The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 19, 1917, Image 2

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No Important Measures Intro
duced In Initial Week
of Session.
oth Heuesa Organiia Spdlly Few
Ilia Aa Yat Hava Appeared In
W.rh .n . Or,- Amendment-
Csmmlttaee Canaldar tejlslstlen
fort Introduction tllmlnstlea f
ama Cemmlaelene Censldered.
Hl,-m While rery llltle of Import
ance was arrompllahfd aalde from
orpanUslloii during lha first weeka
ecsalon of the state Irglalalnre, yet If
the celerity wlih which both houses
organised la an Indication of tho man
ner In which tho bnalncaa of tha aaa
alon la to ho conducted, It aiigura wall
for a auccrna'ul aonalon. R. N. 8lan-
field, of Vmatllla county, waa flu'lul
niw.i.iiio nrrtcer of tha houaa and
( ofricer of tha hou.a and
Moaer. of Multnomah county.
Cua. O.
aelected to prcalda over tho aenat
without opioaltlon. deak clerka ehoaen
and alt detalla of oranlatlon com
Uleled without a bit of blckerln.
tine of lh remarkable featurea of
the Initial week waa tha amall number
of bllla IntMMliiced In tha houaa aa
ciniare.l with prevloua aeaatona.
XVIth four and a half daya of work
only 4 bllla and a few routlna raaolu
liiiiin appeared on tha calendar, whlla
two yearn aRO IPS bllla appeared due
Inn tha aama period. If lha houaa
keepa up thla record It will hara ap
proitmately SiO bllla befora It. wero
aa during recent acaalona the bllla In
trthluced hava approximated onethou
aand. and ahould thla proportion ba
kept up during the aeaalon. tha pra
nt houaa will hava eatabllahed a rec
ord for having Introduced fewer bllla
than any housa In tha pat decada.
Bllla Coma In Slawly.
Put all thla aeemlng alowneaa la to
the credit rather than the dlacredit
of tha houae, for It la not tha quan
tity but the Quality of leglalatlva work
that tha public la interealcd In. and
great multitude of meaaurea usually
meana fcverlah haate, tumult, logroll
ing and riot In tha cioalnK daya of tha
Speaker Stanrield haa been urging
mewbera to get bnay and Introduce
their bllla. believing that If they are
going to Introduce bllla they ahould
get them In and out of tha way before
the Important work of the aeaalon la
taken up.
In the aenate no encouragement for
the Introduction of bllla la needed, aa
the record la allghtly greater than two
yeari ago. There were SI bllla on
the aenate calendar aa compared wltk
it at the prevloua aeaalon.
Fleet Meaaura la Dry Memorial.
The flrat mcaaure of any kind con
atdered by both houses at thla aeasloa
waa the Joint memorial, by Seuator
Kddy, petitioning congreaa to ote tha
Metrlct of Columbia dry. The aenate
put it through unanimously, but seven
repreeentativee voted no.
None of the Important measures
that axe sure to come up made their
appearance during the flrat week.
The Joint committees oa alcoholic
traffic, roads and highwaye and ta
aurance have been worrying over the
various relative problems confronting
them under thla aame plan. The com
mittee on alcoholic traffic expecta to
unify all the conflicting auggeaUona
and propoeala that have sprung np
anrronndlng the pronoeed bone dry
mcaaure. It will ait In open hearing
to hear and discus the various argu
ments that may be preaented tor or
against the mcaaure, either by mem
bers ol the legislature, or the general
New Insurance Cede Scanned.
The Inaurance committee of houae
and aenate have been ecannlng the In
aurance code prepared by Inaurance
Commissioner Harvey Welle, and are
now ready to hold open hearing on
that measure, section by acctloa and
claa by clasa.
