 11 t t f Jt W
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waihburg, Wah.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selwti'd llucsUm in one of tho
best equipped mills in tin? Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Acrcantilc Company
II I. ..II. at Hilil Lli'tf hlHWt. H'a
to n
17 . uu-i.4ui..ii f.o
II',, to 2
,..l . l!-t.i-t WtVt-tVi
. .. il r,. I Uk ' "I 1! I'J 1! im
lloya' hacvc.l .hoc. .1.8.V1.4V MlO-l.t'l
Men' liurveot alieea (elk) ll.lH
Muu'a hai veal hota (inllle) 1
Men' hmvet lnc (S lh
Men' work ahoc. ai.e .V, to II; IIkM.
medium ami heavy wetglit to
Men 'a dreaa h.r. button or lace; all
tholateatalylea , ..- f-' t'S
!4,.o our new Ton KukIi.Ii U
while Neolln Sole ' m
Meet the Briquet Man
Now that you have taken our advice
and bought a good coal stove I want you
to get lietter acquainted with tho Driiim-i
Man and hi excellent fuel, and I am confi
dent you will like it so well that you ill
have no cause to regret the acquaintance.
Try a load and be convinced.
P. T. Harbour
I (hi kr Siii hd
Before Prtising Your Suit t
You'll win her if wo do
the work.
7 t
z A shave, hair-cut and I
shine would help.
mm if
to your measure
R. L. Reynaud
"tall tnxi!" Ufa Melihde'a U nl
uaj s at your fliutxmal. i'hone Vi.
"Dirc7ii. SMITH r
Physician and Surgeon
Ollke In Watt buikline