The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 19, 1917, Image 1

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wit placed al l.nnn.iHNi l Frank W.
Hinllh. mi,rliilrnii'iil.
Meniere ml, financial barker of I ho
raleley Irrigation project, dirourae.
by the decree of Judge Italy of Lake
View holding that all III water of Iha
t rlnclpal Events of the Week hewaUran nrr m t n, me
. auran Tallin ini n -. hat thrown
tricny axeicnea lor inior
ration of Our Readers.
The nfflrlal popu.ettnn of (land la
Tha flral convention of Ihe pepper
mini growera of Ihr alala w held al
The l.lnn county row testing assort
linn waa formed al meeting of breed
era and dalrynteu held In Albany.
F-mll J. Haehsher, retired, has horn
ordered lo Portland for duly aa assist
anl recruiting offlrer for I ho Arm).
The state federation of labor III
hold Ha annual convention In (talent
Ihla year, runvrnlng on January 3.
Cortland la let have another ahln
building plant, marina II In all. built
or projected, within Ihe city limit,
The Oregon Retail Grorere' Asaorla
linn will hold lla second annual
In January IV 14 ami 2 al 8alem.
Of ; aefldenta reported la lh
alala Industrial accident rommlaalon
4urlng Iha past week, none haa been
Will mollo university defeated Ok
I horn a normal school by a arnra of
H la II In a basketball gam at
Aflor lying hllo for 11 yrara. Iha fa
moua l.on l,de gold mini', situat
ed a faar mltea from Riddle, will re
some activity.
llaney Walla, Plate Insurance Cum
wlealmier, a reappointed for
four )rr term In thai position by
governor Vllh)roiiibe.
Mre Agnee Thrala Fair, a writer
and speaker nn aortal tnplra, waa run
down and kllM beneath an luterur
ban train nrar Fori I and
The annual conference of the mini
lorlal Aaanrlallnn of ()rron Yearly
Meeting of Iha Friend Church opened
Monday evening al Kalrm,
' Tha annual convention of the Ore
gnn Retail Hardware and Implement
ftralrra" Association will bo held at
Portland January 74, IS and I.
A large proportion of the, 1917 I'mv
lllla County grain crop la aald lo have
bon contracted by Pendleton grain
dealers during Iha paal few daya.
In Iha flrat gam of tho season Iha
, University of Oregon baakalball loam
aa defeated by tha Oklahoma Htat
Normal School by a ecore of 32 lo 12.
Petlllona ara being circulated
among tha rancher and atnekmen of
Klamath county aaklng tha county
court to place a bounty of f 10 on coy
railtlnna ara being circulated for
tha calling of a new election for tho
voting of I90.0H0 water bonda for tha
bringing of an additional water tupply
to McMlmmvlll.
Waller Griffin, of Eugene, hat been
dealgnated Senator from I -ana
County with voice, but without a
vole, by tha County Court and Eu(nt
Chamber of Commerce.
The I-ene County Bar Association
will probably eubmlt a bill to Ihe
State Leglalalure provHIng for Ihe
elimination of certain expenaea In con
nertlon with Justice Court caaea.
R. 0. Johnaon of Dakar, ha purchaa
ed f &00 head of aheap from 8. W. Faulk
of Enterprlaa. White the exact
amount involved waa not given out.
It la known to be more than 160,000.
A bill revising tha district Irrigation
taw has been drafted by a committee
appointed for that purpose by the
Oregon Irrigation congress, and la In
shape to be presented to the legisla
ture. Petition have been placed In cir
culation at Roseburg by the Gardiner
Commercial Club protesting against
the proposed passage of a bill closing
the lxwer Umpqua River to commer
cial flatting.
The State Fish and Game Commis
sion met at the Capitol Tuesday, at
which lime It took up such legislation
at Is before the fish and game com
mittee of the two houses of the
The W. r. Prager Fruit Company,
of Roieburg, shipped a car containing
M.ono pounds of Douglas County
prunes to Liverpool, England, from
where they will be distributed among
the allied armlet.