Tha committees of the two houae
are following a new course thi year.
the waya and meana committee to
vt a reTeraal of prerioua prac- , piuirumiiiii.iiiiw j at the County Court mom in the
, and It is prorlB to he a decided - - ---- w n..v ... v.-.... lmn,y t uri tiuriK', at n ndleton
The committeea are ' '"'""'" wing ron.niunr.w.i u i-ks m Umatilla Countv, .State of Ore-
th. prepoeed lejialatien ' mV'r w "u,V,n" Pn, a the time and plare fiir hear-
In auraoee cr it mtroauctiea. this - - - "' T lng nii.j onjirti.m ami exin ptton,
la tree of the military coiemlttee. the wourh ill r-tve an rrprtatiea ow1wn vt Wl,,m a. rl,y if my (Mrr ,, m
Hsarance committee sni. to a certain b,B"', limit to keep their dog tinl. jnt.-r,-,,, in ,u, Hn. ,M.n,,
extent, the alcoholic traffic commit- t"i"t this year, accerti. to a Mil ml or muxzlcd untd uch dan- nified to a.r at id time and
tee. It alwav. haa been the practice- m" R"preeentatlrea Star- p r Ls over. ,,). amJ make any ij.Ttini or
. iH anil rnllar. nf Polk crnintr. ., .i. . -i. '.- ., . . ..
w hm an Mmm itH va - -- - - - inirai i furu u l in' i i iim- Mini .vi-ttiiim ihv nu i. , i in, uii,.nn.
dierusa approprlativna before the bills
providitif for them hate been Intro
duced, The advantage et this plan la that
time will be aated oa the floor of the
two hetraeav When the Insurance cede,
the military code, the prohibition blU
aa4 eooie ot the road bllla come be
foro the boo and eenate the ccai
inittee ntombor will be fully Informed
then and wlU be able to adTta
other wembers.
Ceweelidatien Cewmleaiea Likely.
Every tadiearte rola'a to the fact
that the letfalatwrw ateaaa bwlaeea
e the oeetloa of coaeoKdatloa ol
eU!cb as! ttt "TB'rca of
such boerda.
The quratloa of roninlldatlnna and
abolishments of or com
missions also will enter Into the !
eulatlona of the two fommllWM and
It In probable that thejr will make en
effort to eaa money In thla direction,
In order that mom fumle may ho ee
cured for meelln Institutional need.
Joint meetlnga of the two commit
tee will be.ln thla week mi a atatljr
grind lll be kept up until all lh
appropriation bllla have liwn prepar
ed and submitted, A effort will be
niaue . Hiiuii hlll7ln o tho hoio
tho appro or a. - T
made by the Joint committee lo t
at ai early a dalo aa poaalblo In order
that they will not be ranch! In lha
uual ruah at tha and of tho aeaalon.
Appropriation ll!l Hurrlad
No atone will be left unturned In
irrlnd out Ihe great lirlnl of hualneia
heforo It In a rapid flra manner, no
ronlliu t declalon reached by tha
Joint ava and mean roinmltti'e.
Chairmen Wood and Kubll hara
aisreeil to hold a aenalon of tho Joint
committee each working nlaht of tha
l.-RlnUtlve aeaalon until all tho hut-
nc!i of the committee la tranaartad
and tha varloua offlclala will ho called
rolllmttee to maka thalr
atatementa aa early aa possible.
The credent committee probably
ill depart from old time custom of
passing on some requests for appro
priations and pruning thein without
giving a hearing to the persona Inter
ested. It la understood that all of Ihe
officials and Institution heada will
have Ihclr day In court" and that
before any changes are made In re
Qiiests a complete defense of such re
quests will be allowed.
Homeatead tsamptlon Law Prepoesd.
A more workable homeatead demo
tion law than the one now In force la
propoeed by Senator Olson, lie aaya
that while the present law contalna a
JISOO exemption clause, property val
ued at can be claimed aa a
homestead and held out on creditor
In case of bankruptcy. Also that a
mechanics lien for repalra can be de
feated by claiming the property aa a
homeatead. Bemedlea are provided
for theae eiemptlona In the Olaon bill,
which waa Introduced and passed In
the house last session, but loat in tha
senate during the closing ho-ira.
Illegitimate Child Given Recognition.
Two bill relating to the Illegitimate
child were Introduced in the senate.
Senator Olson Introduced a bill pro
tWIng for the prosecution of the fa
ther of auch a child II he refueed to
make a aettlement with the mother
or provide for the chlh' a maintenance,
while Senator Smith of .tomephlne In
traduced a bill providing for a forced
marriage of the parents of aa lllegitl
mate child.
