The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 19, 1917, Image 4

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    v n On n n l Q n x
X We find many odds and ends that we desire to clean up be- :j CAQOAililhlA CurAnfr j! X
ji fore the arrival of spring stock. The prices on these are decided ;j uuduUlIdUlU i3WCCis3 j:
t l! rifs nnrl will nrnvn :i snhsrnnrinl srivinir in prnnnimVnl linvirs. 5: !!
X :
The Syrup Season is on. We -carry
MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOX 1 2 linc ,)f rup for your break-
i MVVU t. asj. j)ancaes or waflles, in cano, corn
Those arc heavy wool sold ordinarily at SOc the pair, our price to clean up, five pair for $1.00 jp CXtl'UCtcd hoilCVS 1111(1 C01U-
(MDREH'S DRESSES i l)0Un.d WW in blends that will sure-
Dainty and pretty wool plaids, neatly made, tastily trimmed-you will like them; sold regularly V oulu "v ,,,v,1 ,v,u"
up to $3.50; our price to clean up, your choice for only
We find many short ends in this line and have placed them on sale tables and
marked them down to suit the most exacting. This lot contains many splendid
styles both for ladies and children, priced at little more than half what they
: We have sample bottles of all kinds
: of syrup and honey at your disposal,
so that you may choose the flavor
ji which suits you best.
originally sold for.
Containing almost everything in piece goods, ginghams, ribbons, muslins, tick
ing, dress goods, all market! at about half of the regular selling price.
Up to $4.50, only a few left, to close out will go at only
Another lot of sweaters for men, good wearers that should sell for 7fc; all that's left at ..
MEN'S COTTON GLOVES slightly damaged in shipment-only a few
dozen but the price is only, per pair .. 5c
Prices Reduced on
Sheep-lined Coats
:': These are good quality and very desir
;i able for winter wear.
:j All coats that sold for $5.25 now $.1.50
ij All coats that sold for $ 1.00 now $3.00
HgA XB JB i sJ dH
cues a discussion of both I). R. WochI has bought a Yuba SUM HONS FM PUBLICATION.
t i
Do you want a good cow? I
have two good ones for sale at $50
each. E. E. Zehm.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. MaeKenzie
mot red over from Walla Walla
Faturday and were guests of the
F. M. Smiths.
Vernie Marr went to Pendleton
Saturday to investigate the spud
market and found that he could
get $2.50 a sack. He expect to
haul his upland crop to Pendleton
state and local work was held a- caterpillar for use on his Pnx;)ni-t
cording to parliamentary rules, farm. '
A stAto hfiTAjtr tn hi htA nt Pnrt.
lanrf in the Rnrin is tn have a Ml8S pldy .Smith fpent
Umatilla county booth, and many
of the ladies subscribed articles to
it. The union decided to have a Sec Watts & Rogers tractors
cooked food sale at the store of two on inhibition. Thev will ftr.
Miss Gladys Smith tpent tie
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cur
ran McKadden in Athena.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon in and for Umatilla
Lulu Schwarz, Plaintiff, vs.
Magdalene Louise Stahl Schikora
(formerly Magdalene Louise Stahl)
nn.l r..i t cv.i.:i,..- u i
the Weston Mercantile Co. Satur- ish cither big wheel or caterpillar hand. Earm-st William Stahl. (also Two fronting
day. January 27. On account of
the revival services at the Metho
dist church, the next meeting of
the union will be held January 26
at the home of Mrs. W. S. Payne.
At the annual meeting of the
Weston Mercantile Company, held
Wednesday, the entire incumbent
board of directors was re-elected
by ballot. Its members are: Dr.
F. D. Watts, Iley Winn, J. H. Key,
follows: ('oinmi'tieing at the north
west corner of Im II, of lick 2,
f the Original Town of Wctm,
Oregon, running tlumv xouth U n
feet, themv east eighty fii"t,
thence north ten feet, themv wn.t
eighty fwt, to the place of le
ginning. ' IjiI ', T.n in liliu-b Vn
on Water Street
The Athena Press conies to hand
in a handsome new dress, and is
decidedly more pulchritudinous
than its editor.