January It and 10 have been fixed
at the datea for holding the 11th an
nual conference of presidents and fa
culties of privately supported colleges
of Oregon. Thla year's eonterenca will
take place In Albany.
More salmon eggs will be taken at
the South Coos River Hatchery thla
aoaaon than aver before In tha history
up their haida. apnralrd lo Ihe deaert
land board for i anrrllallon of their
surety bn and aro preparing I lie in
eeltra I, i tntlnii tnd'fiiiltrly along
the lints of dry - far ming heretofore
The Dallea l-and Offlro hat become
so over rushed that It la now lo daya
behind In keeping the reronla up with
the eulrlra. Ihe rush la linrraalng
dally and la esauming lurgn propor
tions. To atop. If pnseltile, dlstrraalng do
sirurllon of deer herda In drop aiow
In the lllue Mountains near the Sonne
of I j (ira lole s water supply, the (iov
eruiuenl has aut a man and hound
to the region to kill couaara.
During the year 19l afll.lslt for
hlskey and othrr aplrlluous lluuor
filed In Multnomah county amounted
In 14.1.11, arrnrdlng to the rt-pnrt o'
County Clerk fleverldaje. Affnlnvlis
for alf'ohol lu'ah-d 1 o.t jo for the tutnn
Tu hundred twenty three mrii h
are on parole from Hie H'iiiii iiliry ''
earned lll.slci f))r tlu'tn irlvra and
their families during NotetnlM-r.
cording to a rrtxirt fllrd with (iovcr
nor Wlthycoiiibe by I'srrlo titfoer
rtenalor Ijine of Oreeon has faior
thlo reportrd frtm the flsherli-a roirt
mltlre ihe omnibus full hati hery hill,
rerenlly paserd by Ihe limine. Ihe
committee rut the appropriation for
the Columbia Iturr and I ako Qulti
Unit baUhvrlea from ISH.ucl to 40.UU0
Th Karwest Milk rrdurt Com
pany, of Astoria, has Rltrn a trust
ie to the Cortland Trust Company,
covering Its plant and holdlncs In
Astoria, to aerure an lue of iriO.noii
in per irnt iHinds. The inonry Is to
be used in opvratluj a milk condensing
Production and sale of mctsia In
Dregon for ll were the grralrst
Ince the early plarer dya of o yeara
tgo. totaling approximately H.OOO.OoO,
aorording to the report of the Oregon
bureau of mlnea and geology commis
sion, Including the non metallic, the
amount I annul f.i.Roo.ooa.
One of the larRest laud deal In
t'matllla County for aeveral year
waa rot:auinmtml when a syndicate
of IVndletmi men, headed by Colonel
J. II. Kaley. prominent Pendleton at
torney, purrhased the 3600 acre farm
of W, J. Kurnlah. of Portland. The
consideration U given at 1200.000.
Manager of the two flouring mill
at Mt'Mtnnville, acting In conjunction
with the warehousemen at Payton and
Newburg, are negotiating for lho pur
chase of a etcamboat of from 100 to
150 tone carrying capacity, to ply the
Willamette and Yamhill River be
tween Portland and McMlnnvllle.
Part of Ihe Bumpier towtmlte ha
been sold for placer mining In the sale
of 00 acre of land for the purpoae by
Henry Bpauldlng to A. Rodelaon. of
Sumptor. The land Ilea In tho Powder
River Valley, In the northern part and
Immediately north of the city. The
price la estimated to be mora than
Nearly 1,000,000 feet of fir loga. cut
aeveral year ago on the right of way
of tho Coos bay branch of the South
ern Pacific company between Eugpii
and the coast, havo been sold by Ihe
compsny to the Willamette Valley
Lumber company, of Dallas, and they
will be hauled to that city as fast at
they ctn be gt'hercd.
While asserting that the superinten
dent of the State Training School for
floyt It doing everything posxlble for
their welfare and betterment, the com
mission to Investigate that school and
the Industrial School for Girls, sharply
ertttrlset conditions at the boys'
school, but commends thosn surround
ing the Slate Hoard of Control.