Both bllla give aueh a child the
rame Oghta of Inheritance tt the prop
erty of Ita father aa are accordd a
legitimate child.
Would Maka Streama Lag Highwaye.
To open the streams of Oregon aa
public highwaya for the rafting anJ
floating of log and other timber t m
ducta. i the apparent purpoae of a
bill Introduced in the aenate by Sen
ator Olaon or Multnomah.
The bill provldea that alt corj"
tion organised for the purpuae if
driving, catching, booming or raftliig
of toga or other timber products ahall
be under the Jurisdiction of the public
service commission, which ahall rro
vlde a method for marking Joga for
Identification and preeerlbe reaaon
able rates for floating logs.
Would Knew About Traveling Money.
The houae paaaed, under suspension
of the rule, a resolution directing ev
ery state official, department, board
and commission, from tha governor
down, to furnish a "complete, detailed
statement of all money eipended In
the payment of traveling expenses
during the year IMS and 1M. with
the date of expenditure, by whom ei
pended, and for what purpoae." Thla
Information la requested sot later than
January 11
Lvgieiatlv trevltiaa.
Sentiment in both aenate and Bonse
I. atreiutly In faror of any law that
i he acceptable to the prohibition
win tw acceptatiie to tne proBioiuon
The flrat meney M0 f .ake Ita ap-
pearance from the hands of the ways
, .
m rt im.ii, mmnltlM rwrna ttitA tne
rin and Fuller, of Polk count?.
After a lirel.T debate the
adoeted a reaolatloa aethortalnc the
auillctln features ot the work
it nj uin iwimi "" oj nut 01 niiii niruint ami ine exon-
employment of Q. waiter ortma. a i,ito not tiel, l-enm-d mux- rratinof Imt IxlMro-n from furth
prominent rene buatneaa an. to jt H. du, f ,T IjaLjl.ty h. n in: and it i fuither
stms as clerk for Senator Ptnjfcam.
tor senator
Tor, and wiu am be
inrtnt Ue eeaaloa.
who la la New
la attendance during
Members of the senate went oa rec
ord aa faeortna prohibition when,
without a Tamest or discussion, tha
joint memorials Introduced by Sena
tor Eddr. asking eoncreaa to prohibit
the nee of the Kails for liquor adree
ttatat parpeeew, and oae for the sob
saiaaloa of a aa Clonal prohibition
amendment to tha etatea, were adopt
td Maiawat7.
UAKK wUOU, I'mMiiIvi. '. '
The Year
Six Month
Four Moulin ,
II tDi
U Ml
iiakiiiiiiki. uiiii
Itcgular. iKiinvh Hrlnvt I ion
... . . ' "
transient, per inch wr Insertion ax-
11. Mr lino ier Insertion 6c
ntlDAT, JAR. 1
'......l .1 l... reo.m... .. Wan. 0..w.
ml ,,. .. ,.,,,
Tho SMturilny Afternoon Cluh
WH.S lK'llHllltl.V CIllCllHilHMl Hi the
lunnc of Mr. K. M. Smith Jummry
1:1. Tliii (hi)- iH-inir (liwitrimtit! a.s
Natimiul Ihiv ill the cluh Year honk.
mil call was nwvrilly cut rent
Our Nrw Dlluvrs wnnMho sunjt
f Hn intiitvlinir HT by Mm. W
A lu.,,.
A. Itiirnes.
(iiiestions on luties of Cabinet
Ollieors, which were rvarvl by
Mm. Minnie Walker, were distrib
uted and answered by the inenilH-rs.
Refreshments were wrved on
short order from a menu card by
Mrs. It. W. Hrown and Mrs. J. II.
Williams. Moot of the inemlH-rs
tm ordering the whole list received
it plate of eatables which sevim d
lu. ..MMn Im.Iu'.W.II M I Bt 1 1 t-tl ItttU-ll
anda starvation diet - "wienie"
ami t.mthpicks U-iiur the principal
wlibles in t videncv. Hut after con-
siderable jollity tho ladies were
served with delicious punch ami
Misit Gladvs MtHire of More was
a jrtiest. betnu a visitor at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Ir. Smith received a telephone
call Sunday front the Heed and
Haw ley Uplands saying that a pen
niless old man was thought to be
lying at the home of Alfred Kced,
to which he had come for shelter.
