The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 19, 1917, Image 3

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Thin groat kiiIo In now in its norond week. Like ull
DnviH-KuHcr huU'm, it gather momentum iw it goes, for the
opiiortunltloit to save are so numerous and ro worth while
that folks come buck for more again and again.
$100,000.00 worth of quality Nome Furnishings (Fund
I urc, Rugs, Draperies, (tedding, Sloven, Sewing Machines,
1'iiinoH, Kitchen UtcnsilM, Woodciiwaro, Willow ware, Tuhle
(iluHHWuro, Fine Cut I'lnss, Art (iooiIh, I'.iuhh Lumps, l'.nain-i-lwHie,
Aluminum ware, Dinnerwnre, ( 'locks, Cutlery nod
thousands of other things) at honest plain figure reductions
from honest, plain figure sanw-to-all prices that's tin- mag
net that drawn with ever increasing power.
Do not delay, but come and ret your share at tln first
piMtHiblo chance. If you are a stranger at Davis-Kuser't.
tisk your ncighlorH. Come in and investigate. No one in
ImiHirtuncd to buy here. l-ookcrs are always welcome
more than welcome. So come.
Pianoe, l'tioiKuritii, MukIi - fowplrte Homo Kiiruixlu m
10 20 Aider tit. - WAI.I.A WAI.I.A. WASH.
C:l Your Suit Pressed 1 '
Before Prestinij Your Suit
Vou'U win her if we do
the work.
A shave, hair-cut and
bhine would help.
to your measure
R. L. Reyiiautl f
.....:.. r
A4a:aJUiiUf'l Sate M I til ritftttr
piiicerd to ki ll to tin liiglient liidili-r,
tur in liiuiit. nil I iif r till. title, in-
( ril Ullll .-nlMtt' .f t'K V I.H lllllt tH-
uiu, iU i i Mi.. il. in mul to ruliiiw 111
ili-i 11U1I icul iiiily, limit:
lm one (II mul lu 11'; mul llii-.H. W .
4 or iim n, 'i . f .swtiun Tap. i,
N. K. iCi, K. u, ,M. I ii.hliihi uui,l,
Or'Kii. ha id nlv i to li livid at Hie
ullitv uf my ml.. i my, Humeri. Malt,
ill Athena, OrviK'i.ii, lit Him linn i.f II
o'rl.H-k A. M. n Ilia Zitli tiny f Junn
HI)', ll'l?, mul la Ui liv rululiirtiil iii it
privntv iimuiH r.
J-tulip himI kll l linn S.Hh ilny i f li r
l lllla r, I'.'lii, iii tii thu Imiir ni l J o i li.t k
A. M un Hit' Villi ilny uf Jhiiuhi). ll'l V,
liiiln iiihv lm iiimlu mul li'l I Hit my nl.
turtle)', limner I. WmIU, at li:s ultii-e in
A I In Ilii, Uivg.ui.
The anul ilmcriUil liiuil in l.i l,c uihl
flee Mm) clear fiiiiu nil lii-ii mul .-it-'
rlllilrm"ti wln.'li . lt i:hli,.l t In-mini
iriH'ily nt the Innv of md una?.
iIm mi Alliimn, Orvtf.'li, I Ian l':Mh
lUy nl liiroinl.i r, lylli.
KxrriilliX ut lite ttiil ..f Mnt'giv
i.m limine t mux. ili rmml,
Tnlln Inxi!" .fc M. llnil. " in ul
) nt ymir ilminl. l li'Mu- .C,
Mum iMtic itriimlt viitiU'il in
Walla VVullu Suruluy ami Mniuliiy.
(IiMiiye Scliiiitycr Iih flliiHhi'il
ln eiiiihlrurtioii of a ih-w luiwiin iit
wall ut tin' li(' ilunnilory huilil-
I'ianiiH tuiii'il mul ii'iiiiiiril ut ri'ii-
m nalili' I'i'iri K. l-'irht-i'laivt wm k
Kuiiiiiiilii il. A. W. I.iiiiilrll, Mum.