Watts & Rogers received a Mogul
tractor and a Titan International
tractor this week and the machines
are now on exhibition.
February 17, 19 and 20 have
known as Ernest William Stahl),
and HiTilm Stahl, his wife, Lillian
E. Schwarz, Ruth T. Schwant,
Adolph II. Schwarz, Catherine C.
Schwarz, Henrietta Stahl and
Adolph Schwarz, husband of the
plaintiff herein, Defendants.
To the Defendants, Magdalene
Louise Stahl Schikora (formerly
Magdalene Lutiisv Stahl , and Fred
eighty feet and on Main Street
forty feet, as will tt. r on the
original plat of the City of Wes
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, now
on file in the Clerk's oflice in aid
.1. The East half of Lot num.
bore I Eight, in lilock numbered
Five, of the original Town of Cet -
terville, (now called the City of
Mrs. Herbert Baker and Miss Hor- Joe Hodgson Sim J. Culley Frank by Ule K1,j.son-WI,ite Cha
It. Schikora, her husband, Earnest Athena), Umatilla County, On
tense Baker left Sunday for a trip
across the mountains the former
to visit her parents at Joseph and
the latter to visit her sister at En
terprise. M. M. Ingram, now a traveling
agent of the Northern Pacific, with
headquarters at Pasco, Wah., was
in town for a couple of days this
week for a visit with his family.
His children are attending the Wes
ton school. Mr. Ingram was for
merly agent of the O-W. R. & N.
at Weston.
Master Frank, the six year old
son of Alex McCorkell, sustained
a fracture of his right leg at the
thigh recently by falling off a sled
load of straw at his home on Reed
and Hawley uplands. The frac
ture was reduced by Drs. Smith
and Newsom, and the little fellow
is now at the home of his grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tay
lor, in this city.
Outclassed in size and experience,
the Weston High's basket ball toss-
mce ana J. h. vvwiams. Manager
Williams read a full report of the
a the dates of
. . . viivit 'IV.1VVII wivKian o 1 1 ik ii -v. i i.vr
,7 , entertainment
p ine scocKnoiucrs. it snowcu
a net profit for the year of 15.8
percent. Mr. Williams also read
a resolution introduced by Director
Winn and unanimously passed by
the board declaring a cash dividend
of eight percent and passing the
remainder of the profit to surplus.
is promised.
Clarence Hand has returned from
Forest Grove, saying that his fond
ness for the Weston country and
peoplu grew too strong for him to
remain longer away than a few
At the recent annual meeting of
The business meeting of the Mis- The farmers Bank of Weston the
sionary society of the Methodist
church was held Wednesday, Janu
ary 12, at the home of Mrs. E. M.
Smith. Officers were installed for
the year and one new member, Mrs.
Martha Read, was added to the so
ciety. Plans for the work of the
year were discussed and commit
tees appointed. After the business
session refreshments were served
by Mrs. Smith, assisted by Mrs. S.
A. Barnes and Mrs. D. H. M ilsey,
and a social hour was enjoyed by
all prcseent.
Frank Pr'ce, manager ofthe Wes-
William Stahl, (also known us Kn
est William Stahl) and Bertha Stahl,
his wife, Lillian E. Schwarz, Ruth
T. Schwarz, Adolph II. Schwarz,
Catherine C. Schwarz, Henrietta
Stahl and Adolph Schwarz, husband
of the plaintiff herein:
In the Name of the State of
Oregon, you and each of you are
hereby required to apiear and
answer the Complaint filed against
you in the above named Court,
in the alxive entitled cause, with
In six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this Summons,
to-wit, within six weeks from the
incumbent lioard of directors Were
re-elected' The same officers will
serve again, with tm- exception that 2'Jth day of December, 1916, and
J. H. Price, was elected president if you fail so to appear und answer,
and J. Wurzer vice president. plaintiff will take a judgment
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers and aml in ton against
Miss Lola Rogers have gone to you f".r th" p)1'1 ' complaint
Honolulu for the remainder of the WW- ublicalion of this Sum-
mons is mane pursuant to an order
winter. While out on the broad
Pacific 1500 miles from San Fran
cisco Mr. Rogers remembered his
younger children by sending them
a wL-eless message.