For the purpose of opposing tho pro
posal to divide tho tribal lands of the
Vmstllla Indian reservation among
the .children of the present allottees,
Chief No Shirt, of the Walla Wallas,
haa gone to Washington. D. ('.. to take
up the matter personally with the In
dian bureau. The Indiana are much
divided over the controversy.
Kfforts of the Oregon bureau of
mine and geology during the ensuing
two years will be directed toward In
vestigating the nltrato and potash de
posits of the central part of the state
and encouraging production from Idle
metallic mines In the eastern and
aouthern sections, working In conjunc
tion with the federal bureau of mlnea.
AUorney-Qeneral Brown, In an oplrt-
mm Iftf t fc
Cssars in York Evening Post.
that under the slnP' it'-m vi ti amenl
mint to the ronMltuttoii, i)m,1 by
the electoral" at Ihe Inut general elec
tion, the a.inie procedure Is to lo fo
lowed as on a veto of nn entire bill,
and that no real lirrenlty exists for
filther leglalatloli to make It effective.
Four nie:i rrr Inju' -d. a p.i't of the
liiiKliiess n-etlon ef Or'nn City .
rocked as If by an rarilKjimk. and the
hardware and s .oiid hnud etore of
Tolpoltir w.ih partly rer! el when
. iiunntlty of powder exploded In tho
Tolpolar stero. Tho rnHtc fnrt of the
store waa blown Into the street, and
the danta-e Is estimated et severul
hunilrrd dollars.
Memher of lho Stnte XavA Hoa'd.
of the Orange and oilier Interested In
advancement of rural credits legisla
tion held a meeting at Slate Treasurer
Kay office and formulated tho plan
for legislation desired to place the
rural credlta amendment In operat m
aa soon an possible. The rule and
reiu'atloR governing loans under the
Srt.enilmcnt will be left lnri;c!y tlla
crellonary with the Land Hoard.
'Germany and her allica ae f'rhttng
In? defense of e xlatenre. I.nte;ilc, nc
cueed of intent loll to conquer Alsace
Lorraine and several Prussian prov
inces, to humiliate Aurtrla. partition
Turkey and mnUUiie Fiulriaria As
Jest of sincerity oft-nUnti.- profession
Germany mentions fate of IrinU m-i
plc. destruction of Boor republic, suu
JiH'atioii of northern Africa, euppret
sion of liusi-lan alli-n nations and vio
lation of Greece. War of starvation
of Germany also mentioned. I'ae of
olored (riHipH in Kurope denounced.
Germany held to have tuado honest
effort to end war.
i - V' t"'- " :
I f .. --e Jk
Wayne MaeVcagh. attorney-general
In lho cabinet of President Carficld.
and brother of Franklin MacVtah.
former ' secretary of the treasury, is
Cnlted States militiamen will be
bark in their home by March 1 and
General Pershing's roluinu will be on
tho American tide of the tt.der. ac
cording to reports.
Villa has succeeded In eluding the
government troops thrown out south
west of Chihuahua City by General
Murgula to stop the bandit chief's
northward movement.
Dy a vote of 79 to 1 the house of
representatives of Oklahoma passed
the McCoIllater antl cigarette bill,
prohibiting smoking, giving away or
Belling cigarettes in Oklahoma.
The senate tanking and commerce
committee voted to recommend the
Shafrotb bill, amending the fetieral
farm loan bank district, comprised of
Colorado, Wyoming. Utah and New
Tho Mexican-American Joint com;
mission, which failed to effect an ad
justment of the questions at Issue be
tween Mexico and the United States
after a series of conferences that be
gan four months ago, was formally
dlssolred Monday.
Interpreting the Mann "while slave"
law, the United States supreme court
decided that prosecutions under the
law tor transporting women In Inter
state commerce are not limited to
eominerclallted vice and Include per
sona! escapajes. Conviction
of K, Drew Camlnettl and Maury I.