JlH IIlMhfMlM in at Iji (Viihm,
Wiicli., thiii wn k, vi .il inif ut llie
win mi iiiin li m lii.i h"ii, jaim rt
Jai'k MayfeM, eiiKiaei xiitrt with
tin liiti'inatioiiul enfiitiuny, in l.cre
fi'nm I'uriliinil with (! Wutti &
Ki'i rn trut'toi.
A lnf i.upiMMed to have rubies
wiiii killiil Monday at Halfway, Or.,
lifter liuviuK lututi two nn-n, a ly,
m viml ukh umlctlirr di tfii.
I'w1h Ward, an um-le if Mr. W.
II. li'uuld, Mt Tia-wlay fur .Spokane,
after a thn-e wi-ek' vtMit at tlm
(jould ridi nee in thin rily.
Mir NVIlii llartli-y of Pi inllcton
wiw it litut wii-k t'lid of u for
im r Wilton ifli!riiir-. Mrn. Andy
T. Harnett, and of Mint JlorUiibO
Amonir recent viitinm of the
iiiuiiiiit Ml VVehloii Wi re 1 ee W ilwm.
Waller W illiams and never il child
ren in the family of Itiihurd
1. 'earner.
Fanners-See This Big Field
I Demonstration
Mogul 8-16
KeroKne-Barniiif Tractor
Kir Sale Hull Trarior I ti-iimn-
M i at or Iihw Mini il iii Kirk ' inile- -
limit i-lii'd, Allieiia. Has hein run The fanner., of Welnn. lllue
only a few days. Will u ll for H2't Mountain and Downing will hmi-1
if takm iiiiiiu-iliauly. K. W. at Miu-i niir hall in Wesson toiunr-
(iNiiliile, l!nx !!", I'emlletoii, Or. rw at two o'eloek to iliseuss the
They Are Here They Are Here
Ihiy the tractor that uhcs coal oil or dLstii.'atc just as well a3 gasoline
and without special change.
We have ONITHf)l'SANI) rules to give you that you may take our measure see
that you Kel yours. I! KU ttric Washer made wrings at any angle of horizon. Sewing
machines f 18.00 up to the Two SjkxiI machine no winding bobbins; it's great Dutch
man and bolin Deere plows, Wclnr and Deere wagons.
Watts & Rogers
I," iJw Ammamiuim-Jmmm i
Nullra U hwmliy iriven thut I, Ad
nilintrt'ir of tint rtnlv uf Mnrtin K.
IIImhi, di'rruited, will ulfT fur nnlo Ml
iuuliv MiirlM'il to tlw In: hen t biditer for
ranh, Ml two o'rliM-k. in (lie riuriiwni
un ihu 5(liilnyiif (eluumy, I " 1 7, nt
thu front il'ior of tlm Court lluunu of
UmmilU I'ounly, OreKon, tlio fulluttlnn
ronl inHiriy In unitl Ijiunly boluiiliiK
to tho mill if.fcnl Mt Iho I line of Inn
dviith nikI now tnikmgliiK tu hl vnlulo,
to wit:
IV Wot hull of Norlhcnut iiirtr,
nd thu .Souihcnnlqimrlor of the North
Mt uimrlvr, mul tha Norlhennl injur-
ir of tha SouOivhuI qurtrof Sortion
3i In To inh I u 4 South of Kaiia 31
bant of WlllnmvUe Meridmn.
Tlil alt I ntmla Mirunt to nnlor
of tho Ikiunty Court of L'nmulln tUiuu
ty. Ori i"i iiimiIo Jmiuiiry 2, 1117.
Cham. II. Caktkh,
AdnilnlntrMior, tic.
NoUct l Salt ot Kulty.