ton Warehouse eomnanv rerenllv
era were taken into camp Saturday houirht about 3700 bushels of wheat last week while on an excursion trio H follows
evening oy the young visitors irom at Athena of Cass Cannon and 1100
Milton High. The local boys were bushels of Mrs. Harriet Greer at
beaten by a score of 38 to 12 and Weston at the fancy nrice of l.f0
the girls by 31 to 7. Garber at for- a bushel. A few days prior to this
deal Jim Turner unloaded about
2000 bushels on Mr. Price at $1.52
which insofar as the Leader's
knowledge goes is the highest fig
ure ever realized for wheat by a
Weston grower.
ward played a star game for the
Milton boys and McQueen led the
girls in scoring. R. Gould of the
boys' team and D. Proebstel of the
girls' team did most of the 'local
The local union of tin? W. C. T.
U. met Tuesday, January 10, with
the president, Mrs. Earl Dudley.
The att endance was good and ten
new menbers were taken into the
society. After the opening exer- Barnes, during her illness,
of the Judge of the above named
Court, made and entered brein
on the 22(1 day of December, 191(5,
authorizing service of Summons in
this action by publication as nrnviil.wl
Mr. and Mr. Jack Huson of Taco- 'aw- A succinct statement of
ma visited in Weston a few days the relief demanded In this action Is
i In: is an action i
to California. Mrs. Huson is a JU'ot title of plaintiff and defend.
sister of Mrs. II. A. Brandt, and antl. tenants in common of the
her husband is a member of a well iands and premises hereinafter
known pioneer family of Umatilla described, and to partition said
county formerly residing near lands and premises among the par
Helix. ties, plaintiff and defendant, hc-
... , . , , j cording to their respective rights
AH of Weston g dogs were muz- and interest therein and thereto
zled in response to the warning giv- and for a sale of such property'
en by the acting mayor, Councilman or any part of it, if it appears
Wurzer, with the exception of one that a partition thereof cannot be
.j., nin. ii niri, ii iirain m me nau wunout great prejudice to
hands of the chief of of police, the owners, said lumU .n.l ........
gon, according to the plat then f.
now on record in the mliiv of the
Recorder of Conveyance for said
1. Ut numberel Seven in P.lmk
ntimlHTcd Five of the Origini I
Town of Centerville, also b.ts tiiin.
bered Four and Five in Block num
bered Three of Kirk's Hist Ad
dition to the Town of Centerville,
said Town of Centerville being now
known as the City of Athena in
Umatilla County, Oregon.
5. Lot numbered Twelve in
Block numbered Fifty-five in the
Town of Frcewaler, (now city)
in the lounty of Umatilla, State
of Oregon, us shown by the official
plat of said town.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
(i01.(;o:5 Baker Building,
Walla Wulla, Washington.
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton, Vtal
Dressed Poultry
FISH Monday and Thursday
Get Our Prices
i'honv No. 63, Onlor tnkpn by
plume for mini ruiii.-t.
Tun pumntt intcriwt on all
counts sftr 80 day.
A. P. Perry
1 ! I'liynirmil ' Surgeon
;; Vtmt building tf, Sum- for
, , morofttcv) Athuim. iirwr.
Dr. Alfred F.Scmpcrt
GmduHlu Mud l(cgi"ti;red '
9:tK to 12:00 A. M.
I :') to 5;00 M.
WATTS lU.DfJ., ti.Htin,
Mrs. Harriet Greer h?s returnetl
to her farm, having nearly
recovered from a serious attack of No rabid dogs have as yet Icon ises being situate in Umatilla CWnin
pneumonia. She was at the home found within the city limits of Wev ty, State of Oregon and particu"
of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. ton, although several were shot in larlv describe! f..ii.'.Ur.
i... i - . . . . r . : r v
to loan on jjood
wheat land at .
G. Lucag
Z M-'hI Futiite hikI t.imim
Wentoii, Orogtiit
to pHy yur Wcton Ltsdor "sub"
Chun. . CHrttr
I'lionc 229
Dhii I'.
the uplands.
1. A strip of land dvscribud o penulfton
Carter & Smythe
Judd liulMlnor
Court anil Mnin Ktrcits