Dtggs, of Sacramento, waa affirmed.
ttscit LiQua.T is found GERMAN SEA RAIDER
Ctlzurct en the Steamer Kilburaj
Cscttd IS03 Quarts.
Portland, Or The aleamer K. A.
Kllburn, raided when she docked on
Ihe Portland waterfront, la proving a
prolific source of contraband whisky.
Iteputlee of the sheriff s office, with
city detectives and federal agonta, un
covered approximately I40O quarta of
whisky In their continued search Sun
day, according lo Walter Y. Ceren,
special agent for District Attorney
I vans
These set jure are In addition to
IC'J quarts of liquor taken on the Ini
tial night of raiding, when the ship,
shadowed by the Portland police pa
trol Ix at from the mouth of the river,
as boarded by a swarm of itaioue
Ten Boats Sunk, Two Taken as
Prizes off South Ameri
can Coast
Bene Dry C ill In Oregon House.
Salem. The model dry measure
wliirh was constructed by Dr. J. E.
Anderson, of Hood River and Waaco,
and Senator II. L. Kddy of Douglas,
wl'h the assistance of Attorney Gen
eral Drown, was introduced 'lo the
lower house of the legislature Mon
day, lta principal provisions make It
unlawful to "receive, Import, possess,
transport, deliver, manufacture, aell.
give away or barter" intoxicating li
quors, save under certain drastic re
strictions set forth lu the voluminous
En SenJtcr Foster Dies.
Taeoma, Wash Addison G. Foater.
former Uullxd States senator from
Washington, died at his home here
after an illnesa of several daya.
Wheat Club $1 58: bluestem $1 65;
red Russian. $1-15; forty fold. 11.60.
Parley No. 1 feed, 138.50 per ton.
- Hay Timothy, l-'l per ton; alfalfa.
Ilutter Creamery, S4c.
KgK lianch, 3,c
Wool Eastern Oregon, 36c; valley,
Hopa 191 crop. 68 Vic.
London. The following announce
saent waa given out bar officially:
"For soma time paat It had beea
assumed that the following British
and French merchant ahlpa, which had
long been overdue, had been aunk by
a German raider.
"Rrltlah Dramat.'at, Radnorshire, Mi
nted, Netberby Hall. Mount Temple,
King George, Georglc, Voltaire, French
Nantea and Aanleres.
-Definite Information ha now been
received from Pernambuco confirming
Ihla aaaumptlon.
"Ou the evening of Monday the Jap
anese steamer Hudson Mara arrived
off Pernambuco, having on board the
masters and 237 men of the crew a of
aome of the loat vessels which were
sunk on various dates between Decem
ber 13 and January 12.
"In addition the steamer 8L Theo
dore waa captured and a prtxe crew
put on board; and the steamer Yar
rowdale was captured and aent away
with about 404 men. the crews of oth
ers of the sunken vessels who were
to be lauded."
Moat of these boats when last re
ported were In the South Atlantic, in
dicating that the German raider has
been at work off the South American
coast s
The latest German sea raider, on
the face of dispatches, apparently
passed a record in destructivenesa of
commerce, only exceeded by the ex
ploits of the famous Emden, Ger
many'a prise raider. The Emden. ac
cording to best estimates available,
aank 23 merchant veaaela beside a
Russian cruiser and a French destroyer.
Wheat niuestero. $1.68: club 11.59;
forty fold. $1.60; red Russian, $1.57;
fife, $1.59; turkey red, $1.64.
Karley -$39 per ton.
Putter Creamery, 38c
Eggs 3Sc.
V -k of 1 glsnasiai . j
V k-
A v V P :
"Mi 1
-iii TiiTiiinisinrr T-
Berlin, by wireless to Sayvllle.