I .'(4-.I t M '( "'ii"tm'iii.l Ntt
Jrv iMf !. .( u wtut u Intittt
i4 Mt Htn'V. ttMlalrthJT.
i, '03 S-vpn'.h Sl WMlilnnton. 0. C.
The !iehe!or (iil'! were enter
t ;i: mi l Moiulay i vefiing ly Miss
(iliulyji .vinitli. The newly-, lei-led
ollirer of the fluh are Ktiul Wad
iliiiKh'i'ti, pienideiit ; Joic Ijivin
der. viv preta'dent. and Kulh JCi-ad,
feerttary an4 tretmttrer.
Tin' following oflieer.s of Wei.ton
1Hige No. r.S, !. (). O. F.. wire
reeently inntallel hy J. K. Stan
field. D. D. ('. M,: AlU rt Jame.
N. (J.; K.. L. Monigren, V. C; A.
A. K-. JU-c. Sec.: K. O. Ik-Mom.
Un. See.; S. A. IJarnes. Treas.
Iiulk grain question. A delegation
of I Villi li -lull fanner headed hy
.Henry Kownherg, preHilflit lf the
1'ariiiers' L'nioii, and It. O. Fjirn
hart, ii.einlxT of the Northwest
OraingrowerV legihlative eoinmil
let, are exjievted to lie present
from that city. Other i.-iiors
will l Mr. W hiKth r, manager of
the Fanners' I'nion warehouse
nt Carlield; Mr. Wetzell, reprnl
ing the liurrell Const ruction Co. of
l'orllund; a repre.sentative of Wie
liitehotixtf & Crawford lumlx-r
enmpany of Walla Walla, and prob
acy W ill Steen.
Ik Farmers Bank of Weston
Established 1891
The following officers will fill the
chairs of Hiawatha Relx kali Lixlge- lite Leader gratefully aeknowl
No. HH for the ensuing term. They rdges the recent receipt of "seeds
were installed at a recent meeting of kindr;es" from tne following
tiy the D. D. (J. P., Kuby James: sabriber: J. L. Staggs, George
Zona Sniiih, N. (1.; Kdna ltanister, W inn, Klnier Tucker, Koy liead,
V. G.; Matid Stanfield, Hec. Sic; K. C. Jtrehm. J. P. I.ieuallen, Mrs.
Thehna Anderwm, Fin. S-c.; Gladys Margaret Wheeler, Mrs. Mary Thor
Smilh, Treas. son, Clarence Hand, J. C. Turner
W. II. Ilouher. Charles Nelson. ?nd 1 MeBritk' l,' Mrs'
FVank Price, George StaggK. Carles h an,"e McBride.
Price. George W inn and Sim Culley ; Clly Sinitl.. the ix.pular mail
went to Pendleton Tuesday to visit .mun on nmt, v ca,u, . tl
Ask us for a blank on Which to take an invoice
January 1st Fill it out correctly, ascertain your
present worth and file it for future reference.
We wish you a happy and prosperous 1917 and
will qe glad to assist you in any way we can to make
it your most prosperous year.
Attorney In M Mat ami K,.,l..,l ''11 thb new fjO.OOO elevator U-ader ollice the other day to .
oi me rarmers union in mat city. nnKIhi. nr,...-.iuii.,n f th it,,i0mi s
TheV ileiurib it us un Af1mirHhl : . . . . , , ,: .v, . A. . . ?
' , v social given lor nis oeneni. lie
TTVJJTT, w,t " eaPanly says that if any better ieple live
of 100 000 bushels. The cleaner on earlh lha hjs nwi ruUte
will take care of 1500 bushels an ..h.,i,IInfii,..i,uuiUB.,,
In the County Court of tha Stata of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In tha Matter of the Katate of Maggie
I. a liravhe-KratK, ducvaaed.
Notice la hereby given that under and
hy virtue of an order made In the above
entitled matter by the above named
court on the 29th day of Decomtwr,
lilltf, I, Mary La Brache-Badileley, exe
cutrix of the above named estate, will
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and Iiroud streets.