Dr. Smith called up the county
judge and found that lie is ahcent
on a trip to California. He then
phoned to the county hystcian, who
replied that ho 1 unauthoriwni to
.liedthatlu' is unauthoriml to
ke calls and the Client would
e to be taken to the county
a A 1 .. I a iL. u....
nave , ue .aaen W u w-.o,
S from the report he had
of the case that moving- the patient
might hasten his deatii, tne uocmr
then notified Commissioner (or
bum, who said that he could 0. K.
no bill incurred in treatinK or car
ing for the patient, and also ad
vised sending the old man to the
Thereupon Dr. Smith drove up
the mountain to see the patient on
his own responaibility. and found
him suffering from chill and hun-
gerbutinno immediate danger of
oisdolution. He was given such re-
lief by the doctor as his condition
demanded, and it is said that he
was conveyed to the county hospital
Tuesday by mountain resident.
The unfortunate pauper s name
is John Vass, and he looks to be
a out SO years old. It i supi oed
that he had been wandering around
on the mountain for several days
w ith nothing to eat. It is reported
that he had formerly been an in
mate of the hospital or poor farm
and had gone away.
rw.i;, ,1.k
A" finance to resuMty
"hen t are Is danger of rabies ami
j. n f '
i k , u- ,
The Peoile of the City of Weston
do ordain as lollows:
, . .
c. i.. 1 n niunn n
k.-.u.luntuliiM im it. i.tvm Mat.l
r .j . i...
nwi of Itdicv to imtmn. uh
ttlg f(ir wn djlJ, tiHf WWDl of
hwh Jog Juy
" " ' . ' "., iu. at iw o cineK in tne ion-noon,
day for fil to I fed aid dog and ublLhed at Vitim, Umatilla
one dollar to get aid dog out of County. State of Oregon, for four
tle pound: provided, that any dog funa-rutive w k. Um firt ublica
rming in from the country and tin thereof U ing made on the Till
U ing in the city over ono-fourth day of rV-cimU r,
Iwiur rtuill be taibjert to the JTv- Said nk-r i dated the Clh day
k"v of this Onlinancv. of IkTtmUT. 1916.
S-dH 3. If an owner or own- ANNA ANIFJuSON.
era of oVfrs ahall fail to comply with Executrix of the Estate of Ed
tlx jrvnucci vf 5cAiv84 acl Anderson, iXxvawJ.
nt Mini hurled In the
fitv ruhhitJi yard.
Section 4. (t account of Uio
danger of dog gelling Inlcctel
wit, tin- rnhio hihI beeomtng h
menace to the Innllli Mint welfare
,if III.' inhabitant of the ity. nil
ciiiciueticv is hereby ileviMieu to
e.vit ami Ordinance- nlmll bo in
I r nftr it
paNWgt1 by the I omnion Umneil ami
niiitivnl ly tho Mayor.
IWitl Iho roinnioii Council litis
l:tlh tiny of Jimimiy, III7.
AiipimmhI thin :tll tlay of Jitnu
urv. Ill 1 7. JUSKI'll WUK.KK.
Acinr Mayor
(io rnment N-eila htivi1 l ivn w
evivetl by Ihe l'iuler mun from I n
Kivamian SiiiiwH ami hy iWnm.
ter Van Winkle from Srimtor Omni
um. Iloth lots are Mnjf ihstrt.
huleil from Ihe loenl Mie(ollUv.
Many iwckajren were m-tit out on
the rural routes, and tho tvinuin.
tier are available for all who will
rail at Iho M.lotlice for them.