Strong attacka were made by Russian
and Roumanian troops on the recently
captured Teutonic positions north of
the Suchitxa valley, on the northern
Roumanian front. The official an
nouncement says the attacka were re
pulsed. Field Marshal von Mackensen'a out
posts are now planted only six miles
from Galatx, the Important Roumanian
port on the Danube end of the Sereth
line, the Teutonic pressure having re
sulted in another gain when the town
of Vadenl waa taken. Vadeni la a
scant two mile south of the Sereth
river itself, on the railway between
Bralla and Galatx.
On the northern end of the Russian
front, in the Riga district, the ad
vances recently scored by the Rus
sians appear to have been maintained
In the face of heavy counter attacka
by the German. Twice on successive
daya Petrograd haa announced the re
pulse of heavy assaults.
The operations on the Franco-Belgian
front are confined to" the most
part to artillery.
Col. William F. Cody, tha famous
frontiersman, known at "Buffalo Bill,"
who died In Denver tact week.
Robert L. Henry, chairman of tha
Potitleat Harmony Session Fall. I'0UM ru,e' "". which la Invea-
JvVw Vork.-Efforts to bring about 'S-"" pr0.,oens peace nou
harmony between republicans ' and
progressives here produced as the
first couspiciimm result a stormy pro
test from George W. Perkins and Ev-
The entente reply to President Wil
ton 't peace note condensed means:
Restoration of Alsace Lorraine to
France and of Tronlino and Trlest to
Italy. Constitution of tha .avmilo
provinces of Auntria Into a separato
state. Transference of Transylvania
from Hungary to Roumanla. Restor
ation of the ancient kingdom of Bo
hemia. Creation of a united Poland
under Russian proteetorato. In addi
tion, the expulsion of thi Turks from
Europe, the liberation of tho Armeni
ans, Arabs and Syrian from Turkish
U. S. Now Owner of WesNndlea.
Washington. The Danish West In
erctt Colby, prosresslve leaders, that dles passed Wednesday under the aov
republican leaders were not acting in
good faith. Later a statement declar
ing the charces unfounded was Issued
by members of the republican committee.
Germuny'a statement to neutrals. In
ol tu iubUtuaat. mi ttmUatU ion isnyo Qgvcraar WII&yco&ivo. avid brc
Bart Llqurr Adt In Mall,
Washington. Transmission In the
tnnila of liquor advertisements, in cir
culars, newspapers or otherwise, Into
state which prohibit such advertising
r scllrita'Joh. Is barred by a bill by
fc. nntor I'ankliend, of Alabama, pass
ed by lho Kt'iiule. It now goca to the
erelgnty of the United Statea. Neg
tlatlons continued for over half a cen
tury came to a conclusion with the ex
change of ratiflcationa of the treaty
of cession by Secretary Laustng and
Daulsh Minister Brun.
Two Governors, Many Other Offieiale,
Army and Great Company Join.
Denver. The west . Sunday bade
farewell to all that waa mortal of Col
onel William F. Cody ("Buffalo Bill")
and the west. In its own words, "did
itself proud" in its parting with the
man who helped to make lta history.
Two state governors, a lieutenant
governor, officials and legislators
from three statea. the United Stateg
army, fraternal organlzatlona of w hich
he was an honored member, former
cowboys, the Grand Army of the R
public and men, women and children,
thousands of the latter, paid tribute
to the llluatrioua aon of the prairies, ,
Waimar weather U predicted.
. Admiral Dewey la Dead.
Washington. Admiral Dewey, the
nation's Spanish War hero and bji pri
ority of grade the ranking naval offi
cer of the world, died at hit home here
In hia 80th year. General breakdown,
accompanied by arterlo scleroala Inci
dent to old age, w aa the causa of hit
Navy Shell Contract to British Firm.
Washington. The United Statea
government has been forced to go to
one of the belligerent countrlee to se
cure Ha 16 and 14-inch shell for tha
navy. The navy department awarded
to Hatftelds, Limited, of London, con
tract for 3000 1 Inch shell, at $613
each, and 4500 14-Inch shell at $35
each, delivery In 16 months.
American flrma submitted much
lurger bids, and demanded much long
er periods for deliveries.
EttUu. hag decreed beer ttuiiu