Phone Main 553
G. II. Fontaine was here this Lyle Webb has been ill during the
week for a brief visit prior to go- wwK Wltt painful attaeK of
ing to his new 2200 acre ranch Qumsy. Kendall Smith has been
near Highroad. Montana. He serving in his stead as night telt-
lutely BljipiH'd three cars of stock
and farm implements in charge of
Craig Driskell. This was held up
by the wreck of a freight train
which preceded it, occuring in a
fierce blizzard, two demolished A daughter was born Wednesday
engines being left on the track, to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fetter at
but is expected to finally get their home in this city.
tnrougn intact, upon leaving lyr
phone ojierator.
Tvev. W. S. Payne is at Waveily,
Wash., assisting the Methodist pat
to there in revival services.
Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant
Comfortable Reasonable Rates
J. M. Bentley, Prop. - M. A. Ferguson, Clerk
Montana Mr. Fontaine was accom
panied by Mrs. Craig Driskell.
At this week's n-.eeting of the
Weston Welfare club tho following
committee was elected to meet and
confer with the district school
board: J. W. Porter, E. M. Smith
and J. A. McKae. A committee v
consisting of Marvin Price, G. Dc
Graw and Dr. Sempert was appoint
ed to solicit funds to defray the
cost of sending pictures of all the
Weston Normal School buildings
to every memb.T of tho Oregon
legislature. These photographs,
Mrs. Frank Skinner returned yes
terday from a visit to her mother at
Best Line in Town.
Our Cigars and Tobaccos are NOT DRY
Eureka. Cal. The United
excellent idea of tho plant.
r.mple sum was soon raised.
DeMoss furniture:
protected cruiser Milwaukee, which
went ashore on 6amoa Beach, near
here, cannot be floated, it was an-
Kftiinnbl I,.. T n 1. . w ,
taken by Robert Proudfit give an . mech8lllcal ensiae, who at the soll.
citation of Lieutenant W. F. Newton,
In command, made a complete survey
The following oflleers of Crescent ' " stranded cruiser.
Chapter No. 47. O. E. S., were in- Fraser. using candles to light the
stalled January 12 by Mrs. R. Mor-' ' nd accompanied by Lieutenant
rison, Past Worthy Matron: Eva FV Newton and membera of hie staff, pen
D.'Mom, Worthy Matron; K. W. etratod every portion of the war ves
Hr,iwn, Worthy Patron; Eliza Mor- possible and on his return to Bhore
rison, Associate Matron; Alice F. 'd absolutely there was no chance
Price, Secretary; E. M. Smith f floating the ehlp.
Treasurer; Doris Barnes, Conduct- The stranded submarine H 3, which
less; Norah Watts, Associate Con- went ashore here December 14, to
ductress; Gladys Smith, Adah; Josie which the Milwaukee had attached a
lavender, Ruth: Ruth Read, Es- ble when she went on the beach,
titer; Kathryn Smith, Martha; Ma- baa been abandoned by navy aalvors,
mitt Barnes, Electa; Sarah McRae, It wa announced.
Chaplain; Christie Douglas, Mar- Hsd the Milwaukee been able more
shal; Ruby James, Organist; J. A. quickly to cast off the etcel cable run
McRae, Warder; W. S. Price, "'ns to the submarine she might have
Sentinel. been aaved, it was admitted by navy
Home Merchant Prices
25 pound pail stock food .... $2.25
12 pound pkg. stock fiHid 1.00
7lg pound pkg. stock fiod... .65
2 pound pkg. stock food 25
Coinparisrn of dosage two
tablespuonfulls twice daily.
Mail Order and Peddlers'
25 pound pail stock food $3.50
7 pound pkg. stock food 1.00
3S, pound pkg. stock food ... .50
1 pound pkg. stock food ... .25
Two tablespoonfulls three
times dailv.