Mural route atrona who may not
have rtvoivoU their quota, and all
others tlesiritiK to try planlinK Un
cle Sam's tvi samples, are reUest
eit to call.
notice or saaurrs sale
Nolle,' i. hereby liiven Hint by
virtue of an execution untied out of
the Circuit Court. .State of Oregon,
fr Umatilla County, and to me
directed ami dehvetel, tiMin the
judgment ami lrr-v rendenil
and entered in said Court
on the Itilh day of IHxvniU r. Itl.
in favor of W. R. Ayers us riuintilf
and at;aitu. Jvhu:e l.ytnnn, ex
. ivutrix of the estate of Kli?-Mlx lli
Kelsay. tUvesMtl, et al, as Defend
ant, for the sum of $1119.10 w ith
interest thereon at the rate of 10
per rent kt annum from Jnly I,
1916. Ihe further sum of IlL'fi.OO
attorney's fees, and for $:15.2. coMs
and disbursement, which said de
cree, judgment, and order of sale
has bts-n docketed and enrolled in
the office of the Clerk of said Cir
cuit Court; and whereas by said
judirmcnt, drerre and order of sale
it was direeteil that the followinK
tlcscrilied n-al prowrty in Umatilla
County, Oregon, to-wit:
:- 'V ". r
Kval,on ad. . .on to the ,.yo
lVm'. Lmti
of Orinrnn. Ix M.hl by thi Nu rnl
l.ta 1. 2, and 14 in Mock 228,
f w, , t,H. Sh,.rjff
II l W-HWUmf p.w Xjiiw
-- - 7.
A. 1). 1917. at the hour of two
o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
at the front door of the Court
House in the City of I'endleton,
Umatilla County, Oregon, sell all
the right, title and interest the said
Jusepnme i.yman. execuinx i uw
estate of Elizabeth Kelsay. derea-
ed, et al. had in and to the
described property on the 1st day
of July. A. D. 1916. or since ha
acquired, at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, the
proceeds to be applied in iwtisfac-
tion of said execution and all costs.
nl this 20th day of iX-ermU r,
T. 11. TAYLOR. Sheriff.
Py A. C. FUNK, IX-puty.
In the County Court of tl e State
of Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the ritate of
Edward Amraufi, Deceased.
To All whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby civen that Anna
Anderson, executrix of the estate
Andenon deceased ha
" V i ! ,?J . T
filel in the almve entitli'd court her
final account of Uie adminihtration
. - , ., .,,. , ,
IIA.U 0, fc-'lil IJ " V.IIU.I J,
. .. . . ..........
mi B.f 1 1... m.. . I. .. l : ..V. .. ,
: , . .. ...
onh nl by raid curt that thi no-
irp 1h, iu,iv,,, jn ,
,,m lj,.r , w,vKy , wM1.r
Weston Upluml.Jiin. 17. Mbett
Coll'nmn of I'eiidU'loit Is visiliniT hi
cousin, John Neil.
The "iHitind riH'ltd" niven at Ihe
kcIiimiI house lasl wvk was quite
u stui-en. Thete weif free enl
and a ki'''I K'"h' '""' "y
milllilitf of the (leliei-otlM doliuliull
for our mail eai rier.
Mr. and Mis. Siunniei villi' of
Alliei tn ute viMtiiiK old ft it ml
here. They were former refideni
of (he Uplituds.
Mr. and Mr. MinKland of Walla
Walla visilel Mr. ami Mr. Chaih
Schneider a few days loM wet k.
Mark Henderson has Urn on tl e
sick list for seventl days.
A number of raiiKe cattle, most
all dehotneil. with a spur or row.
i.H-k bland on left hip: nlwi two
with 'Vircle S" on i mht hip. and
small "II. S." on h it hip.
Will my liberal reward for in
formal ion Icadini; to Ihe recovery
of any of the above Mock.
J. N. CIIANIU.KK. Klutn. th.
Taken up At my place, a bay
horM- weighing alMiul ll'" ound.,
white star in forehead, llirf white
fitt; Middle mat kod. K. C. tirter,
Wenton, Or.
A Glad Surprise
I'uy your oeial tlebts with
an t xcvllent U of
t Sold only at the htore that
tK-lects the UHt of
O. K
Candy Sbop
X Hrloco K'irkmtrirk 1
. M. Plr ti. H. Hi....
Peterson & Bishop
IVlklletoli, Or. Kreewaler. tr.
aT f'-ila' ti f9' W
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waibburj, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one f f the
best etiuipK?tl mills in the Northwest.
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
llepai'lineiil of Hi Interior,
V. 8. band t'llice t l. ttai.le. Or,,
iK cuiiiiier I .'Hi.
NOTU'K Is hereby ivii Hint Joe h
t, IIvnII, wlioee p.wt-oMicu a.llt is
It r'. I. No. I, elon, llietiim, ti ll,
mi tho asili ily of Mitinoy. li"'. I""
In tins iillico ,S'itil HU I'M l't ami Ap
plication. No. Hi."!", to il.vliaiwu Hie
Nh'i fvV'4, heclioii ffl. 'lowiishtp I
Ni in. Ibinac !" r.Mi-t, V illiointie Mu
riilian, ami Um iiiii"cr lloivon, nntler
Ilia pivvtkiona of Hie act of June II,
t?, and cl iiicmlll.v, know 11
the !'l imlwr ami fl"n Law. ' at such
value a m i;lis be hel apptaiM
incut, and lliat, puisuaiit tusmhai
plieailoti. I lie land '" Hinla'r Hh'Ivoii
Iimvw been uppi'Misiil, si tl'l' loo
llnilier eotlinaled I I0,t lut leet at
II M per.VI, ami lb lml .'i t'. HimI
km til applicant will nircr Hunt pioof m
snpMiil of lua application and sworn
statement on the Sll ly of March.
HUf, iH lore S. A Newberi), I'lillnl
SIbIv t'oiniiili"iicr, al III olhce, at
Pendleton, Oregon.
Any pcison 1 at lilwrty to Ptidt
tins puifliasv Iwforo I'liliy, or Inllinle a
ciiiIckI al any tune belotw ptvnt l.
ii, by llling crniboraiwl attlilavit
in tnu olllcc, llitng (acta w lib tl
uuuM defeat Ihe vinrt.
t ', S. I MINN. Hegtsler.
Notice, el GuifUt'i Sill el ultr.
In thu Coiinlv t'oin t of lite .Statu of
Olvgoo, tut rnmtllla County.
In the Mnltcr of t Itu tiuanllaiisliip uf
Wvndell I n Hi ache, a Mum,
In uiiiiom-o of allcnetiiellgia I
i.l In the at'otn viillllcl tioiller I'V Ihu
sIhivc iimhiI county cutl on Ihe ilnli
ily of IVcvinlw-r, llMrt. I, r". S.( I
liiuw. (tuii'l1"1' of Ch pioi'rl) of Wen
dell I 'i lliiohe. a minor, will .li.,
to ll to thu llk'li.'t bliklt-r I lm follon.
Ini; il.-ciill rualtt, tuwit ; Ihe S. tt.
i4 ( thr N W , o i-tioi 32, Iwp.
4, N. A K. W. M. t'inaiiila t.wMiit),
1 hat hlils iiimmi nnl UimI may -v tnmlc
hihI left wiili my tt.n"). Homer I.
Watts, at his (lice In Alln-na. tlteitoii,
fnmi 'l altci tins iih ilsy of liuccno
lnr, l'Jli, on I" ait li:i-!uaiv of Sslur
lay thp 2.'thil) "f Jsnnsiy, HJ. fcl
thi hur ol Irn o'rlix-k A. (M. l sll
tlntc. al m licit toon snil at which plsru
I will I" M.ehiKhcsl lllUrthaW'
il,-i-iiU. ri niiy.
Terms of .inimt; Al Ul UMMM
In raaii. ami the hulsiire mi.y lw pakl in
rh or mnv t swirl hy a first ittorl.
Kn;e iim lh laml herein Uciwitlrl al
the rate of 7 wr cent Interact r an
num. Htl this lsy of IWemlwr,
V. K. U Caow,
tiilanllail of th firuity uf Weiufell
.a im l". a minor.
( Wan Rooms I
$ Day or Week.
jj lMrmitory HuibUng. ;I
Mrs. J. W. Porter :j
Physician and Surgeon
tUlo-o In WatU buiklina:
Meet the Briquet Man
Now that you have taken our advice
and bought u good itml Ktovu I want you
to get iH'tter aeuaintel with the Briquet
Man and hi excellent fuel, and I am confi
dent you will like it so well that you will
have no cause to regret the acquaintance.
Try a luad and be convinced.,
P. T. Harbour